380,046 research outputs found

    Customization Of Requirements Modeling Tool For Software Engineering Education

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    In the developing a software, there is a part of modeling the requirements. Modeling the requirements usefully to communicate all stakeholders and as a blueprint. There are modeling tools used to model the requirements such as Rational Rose, Enterprise Architect, Magic Draw, StarUML, ArgoUML, UML Designer, etc. Modeling tools that available gets more complicated to use and when compared majority tools more emphasis on modeling for industrial rather than education. In this study perform the customization tool for software engineering education and evaluate effectiveness the custom tool. The research methodology in this study is questionnaire, interview and literature review related with the study. The custom tool focus only on use case diagram including use case elements and use case description. Development the system start with elicited the requirements of the system, hardware requirements, and software requirements. The testing stage performed to get evaluation from the system developed. In the testing performed test the functional of the system. Evaluation obtained that the system usefulness, easy to use, and easy to learning. Besides, software engineering students are involved satisfied with the system

    Providing equivalent learning activities with software-based remote access laboratories

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    Laboratory-based learning activities are important components of engineering and surveying education and it is difficult to offering practical activities to distance education students. Remote Access Laboratory (RAL) systems are widely discussed as learning tools to offer students remote access to rigs or hardware. In some disciplines laboratory activities are purely software based and RAL systems can be used to provide access to software. As part of a larger study into the transferability of the remote laboratory concept to non-engineering disciplines this project evaluates the effectiveness of RAL based software activities in supporting student learning is investigated. In the discipline of Surveying and Spatial Science, RAL technology is used to provide Geographic Information System software access to distance students. The key research question discussed in this paper is whether RALbased software activities can address the same learning outcomes as face-to-face practical classes for software activities. Data was collected from students' discussion forums, teaching staff diaries and teaching staff interviews. The project demonstrates that students undertaking learning activities remotely achieve similar learning outcomes than student in practice classes using the same software. Ease of system access and usability are critical and the learning activity needs to be supported by comprehensive learning materials. This research provides a clear case in which the use of RAL technology has provided inclusive educational opportunities more efficiently and these general results are also applicable to experiments that involve physical hardware


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    Team Icarus created a digital engineering case study based on an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) to provide a robust view of developing an architecture using Cameo Systems Modeler by executing the MagicGrid architecture development methodology. The case study includes connecting this architecture model to directly drive several engineering analysis tools (Excel, MATLAB/Simulink, a Computer Aided Design tool) through middle-ware software (ModelCenter MBSE). The design was refined through a design of experiments and is visualized through software tools (ModelCenter Explore). This case study is provided to Naval Surface Warfare Center–Port Hueneme Division (NSWC PHD) to be a supplement to the training of systems engineers and systems logisticians to fill in the gaps of existing trainings. This case study is also provided to Naval Postgraduate School to supplement the education of current and future students on architecture development and digital engineering.Civilian, Department of the NavyCivilian, Department of the NavyCivilian, Department of the NavyCivilian, Department of the NavyCivilian, Department of the NavyCivilian, Department of the NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Research on the Application of Digital Intelligence in Structural Mechanics Teaching

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    This paper explores the application of digital intelligence technologies in the teaching of Structural Mechanics, a core engineering course, and their innovative impacts. Initially, the importance of digitalization in modern education and its application in engineering education are introduced. The paper then analyzes the specific implementations of intelligent teaching tools and methods in structural mechanics education, such as simulation software, online course platforms, and interactive learning systems. Through case studies, it demonstrates how these technologies effectively enhance students' learning efficiency and depth of understanding, especially in complex structural analysis and problem-solving skills. Additionally, the paper discusses the potential contributions of digitalized teaching methods to fostering students' critical thinking and innovation capabilities. Finally, it provides an outlook on the future trends and potential challenges of digital intelligence applications in structural mechanics teaching


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    The modern education process requires introduction of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) in order to make classes more attractive, to properly implement curricular content and, as a consequence, to provide students with education compliant with applicable standards. Some didactic classes are more predisposed to the use of ICT, and others to a lesser extent. The Faculty of Production and Power Engineering of the University of Agriculture in Krakow has been using modern IT solutions to support the teaching process for many years. The mentioned ICT tools include the e-learning platform Moodle, office packages (Microsoft Office, Open Office), groupware tools, Internet platform Google Apps, Microsoft IT Academy and many specialized software. This study presents a case study of the use of ICT tools during selected subjects at the faculty

    Case Feedback in Support of Learning a Systems Development Methodology

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    While the proliferation of computer-aided systems engineering (CASE) tools in the professional world mandates their exposure to information systems (IS) students, many IS faculty may be reluctant to introduce CASE due to the seeming paradox of learning a CASE tool before acquiring a thorough knowledge of a systems development methodology. Unfortunately, an unproven tenet of CASE implementation is that a thorough knowledge of a systems development methodology is necessary before attempting to use CASE. By adhering to this tenet we may be precluding students from using CASE technology in their infonnation systems curricula. Researchers in the field of education, however, view technology as a useful tool in learning. Studies in computer-aided instruction indicate that the feedback provided by software can be especially useful during the learning process. By applying what is known about computer feedback to CASE tools it may be possible to use CASE as a tool for learning a systems development methodology as well as producing quality systems


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    Recent scandals caused by the results of negligent, malicious, or shortsighted software development practices highlight the need for software developers to consider the ethical implications of their work. Computing ethics has historically been a marginalized area within computing disciplines, so educators in these disciplines do not have a common background for teaching the topic. Computing ethics education, although often a required part of coursework, can vary widely in the method of implementation from university to university. In this report I summarize the insights I gained from interviewing four educators from three different institutions on their pedagogical approaches to computing ethics. I found there to be a few terms that had very different contextual meanings for the different educators. Case study and group discussion in particular are two terms with a diversity of purposes, methods of use, and literal meanings among the interviewees. I summarize three different methods of extending engineering ethics education beyond one ethics course. I review software tools designed to assist with ethical reflection or to encourage thoughtful discussion, and I make an argument for which elements of those tools seemed to assist in thoughtful consideration and discussion. Finally, I propose a sketch of an ethically sensitive software design, and consider the implications of applying software to ethical reflection. I conclude with some areas for future study that could benefit the development of a software intervention for ethics, as well as the field of ethics education in general

    An investigation into computer support for cooperative work in software engineering groups

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    The research of this thesis relates to Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) in the context of software engineering, and in particular software engineering education. Whilst research into group working has tended to be directed towards CSCW, very little research has been undertaken on group working within software engineering. Linked with CSCW is groupware, which is the class of tools that supports and augments groupwork. This thesis represents an attempt to contribute to the understanding of the groupware needs of software engineers, and to identify and trial groupware that supports software engineering activities. An infrastructure has been developed providing virtual environments, for use by both collocated and geographically distributed software engineering students, to support their groupwork. This infrastructure comprises of synchronous and asynchronous groupware, in the form of desktop video conferencing, and a shared information workspace. This shared workspace has been tailored from the groupware tool, Basic Support for Cooperative Work (BSCW).Within this thesis, hypotheses have been formulated as to the student use of these virtual environments. These hypotheses concentrate on the areas of: organisation and coordination of tasks, the level of cooperation that occurs within the phases of the software lifecycle, the usage of the functions within a shared workspace, and what importance is placed on the role of synchronous communication within software engineering student groupwork. Through a series of case studies it was possible to determine the outcome of these hypotheses using various data collection methods. These methods include questionnaires, focus group meetings, observations, and automatic monitoring of workspace activities. The outcomes of this thesis are that the hypotheses regarding organisation and coordination, and, the role of synchronous communication within software engineering, have been proved. Whilst the determination of the level of cooperation during the phases of the software lifecycle has not been proved, the use of functions within the shared workspace has been partly proved

    Enhancing Student Usability of 3D Bioprinting

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    3D bioprinting is an emerging technology that is changing the face of tissue engineering through the ability to print cells, scaffolding and matrix materials, and other bioactive reagents. 3D bioprinters are a culmination of various scientific and engineering disciplines with respect to their operation and bioprints, and as such, offer a prime case study on the convergence of the technical fields in research. In order to capitalize on this fact and make 3D bioprinting more accessible for interdisciplinary education applications, we sought to translate 3D bioprinting into the classroom environment as a tool for education. In collaboration with SE3D Education, a start-up that manufactures affordable desktop 3D bioprinters, we designed biological array experiments and software that allows students to easily design and bioprint their own experiments using the SE3D R3bel Classroom 3D Bioprinter. Through extending the utility of a desktop 3D bioprinter into the hands of students, we hope to assist schools in administering interdisciplinary, hands-on instruction, and empowering students to become proficient in the next generation of technological tools

    A Pilot Experience with Software Programming Environments as a Service for Teaching Activities

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    [EN] Software programming is one of the key abilities for the development of Computational Thinking (CT) skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). However, specific software tools to emulate realistic scenarios are required for effective teaching. Unfortunately, these tools have some limitations in educational environments due to the need of an adequate configuration and orchestration, which usually assumes an unaffordable work overload for teachers and is inaccessible for students outside the laboratories. To mitigate the aforementioned limitations, we rely on cloud solutions that automate the process of orchestration and configuration of software tools on top of cloud computing infrastructures. This way, the paper presents ACTaaS as a cloud-based educational resource that deploys and orchestrates a whole realistic software programming environment. ACTaaS provides a simple, fast and automatic way to set up a professional integrated environment without involving an overload to the teacher, and it provides an ubiquitous access to the environment. The solution has been tested in a pilot group of 28 students. Currently, there is no tool like ACTaaS that allows such a high grade of automation for the deployment of software production environments focused on educational activities supporting a wide range of cloud providers. Preliminary results through a pilot group predict its effectiveness due to the efficiency to set up a class environment in minutes without overloading the teachers, and providing ubiquitous access to students. In addition, the first student opinions about the experience were greatly positive.This research was funded by Conselleria d'Innovacio, Universitat, Ciencia i Societat Digital for the project "CloudSTEM" grant number AICO/2019/313, and the Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditacion of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia grant number PIME/19-20/166.Calatrava Arroyo, A.; Ramos Montes, M.; Segrelles Quilis, JD. (2021). A Pilot Experience with Software Programming Environments as a Service for Teaching Activities. Applied Sciences. 11(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/app11010341S111Campbell, J. O., Bourne, J. R., Mosterman, P. J., & Brodersen, A. J. (2002). The Effectiveness of Learning Simulations for Electronic Laboratories. Journal of Engineering Education, 91(1), 81-87. doi:10.1002/j.2168-9830.2002.tb00675.xFraser, D. M., Pillay, R., Tjatindi, L., & Case, J. M. (2007). Enhancing the Learning of Fluid Mechanics Using Computer Simulations. Journal of Engineering Education, 96(4), 381-388. doi:10.1002/j.2168-9830.2007.tb00946.xTroussas, C., Krouska, A., & Sgouropoulou, C. (2020). Collaboration and fuzzy-modeled personalization for mobile game-based learning in higher education. Computers & Education, 144, 103698. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103698González-Martínez, J. A., Bote-Lorenzo, M. L., Gómez-Sánchez, E., & Cano-Parra, R. (2015). Cloud computing and education: A state-of-the-art survey. Computers & Education, 80, 132-151. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2014.08.017Moreno, A. M., Sanchez-Segura, M.-I., Medina-Dominguez, F., & Carvajal, L. (2012). Balancing software engineering education and industrial needs. Journal of Systems and Software, 85(7), 1607-1620. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2012.01.060Desai, C., Janzen, D., & Savage, K. (2008). A survey of evidence for test-driven development in academia. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 40(2), 97-101. doi:10.1145/1383602.1383644Barriocanal, E. G., Urbán, M.-Á. S., Cuevas, I. A., & Pérez, P. D. (2002). An experience in integrating automated unit testing practices in an introductory programming course. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 34(4), 125-128. doi:10.1145/820127.820183OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=toscaTomarchio, O., Calcaterra, D., & Modica, G. D. (2020). Cloud resource orchestration in the multi-cloud landscape: a systematic review of existing frameworks. Journal of Cloud Computing, 9(1). doi:10.1186/s13677-020-00194-7Cloudify https://cloudify.coStarCluster http://web.mit.edu/stardev/cluster/ElastiCluster https://elasticluster.github.io/elasticluster/Apache ARIA TOSCA Orchestration Engine http://ariatosca.incubator.apache.orgOpenTOSCA http://www.opentosca.orgGiannakopoulos, I., Papailiou, N., Mantas, C., Konstantinou, I., Tsoumakos, D., & Koziris, N. (2014). CELAR: Automated application elasticity platform. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). doi:10.1109/bigdata.2014.7004481Yangui, S., Marshall, I.-J., Laisne, J.-P., & Tata, S. (2013). CompatibleOne: The Open Source Cloud Broker. Journal of Grid Computing, 12(1), 93-109. doi:10.1007/s10723-013-9285-0Caballer, M., Blanquer, I., Moltó, G., & de Alfonso, C. (2014). Dynamic Management of Virtual Infrastructures. Journal of Grid Computing, 13(1), 53-70. doi:10.1007/s10723-014-9296-5Ansible https://www.ansible.com/JUnit Framework for Java https://junit.org/Check Unit Testing Framework for C https://libcheck.github.io/check