3,191 research outputs found

    Business Intelligence Capabilities as Facilitators to Achieve Organizational Agility

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    Today’s business environment is characterized by fast and unexpected changes, many of which are driven by technological advancement. In such environment, the ability to respond effectively and adapt to the new requirements is not only desirable but essential to survive. Comprehensive and quick understanding of intricacies of market changes facilitates firm’s faster and better response. Two concepts contribute to the success of this scenario; organizational agility and business intelligence (BI). As of today, despite BI’s capabilities to foster organizational agility and consequently improve organizational performance, a clear link between BI and organizational agility has not been established. In this paper we argue that BI solutions have the potential to be facilitators for achieving agility. We aim at showing how BI capabilities can help achieve agility at operational, portfolio, and strategic levels

    A Case for Developing Spiritual Intelligence in Leaders through Equine Facilitated Learning

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    Unpredictable circumstances, growing stresses in an ever-increasing global market, and ubiquitous ennui have left organizations and today’s leaders in government, industry, and academia without the necessary tools to transition to change in a principled manner. The authors explain that the development and maintenance of genuine leadership skills — adaptive to the dictates of the modern world — must be borne from one’s inner self, a retreat to spirituality. One available method of achieving this is through Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning (EFEL), a technique whereby leaders develop critical management skills by working with horses

    An exploratory study assessing the role cloud computing has in achieving strategic agility with the banking industry

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    This paper will seek to assess the role of Cloud computing in achieving strategic agility within the UK banking sector and provides implications on how organizations in the banking sector can become more agile in their operations. Previous research has shed light on how using Cloud technology can enhance an organization’s innovation, which is a key factor in any rapidly changing sector. In order to assess the role Cloud technology has on achieving strategic agility in the banking sector, we identify the facilitators or barriers to achieving strategic agility successfully. An exploratory research design is adopted since there is little or no similar research in this area

    Verslo analitikos judrumas, informavimo judrumas ir organizacinis judrumas: tyrimų gairės

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    In assuring organizational agility, informing activities play a key role by sensing the environment for important changes. A special part has to be assigned to business intelligence (BI) activities, since their exact task is to monitor the environment and detect important issues to provide ground for well-informed responses. In turbulent business environment, BI function has to adjust dynamically to maintain the quality of produced insights. A survey on published research has shown that many sources stress the importance of agile BI on organizational agility in general. However, the importance of managerial and especially cultural factors for the role of informing in building up agility competencies is under-researched. The technology factors of agile informing that create preconditions for organizational agility are much better researched and evaluated than their human and managerial counterparts. There appears to be a need for consistent research approach in favor of the less researched human and managerial factors. The goal of this paper is to define research framework by addressing agility issues at three levels: organizational, information and BI agility. This framework is going to serve as a foundation for planned research on the factors of BI agility.Siekiant organizacijų judrumo (angl. agility), kuris suprantamas kaip gebėjimas greitai ir adekvačiai reaguoti į permainas, svarbus vaidmuo tenka informacinei veiklai, kurios pagalba veiklos aplinkoje siekiama aptikti svarbių permainų požymius. Ypatingas vaidmuo tenka verslo analitikos (angl. Business intelligence) veikloms, kadangi jų tiesioginė užduotis yra stebėti aplinką ir atpažinti svarbius reiškinius siekiant pagrįstų atsakomųjų veiksmų. Turbulentiškose verslo aplinkose verslo analitika turi dinamiškai prisitaikyti, siekiant išlaikyti sudaromų įžvalgų kokybę. Paskelbtų tyrimų apžvalga parodė, kad daugelis šaltinių pabrėžia judrios verslo analitikos svarbą visos organizacijos judrumui. Tačiau vadybinių ir ypač kultūrinių veiksnių įtaka stiprinant informavimo vaidmenį judrumo kompetencijų plėtrai yra nepakankamai ištirta. Iš veiksnių, sąlygojančių organizacinį judrumą, technologiniai veiksniai yra žymiai geriau išnagrinėti ir įvertinti nei žmogiškieji ir vadybiniai veiksniai, ir galima konstatuoti, kad egzistuoja nuoseklių tyrimų poreikis pastarųjų veiksnių atžvilgiu. Šio straipsnio tikslas yra apibrėžti būsimųjų tyrimų karkasą, nagrinėjant judrumo klausimus trimis lygiais – organizaciniu, informaciniu ir verslo analitikos. Šis karkasas turi tarnauti pagrindu planuojamiems verslo analitikos judrumo tyrimams

    Exploring the Framework of Digital Transformation: A Multilevel Investigation from an Organizational and Employee Perspective

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    Les tecnologies digitals estan revolucionant les indústries, les organitzacions i les persones a tot el món. En aquest context, sorgeixen noves oportunitats i amenaces per a les organitzacions que requereixen respostes estratègiques i de comportament. Aquesta tesi doctoral va sorgir a partir de la pregunta sobre com el fenomen de la transformació digital impacta a les organitzacions i els empleats en un entorn disruptiu. La motivació inicial resideix en l'entorn digital en canvi constant que genera incerteses i la necessitat de canviar les estratègies digitals de les empreses, en l'economia global, per continuar sent competitius i atraure empleats. Per tant, aquesta tesi té com a objectiu explorar el marc de la transformació digital mitjançant una investigació multinivell des d'una perspectiva organitzacional i dels empleats. La investigació existent fins ara no té evidència empírica sobre predictors crítics i conseqüències d'una transformació digital amb èxit per a les empreses. A més, la pandèmia recent i les oportunitats digitals han conduït a una ràpida transformació digital del lloc de treball que ha afectat els empleats en diferents àmbits. Per tant, els dos primers articles d’aquesta tesi presenten un marc per garantir l’èxit de la transformació digital de les empreses, aprofitant les capacitats dinàmiques. El tercer article introdueix l’experiència de l’empleat i posa èmfasi en la cultura digital de les organitzacions. Els dos darrers articles d'aquesta investigació aprofundeixen en la transformació del lloc de treball digital i tanquen la bretxa del marc de la transformació digital. Es van fer múltiples estudis consecutius per assolir els objectius de recerca d'aquesta tesi. Començant amb les troballes d'un estudi de cas de múltiples indústries amb nou empreses multinacionals (article A i article D), es va fer un estudi quantitatiu posterior amb dades d'enquestes de executius d'empreses i TI espanyols (article B i article C). Els estudis anteriors es van complementar amb una investigació quantitativa de les preferències laborals dels empleats al mercat nord-americà per seguir un enfocament generalitzable (article E). Les troballes exploradores inicials indiquen que les capacitats dinàmiques i els valors culturals digitals influeixen en l'èxit de la transformació digital. La següent anàlisi quantitativa dona suport al paper de les capacitats i mostra que la transformació digital augmenta encara més el rendiment de l'empresa. A més, els resultats indiquen que la transformació digital condueix al compromís organitzacional dels empleats quan la relació és intervinguda pel lideratge digital i l'aprenentatge continu. Finalment, aquesta tesi estudia el futur del treball destacant la importància de les habilitats crítiques al lloc de treball digital i les preferències dels empleats al lloc de treball híbrid. En general, aquesta investigació explora el marc de la transformació digital i, per tant, representa un avenç substancial a la literatura acadèmica actual. Més precisament aquesta tesi assegura l'avenç de la teoria en aclarir el concepte d'èxit de la transformació digital entenent els facilitadors en termes de capacitats dinàmiques i valors culturals digitals. Especialment, aquest treball se centra a analitzar el paper del lideratge digital, de l'aprenentatge continu i dels nous coneixements sobre habilitats crítiques al lloc de treball digital, així com la rellevància d'un lloc de treball híbrid per al futur del treball. En considerar tres vies de recerca, (1) l'èxit de la transformació digital, (2) la cultura digital i l'experiència de l'empleat, i (3) la transformació del lloc de treball digital, aquesta tesi doctoral suposa un avenç en el coneixement acadèmic actual sobre transformació digital a les empreses i ofereix importants implicacions pràctiques.Las tecnologías digitales están revolucionando las industrias, las organizaciones y las personas en todo el mundo. En este contexto, surgen nuevas oportunidades y amenazas para las organizaciones que requieren de respuestas estratégicas y de comportamiento. Esta tesis doctoral surgió´ a partir de la pregunta sobre cómo el fenómeno de la transformación digital impacta en las organizaciones y los empleados en un entorno disruptivo. La motivación inicial reside en el entorno digital en constante cambio que genera incertidumbres y la necesidad de cambiar las estrategias digitales de las empresas, en la economía global, para seguir siendo competitivos y atraer empleados. Por lo tanto, esta tesis tiene como objetivo explorar el marco de la transformación digital mediante una investigación multinivel desde una perspectiva organizacional y de los empleados. La investigación existente hasta el momento carece de evidencia empírica sobre predictores críticos y consecuencias de una transformación digital exitosa para las empresas. Además, la reciente pandemia y las oportunidades digitales han conducido a una rápida transformación digital del lugar de trabajo que ha afectado a los empleados en diferentes ámbitos. Por lo tanto, los dos primeros artículos de esta tesis presentan un marco para garantizar el éxito de la transformación digital de las empresas, aprovechando las capacidades dinámicas. El tercer artículo introduce la experiencia del empleado y pone énfasis en la cultura digital de las organizaciones. Los dos últimos artículos de esta investigación profundizan en la transformación del lugar de trabajo digital y cierran la brecha del marco de la transformación digital. Se realizaron múltiples estudios consecutivos para lograr los objetivos de investigación de esta tesis. Comenzando con los hallazgos de un estudio de caso de múltiples industrias con nueve empresas multinacionales (artículo A y artículo D), se realizó´ posteriormente un estudio cuantitativo con datos de encuestas de directivos de empresas y TI españoles (artículo B y artículo C). Los estudios anteriores se complementaron con una investigación cuantitativa de las preferencias laborales de los empleados en el mercado estadounidense para seguir un enfoque generalizable (artículo E). Los hallazgos exploratorios iniciales indican que las capacidades dinámicas y los valores culturales digitales influyen en el éxito de la transformación digital. El siguiente análisis cuantitativo respalda el papel de las capacidades y muestra que la transformación digital aumenta aún más el rendimiento de la empresa. Además, los resultados indican que la transformación digital conduce al compromiso organizacional de los empleados cuando la relación está mediada por el liderazgo digital y el aprendizaje continuo. Por último, esta tesis estudia el futuro del trabajo destacando la importancia de las habilidades criticas en el lugar de trabajo digital y las preferencias de los empleados en el lugar de trabajo hibrido. En general, esta investigación explora el marco de la transformación digital y, por lo tanto, representa un avance sustancial a la literatura académica actual. Más concretamente, esta tesis asegura el avance de la teoría al aclarar el concepto de éxito de la transformación digital entendiendo a los facilitadores en términos de capacidades dinámicas y valores culturales digitales. Especialmente, este trabajo se centra en analizar el papel del liderazgo digital, del aprendizaje continuo y de los nuevos conocimientos sobre habilidades criticas en el lugar de trabajo digital, así como la relevancia de un lugar de trabajo hibrido para el futuro del trabajo. Al considerar tres vías de investigación, (1) el éxito de la transformación digital, (2) la cultura digital y la experiencia del empleado, y (3) la transformación del lugar de trabajo digital, esta tesis doctoral supone un avance en el conocimiento académico actual sobre transformación digital en las empresas y ofrece importantes implicaciones prácticas.Digital technologies are disrupting industries, organizations, and individuals globally. New opportunities and threats arise and require strategic and behavioral responses. This dissertation emerged from the question of how the phenomenon of digital transformation impacts organizations and employees in a disruptive environment. The initial motivation is the constantly changing digital environment leading to uncertainties and the need for shifted digital strategies in the global economy to stay competitive and attract employees. Therefore, this dissertation aims to explore the digital transformation framework by doing a multilevel investigation from an organizational and employee perspective. Existing research lacks empirical evidence on critical predictors and consequences of a successful digital transformation for businesses. Further, the recent pandemic and digital opportunities led to a rapid digital workplace transformation impacting employees. Thus, the first two papers of this dissertation form a framework for digital transformation success, drawing on an organizational resource-based view. The third paper introduces the employee experience and puts an emphasis on the digital culture of organizations. The last two articles of this investigation dive into the digital workplace transformation and close the bracket of the framework of digital transformation. Multiple consecutive studies were conducted to achieve the research objectives of this dissertation. Starting with the findings from a multiple-industry case study with multinational firms (paper A and paper D), three research streams were followed. A subsequent quantitative study was performed with survey data from Spanish IT and business executives (paper B and paper C). The previous work was complemented with a quantitative investigation of digital workplace transformation to follow a generalizable approach (paper E). Initial exploratory findings indicate that dynamic capabilities and digital cultural values influence digital transformation success. The following quantitative analysis supports the role of capabilities and shows that digital transformation further increases firm performance. Also, results indicate that digital transformation leads to employees’ organizational commitment when the relationship is mediated by digital leadership and continuous learning. Lastly, this dissertation studies the future of work by highlighting the importance of critical skills in the digital workplace and employees’ hybrid workplace preferences. Overall, this research explores the framework of digital transformation and thereby contributes to academic literature. More precisely, this dissertation ensures theory advancement by clarifying the concept of digital transformation success, understanding facilitators in terms of dynamic capabilities and digital cultural values, especially with a focus on digital leadership and continuous learning, and lastly, new knowledge on critical skills in the digital workplace and the relevance of a hybrid workplace setting for the future of work. By considering three research avenues, (1) digital transformation success, (2) digital culture and employee experience, and (3) digital workplace transformation, this dissertation contributes to future work on digital transformation and its implications for practice

    Agility and Responsiveness Capabilities: Impact on Supply Chain Performance

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    This paper focuses on exploring the mediation role of supply chain responsiveness, supply chain agility, and supply chain performance link through a multi-disciplinary review of the relevant research. The systematic literature review aims to provide the basis for formulating a conceptual framework of the relationships. A systematic comprehensive review of the literature on supply chain agility, supply chain responsiveness, and supply chain performance was conducted. The dynamic capabilities perspective literature was also examined to identify the theoretical basis for the contribution of supply chain agility in improving supply chain performance by reconfiguring supply chain responsiveness. The supply chain agility has been mainly explored in the literature with emphasis on the dimensions of the concept. The role of the supply chain agility, as a dynamic capability, in the reconfiguration of the supply chain responsiveness is seen in its quality of operational capability and, consequently, in the improvement of the performance of the supply chain in general

    Understanding Organizations’ Artificial Intelligence Journey: A Qualitative Approach

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    Background: With growth in Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption, challenges and hurdles are also becoming evident. Organizations implementing AI are challenged to find ways to leverage AI to produce optimum results and benefits for the organization. Understanding other organizations’ AI implementation journeys will help them start and implement AI. By understanding the different facets of AI implementation, they can strategize AI to gain business value. Though several studies have examined AI adoption, there are few studies on how firms implement it. We close this gap by studying AI adoption and implementations in various firms. Method: Using a qualitative approach of semi-structured interviews, we studied twenty global organizations of various sizes that have implemented AI. Results: The study categorizes the results into four major themes – facilitators, barriers, trends, and strategies for implementing AI. Our study reinforces the relevance of the TOE framework and Roger’s DOI theory in studying AI adoption. Organizational factors such as top management support, strategic roadmap, availability of skilled resources, and corporate culture influenced AI adoption. Their lack of data or poor data quality is a primary challenge. The privacy laws concerning data, as well as regulatory bottlenecks, further exacerbate this problem. We also identified and mapped the standard AI implementations to their AI technologies. We found that most of them exploit AI’s image and natural language processing capabilities to automate their processes. Regarding implementation, firms work with partners to obtain customer data and use federated learning. Conclusion: Understanding firms’ AI implementation journey will help us promote further adoption and experimentation. Organizations can identify areas where they can leverage AI to enhance value, prepare themselves for the future, start and proceed with AI implementation efforts and overcome barriers they might encounter

    Does organizational agility affect organizational learning capability? Evidence from commercial banking

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    Both organizational agility and learning capability are prerequisites for organizational survival and success. This study explores the contribution of agility practices to organizational learning capabilities at the commercial banks in Jordan. To examine the proposed model, a sample of 158 employees within top and middle managements was used. Structural Equation Modeling was conducted for assessing validity and reliability of measurement instrument, evaluating model fit, and testing hypotheses. This study recognizes agility as a key element of learning facilitators. Findings affirm the strategic value of agility and conclude that administrators working within ag-ile organizations would be able to acquire conditions that foster learning

    Forms of organizing: What is new and why?

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    This paper aims to further our understanding of new forms of organizing by asking and answering two related questions: What is new in forms of organizing? and Why is it so? It starts by examining the main forces that lead to the emergence and diffusion of new organizational arrangements, distinguishing between objective and subjective factors and pointing out the interplay between the two. Elaborating on these two groups of factors, the paper introduces two dimensions ‹flexibility and openness‹ on which a contingency analysis of new forms of organizing and a classification are built. Flexibility is associated with the question «How fast does the organization as a whole have to learn?», while openness is intended to measure the need for knowledge integration and the location of relevant knowledge. Having outlined the main trends in the development of organizational arrangements, the paper looks at some of the implications. The use of information and communication technologies, knowledge management, changes in human resource practices and social contract, and changes in management roles and careers are all seen as consequences of a new quest for openness and flexibility. All these considerations lead to the conclusion that, nowadays, changes in organizational patterns are radical, calling for a paradigm change that will facilitate, in a holistic manner, the adjustments that are needed in order to build and manage these organizations. Like any paradigm change, this requires a change in the mindset of the agents involved, especially the decision-makers.new forms of organizing; new organizational arrangements;

    Digitalisaation vaikutukset organisaatioihin

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    This thesis examines the organizational effects of digitalization. Barriers and facilitators of digitalization are studied as well. The thesis is divided into two parts: a literature re-view of the subject and an empirical study. The empirical study consists of codification of qualitative data collected by dr. Pertti Aaltonen as well as development of a G-Accelerate tool prototype. This thesis is a part of Need 4 Speed SRIA programs G-Accelerate project. Literature review presents findings of extant literature from different aspects of how digitalization affects organizations. Themes found in the literature are organizations size and shape, agility, digital innovations along with organizational learning and business ecosystems. Literature isolates organizational inertia and lack of understanding between top management and IT departments as barriers for digitalization. Main facilitators are top management support and competent IT departments. During the empirical research 13 categories were segregated from the data collected by dr. Aaltonen. The research was done using grounded theory methodology. Final catego-ries are: customer understanding, cooperation, ecosystems, business model design, ca-pabilities and competences, culture, performance indicators, leadership capabilities, customer’s customer, new business areas, management systems, organizational structures and process orientation. These categories were validated by having two researchers agree on the limits. G-Accelerate tool prototype was created based on the categories from the raw data. G-Accelerate tool is a psychometric questionnaire designed to find out organizational ca-pabilities, structures and processes regarding digitalization. Based on the answers it’s possible to offer guiding insights for management to support organizations efforts to digitalize