13 research outputs found

    Query processing in distributed heterogeneous databases

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    "December 1981"Bibliography: leaf [1]"Contract ONR/N00014-77-C-0532"Kuan-Tsae Huang, Wilbur B. Davenport, Jr

    Accessing network databases via SQL transactions in a multi-model database system

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    An object-oriented approach to security policies and their access controls for database management

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    The constructs of the object-oriented data model seem to be good candidates for the specifications of the need-to-know and multilevel security policies and their respective access control requirements. This report demonstrates such specifications. The implication of this demonstration may be profound, since for the first time multiple security policies and their respective access controls may be realized and supported in a single object- oriented database management systemhttp://archive.org/details/objectorientedap00hsiaN

    Possibilities of SQL database design in MATLAB and realization of database structure for storing measurement results

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    Tato práce se zabývá možností vyžití databázových systémů SQL s programem MATLAB. Úkolem bylo provést průzkum na trhu v oblasti SQL databází, porovnat různé systémy a jejich implementaci. Cílem praktické části je potom vytvořit nástroje, které umožní pracovat s SQL databázemi prostřednictvím programu MATLAB, bez použití placeného Database Toolbox rozšíření. A tyto nástroje potom demonstrovat na ukázkovém příkladu.This thesis is describing the usage of SQL database systems with MATLAB. The objective is to do market research considering the use of SQL databases, compare those systems and their implementation. The aim is to create tools that would allow the SQL database to be operated using MATLAB without the usage of a paid Database Toolbox. The last goal is to showcase these tools.

    Linguaggi di interrogazione per basi di dati semistrutturati a grafo.

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    Negli ultimi anni, grazie anche all'avvento del web 2.0, si sono rese disponibili grandi sorgenti di dati semistrutturati. Si è quindi sviluppato un certo interesse da parte della comunità di ricerca su alcuni modelli per basi di dati atti ad una migliore rappresentazione e più effciente interrogazione di questo tipo di informazioni: un noto esempio proposto dal W3C è "Resource Description Framework". In questa tesi si analizzano alcuni modelli a grafo sia per dati semistrutturati che non, e si confrontano i relativi linguaggi di interrogazione dal punto di vista del loro potere espressivo

    Missing Data in the Relational Model

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    This research provides improved support for missing data in the relational model and relational database systems. There is a need for a systematic method to represent and interpret missing data values in the relational model. A system that processes missing data needs to enable making reasonable decisions when some data values are unknown. The user must be able to understand query results with respect to these decisions. While a number of approaches have been suggested, none have been completely implemented in a relational database system. This research describes a missing data model that works within the relational model, is implemented in MySQL, and was validated by a user feasibility study

    PDBIS: a unified database end-user interface

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