1,963 research outputs found

    Electronical educational and methodological complexes as a means of forming the professional competence of future doctors when studying disciplines from natural sciences

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    The article examines the possibilities of electronical educational and methodological complexes for the formation of professional competence of masters of higher medical education institutions and assessment of their academic achievements. It is claimed that obtaining a quality education is inextricably linked to the use of digital information and communication technologies, connected with the ability of students to understand electronic materials presented in the form of texts, graphs and tables, and to independently master theoretical material. Emphasis is placed on the tendency to use professionally oriented materials as a source of knowledge. The article presents the results of research into the forms and methods of effective implementation of electronical educational and methodical complexes on the Moodle platform among students which are studying at the Kharkiv National Medical University on the example of the academic discipline Medical and Biological Physics. The advantages and disadvantages of using electronic educational and methodological complexes in higher educational institutions are discussed

    Professional competency of modern specialist: means of formation, development and improvement

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    The modern scientific and methodical approaches to the study and analysis of professional competence that are in line with the state requirements for reforming education and the tendencies of introducing a competent approach as one of the key factors of today's vocational education are analyzed. The emphasis is placed on the fact that implementation of the competence approach should include the use of professional training of real professional tasks with the orientation of future professionals to analyze the results of their own professional activities and decisions. The basic principles of professional training of future managers of economic security are determined. It has been established that the professional training of future managers of economic security should be carried out on a modular basis


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    O artigo analisa o desenvolvimento da competência profissional de futuros especialistas em educação profissional. O chamado currículo como componente do programa de treinamento educacional, uma espécie de itinerário para os alunos estudarem a disciplina, é oferecido aos futuros profissionais do ensino profissional para futuros desafios no mercado de trabalho. Com base no princípio da centralização no aluno, os professores compartilham a responsabilidade de obter competências profissionais com os alunos que atuam como clientes na escolha de disciplinas. A sequência das etapas educacionais propostas nos conteúdos programáticos envolve a interação do professor com os alunos, as ações do professor como tutor, análise reflexiva dos alunos na preparação e execução independentes de tarefas criativas. O artigo apresenta o plano de estudos com a lista de literatura recomendada, questões para o controle final do conhecimento de futuros especialistas em forma de conversação, tópicos de tarefas abstratas, avaliação de tarefas individuais, questões para autocontrole, mapa tecnológico da disciplina, informações e suporte metodológico da disciplina.El artículo analiza el desarrollo de la competencia profesional de futuros especialistas en educación vocacional. El llamado programa de estudios como componente del programa de capacitación educativa, una especie de itinerario para que los estudiantes estudien la disciplina, se ofrece a los futuros profesionales en educación vocacional para futuros desafíos en el mercado laboral. Basado en el principio de centrarse en los estudiantes, los maestros comparten la responsabilidad de adquirir competencias profesionales con los estudiantes que actúan como clientes al elegir las disciplinas. La secuencia de los pasos educativos propuestos en el plan de estudios implica la interacción del profesor con los alumnos, las acciones del profesor como tutor, el análisis reflexivo de los alumnos en la preparación independiente y la realización de tareas creativas. El artículo presenta un plan de estudios con la lista de literatura recomendada, preguntas para el control final del conocimiento de futuros especialistas en forma de conversación, temas de tareas abstractas, evaluación de tareas individuales, preguntas para el autocontrol, mapa tecnológico de la disciplina, información y Apoyo metodológico de la disciplina.The article analyzes the development of professional competence of future specialists in vocational education. The so-called syllabus as a component of the educational training program, a kind of itinerary for students to study the discipline, is offered to future professionals in vocational education for future challenges in the labor market. Based on the principle of student-centricity, teachers share responsibility for gaining professional competencies with students who act as customers when choosing disciplines. The sequence of the proposed educational steps in the syllabus involves the interaction of the teacher with the students, the actions of the teacher as a tutor, reflective analysis of students in the independent preparation and performance of creative tasks. The article presents syllabus with the list of recommended literature, questions for the final control of future specialists' knowledge in the form of conversation, topics of abstract tasks, individual tasks assessment, questions for self-control, technological map of the discipline, information and methodological support of the discipline


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    Purpose of the study: The relevance of the issue under study is conditioned by the necessity to form professional-verbal formal education in the bachelors of pedagogical universities. The goal of this article is to determine qualitative characteristics of professional-verbal formal education in bachelors of pedagogical higher school, substantiation of use of forms and methods for generation of professional-verbal formal education. Methodology: The empirical method is a leading method for studying of this problem, as it allows to observe the process of formation of professional-verbal formal education of bachelors, to measure and compare indicators of the level of the professional-verbal formal education by means of performing specialized tasks; methods of mathematical statistics and graphical imaging of the study results are also used. Results: The concept of formal education is presented by the authors as a totality of personalistic and professional-verbal properties of a teacher and is regarded as a property which determines living standards of the man as an indicator of the human and intellectual capital, as an indicator of the efficiency of the social and professional activity. Applications of this study: The materials of this article can be of use in practical work for teachers of linguistic disciplines of not only universities but also secondary schools and colleges; they also can be of interest to teachers and psychologists of the education system and for all related to vocational-pedagogic activity. Novelty/Originality of this study: A set of measures has been developed and approbated which is necessary and sufficient for the generation of the professional-verbal formal education in bachelors; use of game situations at academic classes and conducting of various events in out-of-classes time, etc. were proposed

    Using the e-learning course “Analytic Geometry” in the process of training students majoring in Computer Science and Information Technology

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    As a result of literature analysis the expediency of free access of bachelors majoring in Computer Sciences and Information Technologies to modern information educational resources, in particular, e-learning courses in the process of studying mathematical disciplines is substantiated. It was established that the e-learning course is a complex of teaching materials and educational services created for the organization of individual and group training using information and communication technologies. Based on the outlined possibilities of applying the e-learning course, as well as its didactic functions, the structure of the certified e-learning course “Analytic Geometry” based on the Moodle platform was developed and described. Features of application of cloud-oriented resources are considered: Desmos, Geogebra, Wolfram|Alpha, Sage in the study of the discipline “Analytic Geometry”. The results of the pedagogical experiment on the basis of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and A. S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University are presented. The experiment was conducted to verify the effectiveness of the implementation of the e-learning course “Analytic Geometry”. Using the Pearson criterion it is proved that there are significant differences in the level of mathematical preparation of experimental and control group of students. The prospect of further scientific research is outlined through the effectiveness of the use of e-learning courses for the improvement of additional professional competences of students majoring in Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (specialization “Programming”, “Internet of Things”

    Problem space of modern society: philosophical-communicative and pedagogical interpretations. Part I

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    This collective monograph offers the description of philosophical bases of definition of communicative competence and pedagogical conditions for the formation of communication skills. The authors of individual chapters have chosen such point of view for the topic which they considered as the most important and specific for their field of study using the methods of logical and semantic analysis of concepts, the method of reflection, textual reconstruction and comparative analysis. The theoretical and applied problems of modern society are investigated in the context of philosophical, communicative and pedagogical interpretations