3,872 research outputs found

    Hybrid model using logit and nonparametric methods for predicting micro-entity failure

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    Following the calls from literature on bankruptcy, a parsimonious hybrid bankruptcy model is developed in this paper by combining parametric and non-parametric approaches.To this end, the variables with the highest predictive power to detect bankruptcy are selected using logistic regression (LR). Subsequently, alternative non-parametric methods (Multilayer Perceptron, Rough Set, and Classification-Regression Trees) are applied, in turn, to firms classified as either “bankrupt” or “not bankrupt”. Our findings show that hybrid models, particularly those combining LR and Multilayer Perceptron, offer better accuracy performance and interpretability and converge faster than each method implemented in isolation. Moreover, the authors demonstrate that the introduction of non-financial and macroeconomic variables complement financial ratios for bankruptcy prediction

    Predicting Financial Distress Within Indian Enterprises: A Comparative Study on the Neuro-Fuzzy Models and the Traditional Models of Bankruptcy Prediction

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    The financial distresses is of major importance in the financial management system particularly in the case of this competitive environs. There are several traditional methods existing for predicting the financial distress within the country. Major factors influencing the financial distress is the stock market, credit risk and so on. Hence there is a need of models which could make dynamic predictions with the use of dynamic variables. There are several machine learning and artificial intelligence-based bankruptcy prediction models available. The neural network concepts and the computational intelligence-based methods are highly acceptable in the prediction arena. This research presents a comprehensive review of the existing prediction approaches and suggests future research directions and ideas. Some of the existing methods are support vector machines, artificial neural network, multi-layer perceptron, and the linear models such as principal component analysis. Neuro-fuzzy approaches, Deep belief neural networks, Convolution neural networks are also discussed

    Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction

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    Bankruptcy prediction is one of the most important research areas in corporate finance. Bankruptcies are an indispensable element of the functioning of the market economy, and at the same time generate significant losses for stakeholders. Hence, this book was established to collect the results of research on the latest trends in predicting the bankruptcy of enterprises. It suggests models developed for different countries using both traditional and more advanced methods. Problems connected with predicting bankruptcy during periods of prosperity and recession, the selection of appropriate explanatory variables, as well as the dynamization of models are presented. The reliability of financial data and the validity of the audit are also referenced. Thus, I hope that this book will inspire you to undertake new research in the field of forecasting the risk of bankruptcy

    Financial crises and bank failures: a review of prediction methods

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    In this article we analyze financial and economic circumstances associated with the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis and the global financial turmoil that has led to severe crises in many countries. We suggest that the level of cross-border holdings of long-term securities between the United States and the rest of the world may indicate a direct link between the turmoil in the securitized market originated in the United States and that in other countries. We provide a summary of empirical results obtained in several Economics and Operations Research papers that attempt to explain, predict, or suggest remedies for financial crises or banking defaults; we also extensively outline the methodologies used in them. The intent of this article is to promote future empirical research for preventing financial crises.Subprime mortgage ; Financial crises

    Implementing artificial intelligence in forecasting the risk of personal bankruptcies in Poland and Taiwan

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    Research background: The global financial crisis from 2007 to 2012, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the current war in Ukraine have dramatically increased the risk of consumer bankruptcies worldwide. All three crises negatively impact the financial situation of households due to increased interest rates, inflation rates, volatile exchange rates, and other significant macroeconomic factors. Financial difficulties may arise when the private person is unable to maintain a habitual standard of living. This means that anyone can become financially vulnerable regardless of wealth or education level. Therefore, forecasting consumer bankruptcy risk has received increasing scientific and public attention. Purpose of the article: This study proposes artificial intelligence solutions to address the increased importance of the personal bankruptcy phenomenon and the growing need for reliable forecasting models. The objective of this paper is to develop six models for forecasting personal bankruptcies in Poland and Taiwan with the use of three soft-computing techniques. Methods: Six models were developed to forecast the risk of insolvency: three for Polish households and three for Taiwanese consumers, using fuzzy sets, genetic algorithms, and artificial neural networks. This research relied on four samples. Two were learning samples (one for each country), and two were testing samples, also one for each country separately. Both testing samples contain 500 bankrupt and 500 nonbankrupt households, while each learning sample consists of 100 insolvent and 100 solvent natural persons. Findings & value added: This study presents a solution for effective bankruptcy risk forecasting by implementing both highly effective and usable methods and proposes a new type of ratios that combine the evaluated consumers\u27 financial and demographic characteristics. The usage of such ratios also improves the versatility of the presented models, as they are not denominated in monetary value or strictly in demographic units. This would be limited to use in only one country but can be widely used in other regions of the world

    A Comprehensive Survey on Enterprise Financial Risk Analysis: Problems, Methods, Spotlights and Applications

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    Enterprise financial risk analysis aims at predicting the enterprises' future financial risk.Due to the wide application, enterprise financial risk analysis has always been a core research issue in finance. Although there are already some valuable and impressive surveys on risk management, these surveys introduce approaches in a relatively isolated way and lack the recent advances in enterprise financial risk analysis. Due to the rapid expansion of the enterprise financial risk analysis, especially from the computer science and big data perspective, it is both necessary and challenging to comprehensively review the relevant studies. This survey attempts to connect and systematize the existing enterprise financial risk researches, as well as to summarize and interpret the mechanisms and the strategies of enterprise financial risk analysis in a comprehensive way, which may help readers have a better understanding of the current research status and ideas. This paper provides a systematic literature review of over 300 articles published on enterprise risk analysis modelling over a 50-year period, 1968 to 2022. We first introduce the formal definition of enterprise risk as well as the related concepts. Then, we categorized the representative works in terms of risk type and summarized the three aspects of risk analysis. Finally, we compared the analysis methods used to model the enterprise financial risk. Our goal is to clarify current cutting-edge research and its possible future directions to model enterprise risk, aiming to fully understand the mechanisms of enterprise risk communication and influence and its application on corporate governance, financial institution and government regulation

    SME default prediction: A systematic methodology-focused review

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    This study reviews the methodologies used in the literature to predict failure in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We identified 145 SMEs’ default prediction studies from 1972 to early 2023. We summarized the methods used in each study. The focus points are estimation methods, sample re-balancing methods, variable selection techniques, validation methods, and variables included in the literature. More than 1,200 factors used in failure prediction models have been identified, along with 54 unique feature selection techniques and 80 unique estimation methods. Over one-third of the studies do not use any feature selection method, and more than one-quarter use only in-sample validation. Our main recommendation for researchers is to use feature selection and validate results using hold-out samples or cross-validation. As an avenue for further research, we suggest in-depth empirical comparisons of estimation methods, feature selection techniques, and sample re-balancing methods based on some large and commonly used datasets.publishedVersio

    Interpretable Binary and Multiclass Prediction Models for Insolvencies and Credit Ratings

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    Insolvenzprognosen und Ratings sind wichtige Aufgaben der Finanzbranche und dienen der Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung von Unternehmen. Eine Möglichkeit dieses Aufgabenfeld anzugehen, ist maschinelles Lernen. Dabei werden Vorhersagemodelle aufgrund von Beispieldaten aufgestellt. Methoden aus diesem Bereich sind aufgrund Ihrer Automatisierbarkeit vorteilhaft. Dies macht menschliche Expertise in den meisten Fällen überflüssig und bietet dadurch einen höheren Grad an Objektivität. Allerdings sind auch diese Ansätze nicht perfekt und können deshalb menschliche Expertise nicht gänzlich ersetzen. Sie bieten sich aber als Entscheidungshilfen an und können als solche von Experten genutzt werden, weshalb interpretierbare Modelle wünschenswert sind. Leider bieten nur wenige Lernalgorithmen interpretierbare Modelle. Darüber hinaus sind einige Aufgaben wie z.B. Rating häufig Mehrklassenprobleme. Mehrklassenklassifikationen werden häufig durch Meta-Algorithmen erreicht, welche mehrere binäre Algorithmen trainieren. Die meisten der üblicherweise verwendeten Meta-Algorithmen eliminieren jedoch eine gegebenenfalls vorhandene Interpretierbarkeit. In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir die Vorhersagegenauigkeit von interpretierbaren Modellen im Vergleich zu nicht interpretierbaren Modellen für Insolvenzprognosen und Ratings. Wir verwenden disjunktive Normalformen und Entscheidungsbäume mit Schwellwerten von Finanzkennzahlen als interpretierbare Modelle. Als nicht interpretierbare Modelle werden Random Forests, künstliche Neuronale Netze und Support Vector Machines verwendet. Darüber hinaus haben wir einen eigenen Lernalgorithmus Thresholder entwickelt, welcher disjunktive Normalformen und interpretierbare Mehrklassenmodelle generiert. Für die Aufgabe der Insolvenzprognose zeigen wir, dass interpretierbare Modelle den nicht interpretierbaren Modellen nicht unterlegen sind. Dazu wird in einer ersten Fallstudie eine in der Praxis verwendete Datenbank mit Jahresabschlüssen von 5152 Unternehmen verwendet, um die Vorhersagegenauigkeit aller oben genannter Modelle zu messen. In einer zweiten Fallstudie zur Vorhersage von Ratings demonstrieren wir, dass interpretierbare Modelle den nicht interpretierbaren Modellen sogar überlegen sind. Die Vorhersagegenauigkeit aller Modelle wird anhand von drei in der Praxis verwendeten Datensätzen bestimmt, welche jeweils drei Ratingklassen aufweisen. In den Fallstudien vergleichen wir verschiedene interpretierbare Ansätze bezüglich deren Modellgrößen und der Form der Interpretierbarkeit. Wir präsentieren exemplarische Modelle, welche auf den entsprechenden Datensätzen basieren und bieten dafür Interpretationsansätze an. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass interpretierbare, schwellwertbasierte Modelle den Klassifikationsproblemen in der Finanzbranche angemessen sind. In diesem Bereich sind sie komplexeren Modellen, wie z.B. den Support Vector Machines, nicht unterlegen. Unser Algorithmus Thresholder erzeugt die kleinsten Modelle während seine Vorhersagegenauigkeit vergleichbar mit den anderen interpretierbaren Modellen bleibt. In unserer Fallstudie zu Rating liefern die interpretierbaren Modelle deutlich bessere Ergebnisse als bei der zur Insolvenzprognose (s. o.). Eine mögliche Erklärung dieser Ergebnisse bietet die Tatsache, dass Ratings im Gegensatz zu Insolvenzen menschengemacht sind. Das bedeutet, dass Ratings auf Entscheidungen von Menschen beruhen, welche in interpretierbaren Regeln, z.B. logischen Verknüpfungen von Schwellwerten, denken. Daher gehen wir davon aus, dass interpretierbare Modelle zu den Problemstellungen passen und diese interpretierbaren Regeln erkennen und abbilden

    Financial crises and bank failures: a review of prediction methods

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    In this article we provide a summary of empirical results obtained in several economics and operations research papers that attempt to explain, predict, or suggest remedies for financial crises or banking defaults, as well as outlines of the methodologies used. We analyze financial and economic circumstances associated with the US subprime mortgage crisis and the global financial turmoil that has led to severe crises in many countries. The intent of the article is to promote future empirical research that might help to prevent bank failures and financial crises.financial crises; banking failures; operations research; early warning methods; leading indicators; subprime markets