12 research outputs found

    Toward an RSU-unavailable lightweight certificateless key agreement scheme for VANETs

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    Vehicle ad-hoc networks have developed rapidly these years, whose security and privacy issues are always concerned widely. In spite of a remarkable research on their security solutions, but in which there still lacks considerations on how to secure vehicle-to-vehicle communications, particularly when infrastructure is unavailable. In this paper, we propose a lightweight certificateless and one-round key agreement scheme without pairing, and further prove the security of the proposed scheme in the random oracle model. The proposed scheme is expected to not only resist known attacks with less computation cost, but also as an efficient way to relieve the workload of vehicle-to-vehicle authentication, especially in no available infrastructure circumstance. A comprehensive evaluation, including security analysis, efficiency analysis and simulation evaluation, is presented to confirm the security and feasibility of the proposed scheme

    Toward an RSU-unavailable lightweight certificateless key agreement scheme for VANETs

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    Ein dienstgütebasiertes Routingprotokoll für ein selbstorganisiertes Kommunikationsnetz

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    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are characterized by two dimensions namely, anywhere and anytime. The freely moving participating nodes can form an ad hoc network anywhere, and the mobile nodes can join or leave the network anytime. A particular mobile node in a MANET can communicate with all the other nodes using the multihop communication. Thus, MANETs offer a vast range of applications in various domains like entertainment, military, emergency, etc. However, the implementation of real-time applications like voice/video calling that demands stringent quality requirements over MANETs is a major challenge. This challenge arises due to the unplanned and dynamic nature of MANETs, due to the unreliability of wireless links, due to the scarcity of resources like battery, bandwidth, processing power, due to the large-scale nature of MANETs, etc. This issue can be addressed at the network layer or the routing protocol, which establishes multiple routes from source to destination and adapts to the dynamicity of MANETs without compromising on the quality requirements. The primary goal of this work is the investigation and development of such a routing algorithm that supports real-time applications over MANETs. For adaptive multipath routing, we studied Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms originate from the fields of Swarm Intelligence (SI) while Quality of Service (QoS) computation is carried out by cleverly utilizing the monitoring feature of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). So, combining these two mechanisms we propose a powerful adaptive multipath QoS-aware Routing protocol based on ACO (QoRA). We discuss and investigate the internal working of QoRA and perform detailed simulation studies in the network simulator ns-3. Finally, we discuss the implementation of QoRA routing algorithms in a real world testbed.Mobile Ad-hoc-Netze (MANETs) ermöglichen eine Kommunikation überall zu jedem Zeitpunkt. Frei sich bewegende Knoten können überall ein solches Netz bilden, wobei die Teilnehmer zu jeder Zeit dem Netz beitreten oder es wieder verlassen können. Ein teilnehmender Knoten in einem MANET kommuniziert mit allen anderen über Multi-Hop-Kommunikation. So ermöglicht ein MANET viele unterschiedliche Anwendungen aus verschiedenen Domänen wie beispielsweise Unterhaltungskommunikation, Notfallkommunikation oder Einsatzkommunikation. Allerdings benötigen Echtzeitanwendungen wie Telefonie oder Videokommunikation eine stringente Kommunikationsdienstgüte, was für MANETs eine große Herausforderung darstellt. Diese Herausforderung hat viele Gründe: das dynamische und unvorhersehbare Verhalten der Knoten im MANET, die Unzuverlässigkeit der drahtlosen Kommunikation, die Beschränkung der zur Verfügung stehenden Kommunikationsressourcen (wie Batterielaufzeit, Bandbreite oder Prozessorleistung), die relativ große Abdeckung durch ein MANET. Die Herausforderung kann in der Vermittlungsschicht durch ein spezielles Routingprotokoll gelöst werden, das mehrere gleichzeitige Pfade von der Quelle zum Ziel verwendet, sodass die Dynamik in einem MANET Berücksichtigung findet ohne dass die Dienstgüte kompromittiert werden muss. Das vorrangige Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Erforschung und Entwicklung eines solchen Routingverfahrens, das Echtzeitanwendungen in einem MANET unterstützt. Für das adaptive Mehrwegerouting wurde ein Ameisenalgorithmus (Ant Colony Optimization, ACO) angewendet, der das Prinzip der Schwarmintelligenz ausnutzt. Die Bestimmung der aktuell möglichen Kommunikationsdienstgüte erfolgt über die Informationen, die das Netzmanagementprotokoll Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP standardmäßig zur Verfügung stellt. Durch die Kombination dieser beiden Ansätze wurde das adaptive Mehrwegeroutingprotokoll "QoS-aware Routing Protocol based on ACO" (QoRA) vorgeschlagen. In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden das Konzept von QoRA vorgestellt und die interne Funktionsweise erläutert. Anhand umfangreicher Simulationen auf Basis des Simulationswerkzeug ns-3 werden die Vorteile des Verfahrens nachgewiesen. Den Abschluss bildet die Diskussion einer Implementierung von QoRA in einer realen Testumgebung

    Enhancing quality-of-service conditions using a cross-layer paradigm for ad-hoc vehicular communication

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    The Internet of Vehicles (IoVs) is an emerging paradigm aiming to introduce a plethora of innovative applications and services that impose a certain quality of service (QoS) requirements. The IoV mainly relies on vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) for autonomous inter-vehicle communication and road-traffic safety management. With the ever-increasing demand to design new and emerging applications for VANETs, one challenge that continues to stand out is the provision of acceptable QoS requirements to particular user applications. Most existing solutions to this challenge rely on a single layer of the protocol stack. This paper presents a cross-layer decision-based routing protocol that necessitates choosing the best multi-hop path for packet delivery to meet acceptable QoS requirements. The proposed protocol acquires the information about the channel rate from the physical layer and incorporates this information in decision making, while directing traffic at the network layer level. Key performance metrics for the system design are analyzed using extensive experimental simulation scenarios. In addition, three data rate variant solutions are proposed to cater for various application-specific requirements in highways and urban environments. © 2013 IEEE

    Scalable Network Design and Management with Decentralized Software-defined Networking

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    Network softwarization is among the most significant innovations of computer networks in the last few decades. The lack of uniform and programmable interfaces for network management led to the design of OpenFlow protocol for the university campuses and enterprise networks. This breakthrough coupled with other similar efforts led to an emergence of two complementary but independent paradigms called software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV). As of this writing, these paradigms are becoming the de-facto norms of wired and wireless networks alike. This dissertation mainly addresses the scalability aspect of SDN for multiple network types. Although centralized control and separation of control and data planes play a pivotal role for ease of network management, these concepts bring in many challenges as well. Scalability is among the most crucial challenges due to the unprecedented growth of computer networks in the past few years. Therefore, we strive to grapple with this problem in diverse networking scenarios and propose novel solutions by harnessing capabilities provided by SDN and other related technologies. Specifically, we present the techniques to deploy SDN at the Internet scale and to extend the concepts of softwarization for mobile access networks and vehicular networks. Multiple optimizations are employed to mitigate latency and other overheads that contribute to achieve performance gains. Additionally, by taking care of sparse connectivity and high mobility, the intrinsic constraints of centralization for wireless ad-hoc networks are addressed in a systematic manner. The state-of-the-art virtualization techniques are coupled with cloud computing methods to exploit the potential of softwarization in general and SDN in particular. Finally, by tapping into the capabilities of machine learning techniques, an SDN-based solution is proposed that inches closer towards the longstanding goal of self-driving networks. Extensive experiments performed on a large-scale testbed corroborates effectiveness of our approaches