9 research outputs found

    Городские топосы в сказках Л. Петрушевской

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    Предметом анализа в настоящей статье являются городские топосы, выступающие в сказках Л. Петрушевской. Сказки писательницы – разнообразны и по содержанию, и разновидности жанра, но их объединяет наличие городских мотивов: город с его структурой образует художественное пространство для сказочных событий. Сопоставляя ряд произведений, можно выделить доминирующие топосы: город, квартира, улица, больница, комната. Поэтому сказочные тексты Петрушевской можно причислить к жанру т.н. “городских сказок”. Ключевые слова: сказка, топос, город.У статті предметом аналізу є міські топоси, які наявні у казках Л. Петрушевської. Казки письменниці – різноманітні і за змістом, і за різновидами жанру, але їх об’єднує наявність міських мотивів: місто з його структурою утворює художній простір для казкових подій. Зіставляючи ряд творів, можна виділити домінуючі топоси: місто, квартира, вулиця, лікарня, кімната. Тому казкові тексти Петрушевської можна зарахувати до жанру т.зв. “міських казок”. Ключові слова: казка, топос, місто.The city as topos and background is a stock feature of L. Petrushevskaya’s stories and fairy tales. The images of the city, lodgings, flats, rooms, hospitals or streets can be found in almost each Petrushevskaya’s tale, that’s why they are often defined as “city tales”. The background for her fairy plots make contemporary urban landscape with all its atributes like: city transport, shops, houses, streets etc. Keywords: fairytale, topos, city

    О поэтической рефлексии Г.Р. Державина над своим творчеством

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of three poems by G. R. Derzhavin: My Idol (1794), Monument (1796) and The Offering to the Monarchine (1795) from the point of view of the reflection on artist’s work and fate after his death. In all these works, Derzhavin emphasizes the importance of Felitsa, his ode of 1782, and that his name would be known to other generations thanks to this work and its heroine, Felitsa, that is, Catherine II. It is also worth emphasizing that the poet looks at his work, his life, and posthumous fame from some perspective, although he is conscious of his talent and the level of his works.Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie trzech wierszy G.R. Dierżawina: Mój idol (1794), Monument (1796) i Hołd dla Monarchini (1795) z punktu widzenia refleksji nad jego twórczością i jego losami po śmierci poety. Dierżawin we wszystkich tych dziełach podkreśla wagę ody Felica napisanej przez niego w 1782 r. oraz fakt, że jego imię będzie znane innym pokoleniom właśnie dzięki temu utworowi i jego bohaterce – Felicy, czyli Katarzynie II. Trzeba też podkreślić, że poeta patrzy na siebie i swoje życie i pośmiertną chwałę z pewnego dystansu, choć w pełni zdaje sobie sprawę ze swojego talentu i poziomu artystycznego swoich dzieł

    Wartościowanie w filmach animowanych dla dzieci (na materiale polskim i rosyjskim)

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    The aim of the thesis is to describe the ways of inscribing value judgements into audiovisual texts, understood as language behaviour consisting in judging elements of reality according to the good/bad criterion. The author assumes that facts subjected to such appraisals are values or their symbols. Consequently, values are treated as a product of human judgements, a derivative of interpreting reality and distinguishing in it what is prized and desirable. The object of study is animated cartoons, understood for the sake of the investigation as a peculiar audiovisual message of narrative character which is based on creating rather than registering elements of reality and which follows a specific set of visual conventions. The study material is a selection of Polish and Russian cartoons which, historically, belong to two epochs, the socialist and the capitalist one. The analysis is a qualitative one, it is oriented at the global meaning of the message and it accounts for value judgements expressed on various levels of text and with diverse degree of explicitness. It is assumed that appraisal strategies result from the cartoon’s ludic and educational function and are also dependent on the society’s expectations. The thesis is composed of three parts. The first one is devoted to the notions of value and value judgement. It presents main tenets formulated in this respect in sociology, philosophy and linguistics. Appraisal of values is discussed in relation to concepts such as linguistic image of the world, categorisation, stereotype, connotations, as well as to phenomena characteristic of language use in the media. In the second part, axiology is discussed in relation to film conventions, contemporary pedagogical expectations, as well as to common beliefs about the educational function of animated cartoons aimed at children. The third part presents the language material against the background of a particular film’s plot and with respect to visual signs, in such a way as to describe the interrelation between the way and the means of expressing value judgements. The description of verbal utterances in films encompasses dialogues, narrator’s utterances and songs - types of elements with varied potential for conveying axiological meanings. Much space is devoted to analysing the dialogues. It is the most complex part of the analysis in view of their interactive and situational character. Cues in dialogues are discussed with reference to the communicative situation, understood twofold: as a specific situation in the story, and as communicating certain pedagogical meanings to the young audience by means of a cartoon. The analysis is oriented at determining a hierarchy of means of appraisal when conveying the main message of the film. Value judgements are analysed for the level of openness, for (un)ambiguity and for coherence. Coherence of the appraisals is considered in relation to the visual layer as well as on the level of utterance itself - it encompasses the issue of motivation, interpretation of appraisals from various points of view, as well as value conflicts. Final conclusions indicate the decisive role of indirect value judgements as a means of persuasion. They also point to the dramaturgical function of those value judgements which are characterised by a high level of explicitness, affectivity and expressiveness. The conclusion on particular aspects taken together make it possible to reconstruct a contemporary model of children’s animated cartoon as well as a hierarchy of values typical of it

    Язык и культура : сборник статей XXVI Международной научной конференции (27-30 октября 2015 г.)

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