18 research outputs found

    CAMB at CWI Shared Task 2018: Complex Word Identification with Ensemble-Based Voting

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    This paper presents the winning systems we submitted to the Complex Word Identification Shared Task 2018. We describe our best performing systems’ implementations and discuss our key findings from this research. Our best-performing systems achieve an F1 score of 0.8736 on the NEWS, 0.8400 on the WIKINEWS and 0.8115 on the WIKIPEDIA test sets in the monolingual English binary classification track, and a mean absolute error of 0.0558 on the NEWS, 0.0674 on the WIKINEWS and 0.0739 on the WIKIPEDIA test sets in the probabilistic track

    Word Complexity is in the Eye of the Beholder

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    Lexical complexity is a highly subjective notion, yet this factor is often neglected in lexical simplification and readability systems which use a "one-size-fits-all" approach. In this paper, we investigate which aspects contribute to the notion of lexical complexity in various groups of readers, focusing on native and non-native speakers of English, and how the notion of complexity changes depending on the proficiency level of a non-native reader. To facilitate reproducibility of our approach and foster further research into these aspects, we release a dataset of complex words annotated by readers with different backgrounds

    Lexical complexity prediction: an overview

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    The occurrence of unknown words in texts significantly hinders reading comprehension. To improve accessibility for specific target populations, computational modeling has been applied to identify complex words in texts and substitute them for simpler alternatives. In this article, we present an overview of computational approaches to lexical complexity prediction focusing on the work carried out on English data. We survey relevant approaches to this problem which include traditional machine learning classifiers (e.g., SVMs, logistic regression) and deep neural networks as well as a variety of features, such as those inspired by literature in psycholinguistics as well as word frequency, word length, and many others. Furthermore, we introduce readers to past competitions and available datasets created on this topic. Finally, we include brief sections on applications of lexical complexity prediction, such as readability and text simplification, together with related studies on languages other than English

    Strong baselines for complex word identification across multiple languages

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    © 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics Complex Word Identification (CWI) is the task of identifying which words or phrases in a sentence are difficult to understand by a target audience. The latest CWI Shared Task released data for two settings: monolingual (i.e. train and test in the same language) and cross-lingual (i.e. test in a language not seen during training). The best monolingual models relied on language-dependent features, which do not generalise in the cross-lingual setting, while the best cross-lingual model used neural networks with multi-task learning. In this paper, we present monolingual and cross-lingual CWI models that perform as well as (or better than) most models submitted to the latest CWI Shared Task. We show that carefully selected features and simple learning models can achieve state-of-the-art performance, and result in strong baselines for future development in this area. Finally, we discuss how inconsistencies in the annotation of the data can explain some of the results obtained

    Leveraging contextual representations with BiLSTM-based regressor for lexical complexity prediction

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    Lexical complexity prediction (LCP) determines the complexity level of words or phrases in a sentence. LCP has a significant impact on the enhancement of language translations, readability assessment, and text generation. However, the domain-specific technical word, the complex grammatical structure, the polysemy problem, the inter-word relationship, and dependencies make it challenging to determine the complexity of words or phrases. In this paper, we propose an integrated transformer regressor model named ITRM-LCP to estimate the lexical complexity of words and phrases where diverse contextual features are extracted from various transformer models. The transformer models are fine-tuned using the text-pair data. Then, a bidirectional LSTM-based regressor module is plugged on top of each transformer to learn the long-term dependencies and estimate the complexity scores. The predicted scores of each module are then aggregated to determine the final complexity score. We assess our proposed model using two benchmark datasets from shared tasks. Experimental findings demonstrate that our ITRM-LCP model obtains 10.2% and 8.2% improvement on the news and Wikipedia corpus of the CWI-2018 dataset, compared to the top-performing systems (DAT, CAMB, and TMU). Additionally, our ITRM-LCP model surpasses state-of-the-art LCP systems (DeepBlueAI, JUST-BLUE) by 1.5% and 1.34% for single and multi-word LCP tasks defined in the SemEval LCP-2021 task

    Predicting lexical complexity in English texts: the Complex 2.0 dataset

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    © 2022 The Authors. Published by Springer. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-022-09588-2Identifying words which may cause difficulty for a reader is an essential step in most lexical text simplification systems prior to lexical substitution and can also be used for assessing the readability of a text. This task is commonly referred to as complex word identification (CWI) and is often modelled as a supervised classification problem. For training such systems, annotated datasets in which words and sometimes multi-word expressions are labelled regarding complexity are required. In this paper we analyze previous work carried out in this task and investigate the properties of CWI datasets for English. We develop a protocol for the annotation of lexical complexity and use this to annotate a new dataset, CompLex 2.0. We present experiments using both new and old datasets to investigate the nature of lexical complexity. We found that a Likert-scale annotation protocol provides an objective setting that is superior for identifying the complexity of words compared to a binary annotation protocol. We release a new dataset using our new protocol to promote the task of Lexical Complexity Prediction

    Augmenting the CoAST system with automated text simplification

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    Proper comprehension of academic texts is important for students in higher education. The CoAST platform is a virtual learning environment that endeavours to improve reading comprehension by augmenting theoretically, and lexically, complex texts with helpful annotations provided by a teacher. This thesis extends the CoAST system, and introduces machine learning models that assist the teacher with identifying complex terminology, and writing annotations, by providing relevant definitions for a given word or phrase. A deep learning model is implemented to retrieve definitions for words, or phrases of a arbitrary length. This model surpasses previous work on the task of definition modelling, when evaluated on various automated benchmarks. We investigate the task of complex word identification, producing two convolutional based models that predict the complexity of words and two-word phrases in a context dependent manner. These models were submitted as part of the Lexical Complexity Prediction 2021 shared task, and showed results in a comparable range to that of other submissions. Both of these models are integrated into the CoAST system and evaluated through an online study. When selecting complex words from a document, the teacher’s selections, shared a sizeable overlap with the systems predictions. Results suggest that the technologies introduced in this work would benefit students, and teachers, using the CoAST system

    CompNA at SemEval-2021 Task 1: Prediction of lexical complexity analyzing heterogeneous features

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    This paper describes the CompNa model that has been submitted to the Lexical Complexity Prediction (LCP) shared task hosted at SemEval 2021 (Task 1). The solution is based on combining features of different nature through an ensambling method based on Decision Trees and trained using Gradient Boosting. We discuss the results of the model and highlight the features with more predictive capabilities