10 research outputs found

    On Thin Air Reads: Towards an Event Structures Model of Relaxed Memory

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    To model relaxed memory, we propose confusion-free event structures over an alphabet with a justification relation. Executions are modeled by justified configurations, where every read event has a justifying write event. Justification alone is too weak a criterion, since it allows cycles of the kind that result in so-called thin-air reads. Acyclic justification forbids such cycles, but also invalidates event reorderings that result from compiler optimizations and dynamic instruction scheduling. We propose the notion of well-justification, based on a game-like model, which strikes a middle ground. We show that well-justified configurations satisfy the DRF theorem: in any data-race free program, all well-justified configurations are sequentially consistent. We also show that rely-guarantee reasoning is sound for well-justified configurations, but not for justified configurations. For example, well-justified configurations are type-safe. Well-justification allows many, but not all reorderings performed by relaxed memory. In particular, it fails to validate the commutation of independent reads. We discuss variations that may address these shortcomings

    Expression Acceleration: Seamless Parallelization of Typed High-Level Languages

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    Efficient parallelization of algorithms on general-purpose GPUs is today essential in many areas. However, it is a non-trivial task for software engineers to utilize GPUs to improve the performance of high-level programs in general. Although many domain-specific approaches are available for GPU acceleration, it is difficult to accelerate existing high-level programs without rewriting parts of the programs using low-level GPU code. In this paper, we propose a different approach, where expressions are marked for acceleration, and the compiler automatically infers which code needs to be accelerated. We call this approach expression acceleration. We design a compiler pipeline for the approach and show how to handle several challenges, including expression extraction, well-formedness, and compiling using multiple backends. The approach is designed and implemented within a statically-typed functional intermediate language and evaluated using three distinct non-trivial case studies

    End-to-End Translation Validation for the Halide Language

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    International audienceThis paper considers the correctness of domain-specific compilers for tensor programming languages through the study of Halide, a popular representative. It describes a translation validation algorithm for affine Halide specifications, independently of the scheduling language. The algorithm relies on "propheticž annotations added by the compiler to the generated array assignments. The annotations provide a refinement mapping from assignments in the generated code to the tensor definitions from the specification. Our implementation leverages an affine solver and a general SMT solver, and scales to complete Halide benchmarks

    Vectorization system for unstructured codes with a Data-parallel Compiler IR

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    With Dennard Scaling coming to an end, Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) offers itself as a way to improve the compute throughput of CPUs. One fundamental technique in SIMD code generators is the vectorization of data-parallel code regions. This has applications in outer-loop vectorization, whole-function vectorization and vectorization of explicitly data-parallel languages. This thesis makes contributions to the reliable vectorization of data-parallel code regions with unstructured, reducible control flow. Reducibility is the case in practice where all control-flow loops have exactly one entry point. We present P-LLVM, a novel, full-featured, intermediate representation for vectorizers that provides a semantics for the code region at every stage of the vectorization pipeline. Partial control-flow linearization is a novel partial if-conversion scheme, an essential technique to vectorize divergent control flow. Different to prior techniques, partial linearization has linear running time, does not insert additional branches or blocks and gives proved guarantees on the control flow retained. Divergence of control induces value divergence at join points in the control-flow graph (CFG). We present a novel control-divergence analysis for directed acyclic graphs with optimal running time and prove that it is correct and precise under common static assumptions. We extend this technique to obtain a quadratic-time, control-divergence analysis for arbitrary reducible CFGs. For this analysis, we show on a range of realistic examples how earlier approaches are either less precise or incorrect. We present a feature-complete divergence analysis for P-LLVM programs. The analysis is the first to analyze stack-allocated objects in an unstructured control setting. Finally, we generalize single-dimensional vectorization of outer loops to multi-dimensional tensorization of loop nests. SIMD targets benefit from tensorization through more opportunities for re-use of loaded values and more efficient memory access behavior. The techniques were implemented in the Region Vectorizer (RV) for vectorization and TensorRV for loop-nest tensorization. Our evaluation validates that the general-purpose RV vectorization system matches the performance of more specialized approaches. RV performs on par with the ISPC compiler, which only supports its structured domain-specific language, on a range of tree traversal codes with complex control flow. RV is able to outperform the loop vectorizers of state-of-the-art compilers, as we show for the SPEC2017 nab_s benchmark and the XSBench proxy application.Mit dem Ausreizen des Dennard Scalings erreichen die gewohnten Zuwächse in der skalaren Rechenleistung zusehends ihr Ende. Moderne Prozessoren setzen verstärkt auf parallele Berechnung, um den Rechendurchsatz zu erhöhen. Hierbei spielen SIMD Instruktionen (Single Instruction Multiple Data), die eine Operation gleichzeitig auf mehrere Eingaben anwenden, eine zentrale Rolle. Eine fundamentale Technik, um SIMD Programmcode zu erzeugen, ist der Einsatz datenparalleler Vektorisierung. Diese unterliegt populären Verfahren, wie der Vektorisierung äußerer Schleifen, der Vektorisierung gesamter Funktionen bis hin zu explizit datenparallelen Programmiersprachen. Der Beitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, ein zuverlässiges Vektorisierungssystem für datenparallelen Code mit reduziblem Steuerfluss zu entwickeln. Diese Anforderung ist für alle Steuerflussgraphen erfüllt, deren Schleifen nur einen Eingang haben, was in der Praxis der Fall ist. Wir präsentieren P-LLVM, eine ausdrucksstarke Zwischendarstellung für Vektorisierer, welche dem Programm in jedem Stadium der Transformation von datenparallelem Code zu SIMD Code eine definierte Semantik verleiht. Partielle Steuerfluss-Linearisierung ist ein neuer Algorithmus zur If-Conversion, welcher Sprünge erhalten kann. Anders als existierende Verfahren hat Partielle Linearisierung eine lineare Laufzeit und fügt keine neuen Sprünge oder Blöcke ein. Wir zeigen Kriterien, unter denen der Algorithmus Steuerfluss erhält, und beweisen diese. Steuerflussdivergenz induziert Divergenz an Punkten zusammenfließenden Steuerflusses. Wir stellen eine neue Steuerflussdivergenzanalyse für azyklische Graphen mit optimaler Laufzeit vor und beweisen deren Korrektheit und Präzision. Wir verallgemeinern die Technik zu einem Algorithmus mit quadratischer Laufzeit für beliebiege, reduzible Steuerflussgraphen. Eine Studie auf realistischen Beispielgraphen zeigt, dass vergleichbare Techniken entweder weniger präsize sind oder falsche Ergebnisse liefern. Ebenfalls präsentieren wir eine Divergenzanalyse für P-LLVM Programme. Diese Analyse ist die erste Divergenzanalyse, welche Divergenz in stapelallokierten Objekten unter unstrukturiertem Steuerfluss analysiert. Schließlich generalisieren wir die eindimensionale Vektorisierung von äußeren Schleifen zur multidimensionalen Tensorisierung von Schleifennestern. Tensorisierung eröffnet für SIMD Prozessoren mehr Möglichkeiten, bereits geladene Werte wiederzuverwenden und das Speicherzugriffsverhalten des Programms zu optimieren, als dies mit Vektorisierung der Fall ist. Die vorgestellten Techniken wurden in den Region Vectorizer (RV) für Vektorisierung und TensorRV für die Tensorisierung von Schleifennestern implementiert. Wir zeigen auf einer Reihe von steuerflusslastigen Programmen für die Traversierung von Baumdatenstrukturen, dass RV das gleiche Niveau erreicht wie der ISPC Compiler, welcher nur seine strukturierte Eingabesprache verarbeiten kann. RV kann schnellere SIMD-Programme erzeugen als die Schleifenvektorisierer in aktuellen Industriecompilern. Dies demonstrieren wir mit dem nab_s benchmark aus der SPEC2017 Benchmarksuite und der XSBench Proxy-Anwendung

    Exploiting BSP Abstractions for Compiler Based Optimizations of GPU Applications on multi-GPU Systems

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are accelerators for computers and provide massive amounts of computational power and bandwidth for amenable applications. While effectively utilizing an individual GPU already requires a high level of skill, effectively utilizing multiple GPUs introduces completely new types of challenges. This work sets out to investigate how the hierarchical execution model of GPUs can be exploited to simplify the utilization of such multi-GPU systems. The investigation starts with an analysis of the memory access patterns exhibited by applications from common GPU benchmark suites. Memory access patterns are collected using custom instrumentation and a simple simulation then analyzes the patterns and identifies implicit communication across the different levels of the execution hierarchy. The analysis reveals that for most GPU applications memory accesses are highly localized and there exists a way to partition the workload so that the communication volume grows slower than the aggregated bandwidth for growing numbers of GPUs. Next, an application model based on Z-polyhedra is derived that formalizes the distribution of work across multiple GPUs and allows the identification of data dependencies. The model is then used to implement a prototype compiler that consumes single-GPU programs and produces executables that distribute GPU workloads across all available GPUs in a system. It uses static analysis to identify memory access patterns and polyhedral code generation in combination with a dynamic tracking system to efficiently resolve data dependencies. The prototype is implemented as an extension to the LLVM/Clang compiler and published in full source. The prototype compiler is then evaluated using a set of benchmark applications. While the prototype is limited in its applicability by technical issues, it provides impressive speedups of up to 12.4x on 16 GPUs for amenable applications. An in-depth analysis of the application runtime reveals that dependency resolution takes up less than 10% of the runtime, often significantly less. A discussion follows and puts the work into context by presenting and differentiating related work, reflecting critically on the work itself and an outlook of the aspects that could be explored as part of this research. The work concludes with a summary and a closing opinion

    Deep learning applied to the assessment of online student programming exercises

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    Massive online open courses (MOOCs) teaching coding are increasing in number and popularity. They commonly include homework assignments in which the students must write code that is evaluated by functional tests. Functional testing may to some extent be automated however provision of more qualitative evaluation and feedback may be prohibitively labor-intensive. Provision of qualitative evaluation at scale, automatically, is the subject of much research effort. In this thesis, deep learning is applied to the task of performing automatic assessment of source code, with a focus on provision of qualitative feedback. Four tasks: language modeling, detecting idiomatic code, semantic code search, and predicting variable names are considered in detail. First, deep learning models are applied to the task of language modeling source code. A comparison is made between the performance of different deep learning language models, and it is shown how language models can be used for source code auto-completion. It is also demonstrated how language models trained on source code can be used for transfer learning, providing improved performance on other tasks. Next, an analysis is made on how the language models from the previous task can be used to detect idiomatic code. It is shown that these language models are able to locate where a student has deviated from correct code idioms. These locations can be highlighted to the student in order to provide qualitative feedback. Then, results are shown on semantic code search, again comparing the performance across a variety of deep learning models. It is demonstrated how semantic code search can be used to reduce the time taken for qualitative evaluation, by automatically pairing a student submission with an instructor’s hand-written feedback. Finally, it is examined how deep learning can be used to predict variable names within source code. These models can be used in a qualitative evaluation setting where the deep learning models can be used to suggest more appropriate variable names. It is also shown that these models can even be used to predict the presence of functional errors. Novel experimental results show that: fine-tuning a pre-trained language model is an effective way to improve performance across a variety of tasks on source code, improving performance by 5% on average; pre-trained language models can be used as zero-shot learners across a variety of tasks, with the zero-shot performance of some architectures outperforming the fine-tuned performance of others; and that language models can be used to detect both semantic and syntactic errors. Other novel findings include: removing the non-variable tokens within source code has negligible impact on the performance of models, and that these remaining tokens can be shuffled with only a minimal decrease in performance.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) fundin

    Automatic performance optimisation of parallel programs for GPUs via rewrite rules

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are now commonplace in computing systems and are the most successful parallel accelerators. Their performance is orders of magnitude higher than traditional Central Processing Units (CPUs) making them attractive for many application domains with high computational demands. However, achieving their full performance potential is extremely hard, even for experienced programmers, as it requires specialised software tailored for specific devices written in low-level languages such as OpenCL. Differences in device characteristics between manufacturers and even hardware generations often lead to large performance variations when different optimisations are applied. This inevitably leads to code that is not performance portable across different hardware. This thesis demonstrates that achieving performance portability is possible using LIFT, a functional data-parallel language which allows programs to be expressed at a high-level in a hardware-agnostic way. The LIFT compiler is empowered to automatically explore the optimisation space using a set of well-defined rewrite rules to transform programs seamlessly between different high-level algorithmic forms before translating them to a low-level OpenCL-specific form. The first contribution of this thesis is the development of techniques to compile functional LIFT programs that have optimisations explicitly encoded into efficient imperative OpenCL code. Producing efficient code is non-trivial as many performance sensitive details such as memory allocation, array accesses or synchronisation are not explicitly represented in the functional LIFT language. The thesis shows that the newly developed techniques are essential for achieving performance on par with manually optimised code for GPU programs with the exact same complex optimisations applied. The second contribution of this thesis is the presentation of techniques that enable the LIFT compiler to perform complex optimisations that usually require from tens to hundreds of individual rule applications by grouping them as macro-rules that cut through the optimisation space. Using matrix multiplication as an example, starting from a single high-level program the compiler automatically generates highly optimised and specialised implementations for desktop and mobile GPUs with very different architectures achieving performance portability. The final contribution of this thesis is the demonstration of how low-level and GPU-specific features are extracted directly from the high-level functional LIFT program, enabling building a statistical performance model that makes accurate predictions about the performance of differently optimised program variants. This performance model is then used to drastically speed up the time taken by the optimisation space exploration by ranking the different variants based on their predicted performance. Overall, this thesis demonstrates that performance portability is achievable using LIFT

    Language Support for Programming High-Performance Code

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    Nowadays, the computing landscape is becoming increasingly heterogeneous and this trend is currently showing no signs of turning around. In particular, hardware becomes more and more specialized and exhibits different forms of parallelism. For performance-critical codes it is indispensable to address hardware-specific peculiarities. Because of the halting problem, however, it is unrealistic to assume that a program implemented in a general-purpose programming language can be fully automatically compiled to such specialized hardware while still delivering peak performance. One form of parallelism is single instruction, multiple data (SIMD). Part I of this thesis presents Sierra: an extension for C ++ that facilitates portable and effective SIMD programming. Part II discusses AnyDSL. This framework allows to embed a so-called domain-specific language (DSL) into a host language. On the one hand, a DSL offers the application developer a convenient interface; on the other hand, a DSL can perform domain-specific optimizations and effectively map DSL constructs to various architectures. In order to implement a DSL, one usually has to write or modify a compiler. With AnyDSL though, the DSL constructs are directly implemented in the host language while a partial evaluator removes any abstractions that are required in the implementation of the DSL.Die Rechnerlandschaft wird heutzutage immer heterogener und derzeit ist keine Trendwende in Sicht. Insbesondere wird die Hardware immer spezialisierter und weist verschiedene Formen der Parallelität auf. Für performante Programme ist es unabdingbar, hardwarespezifische Eigenheiten zu adressieren. Wegen des Halteproblems ist es allerdings unrealistisch anzunehmen, dass ein Programm, das in einer universell einsetzbaren Programmiersprache implementiert ist, vollautomatisch auf solche spezialisierte Hardware übersetzt werden kann und dabei noch Spitzenleistung erzielt. Eine Form der Parallelität ist „single instruction, multiple data (SIMD)“. Teil I dieser Arbeit stellt Sierra vor: eine Erweiterung für C++, die portable und effektive SIMD-Programmierung unterstützt. Teil II behandelt AnyDSL. Dieses Rahmenwerk ermöglicht es, eine sogenannte domänenspezifische Sprache (DSL) in eine Gastsprache einzubetten. Auf der einen Seite bietet eine DSL dem Anwendungsentwickler eine komfortable Schnittstelle; auf der anderen Seiten kann eine DSL domänenspezifische Optimierungen durchführen und DSL-Konstrukte effektiv auf verschiedene Architekturen abbilden. Um eine DSL zu implementieren, muss man gewöhnlich einen Compiler schreiben oder modifizieren. In AnyDSL werden die DSL-Konstrukte jedoch direkt in der Gastsprache implementiert und ein partieller Auswerter entfernt jegliche Abstraktionen, die in der Implementierung der DSL benötigt werden