7,410 research outputs found

    Emotion Recognition from Acted and Spontaneous Speech

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    Dizertační práce se zabývá rozpoznáním emočního stavu mluvčích z řečového signálu. Práce je rozdělena do dvou hlavních častí, první část popisuju navržené metody pro rozpoznání emočního stavu z hraných databází. V rámci této části jsou představeny výsledky rozpoznání použitím dvou různých databází s různými jazyky. Hlavními přínosy této části je detailní analýza rozsáhlé škály různých příznaků získaných z řečového signálu, návrh nových klasifikačních architektur jako je například „emoční párování“ a návrh nové metody pro mapování diskrétních emočních stavů do dvou dimenzionálního prostoru. Druhá část se zabývá rozpoznáním emočních stavů z databáze spontánní řeči, která byla získána ze záznamů hovorů z reálných call center. Poznatky z analýzy a návrhu metod rozpoznání z hrané řeči byly využity pro návrh nového systému pro rozpoznání sedmi spontánních emočních stavů. Jádrem navrženého přístupu je komplexní klasifikační architektura založena na fúzi různých systémů. Práce se dále zabývá vlivem emočního stavu mluvčího na úspěšnosti rozpoznání pohlaví a návrhem systému pro automatickou detekci úspěšných hovorů v call centrech na základě analýzy parametrů dialogu mezi účastníky telefonních hovorů.Doctoral thesis deals with emotion recognition from speech signals. The thesis is divided into two main parts; the first part describes proposed approaches for emotion recognition using two different multilingual databases of acted emotional speech. The main contributions of this part are detailed analysis of a big set of acoustic features, new classification schemes for vocal emotion recognition such as “emotion coupling” and new method for mapping discrete emotions into two-dimensional space. The second part of this thesis is devoted to emotion recognition using multilingual databases of spontaneous emotional speech, which is based on telephone records obtained from real call centers. The knowledge gained from experiments with emotion recognition from acted speech was exploited to design a new approach for classifying seven emotional states. The core of the proposed approach is a complex classification architecture based on the fusion of different systems. The thesis also examines the influence of speaker’s emotional state on gender recognition performance and proposes system for automatic identification of successful phone calls in call center by means of dialogue features.

    A Cognitive Science Reasoning in Recognition of Emotions in Audio-Visual Speech

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    In this report we summarize the state-of-the-art of speech emotion recognition from the signal processing point of view. On the bases of multi-corporal experiments with machine-learning classifiers, the observation is made that existing approaches for supervised machine learning lead to database dependent classifiers which can not be applied for multi-language speech emotion recognition without additional training because they discriminate the emotion classes following the used training language. As there are experimental results showing that Humans can perform language independent categorisation, we made a parallel between machine recognition and the cognitive process and tried to discover the sources of these divergent results. The analysis suggests that the main difference is that the speech perception allows extraction of language independent features although language dependent features are incorporated in all levels of the speech signal and play as a strong discriminative function in human perception. Based on several results in related domains, we have suggested that in addition, the cognitive process of emotion-recognition is based on categorisation, assisted by some hierarchical structure of the emotional categories, existing in the cognitive space of all humans. We propose a strategy for developing language independent machine emotion recognition, related to the identification of language independent speech features and the use of additional information from visual (expression) features

    Big data analytics:Computational intelligence techniques and application areas

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    Big Data has significant impact in developing functional smart cities and supporting modern societies. In this paper, we investigate the importance of Big Data in modern life and economy, and discuss challenges arising from Big Data utilization. Different computational intelligence techniques have been considered as tools for Big Data analytics. We also explore the powerful combination of Big Data and Computational Intelligence (CI) and identify a number of areas, where novel applications in real world smart city problems can be developed by utilizing these powerful tools and techniques. We present a case study for intelligent transportation in the context of a smart city, and a novel data modelling methodology based on a biologically inspired universal generative modelling approach called Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal State Machine (HSTSM). We further discuss various implications of policy, protection, valuation and commercialization related to Big Data, its applications and deployment

    Churn Prediction via Multimodal Fusion Learning:Integrating Customer Financial Literacy, Voice, and Behavioral Data

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    In todays competitive landscape, businesses grapple with customer retention. Churn prediction models, although beneficial, often lack accuracy due to the reliance on a single data source. The intricate nature of human behavior and high dimensional customer data further complicate these efforts. To address these concerns, this paper proposes a multimodal fusion learning model for identifying customer churn risk levels in financial service providers. Our multimodal approach integrates customer sentiments financial literacy (FL) level, and financial behavioral data, enabling more accurate and bias-free churn prediction models. The proposed FL model utilizes a SMOGN COREG supervised model to gauge customer FL levels from their financial data. The baseline churn model applies an ensemble artificial neural network and oversampling techniques to predict churn propensity in high-dimensional financial data. We also incorporate a speech emotion recognition model employing a pre-trained CNN-VGG16 to recognize customer emotions based on pitch, energy, and tone. To integrate these diverse features while retaining unique insights, we introduced late and hybrid fusion techniques that complementary boost coordinated multimodal co learning. Robust metrics were utilized to evaluate the proposed multimodal fusion model and hence the approach validity, including mean average precision and macro-averaged F1 score. Our novel approach demonstrates a marked improvement in churn prediction, achieving a test accuracy of 91.2%, a Mean Average Precision (MAP) score of 66, and a Macro-Averaged F1 score of 54 through the proposed hybrid fusion learning technique compared with late fusion and baseline models. Furthermore, the analysis demonstrates a positive correlation between negative emotions, low FL scores, and high-risk customers

    Evaluation of a transplantation algorithm for expressive speech synthesis

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    When designing human-machine interfaces it is important to consider not only the bare bones functionality but also the ease of use and accessibility it provides. When talking about voice-based inter- faces, it has been proven that imbuing expressiveness into the synthetic voices increases signi?cantly its perceived naturalness, which in the end is very helpful when building user friendly interfaces. This paper proposes an adaptation based expressiveness transplantation system capable of copying the emotions of a source speaker into any desired target speaker with just a few minutes of read speech and without requiring the record- ing of additional expressive data. This system was evaluated through a perceptual test for 3 speakers showing up to an average of 52% emotion recognition rates relative to the natural voice recognition rates, while at the same time keeping good scores in similarity and naturality

    The Effect of Narrow-Band Transmission on Recognition of Paralinguistic Information From Human Vocalizations

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    Practically, no knowledge exists on the effects of speech coding and recognition for narrow-band transmission of speech signals within certain frequency ranges especially in relation to the recognition of paralinguistic cues in speech. We thus investigated the impact of narrow-band standard speech coders on the machine-based classification of affective vocalizations and clinical vocal recordings. In addition, we analyzed the effect of speech low-pass filtering by a set of different cut-off frequencies, either chosen as static values in the 0.5-5-kHz range or given dynamically by different upper limits from the first five speech formants (F1-F5). Speech coding and recognition were tested, first, according to short-term speaker states by using affective vocalizations as given by the Geneva Multimodal Emotion Portrayals. Second, in relation to long-term speaker traits, we tested vocal recording from clinical populations involving speech impairments as found in the Child Pathological Speech Database. We employ a large acoustic feature space derived from the Interspeech Computational Paralinguistics Challenge. Besides analysis of the sheer corruption outcome, we analyzed the potential of matched and multicondition training as opposed to miss-matched condition. In the results, first, multicondition and matched-condition training significantly increase performances as opposed to mismatched condition. Second, downgrades in classification accuracy occur, however, only at comparably severe levels of low-pass filtering. The downgrades especially appear for multi-categorical rather than for binary decisions. These can be dealt with reasonably by the alluded strategies

    Face Emotion Recognition Based on Machine Learning: A Review

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    Computers can now detect, understand, and evaluate emotions thanks to recent developments in machine learning and information fusion. Researchers across various sectors are increasingly intrigued by emotion identification, utilizing facial expressions, words, body language, and posture as means of discerning an individual's emotions. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the first three methods may be limited, as individuals can consciously or unconsciously suppress their true feelings. This article explores various feature extraction techniques, encompassing the development of machine learning classifiers like k-nearest neighbour, naive Bayesian, support vector machine, and random forest, in accordance with the established standard for emotion recognition. The paper has three primary objectives: firstly, to offer a comprehensive overview of effective computing by outlining essential theoretical concepts; secondly, to describe in detail the state-of-the-art in emotion recognition at the moment; and thirdly, to highlight important findings and conclusions from the literature, with an emphasis on important obstacles and possible future paths, especially in the creation of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for the identification of emotions