11 research outputs found


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    Business models are vital to companies’ success; to stay competitive, companies continuously adapt and innovate their business model. The conceptualisation of business models has received much attention from prior research and the focus of research is shifting from a static perspective to a more dynamic perspective. This research is a comprehensive and up-to-date literature analysis of the concept of dynamic business models. To achieve a systematic and objective penetration of the research field, we used a classification framework consisting of 15 evaluation dimensions. We identified the main research streams on the topic and present the most relevant approaches, such as system dynamics modelling. A total of 42 relevant literature sources were found. Finally, we highlighted gaps for future research, such as a need for more detailed analyses of the interdependencies between the components a business models consists of

    Exploring the drivers of business model innovation and its significance for performance in high-tech sectors

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    Business model innovation (BMI) has emerged as a vital determinant for the organization’s success and survival. This study explores the external (technological turbulence and market dynamism) and internal (knowledge management culture and inbound open innovation) antecedents of BMI and its effect on firm performance on a sample of high-tech companies from Poland (n=160). We find that external antecedents and inbound open innovation are positively related to BMI and that BMI positively affects company performance. This study contributes to the extant literature by emphasizing the role of organizational propensity to conduct open innovation, revealed by building strong ties with external parties and relying on their innovation through proactive search for external ideas, technological knowledge, and products

    Business Model Innovation in The Videogame Industry at Microsoft’s Xbox Division

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    Objectives Given the increased volatility and changing nature of the world, large incumbent firms are facing more pressure to adapt and adjust to market changes. The topic of this paper is business model innovation (BMI) as it helps ensure firms remain competitive. Thus, this paper endeavors to answer, “how did business model innovation, specifically that of cloud-powered subscription-based gaming, occur at Microsoft’s Xbox division?”. Summary This paper posits strong leadership, presence of intrapreneurship, a motivated workforce, readiness to improve and, belief in the viability of the resulting business model as internal antecedents of BMI. While the external antecedents potentially being readiness of external stakeholders’ acceptance, existence of lucrative opportunities, fear of late mover disadvantages and availability of required technologies. The case study also suggests improved firm performance and strategic position as outcomes of BMI. Additionally, numerous macro-level and firm-level moderators were also identified in this paper’s research. Conclusions This paper concludes that the business model innovation process at Microsoft’s Xbox division was complex, paced and conducted by capable leadership which improved Xbox’s strategic position and provided it with a competitive advantage

    The Dynamics of Business Model Transformation: Innovation and Internationalization

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    Els darrers anys, els models de negoci han experimentat un impuls notable en la recerca acadèmica. Com a resposta a les demandes recents de la literatura en matèria de direcció estratègica, aquesta tesi amplia l’estudi dels models de negoci mitjançant l’anàlisi d‘una dimensió que rarament s‘estudia a la literatura: la transformació del model de negoci i les seves dinàmiques internes. Malgrat el paper destacat dels models de negoci en la recerca recent, se sap poc sobre com es transformen els models de negoci en el temps i com s’adapten a ecosistemes canviants. A través de tres assaigs, aquesta tesi explora la transformació dels models de negoci centrant-se en la dinàmica de la innovació dels models de negoci i la transformació d’aquests models amb la internacionalització. Avançant en les conclusions empíriques dels tres assaigs i les idees integradores que impulsen l’agenda de la recerca sobre els models de negoci, proposo un nou model conceptual i presento la transformació del model de negoci com un constructe multidimensional, que es basa en les eleccions estratègiques de l’empresa. Aquestes eleccions, a seu torn, es reflecteixen en les limitacions que determinen l’espai d‘oportunitat de l‘empresa focal, que s‘ha de realitzar amb l‘objectiu d‘incrementar la creació de valor de l‘empresa focal i el seu potencial de captació de valor. Aquesta tesi té com a fonaments la recerca en direcció estratègica i la teoria de l’organització, i també es basa en la teoria institucional i la internacionalització, cosa que contribueix als debats actuals en els camps de l’estratègia, la innovació i la direcció internacional. Alhora que se centra en el desenvolupament de la teoria i adopta un enfocament semiconstructivista, la tesi utilitza diversos mètodes de recerca, com l’anàlisi teòrica, la grounded theory, i recorre a diversos casos per desenvolupar i demostrar diverses proposicions, i també el concepte de transformació dels models de negoci en la literatura. La tesi conclou proposant potencials vies per al desenvolupament d’investigacions futures.En los últimos años, los modelos de negocio han cobrado sustancial impulso en la investigación académica. Como respuesta a las recientes peticiones de la literatura en dirección estratégica, esta tesis extiende el estudio de modelos de negocio mediante la exploración de una dimensión raramente considerada en la literatura: la transformación del modelo de negocio y sus dinámicas subyacentes. A pesar del papel destacado de los modelos de negocio en la investigación reciente, poco se sabe acerca de cómo los modelos de negocio se transforman en el tiempo y cómo se adaptan a ecosistemas cambiantes. A través de tres ensayos, esta tesis explora la transformación de modelos de negocio enfocándose en la dinámica de la innovación de los modelos de negocio y la transformación de los modelos de negocio en la internacionalización. Avanzando en los hallazgos empíricos de los tres ensayos y las ideas integradoras que impulsan la agenda de investigación modelo de negocio, propongo un nuevo modelo conceptual y presento la transformación del modelo de negocio como un constructo multidimensional, que reside en las elecciones estratégicas de la empresa. Estos, a su vez, se reflejan por las restricciones que determinan espacio de oportunidades de la empresa focal, que ha de ser realizado con el objetivo de aumentar la creación y captura de valor potencial de la misma. Esta tesis tiene como pilares la investigación en dirección estratégica así como la teoría de organización, basándose en la teoría institucional y la internacionalización, lo que contribuye a los debates actuales dentro de los campos de estrategia, innovación y dirección internacional. Mientras se mantiene el foco en el desarrollo de la teoría, en un enfoque semi-constructivista, la tesis emplea diversos métodos de investigación, como el análisis teórico, grounded theory, y varios estudios de caso para desarrollar y testear diversas proposiciones, así como establecer el concepto de transformación de modelos de negocio en literatura. La tesis concluye con potenciales vías para el desarrollo de futuras investigaciones.In recent years, business models have gained substantial momentum in academic research. As a response to recent calls in strategic management literature for novel research, this dissertation extends the study of business models by exploring a dimension rarely considered in literature: business model transformation and its underlying dynamics. Despite the prominent role of business models in recent research, little is known about how business models transform over time and adapt to evolving ecosystems. In three essays, I address this gap by exploring the notion of business model transformation enabled through its dynamics of business model innovation and business model growth through internationalization. Advancing on the empirical findings from the three essays and the integrative insights that move the business model research agenda forward, I propose a conceptual model and introduce business model transformation as a multi-dimensional construct, which resides in the focal firm’s strategic choices. These choices, in turn, are reflected by the constraints that determine the focal firm’s opportunity space, which is to be realized with the objective to increase the focal firm’s value creation and value capture potential. I theoretically build on strategic management research as well as on organization, institutional and internationalization theory as the three pillars of this thesis, contributing to the current debates within the strategy, innovation and international management fields. While maintaining the focus on theory development, in a semi-constructivist approach, I employ diverse research methods, such as theoretical analysis, grounded theory, and multiple case studies to develop and test various propositions, as well as establish the concept of business model transformation in literature. The thesis concludes with fruitful avenues for future research

    La construction des Business Models des fournisseurs de services d'infrastructure Cloud Computing (IaaS)

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    The emergence of cloud computing is changing the landscape of the infrastructure supporting IT systems. The originality of cloud computing lies primarily in the offer of a new consumption mode available to consumers: IT resources as a service provided on demand. IT providers that have based their income from products sales (hardware and software licenses) faced a change in their revenue models, and thus have to consider new business models. This research reveals that IaaS provider is defined as cloud operators. They are service aggregator and offer functional infrastructure available on demand available over the network. IaaS providers are building a supplier-partners and product-partners ecosystems to increase the overall value. When consumers sign contract, they declaim all technical issues by transferring them to providers. Service Level Agreement (SLA) becomes the object of transaction between providers and consumers. For the pricing process, rate of use is the basis of cost assessment. We suggest three leverage to IaaS providers in order to increase their share of value added: (1) lower costs through technological innovation, (2) ability to attract and retain customers to have high rate of use, and (3) development of services ecosystem.L’émergence du Cloud Computing change le paysage des infrastructures qui soutiennent les systèmes informatiques. L’originalité du Cloud Computing réside avant tout dans l’offre d’un nouveau mode de consommation proposé aux clients: les ressources informatiques en tant que service à la demande. Les fournisseurs de "hardware" et de "software" qui ont historiquement fondé leurs revenus sur la vente de produits matériels et de licences logiciels ont fait face à un changement de leurs modèles de revenus, et donc à considérer de nouveau Business Models. Ce travail révèle que les fournisseurs de services d’infrastructure Cloud Computing se définissent comme étant des opérateurs Cloud. Ils ont un rôle d’agrégateur de service et proposent des services d’infrastructures fonctionnelles, disponible à la demande et accessible à distance. Ces fournisseurs construisent un écosystème de partenaires-fournisseurs et un écosystème de partenaires-produits pour accroitre la valeur ajoutée globale. La garantie de niveau de service (SLA) devient l’objet de la transaction entre le fournisseur et le client. Ce dernier se décharge de toutes les problématiques techniques, et les transfère au fournisseur lors de la signature du contrat. Lors de la fixation des prix, une hypothèse de taux d’usage est prise en compte et sera à la base des calculs des coûts. Nous proposons alors trois leviers d’actions aux fournisseurs d’infrastructure Cloud Computing pour accroître leur part de valeur ajoutée : (1) la baisse des coûts par l’innovation technologique, (2) la capacité d’attirer et de garder les clients pour avoir un taux d’usage élevé, et (3) le développement d’un écosystème de services

    Digital transformation, business models and the postal industry

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    For many decades, the postal industry offered postal services and in parallel, had a monopoly over the national postal markets. Recently, the postal industry endured a phase where their national postal markets were subjected to liberalisation by the respective nations. This was due to various reasons such as inefficiencies of the postal services, ambiguous monopoly legislations, mounting pressure from competitors, and changing nature of customer demands. The liberalisation of the European Union postal markets is an example of a liberalisation that was based on the unique requirement of harmonising the postal services across the whole European Union. Other nations outside the European Union liberalised their postal markets either completely or partially based on their own unique requirements. After the liberalisation phase, the postal industry faced a significant challenge from digital services. Digital services were responsible for the constant declines in profitable letter service volumes. In response, the postal industry started developing digital postal services. However, therein lies the problem. The postal industry is unaware of the steps needed to develop digital postal services and has not had a great deal of financial success in this area. I address this problem by referring to âbusiness models. Business models have been a recent area of interest in management literature and, as such, offer an innovative perspective on the postal industry development activities in digital postal services. The main goal of my dissertation is to provide recommendations for the postal industrys development of digital postal services via business models. The four sub-goals of the dissertation are as follows: determine the business model framework, determine the different types of business models for digital postal services using the business model framework, determine the antecedents to these business models, and determine the performance effects of these business models on the postal industry. The targeted research methodology involves multiple exploratory case studies and explanatory survey studies on the digital service activities of the postal operators. I initially developed a business model framework from the literature review. The business model framework has four components that help identify business models within firms: value proposition, resources, network and finance. Subsequently, I conducted case studies on the digital postal services activities of six postal operators, in order to investigate the different types of business models for digital postal services. I identified four types of business models for digital postal services based on my developed business model framework: traditional add-ons, digital add-ons, hybrid ecosystem and digital ecosystem. I then conducted survey studies with postal operators in a number of countries, in order to investigate the antecedents of the business models described above, as well as the performance effects of these business models on the postal industry. The findings suggest that dynamic capabilities have a statistically significant impact on the business models that are in synergy with the postal operators physical postal services. In addition, the business models that are in synergy with the postal operators physical postal services have a statistically significant impact on firm performance