13 research outputs found

    Using Rich Pictures to Represent Stakeholders’ Role during Enterprise Systems Upgrade Decisions

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    Upgrading Enterprise Systems (ES) is essential to supporting a system’s continuous improvement and stability. However, the decision to upgrade is influenced by different stakeholders’ needs and perceptions. This paper utilizes Rich Pictures to get a better understanding of the stakeholders’ role in the upgrade decision-making process from an organisational perspective. A qualitative survey design is adopted, utilizing semi-structured interviews to collect data from ten large organisations. Data accumulated was qualitatively analysed, and Rich Pictures were used to represent the data in the pictorial form. Analysis of results reveals complex interrelations between the stakeholders; this highlights the need for a reconciliation system to combine the different stakeholder perceptions during the upgrade decision-making process. The use of Rich Pictures in the study demonstrated the importance of balancing various stakeholders’ perceptions that influence ES upgrade decision-making. Further research is required to explore these influences in depth to produce a reconciliation system that creates a com-bined effect between all the stakeholders’ interests

    Exploring ERP post-implementation modifications and their influence on business process outcomes: a theory driven model

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    The objective of this research in progress paper is to develop a theory-driven model to categorise post-implementation modifications to ERP systems and to understand the relationship between the identified categories and business process outcomes that are generated as a result of the modifications. While ERP systems can improve the efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility of business processes, the relationship between these outcomes and post-implementation modifications is not understood adequately. The model proposed here provides a theoretical foundation for research into the impact of modifications on business process performance, and brings clarity to the definition of an ERP modification by developing a typology of modifications

    A bibliometric overview of how critical success factors influence on enterprise resource planning implementations

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    [EN] This work conducts bibliometric research into publications during the period 1999 to early 2018. The aim of this study is to help gain a better understanding of the publications covering CSF and ERP implementations all over the world. The study includes the most cited articles, most cited authors and most influential institutions as well as the most prolific countries. A database of 301 articles from 86 different institutions and 48 countries has been documented and analyzed. The results indicate that this field is growing significantly over time and a small number of US institutions are currently the most productive in this field.Vicedo Payà, P.; Gil Gómez, H.; Oltra Badenes, RF.; Guerola-Navarro, V. (2020). A bibliometric overview of how critical success factors influence on enterprise resource planning implementations. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 38(5):5475-5487. https://doi.org/10.3233/JIFS-179639S54755487385Bradford, M., & Florin, J. (2003). Examining the role of innovation diffusion factors on the implementation success of enterprise resource planning systems. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 4(3), 205-225. doi:10.1016/s1467-0895(03)00026-5Broadus, R. N. (1987). Toward a definition of «bibliometrics». Scientometrics, 12(5-6), 373-379. doi:10.1007/bf02016680Hirsch, J. E. (2005). An index to quantify an individual’s scientific research output. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102(46), 16569-16572. doi:10.1073/pnas.0507655102Merigó, J. M., Gil-Lafuente, A. M., & Yager, R. R. (2015). An overview of fuzzy research with bibliometric indicators. Applied Soft Computing, 27, 420-433. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2014.10.035Dereli, T., Durmuşoğlu, A., Delibaş, D., & Avlanmaz, N. (2011). An analysis of the papers published inTotal Quality Management & Business Excellencefrom 1995 through 2008. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22(3), 373-386. doi:10.1080/14783363.2010.532337Petersen, C. G., Aase, G. R., & Heiser, D. R. (2011). Journal ranking analyses of operations management research. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 31(4), 405-422. doi:10.1108/01443571111119533Maloni, M., Carter, C. R., & Kaufmann, L. (2012). Author affiliation in supply chain management and logistics journals: 2008‐2010. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 42(1), 83-101. doi:10.1108/09600031211202481Hsieh, P.-N., & Chang, P.-L. (2009). An assessment of world-wide research productivity in production and operations management. International Journal of Production Economics, 120(2), 540-551. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2009.03.015Merino, M. T. G., do Carmo, M. L. P., & Álvarez, M. V. S. (2006). 25 Years of Technovation: Characterisation and evolution of the journal. Technovation, 26(12), 1303-1316. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2005.11.005Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, N. P., & Bachrach, D. G. (2008). Scholarly Influence in the Field of Management: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Determinants of University and Author Impact in the Management Literature in the Past Quarter Century. Journal of Management, 34(4), 641-720. doi:10.1177/0149206308319533Goh, C.-H., Holsapple, C. W., Johnson, L. E., & Tanner, J. R. (1997). Evaluating and classifying POM journals. Journal of Operations Management, 15(2), 123-138. doi:10.1016/s0272-6963(96)00102-7Pilkington, A., & Meredith, J. (2008). The evolution of the intellectual structure of operations management-1980-2006: A citation/co-citation analysis. Journal of Operations Management, 27(3), 185-202. doi:10.1016/j.jom.2008.08.001Stonebraker, J. S., Gil, E., Kirkwood, C. W., & Handfield, R. B. (2011). Impact factor as a metric to assess journals where OM research is published. Journal of Operations Management, 30(1-2), 24-43. doi:10.1016/j.jom.2011.05.002Fagerberg, J., Fosaas, M., & Sapprasert, K. (2012). Innovation: Exploring the knowledge base. Research Policy, 41(7), 1132-1153. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2012.03.008Shiau, W.-L., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Tsai, C.-H. (2015). Supply chain management: exploring the intellectual structure. Scientometrics, 105(1), 215-230. doi:10.1007/s11192-015-1680-9Merigó, J. M., Cancino, C. A., Coronado, F., & Urbano, D. (2016). Academic research in innovation: a country analysis. Scientometrics, 108(2), 559-593. doi:10.1007/s11192-016-1984-4Cancino, C., Merigó, J. M., Coronado, F., Dessouky, Y., & Dessouky, M. (2017). Forty years of Computers & Industrial Engineering: A bibliometric analysis. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 113, 614-629. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2017.08.033Laengle, S., Merigó, J. M., Miranda, J., Słowiński, R., Bomze, I., Borgonovo, E., … Teunter, R. (2017). Forty years of the European Journal of Operational Research: A bibliometric overview. European Journal of Operational Research, 262(3), 803-816. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2017.04.027Martínez-López, F. J., Merigó, J. M., Valenzuela-Fernández, L., & Nicolás, C. (2018). Fifty years of the European Journal of Marketing: a bibliometric analysis. European Journal of Marketing, 52(1/2), 439-468. doi:10.1108/ejm-11-2017-0853Merigó, J. M., Pedrycz, W., Weber, R., & de la Sotta, C. (2018). Fifty years of Information Sciences: A bibliometric overview. Information Sciences, 432, 245-268. doi:10.1016/j.ins.2017.11.054Merigó, J. M., & Yang, J.-B. (2017). A bibliometric analysis of operations research and management science. Omega, 73, 37-48. doi:10.1016/j.omega.2016.12.004Tur-Porcar, A., Mas-Tur, A., Merigó, J. M., Roig-Tierno, N., & Watt, J. (2018). A Bibliometric History of the Journal of Psychology Between 1936 and 2015. The Journal of Psychology, 152(4), 199-225. doi:10.1080/00223980.2018.1440516Valenzuela, L. M., Merigó, J. M., Johnston, W. J., Nicolas, C., & Jaramillo, J. F. (2017). Thirty years of the Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing: a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32(1), 1-17. doi:10.1108/jbim-04-2016-0079Merigó, J. M., Blanco-Mesa, F., Gil-Lafuente, A. M., & Yager, R. R. (2016). Thirty Years of theInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems: A Bibliometric Review. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 32(5), 526-554. doi:10.1002/int.21859Wang, W., Laengle, S., Merigó, J. M., Yu, D., Herrera-Viedma, E., Cobo, M. J., & Bouchon-Meunier, B. (2018). A Bibliometric Analysis of the First Twenty-Five Years of the International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 26(02), 169-193. doi:10.1142/s0218488518500095Yu D. , Xu Z. , Kao Y. , Lin C.T. , “The Structure and Citation Landscape of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (1994–2015)”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 26(2) (2018).Tang, M., Liao, H., & Su, S.-F. (2018). A Bibliometric Overview and Visualization of the International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Between 2007 and 2017. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 20(5), 1403-1422. doi:10.1007/s40815-018-0484-5LÓPEZ-HERRERA, A. G., HERRERA-VIEDMA, E., COBO, M. J., MARTÍNEZ, M. A., KOU, G., & SHI, Y. (2012). A CONCEPTUAL SNAPSHOT OF THE FIRST DECADE (2002–2011) OF THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & DECISION MAKING. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 11(02), 247-270. doi:10.1142/s0219622012400020Cobo, M. J., Martínez, M. A., Gutiérrez-Salcedo, M., Fujita, H., & Herrera-Viedma, E. (2015). 25years at Knowledge-Based Systems: A bibliometric analysis. Knowledge-Based Systems, 80, 3-13. doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2014.12.035Yu, D., & Shi, S. (2015). Researching the development of Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set: Using a citation network analysis. Applied Soft Computing, 32, 189-198. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2015.03.027Yu, D., Xu, Z., & Wang, W. (2018). Bibliometric analysis of fuzzy theory research in China: A 30-year perspective. Knowledge-Based Systems, 141, 188-199. doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2017.11.018Yu, D. (2015). A scientometrics review on aggregation operator research. Scientometrics, 105(1), 115-133. doi:10.1007/s11192-015-1695-2Zhang, Y., Chen, H., Lu, J., & Zhang, G. (2017). Detecting and predicting the topic change of Knowledge-based Systems: A topic-based bibliometric analysis from 1991 to 2016. Knowledge-Based Systems, 133, 255-268. doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2017.07.011Muhuri, P. K., Shukla, A. K., Janmaijaya, M., & Basu, A. (2018). Applied soft computing: A bibliometric analysis of the publications and citations during (2004–2016). Applied Soft Computing, 69, 381-392. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2018.03.041Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2009). Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics, 84(2), 523-538. doi:10.1007/s11192-009-0146-

    Exploring Enterprise Systems Adoption in Bahrain

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    Enterprise Systems (ES) are multi-million dollar systems that are adopted by organizations to improve their operations. However, implementation of these systems is not straightforward and challenging, as it requires changes in work practices and business practices. These systems become more complicated for organizations in developing countries as they are based on western assumptions. While there are studies that examine ES adoption in developing countries, there are still conflicting results. In this study, we examine the critical success factors in different stages of ES implementation using multiple case studies of three organizations in Bahrain. The findings show that there are different factors important in different stages of implementation. Some of these factors are important throughout the implementation and others are important in particular phases. This research has important implications for research and practice

    An analysis of enterprise resource planning systems and key determinants using the Delphi method and an analytic hierarchy process

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    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are software module packages which can be customized up to a certain limit to suit the specific needs of each organization. Many ERP projects have not been effective at achieving all of the intended results due to high cost and high failure risks in ERP implementation. This study integrates the prior theories and knowledge gained from several textile industry practitioners for ERP projects. A two-stage method involving the Delphi and analytic hierarchy process decision support methodology was conducted. Based on the case of the textile industry in Taiwan, the findings illustrate the top 10 key factors: a clear project plan by defined ERP capacity requirement; a limited scope and focused flowchart; goal congruence between ERP project implementation and corporate strategy; top management support and commitment; the extent of standard operating procedures and institutional processes; a user-friendly interface; systems integrated with aggressive schedules and timelines; provision of technical assistance for rapid, effective transfer of best practice interventions; good interdepartmental communication and coordination on a focused issue solution; and enablement of business process reengineering and solid management for project team building. The findings of this research will be beneficial to those apparel companies that adopted the ERP

    Enterprise systems: the upgrade process model

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    Purpose Enterprise systems (ES) upgrade is a complex undertaking that recurs throughout the systems’ life span, therefore, organisations need to adopt strategies and methodologies that can minimise disruptions and risks associated with upgrades. The purpose of this paper is to explore the processes undertaken during upgrading ES, to identify the upgrade project stages. Design/methodology/approach This research is grounded in a qualitative survey approach, and utilises a web-based survey questionnaire and semi-structured interviews as methods for data collection. The data were gathered from 41 respondents’ and analysed using qualitatively inductive content analysis principles to derive meaning and to identify the trends about upgrade processes. Findings The study findings stress the importance of adopting a methodical approach to ES upgrades. Also, it suggests that due consideration should be given to the impact of new version features and functionality, the risks and the effort required for supporting upgrade projects. Research limitations/implications The five-stage upgrade process model can be utilised as a strategy to minimise complexity and risks associated with upgrade projects. However, this study only proposes logical generalisations; therefore, future studies could explore these stages in-depth to offer generalisable arguments applicable to ES upgrade phenomenon. Originality/value The study proposes a five-stage upgrade process model that offers a systematic approach to support upgrade projects. The proposed model extends previous models by proposing alternative strategies to support ES upgrade projects

    ERP LN implementation in an industrial context at ID6-Consultoria e Gestão

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Yrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttövaltuushallinnan kehittäminen arvon näkökulmasta

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    Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmät ovat tietojärjestelmiä, joilla yritysten eri prosessit ja toiminnot voidaan integroida, ja siten niitä on jo pitkään hyödynnetty toiminnan tukena. Järjestelmissä käsitellään yritysten liiketoimintakriittistä dataa ja informaatiota, ja tästä syystä turvallisuudesta on kehittynyt tärkeä teema toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien parissa, muodostuen myös yhdeksi maailmanlaajuisten organisaatioiden pääongelmaksi. Tästä huolimatta tutkimusta aihepiiristä on huomattavan vähän. Tässä työssä vastataan tähän puutteeseen tarkastelemalla toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttövaltuushallinnan kehittämistä arvon näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, millaista liiketoiminnallista arvoa asiakasyritykset tavoittelevat toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttövaltuushallinnan kehityksellä, mitä tekijöistä asiakasyritykset pitävät projekteissa tärkeinä ja miten palveluntarjoaja voi tukea asiakasta arvon toteutumisen näkökulmasta. Käyttövaltuushallinta itsessään on osa suurempaa turvallisuuden alaa, identiteetin- ja pääsynhallintaa, ja se näkyy käyttäjälle selkeimmin käyttövaltuuksissa, eli mitä käyttäjä pystyy konkreettisesti tekemään järjestelmässä. Käyttäjä tulee tunnistaa ennen järjestelmään pääsyä ja käyttäjällä tulee olla käyttövaltuuksia (eli käyttöoikeuksia) itse järjestelmän sisällä, jotta toimintojen suorittamien järjestelmässä olisi mahdollista. Käyttövaltuushallinta on kuitenkin useimmiten puutteellista toiminnanohjausjärjestelmissä ja tämä edelleen altistaa yrityksiä tieto-turvauhille. Käyttövaltuushallinnan puutteellisuus voi johtaa vakaviin väärinkäytöksiin ja jopa petoksiin, ja tästä syystä se muodostui työn tutkimusongelmaksi. Työ toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena ja datankeruu suoritettiin puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla ja havainnoinnilla. Haastattelun kohteena oli kolme eri asiakasyritysten edustajaa, joiden yrityksessä oli suoritettu tai suoritettiin parhaillaan käyttövaltuushallinnan kehitystä toiminnanohjausjärjestelmässä. Lisäksi työssä haastateltiin kahta eri konsulttia, jotka toimivat palveluntarjoajalla käyttövaltuushallinnan kehitysprojekteissa asiantuntijoina. Pienen otannan vuoksi työssä myös päädyttiin havainnoimaan neljättä asiakasyritystä, jossa oli työn toteutuksen aikana parhaillaan käynnissä käyttövaltuushallinnan kehitysprojekti. Työssä käytettiin abduktiivista lähestymistapaa, joten aineiston analyysissä hyödynnettiin sekä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa että aineistosta esiin nousevia teemoja. Tutkimuksen avulla saatiin vahvistusta tutkimusongelman olemassaoloon. Tutkimuksen mukaan toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien turvallisuuden ja käyttövaltuushallinnan ennaltaehkäisevää merkitystä ei usein tunnisteta. Suurin motiivi kehittää käyttövaltuushallintaa on muodostunut asiakkaille IT-tarkastusten havaintojen myötä. Tärkeimmät tavoiteltavat hyödyt käyttövaltuushallinnassa ovat tutkimuksen perusteella roolirakenteiden, hallintamallien ja konseptien ylläpidettävyys sekä helppokäyttöisyys, riskien vähentäminen ja kustannusten pienentäminen. Tuloksissa kuitenkin korostuu tasapaino riittävän suojauksen kustannusten ja hyväksytyn riskitason välillä. Lisäksi työssä tunnistettiin käyttövaltuushallinnan kehityksen merkittävimmäksi uhraukseksi toiminnan ketteryyden menetyksen. Mitä palveluntarjoajan käyttöön ja rooliin projektissa tulee, asiakkaat pitivät tärkeimpänä palveluntarjoajan asiantuntijuutta ja innovatiivisuutta. Lisäksi projekteissa oli tärkeää hyvät projektinhallinnalliset menetelmät ja projektitiimin oikea kokoonpano. Arvon näkökulmasta tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin sekä palveluntarjoajan, että asiakkaan roolin olevan merkittäviä arvon luomisessa ja sen toteutumisessa. Aihealuetta on kuitenkin syytä tutkia lisää myös tulevaisuudessa yleistettävimpien tulosten saamiseksi. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are information systems that can be used to integrate the various processes and functions of companies, and thus they have long been used to support operations. ERP systems deal with business-critical data and information of companies, which is why security has become an important theme in ERP environments, be-coming one of the main problems of global organizations. Despite this, there is remarkably little research on the subject. This work responds to this shortcoming by examining the development of the ERP system's authorization management from the perspective of value. The aim of the study is to find out what kind of business value companies are trying to achieve through the development of authorization management of the ERP system, what factors the companies consider important in the projects, and how an external service provider can support the customer from the aspect of value realization. Authorization management itself is part of a larger field of security, Identity and Access Management, and it is most clearly visible to the user in access rights, that is, what the user can concretely do in the system. The user must be identified before entering the system and the user must have access rights within the system itself in order to enable the performance of functions in the system. However, authorization management is often deficient in ERP systems, and this further exposes companies to information security threats. The lack of authorization management can lead to serious misconduct and even fraud, and for this reason it is the research problem in this study. The study was carried out as a qualitative study and the data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews and observation study. Three representatives of different customer companies were interviewed. The companies are currently developing their authorization management in their ERP system or have had a development project in the past. In addition, two different consultants were interviewed. The consultants work as experts in the service provider's authorization management development projects. Due to the small sampling, observation was also carried out for a company, that was currently running a development project for authorization management during the study. An abductive approach was used in the data analysis; therefore, the analysis themes emerged both from the literature review and the interview and observation data. The study achieved to confirm the existence of the research problem. The study found that the preventive importance of security and authorization management of ERP systems is rarely recognized. The main motive for developing authorization management has been formed for customers through the findings of IT audits. The main benefits to be gained from authorization management, as identified in the study, are maintainability of role structures, governance models and concepts, ease of use, risk reduction and cost reduction. However, the results highlight the balance between the cost of adequate protection and the level of risk accepted. In addition, the work identified the loss of operational agility as the most significant sacrifice in the development of authorization management. As for the use and role of the service provider in the project, customers considered the expertise and innovativeness of the service provider to be the most important factors. In addition, good project management methods and the correct com-position of the project team were important in the projects. From the perspective of value, the study identified the role of both the service provider and the customer as significant in creating value and its realization. Further research in this area is needed in order to obtain more generalizable results