87 research outputs found

    Wikibugs: the practice of template messages in open content collections.

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    In the paper we investigate an organizational practice meant to increase the quality of commons-based peer production: the use of template messages in wiki collections to highlight editorial bugs and call for intervention. In the context of SimpleWiki, an online encyclopedia of the Wikipedia family, we focus on {complex}, a template which is used to flag articles disregarding the overall goals of simplicity and readability. We characterize how this template is placed on and removed from articles and we use survival analysis to study the emergence and successful treatment of these bugs in the collection.commons based peer production; wikipedia; wiki; survival analysis; quality; bug fixing; template messages; coordination

    Coordination, Division of Labor, and Open Content Communities: Template Messages in Wiki-Based Collections

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    In this paper we investigate how in commons based peer production a large community of contributors coordinates its efforts towards the production of high quality open content. We carry out our empirical analysis at the level of articles and focus on the dynamics surrounding their production. That is, we focus on the continuous process of revision and update due to the spontaneous and largely uncoordinated sequence of contributions by a multiplicity of individuals. We argue that this loosely regulated process, according to which any user can make changes to any entry, while allowing highly creative contributions, has to come into terms with potential issues with respect to the quality and consistency of the output. In this respect, we focus on emergent, bottom up organizational practice arising within the Wikipedia community, namely the use of template messages, which seems to act as an effective and parsimonious coordination device in emphasizing quality concerns (in terms of accuracy, consistency, completeness, fragmentation, and so on) or in highlighting the existence of other particular issues which are to be addressed. We focus on the template "NPOV" which signals breaches on the fundamental policy of neutrality of Wikipedia articles and we show how and to what extent imposing such template on a page affects the production process and changes the nature and division of labor among participants. We find that intensity of editing increases immediately after the "NPOV" template appears. Moreover, articles that are treated most successfully, in the sense that "NPOV" disappears again relatively soon, are those articles which receive the attention of a limited group of editors. In this dimension at least the distribution of tasks in Wikipedia looks quite similar to what is know about the distribution in the FLOSS development process

    Os verdes de cobre sintéticos em documentos gráficos dos séculos XII-XVIII: história e caracterização molecular

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    Esta tese propõe-se a estudar a história e a caracterização molecular dos pigmentos verdes de cobre sintéticos a partir de reproduções (tão) historicamente rigorosas (quanto possível) das receitas encontradas em fontes contemporâneas ou anteriores aos documentos em que são encontrados. Foram mapeadas receitas em tratados antigos desde o século I até manuais técnicos franceses, espanhóis e portugueses do século XVIII, passando pelos centrais receituários medievais. Identificou-se dezenas de receitas de pigmentos relevantes, que foram transcritas, interpretadas, associadas por similaridade, “traduzidas quimicamente” e executadas tão fielmente ao processo original quanto viável (ver infográfico A3 em separado). As amostras decorrentes foram caracterizadas elementarmente por fluorescência de raios-X dispersiva em energias (μ- EDXRF) e molecularmente por microespectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (μ-FTIR), microespectroscopia Raman (μ-Raman) e difração de raios-X (DRX). A maioria dos pigmentos produzidos continha apenas acetato neutro de cobre(II) monoidratado (Cu(CH3COO)2·H2O) (grupo I). Algumas continham adicionalmente oxalato(s) (grupo II), o que demonstra que essas substâncias podem não decorrer necessariamente de processos de degradação, eventualmente pertencendo à composição original do pigmento. Um pigmento produzido a partir de latão continha acetato de zinco, provavelmente di-hidratado (Zn(CH3COO)2·2H2O) (subgrupo II-c). Outras amostras continham cloretos de cobre, especialmente nantoquita (CuCl) e atacamita (Cu2(OH)3Cl) (grupo III), chegando a ser produzida amineíta (CuCl2(NH3)2) (subgrupo III-c). Paralelamente analisou-se artefatos históricos selecionados: iluminuras românicas portuguesas (séculos XII-XIII), cartografia iluminada de Fernão Vaz Dourado (século XV), livros de horas de produção francesa (séculos XV-XVI), e iconografia e cartografia luso-brasileiras (séculos XVIXVIII), com foco em eventuais relações com os pigmentos aqui sintetizados. Especificamente quanto ao pigmento verde-garrafa, nossas amostras sugerem que a presença de zinco em amostras históricas pode influenciar quimicamente e porventura (ou portanto) também esteticamente as características dessa tinta. E as amostras do grupo II que reúnem três condições (decorrem de processos que usam contêiner de carvalho, mel e nenhum sal) exibem o mesmo alargamento e deslocamento da base das bandas de balanço (rocking) CH3 do acetato neutro de cobre (II) esperado em ~1050 e ~1030 cm-1 (aqui em ~1080 e ~1040, respectivamente) observados em todos os espectros de amostras históricas de verde-garrafa examinados. Isto permite afirmarmos que esses três elementos não são necessariamente suficientes mas são imprescindíveis em tentativas de reprodução do processo histórico de síntese do verde-garrafa

    Usability discussions in open source development

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    The public nature of discussion in open source projects provides a valuable resource for understanding the mechanisms of open source software development. In this paper we explore how open source projects address issues of usability. We examine bug reports of several projects to characterise how developers address and resolve issues concerning user interfaces and interaction design. We discuss how bug reporting and discussion systems can be improved to better support bug reporters and open source developers

    Exploring usability discussions in open source development

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    The public nature of discussion in open source projects provides a valuable resource for understanding the mechanisms of open source software development. In this paper we explore how open source projects address issues of usability. We examine bug reports of several projects to characterise how developers address and resolve issues concerning user interfaces and interaction design. We discuss how bug reporting and discussion systems can be improved to better support bug reporters and open source developers

    Coordination, Division of Labor, and Open Content Communities: Template Messages in Wiki-Based Collections.

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    In this paper we investigate how in commons based peer production a large community of contributors coordinates its efforts towards the production of high quality open content. We carry out our empirical analysis at the level of articles and focus on the dynamics surrounding their production. That is, we focus on the continuous process of revision and update due to the spontaneous and largely uncoordinated sequence of contributions by a multiplicity of individuals. We argue that this loosely regulated process, according to which any user can make changes to any entry, while allowing highly creative contributions, has to come into terms with potential issues with respect to the quality and consistency of the output. In this respect, we focus on emergent, bottom up organizational practice arising within the Wikipedia community, namely the use of template messages, which seems to act as an effective and parsimonious coordination device in emphasizing quality concerns (in terms of accuracy, consistency, completeness, fragmentation, and so on) or in highlighting the existence of other particular issues which are to be addressed. We focus on the template "NPOV" which signals breaches on the fundamental policy of neutrality of Wikipedia articles and we show how and to what extent imposing such template on a page affects the production process and changes the nature and division of labor among participants. We find that intensity of editing increases immediately after the "NPOV" template appears. Moreover, articles that are treated most successfully, in the sense that "NPOV" disappears again relatively soon, are those articles which receive the attention of a limited group of editors. In this dimension at least the distribution of tasks in Wikipedia looks quite similar to what is know about the distribution in the FLOSS development process.commons based peer production; wikipedia; wiki; survival analysis; quality; bug fixing; template messages; coordination

    Maternal sensitivity in early childhood and body mass index in adolescence: A population-based study on the role of self-regulation as a mediator

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    Maternal sensitivity has been implicated in various aspects of child health and development, including overweight. However, long-term effects, the role of paternal sensitivity and the explanatory pathways are unclear. This study examined whether maternal sensitivity in early childhood is prospectively associated with adolescent body mass index and whether children's self-regulation mediates this relation. Data from 540 children and their mothers were available from a large cohort study in the Netherlands. Maternal sensitivity was assessed at child ages 1, 3, and at 4 years paternal sensitivity was also included. Children's self-regulation skills were observed at age 3, eating behaviour was assessed at 10 years, and child BMI was measured at 13 years. Longitudinal structural equation modelling was applied. The cross-sectional association between maternal sensitivity and child self-regulation was significant, while lower levels of self-regulation and higher levels of food responsiveness and restrained eating predicted a higher child BMI at 13 years. Furthermore, a direct association of paternal sensitivity at 4 years with BMI at 13 years was found, but only in girls. Maternal sensitivity was not directly associated with child BMI after adjusting for covariates. Our findings showed the importance of self-regulation in the early years for subsequent weight development. Nevertheless, as self-regulation could not explain the relationship between parenting and child weight, research should focus on the contribution of other contextual factors, such as feeding styles and the social environment, to this relationship.The general design of Generation R Study is made possible by financial support from the Erasmus Medical Center and the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMW), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and the Ministry of Youth and Families. The current study was made possible by a grant awarded to Patricia Bravo by the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID)/Scholarship Program/DOCTORADO BECAS CHILE/2019–72200575 and by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (Mental Health Care Research Program, Fellowship 636320005 to Pauline W. Jansen). The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study or the writing of the report. All authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest

    Representação documental de graffiti como patrimônio cultural: proposta metodológico-conceitual.

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    Issues concerning cultural heritage have been widely discussed due to the broadening of concepts related to heritage as well as those related to culture. Graffiti is considered a form of artistic expression in public spaces, popularly defined as a type of inscription done on walls. Due to the ephemeral aspect of graffiti, the study is presented with the objective of proposing a model of documentary representation of graffiti, in order to guarantee its consolidation as a cultural heritage, with its descriptive, cultural, spatiotemporal and ideological characteristics. The elements used in the methodology were applied semiotic analysis (colors, lines, surfaces, shapes and lights) and Ranganathanian faceted analysis (personality, matter, energy, space and time). The proposed model for the Documentary Representation of Graffiti presents the image representation of the graffiti in photographs, which allows its preservation as a cultural heritage, and nine types of metadata, as elements of documentary representation: Title, Artist, Creation, Cultural citation, Spatiotemporal citation, Ideological citation, Description, Summary and Keywords

    Da condição do lugar à harmonia compositiva. Casa al Parco, Ignazio Gardella

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    Partindo da reflexão do Movimento Moderno, como âncora no pensamento e no fazer contemporâneo, procura-se focar a presente investigação no estudo de uma obra singular e no seu autor, o projeto da Casa al Parco, em Milão, do arquiteto Ignazio Gardella. O estudo propõe, a partir do arquivo pessoal do arquiteto, compreender a evolução do processo de desenho, analisar e interpretar as diferentes fases de desenvolvimento, opções de projeto, seus princípios orientadores e temas de composição arquitetónica. O aprofundamento dessas noções visa compreender os métodos e estratégias de desenho do arquiteto, tendo em vista a intemporalidade do seu modo de pensar e do seu desenho, procurando evidenciar a influência da arquitetura moderna nas narrativas contemporâneas.Nestled at the reflection of the Modern Movement, an anchor in the contemporary way of thinking and working, the present investigation focuses on the analysis of a unique piece of architecture and its author - Casa al Parco, in Milan, by the architect Ignazio Gardella. The personal archive of the architect was set as a starting point while the study intends to understand the evolution of the design process, to analyse and clarify the different phases of development, its design options, guiding principles and architectural composition themes. As the investigation develops, the purpose is to fully understand the architect's design methods and strategies, as Gardella became an icon of a timelessness way of thinking and designing which played a crucial role on the influence of modern architecture in the contemporary narratives

    University-Business-Government Collaboration: From institutes to platforms and ecosystems

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    An outline for a platform-based, bottom-up model, based on extensive project practices, is introduced for the university-business-government collaboration (UXC) analysis. Current internal incentive problems of UXC at universities especially in Europe are considered and guidelines introduced for a fast-lane platform model for building agile UXC knowledge engines. Experiences and learning lessons from small-scale, university-business-government collaboration cases are described and used as supporting knowledge for the hypothetical, bottom-up type of collaboration model. The practice experiences emphasize the role of the individual actors in opportunity pursuit and the value of the traditional academic capabilities as self-organizing elements in a successful UXC.An outline for a platform-based, bottom-up model, based on extensive project practices, is introduced for the university-business-government collaboration (UXC) analysis. Current internal incentive problems of UXC at universities especially in Europe are considered and guidelines introduced for a fast-lane platform model for building agile UXC knowledge engines. Experiences and learning lessons from small-scale, university-business-government collaboration cases are described and used as supporting knowledge for the hypothetical, bottom-up type of collaboration model. The practice experiences emphasize the role of the individual actors in opportunity pursuit and the value of the traditional academic capabilities as self-organizing elements in a successful UXC.Peer reviewe