5,580 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Building Detection From Irregularly Spaced Lidar And Aerial Imagery

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    As more data sources containing 3-D information are becoming available, an increased interest in 3-D imaging has emerged. Among these is the 3-D reconstruction of buildings and other man-made structures. A necessary preprocessing step is the detection and isolation of individual buildings that subsequently can be reconstructed in 3-D using various methodologies. Applications for both building detection and reconstruction have commercial use for urban planning, network planning for mobile communication (cell phone tower placement), spatial analysis of air pollution and noise nuisances, microclimate investigations, geographical information systems, security services and change detection from areas affected by natural disasters. Building detection and reconstruction are also used in the military for automatic target recognition and in entertainment for virtual tourism. Previously proposed building detection and reconstruction algorithms solely utilized aerial imagery. With the advent of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) systems providing elevation data, current algorithms explore using captured LiDAR data as an additional feasible source of information. Additional sources of information can lead to automating techniques (alleviating their need for manual user intervention) as well as increasing their capabilities and accuracy. Several building detection approaches surveyed in the open literature have fundamental weaknesses that hinder their use; such as requiring multiple data sets from different sensors, mandating certain operations to be carried out manually, and limited functionality to only being able to detect certain types of buildings. In this work, a building detection system is proposed and implemented which strives to overcome the limitations seen in existing techniques. The developed framework is flexible in that it can perform building detection from just LiDAR data (first or last return), or just nadir, color aerial imagery. If data from both LiDAR and aerial imagery are available, then the algorithm will use them both for improved accuracy. Additionally, the proposed approach does not employ severely limiting assumptions thus enabling the end user to apply the approach to a wider variety of different building types. The proposed approach is extensively tested using real data sets and it is also compared with other existing techniques. Experimental results are presented

    IM2ELEVATION: Building Height Estimation from Single-View Aerial Imagery

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    Estimation of the Digital Surface Model (DSM) and building heights from single-view aerial imagery is a challenging inherently ill-posed problem that we address in this paper by resorting to machine learning. We propose an end-to-end trainable convolutional-deconvolutional deep neural network architecture that enables learning mapping from a single aerial imagery to a DSM for analysis of urban scenes. We perform multisensor fusion of aerial optical and aerial light detection and ranging (Lidar) data to prepare the training data for our pipeline. The dataset quality is key to successful estimation performance. Typically, a substantial amount of misregistration artifacts are present due to georeferencing/projection errors, sensor calibration inaccuracies, and scene changes between acquisitions. To overcome these issues, we propose a registration procedure to improve Lidar and optical data alignment that relies on Mutual Information, followed by Hough transform-based validation step to adjust misregistered image patches. We validate our building height estimation model on a high-resolution dataset captured over central Dublin, Ireland: Lidar point cloud of 2015 and optical aerial images from 2017. These data allow us to validate the proposed registration procedure and perform 3D model reconstruction from single-view aerial imagery. We also report state-of-the-art performance of our proposed architecture on several popular DSM estimation datasets

    Airborne photogrammetry and LIDAR for DSM extraction and 3D change detection over an urban area : a comparative study

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    A digital surface model (DSM) extracted from stereoscopic aerial images, acquired in March 2000, is compared with a DSM derived from airborne light detection and ranging (lidar) data collected in July 2009. Three densely built-up study areas in the city centre of Ghent, Belgium, are selected, each covering approximately 0.4 km(2). The surface models, generated from the two different 3D acquisition methods, are compared qualitatively and quantitatively as to what extent they are suitable in modelling an urban environment, in particular for the 3D reconstruction of buildings. Then the data sets, which are acquired at two different epochs t(1) and t(2), are investigated as to what extent 3D (building) changes can be detected and modelled over the time interval. A difference model, generated by pixel-wise subtracting of both DSMs, indicates changes in elevation. Filters are proposed to differentiate 'real' building changes from false alarms provoked by model noise, outliers, vegetation, etc. A final 3D building change model maps all destructed and newly constructed buildings within the time interval t(2) - t(1). Based on the change model, the surface and volume of the building changes can be quantified

    Can building footprint extraction from LiDAR be used productively in a topographic mapping context?

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    Chapter 3Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a quick and economical method for obtaining cloud-point data that can be used in various disciplines and a diversity of applications. LiDAR is a technique that is based on laser technology. The process looks at the two-way travel time of laser beams and measures the time and distance travelled between the laser sensor and the ground (Shan & Sampath, 2005). National Mapping Agencies (NMAs) have traditionally relied on manual methods, such as photogrammetric capture, to collect topographic detail. These methods are laborious, work-intensive, lengthy and hence, costly. In addition because photogrammetric capture methods are often time-consuming, by the time the capture has been carried out, the information source, that is the aerial photography, is out of date (Jenson and Cowen, 1999). Hence NMAs aspire to exploit methods of data capture that are efficient, quick, and cost-effective while producing high quality outputs, which is why the application of LiDAR within NMAs has been increasing. One application that has seen significant advances in the last decade is building footprint extraction (Shirowzhan and Lim, 2013). The buildings layer is a key reference dataset and having up-to-date, current and complete building information is of paramount importance, as can be witnessed with government agencies and the private sectors spending millions each year on aerial photography as a source for collecting building footprint information (Jenson and Cowen, 1999). In the last decade automatic extraction of building footprints from LiDAR data has improved sufficiently to be of an acceptable accuracy for urban planning (Shirowzhan and Lim, 2013).peer-reviewe

    High-Throughput System for the Early Quantification of Major Architectural Traits in Olive Breeding Trials Using UAV Images and OBIA Techniques

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    The need for the olive farm modernization have encouraged the research of more efficient crop management strategies through cross-breeding programs to release new olive cultivars more suitable for mechanization and use in intensive orchards, with high quality production and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The advancement of breeding programs are hampered by the lack of efficient phenotyping methods to quickly and accurately acquire crop traits such as morphological attributes (tree vigor and vegetative growth habits), which are key to identify desirable genotypes as early as possible. In this context, an UAV-based high-throughput system for olive breeding program applications was developed to extract tree traits in large-scale phenotyping studies under field conditions. The system consisted of UAV-flight configurations, in terms of flight altitude and image overlaps, and a novel, automatic, and accurate object-based image analysis (OBIA) algorithm based on point clouds, which was evaluated in two experimental trials in the framework of a table olive breeding program, with the aim to determine the earliest date for suitable quantifying of tree architectural traits. Two training systems (intensive and hedgerow) were evaluated at two very early stages of tree growth: 15 and 27 months after planting. Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) were automatically and accurately generated by the algorithm as well as every olive tree identified, independently of the training system and tree age. The architectural traits, specially tree height and crown area, were estimated with high accuracy in the second flight campaign, i.e. 27 months after planting. Differences in the quality of 3D crown reconstruction were found for the growth patterns derived from each training system. These key phenotyping traits could be used in several olive breeding programs, as well as to address some agronomical goals. In addition, this system is cost and time optimized, so that requested architectural traits could be provided in the same day as UAV flights. This high-throughput system may solve the actual bottleneck of plant phenotyping of "linking genotype and phenotype," considered a major challenge for crop research in the 21st century, and bring forward the crucial time of decision making for breeders