2,569 research outputs found

    Value Operation: Linking Value in New Business Model Creation Process

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    Enterprise engineering is a discipline concerning designing and modeling an enterprise system. On creating a new business model, we can start from scratch ideation, or conduct innovation, manipulation, etc. of the current, existing business model. New Business Model Creation Process is a framework to conduct business model manipulation to create a new business. However, one of the seemingly important aspects of business is lost: Value. This research attempts to create a framework of Value Operation and link it into New Business Model Creation Process, using the concept of e3value. This paper will explain the literature review related to this work, the methodology, the demonstration of this framework, discussion of the result and the conclusion of this research

    Higher-Order Process Modeling: Product-Lining, Variability Modeling and Beyond

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    We present a graphical and dynamic framework for binding and execution of business) process models. It is tailored to integrate 1) ad hoc processes modeled graphically, 2) third party services discovered in the (Inter)net, and 3) (dynamically) synthesized process chains that solve situation-specific tasks, with the synthesis taking place not only at design time, but also at runtime. Key to our approach is the introduction of type-safe stacked second-order execution contexts that allow for higher-order process modeling. Tamed by our underlying strict service-oriented notion of abstraction, this approach is tailored also to be used by application experts with little technical knowledge: users can select, modify, construct and then pass (component) processes during process execution as if they were data. We illustrate the impact and essence of our framework along a concrete, realistic (business) process modeling scenario: the development of Springer's browser-based Online Conference Service (OCS). The most advanced feature of our new framework allows one to combine online synthesis with the integration of the synthesized process into the running application. This ability leads to a particularly flexible way of implementing self-adaption, and to a particularly concise and powerful way of achieving variability not only at design time, but also at runtime.Comment: In Proceedings Festschrift for Dave Schmidt, arXiv:1309.455

    Identifying and addressing adaptability and information system requirements for tactical management

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    RAISE: Parental Monitoring & Facilitation for Visual-Spatial Development

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    “RAISE”: Parental Monitoring & Facilitation of Visual-Spatial Development It is the children of today, which will eventually fill the future ranks within the engineering and design fields. It these tribes of makers and creatives which drive innovation and transform insights into tangible, problem-solving solutions. Inherent to this passing of the torch is the necessity for children to be properly educated within STEM areas. Given the paternal desire to position their children on promising technical career paths, parents experience increasing pressure to provide the highest quality preparation, including visual-spatial development. Further exacerbating this issue, familial trends indicate longer work hours, limited parent-child interaction, and parental fatigue/desire for peace of mind. Now, the market is flooded with the pre-school “constructive” toys, such as LEGO. Although clearly engaging visual-spatial practice, such traditional constructives do not empower parents to precisely monitor and facilitate their child’s visual-spatial progression in a dynamic, growing fashion. Here lies the opportunity, where one may question how may the parent be assisted towards these ends for children (ages 3-5 years)? Towards this end, semi-structured interviews and contextual inquiries of15 parents were conducted, along with a literature review. Through the lenses of the user, business, technology, and secondary research, product benchmarking was conducted, parental needs were determined, technological options were compiled, and psychological/biological aspects of learning were considered. This illustrated the significance of 4 aspects of visual-spatial development (imagery, transformation, spatial orientation, perspective-taking), supplementary benefits of constructive play (physical, cognitive, social), and the imperativeness of social learning. This research was analyzed for convergence and insights towards the elucidation of design criteria and realization in product form. Results suggested 6 key design criteria, including: 1) Parental monitoring, 2) Developmental facilitation, 3)“Growing” functionality, 4) Sharing capability, 5) Mobility, and 6) a System-centric approach. These core aspects are intended to amplify the rudimentary benefits of traditional constructive play through delivering content directly to children, encouraging play and digital embellishment of children’s “builds” with parents, thereby increasingly parent-child interaction, and allowing parents to assess their child’s performance, initiating either the next, more difficult task or instead through iteration. This was accomplished through the design of a proprietary constructive and an integrated system. In conclusion, STEM-based skills will be the driver of future innovation, particularly through visual-spatial alacrity. Through the use of the “RAISE” concept, not only will such development be strengthened, but also the need for greater parent-child quality interaction will further be ameliorated

    Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of Activities:Bilingual (EN and PT)

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    A educação para os media tem ganho um grande fôlego nos últimos anos, porém ainda precisa de passos de gigante, muito em especial ao nível da forma como é tratada e enraizada junto dos cidadãos. Este e-book surge com essa preocupação. As fichas de atividades tão diversificadas, todas elas com uma componente digital, embora não esquecendo em alguns casos a ligação a outros dispositivos não digitais e formas de estar na vida no dia a dia. Estas 20 propostas do e-book Intergeracionalidade e o mundo digital: Propostas de atividades/Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of activities tentam dar forma a uma necessidade que encontramos de fazer com que as pessoas, além das crianças e dos jovens em espaço escolar e no contexto mais formal, questionem, pensem e ajam sobre as interpelações do mundo mediático e da informação.Media Education has gained momentum in recent years, but this area still needs to be improved, especially in terms of how it is perceived and implemented among citizens. This e-book is the result of this concern. The activities are diverse and include a digital component, without forgetting the connection to other non-digital devices in daily life. These 20 proposals of the e-book Intergeracionalidade e o mundo digital: Propostas de atividades/Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of activities intend to respond to the need that people, besides children in education, question, think and act on the interpellations of a mediatised world full of information available.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Audio Processing and Loudness Estimation Algorithms with iOS Simulations

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    abstract: The processing power and storage capacity of portable devices have improved considerably over the past decade. This has motivated the implementation of sophisticated audio and other signal processing algorithms on such mobile devices. Of particular interest in this thesis is audio/speech processing based on perceptual criteria. Specifically, estimation of parameters from human auditory models, such as auditory patterns and loudness, involves computationally intensive operations which can strain device resources. Hence, strategies for implementing computationally efficient human auditory models for loudness estimation have been studied in this thesis. Existing algorithms for reducing computations in auditory pattern and loudness estimation have been examined and improved algorithms have been proposed to overcome limitations of these methods. In addition, real-time applications such as perceptual loudness estimation and loudness equalization using auditory models have also been implemented. A software implementation of loudness estimation on iOS devices is also reported in this thesis. In addition to the loudness estimation algorithms and software, in this thesis project we also created new illustrations of speech and audio processing concepts for research and education. As a result, a new suite of speech/audio DSP functions was developed and integrated as part of the award-winning educational iOS App 'iJDSP." These functions are described in detail in this thesis. Several enhancements in the architecture of the application have also been introduced for providing the supporting framework for speech/audio processing. Frame-by-frame processing and visualization functionalities have been developed to facilitate speech/audio processing. In addition, facilities for easy sound recording, processing and audio rendering have also been developed to provide students, practitioners and researchers with an enriched DSP simulation tool. Simulations and assessments have been also developed for use in classes and training of practitioners and students.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Electrical Engineering 201

    Enhancing travel experience with the combination of information visualization, situation awareness, and distributed cognition

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    With the new forms of travel introduced by new technologies of transportation and communication, a satisfied travel experience could be affected by various factors before and during a trip. Especially for road trips, traveling by car provides freedom on time control while leading to more possibilities of rescheduling initial plans made under time constraints. When overwhelmed with the need for changed travel context to avoid unexpected events that will require a serious change of initial plans, travelers need to find and access helpful contextual information quickly. This is a context-related decision making process that requires amplifying human situation awareness and supporting distributed cognition, since travel information offers multiple choices. To solve this problem, I applied information visualization as the main design solution. When comparing it with a traditional representation of lists, information visualization displays the advantages of visual representation of abstract data to clarify and depict the information and amplify cognition while improving travel experience intuitively in the domain of user experience design. Therefore in this thesis I will address the approach of implementing recontextualized situation awareness, distributed cognition, and information visualization in a travel-aid system. By using both theoretical and practical design perspectives, I will discuss how to enhance travel experience with represented contextual information that users desire or expect before and during a road trip. I will also explore the new values of this design with strategic business support. Additionally, after conducting research and analysis on existing interaction design parts, I selected a smartphone app to serve as a proper platform with connected multifunctions. Briefly, I begin the thesis with a review of previous theories and aspects of travel planning, information visualization as it relates to travel, situation awareness, and distributed cognition in the design context and related smartphone apps. Then I discuss the process of identifying the specific issues to be solved or improved with a preliminary research of empirical study, followed by an interview, online survey, insights synthesis, and business model design. After a visual-system design was developed, heuristic evaluation was employed to assess the outcome. Lastly, a new round of refined design results is introduced based on outcomes of the evaluation

    Enhancing entrepreneurial innovation through industry-led accelerators: corporate-new venture dynamics and organizational redesign in a port maritime ecosystem

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    This PhD dissertation studies the management and design of corporate accelerators, in particular, industry-led value chain corporate accelerators. I addressed a multi-faceted research question about the novelty, corporate impact, dynamics and design of industry-led accelerators. Using a longitudinal, inductive, multiple-case embedded research design that analyses the industrial accelerator interface, the relationships between incumbent firms and external new ventures and the R&D/innovation units of established firms in a port maritime complex, this dissertation addresses this multi-faceted research question and it makes five core contributions. First, it positions, for the first time, the corporate accelerator phenomena at the intersection of fundamental management research streams, including organizational design, dynamic capabilities and corporate entrepreneurship. Second, it conducts the first study of the promising model of industry-led accelerator by inductively generating a four-step framework of how these accelerators work: i) co-define a broad innovation remit, ii) generate an innovation funnel to attract start-ups and scale-ups, iii) mutual sensing via flexible matching iv) select for scale and investment. Third, it finds striking counter-intuitive evidence in that the industry-led accelerator not only accelerates external new ventures but rather the corporate partners themselves by triggering them to internalize the lean start-up method and redesign their R&D/innovation processes and routines. To explain this, I inductively developed a four-phases process model of corporate entrepreneurial capability-building, comprising: a) attracting, b) strategic fit sensing, c) shaping and d) internalizing. Fourth, this dissertation uncovers three novel tensions—internalization, implementation and role—at the incumbent - new venture interface and develops a new ecological and symbiotically-inspired framework for tension identification and mitigation in industrial acceleration contexts. Fifth, and finally, using the frameworks and process models developed, this dissertation proposes a new toolkit (industrial acceleration design canvas and workshops) to orient practitioners when strategizing, designing and sustaining corporate new venture ecosystem acceleration initiatives.Open Acces

    Missing attention to power dynamics in collaborative multi-actor business models for sustainability.

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    Advances within the Sustainability Business Models (SBMs) literature from the perspective of boundary-spanning business models have received limited attention. Further, discourse within the SBMs literature exploring collaborative practices adopts the perspective that collaborative forums are always a "force for good". This paper reviews important theories and relevant literature and calls into question the dearth of research examining business models for sustainability and focuses on the role that power, and power relations, play in the shaping and steering of value creation. In advancing research on sustainable operations, we assess the implications of ignoring uneven power, and draw attention to the affects and consequences of this omission in the study of SBMs. By embracing an alternative, deliberative democracy perspective, we challenge the sub-literature on collaborative multi-actor business models. In taking an inquisitive and critical stance on omnipresent power dynamics, we shine a light on the consequences of uneven power across multi-actor structures by augmenting research with practical insights from selected vignettes. Our proposed concept of a democratic business model for sustainability offers a new strand of theoretical development and a fresh perspective on the sustainability and business models literature
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