15 research outputs found

    Социален подход към семантичното анотиране на Е-книги

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    Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2012 г.Уеб 3.0 цели създаването на общ интерфейс за публикуването на различни бази от знания и свързването им чрез общи онтологии. Това създава предпоставки за изграждане на ново поколение интелигентни системи. Тези технологии дават възможност и на е-книгите, да станат „по-умни”. Целта на представената работа е създаването на инструменти, които да улеснят вмъкването на явна семантика в е-книгите. Статията прави обзор на съществуващите семантики технологии и софтуерни инструменти за семантично анотиране на текст. Представя и прототип на система, който позволява семантично анотиране на книги. В системата са интегрирани платформите Insemtives и KIM. Разработени са съответни интерфейси: за автор - позволява полуавтоматично семантично обогатяване на книгата и съответната база от знания; a за читателя – да използва вече вкараната семантика и възможност за създаването на допълнително персонално семантично обогатяване, което може да бъде и споделено.Асоциация "Развитие на информационното общество", Институт по математика и информатика при БАН, Пловдивски университе

    User-centered consultation by a society of agents

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    Geographically weighted evidence combination approaches for combining discordant and inconsistent volunteered geographical information

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    There is much interest in being able to combine crowdsourced data. One of the critical issues in information sciences is how to combine data or information that are discordant or inconsistent in some way. Many previous approaches have taken a majority rules approach under the assumption that most people are correct most of the time. This paper analyses crowdsourced land cover data generated by the Geo-Wiki initiative in order to infer the land cover present at locations on a 50 km grid. It compares four evidence combination approaches (Dempster Shafer, Bayes, Fuzzy Sets and Possibility) applied under a geographically weighted kernel with the geographically weighted average approach applied in many current Geo-Wiki analyses. A geographically weighted approach uses a moving kernel under which local analyses are undertaken. The contribution (or salience) of each data point to the analysis is weighted by its distance to the kernel centre, reflecting Tobler’s 1st law of geography. A series of analyses were undertaken using different kernel sizes (or bandwidths). Each of the geographically weighted evidence combination methods generated spatially distributed measures of belief in hypotheses associated with the presence of individual land cover classes at each location on the grid. These were compared with GlobCover, a global land cover product. The results from the geographically weighted average approach in general had higher correspondence with the reference data and this increased with bandwidth. However, for some classes other evidence combination approaches had higher correspondences possibly because of greater ambiguity over class conceptualisations and / or lower densities of crowdsourced data. The outputs also allowed the beliefs in each class to be mapped. The differences in the soft and the crisp maps are clearly associated with the logics of each evidence combination approach and of course the different questions that they ask of the data. The results show that discordant data can be combined (rather than being removed from analysis) and that data integrated in this way can be parameterised by different measures of belief uncertainty. The discussion highlights a number of critical areas for future research

    An Organizational and Governance Model to Support Mass Collaborative Learning Initiatives

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    Funding text 1 This study was supported by the Center of Technology and Systems (CTS-UNINOVA). Funding text 2 Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (project UIDB/00066/2020) and European Commission ERASMUS + through grant n° 2020-1-FR01-KA202-080231 ED-EN HUB.Mass collaboration can bring about major transformative changes in the way people can work collectively. This emerging paradigm promises significant economic and social benefits and enhanced efficiency across a range of sectors, including learning and education. Accordingly, this article introduces, demonstrates in use, and evaluates an organizational and governance model designed to provide guidance and execution support for the implementation and operation of mass collaborative learning initiatives. The design science research process is adopted to guide the design and development of the proposed model. The model stands on three streams of work, addressing key aspects and elements that have a supporting influence on community learning: (i) identify the positive and negative factors in existing and active examples of mass collaboration; (ii) adopt contributions of collaborative networks in terms of structural and behavioral aspects; and (iii) establish adequate learning assessment indicators and metrics. The model is used for a case study in which vocational education and training meet the needs of collaborative education–enterprise approaches. Initially, the validation of the model is verified by the partners and stakeholders of a particular project in the area of education–enterprises relations to ensure that it is sufficiently appropriate for applications in a digital platform developed by such projects. The three first steps of (the proposed) applicability evaluation (adequacy, feasibility, and effectiveness) are then performed. The positive results gained from model validation and its applicability evaluation in this project indicate that not only is the model fairly adequate, feasible, and effective for applications in the developed digital platform but also that it has a high potential for utilization in supporting and directing the creation, implementation, and operation of mass collaborative learning initiatives. Although the validation was carried out in the context of a single project, in fact, it was based on a large “focus group” of experts involved in this international initiative, which is in accordance with the Design Science Research method. Thus, this article reflects a kind of applied research of a socio-technical nature, aiming to find guidelines and practical solutions to the specific issues, problems, and concerns of mass collaborative learning initiatives.publishersversionpublishe

    Soliciting user contribution in the modern digital library: a critique framework for evaluating methods and a case study recommendation for a digital library of historical materials

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    Today's information consumer wants to interact with and contribute to information resources that they encounter. Digital library managers must balance the benefit provided by user contributions, with content quality. In this paper, we characterize existing technologies into six categories based on the role of the user at the time of contribution. We then introduce an evaluation framework comprised of five criteria: validity, accessibility, accountability, utility, and resource requirements. We demonstrate the feasibility of this framework by providing a detailed analysis for three of the six categories, and for a case study of Documenting the American South (DocSouth), which is part of the Carolina Digital Library and Archives at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We conclude with recommendations for methods that best satisfy the needs of DocSouth

    Mass Collaboration and Learning: Structure and Methods

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    The rapid emergence of social networks and collaborative communities supported by the Internet and associated innovative technologies, and the increasing demand for continuous improvement and fostering lifelong learning have led to unprecedented waves of novelty in the ways people create and share knowledge in different spheres. In this regard, mass collaboration (MC) through Internet-based solutions has opened new windows of opportunity to collaborate massively and learn collectively in ways that seemed impossible even a few decades ago. Learning ecosystems can benefit from mass collaboration where large numbers of minds collectively drive intellectual efforts to learn in the form of knowledge building and sharing. Mass collaborative learning (MCL) is a new paradigm that represents a significant shift away from the traditional teacher-centered approach towards a self-directed model in virtual communities in which contributing members take on creative roles to maximize their learning and that of their peers. Furthermore, MCL provides greater opportunities for distributed contributors to engage in virtual global learning and take the advantage of powerful social communities of experts and counterparts. Even though MCL opens up an apparently limitless field for promoting social inclusion in effective learning, not all aspects, features, and characteristics of this phenomenon are quite clear and discovered at present. In order to design, implement, and exploit such a learning approach, influencing constituents should be identified, and appropriate conditions need to be provided. However, existing literature offers limited information, guidance, and support for the creation, operation, coordination, and development of MCL initiatives. In this context, there are a number of identified critical issues, specific problems, gaps, and inconsistencies, and this thesis is correspondingly conducted to propose a Meta-Governance framework for MCL initiatives (MGF-MCL). This framework, by benefiting from various other related ideas, models, and methods, tries to give further insights into an integrated perspective of the most complex concerning issues and also some internal and external aspects of governance for the MCL initiatives. Furthermore, the MGF-MCL intends to provide some directions, guidance, and support for the implementation, operation, and development of MCL initiatives. In this thesis work, in order to (a) guide our research endeavor, (b) concretize our research design, (c) design, develop, validate, and apply the MGF-MCL, and (d) understand the practical value of our findings, we have followed the design science research process (DSRP) approach. We have evaluated the validity and applicability of the MGF-MCL through a mix of methods namely, case studies in EU projects, peer-review publications, and an MCL illustration case. A number of scenarios made within the case studies have brought together several industry and academic experts to evaluate the validity and applicability of MGF-MCL. The peer reviews of contributed publications also assessed the quality of the work and helped to establish the validity of MGF-MCL based upon the expert knowledge of other researchers. The MCL illustration case provided empirical evidence, relying on observation and experimentation. In terms of research, the findings of our work offer direction and support for the creation, operation, and implementation of MLC initiatives.A rápida emergência de redes sociais e comunidades colaborativas apoiadas pela Internet e tecnologias inovadoras associadas, e a crescente procura de melhorias contínuas e a promoção da aprendizagem ao longo da vida levaram a ondas de inovação sem precedentes na forma como as pessoas criam e partilham conhecimentos em diferentes esferas. A este respeito, a colaboração em massa (MC) através de soluções baseadas na Internet abriu novas janelas de oportunidade para colaborar massivamente e aprender colectivamente de formas que pareciam impossíveis mesmo há algumas décadas atrás. Os ecossistemas de aprendizagem podem beneficiar da colaboração em massa, onde grandes números de mentes impulsionam colectivamente os esforços intelectuais para aprender sob a forma de construção e partilha de conhecimento. A aprendizagem colaborativa em massa (MCL) é um novo paradigma que representa uma mudança significativa da abordagem tradicional centrada no professor para um modelo auto-dirigido em comunidades virtuais em que os membros contribuintes assumem papéis criativos para maximizar a sua aprendizagem e a dos seus pares. Além disso, a MCL oferece maiores oportunidades a contribuintes geograficamente distribuídos para se envolverem na aprendizagem global virtual e tirarem partido das ricas comunidades sociais de especialistas e homólogos. Embora a MCL abra um campo aparentemente ilimitado para promover a inclusão social na aprendizagem efectiva, nem todos os aspetos, facetas e características deste fenómeno são totalmente claros e conhecidos actualmente. A fim de conceber, implementar, e explorar uma tal abordagem de aprendizagem, devem ser identificados os constituintes relevantes, e devem ser criadas condições de suporte apropriadas. Contudo, a literatura existente apenas oferece de forma limitada informação, orientação e apoio para a criação, operação, coordenação e desenvolvimento de iniciativas MCL. Neste contexto, há uma série de questões críticas, problemas específicos, lacunas e inconsistências identificados, e esta tese é correspondentemente desenvolvida para propor um quadro de Meta-Governança para iniciativas MCL (MGF-MCL). Este quadro, ao beneficiar de várias outras ideias, modelos e métodos relacionados, tenta fornecer uma perspectiva integrada das questões mais complexas e também de alguns aspectos internos e externos de governação para as iniciativas MCL. Além disso, o MGF-MCL pretende fornecer alguma orientação e apoio para a implementação, operação e desenvolvimento das iniciativas MCL. Neste trabalho de tese, a fim de (a) orientar o nosso esforço de investigação, (b) concretizar o nosso projecto de investigação, (c) conceber, desenvolver, validar, e aplicar o MGF-MCL, e (d) compreender o valor prático dos resultados, seguimos a abordagem do "DESIGN SCIENCE RESEARCH PROCESS" (DSRP). Avaliámos a adequação e aplicabilidade do MGF-MCL através de uma combinação de métodos, nomeadamente, estudos de caso em projetos da UE, publicações com revisão por pares e, um caso de ilustração MCL. Vários cenários feitos no âmbito dos estudos de caso envolveram vários peritos da indústria e da academia para avaliar a validade e a aplicabilidade do MGF-MCL. As revisões por pares das publicações produzidas neste trabalho também permitiram aferir a qualidade do trabalho e ajudaram a estabelecer a validade do MGF-MCL com base no conhecimento especializado de outros investigadores. O caso da ilustração de MCL forneceu uma evidência empírica, apoiando-se na observação e experimentação. Em termos de investigação, os resultados do nosso trabalho oferecem orientação e apoio para a criação, operação e implementação de iniciativas MLC

    Designing Service-Oriented Chatbot Systems Using a Construction Grammar-Driven Natural Language Generation System

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    Service oriented chatbot systems are used to inform users in a conversational manner about a particular service or product on a website. Our research shows that current systems are time consuming to build and not very accurate or satisfying to users. We find that natural language understanding and natural language generation methods are central to creating an e�fficient and useful system. In this thesis we investigate current and past methods in this research area and place particular emphasis on Construction Grammar and its computational implementation. Our research shows that users have strong emotive reactions to how these systems behave, so we also investigate the human computer interaction component. We present three systems (KIA, John and KIA2), and carry out extensive user tests on all of them, as well as comparative tests. KIA is built using existing methods, John is built with the user in mind and KIA2 is built using the construction grammar method. We found that the construction grammar approach performs well in service oriented chatbots systems, and that users preferred it over other systems