7 research outputs found

    Would credit scoring work for Islamic finance? A neural network approach

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    Purpose – The main aim of this paper is to distinguish whether the decision making process of the Islamic financial houses in the UK can be improved through the use of credit scoring modeling techniques as opposed to the currently used judgmental approaches. Subsidiary aims are to identify how scoring models can reclassify accepted applicants who later are considered as having bad credit and how many of the rejected applicants are later considered as having good credit; and highlight significant variables that are crucial in terms of accepting and rejecting applicants which can further aid the decision making process. Design/methodology/approach – A real data-set of 487 applicants are used consisting of 336 accepted credit applications and 151 rejected credit applications make to an Islamic finance house in the UK. In order to build the proposed scoring models, the data-set is divided into training and hold-out sub-set. The training sub-set is used to build the scoring models and the hold-out sub-set is used to test the predictive capabilities of the scoring models.70 percent of the overall applicants will be used for the training sub-set and 30 percent will be used for the testing sub-set. Three statistical modeling techniques namely Discriminant Analysis (DA), Logistic Regression (LR) and Multi-layer Perceptron (MP) neural network are used to build the proposed scoring models. Findings – Our findings reveal that the LR model has the highest Correct Classification (CC) rate in the training sub-set whereas MP outperforms other techniques and has the highest CC rate in the hold-out sub-set. MP also outperforms other techniques in terms of predicting the rejected credit applications and has the lowest Misclassification Cost (MC) above other techniques. In addition, results from MP models show that monthly expenses, age and marital status are identified as the key factors affecting the decision making process. Research limitations/implications – Although our sample is small and restricted to an Islamic Finance house in the UK the results are robust. Future research could consider enlarging the sample in the UK and also internationally allowing for cultural differences to be identified. The results indicate that the scoring models can be of great benefit to Islamic finance houses in regards to their decision making processes of accepting and rejecting new credit applications and thus improve their efficiency and effectiveness. Originality/value –Our contribution is the first to apply credit scoring modeling techniques in Islamic Finance. Also in building a scoring model our application applies a different approach by using accepted and rejected credit applications instead of good and bad credit histories. This identifies opportunity costs of misclassifying credit applications as rejected

    Combining B&B-based hybrid feature selection and the imbalance-oriented multiple-classifier ensemble for imbalanced credit risk assessment

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    An ideal model for credit risk assessment is supposed to select important features and process imbalanced data sets in an effective manner. This paper proposes an integrated method that combines B&B (branch and bound)-based hybrid feature selection (BBHFS) with the imbalanceoriented multiple-classifier ensemble (IOMCE) for imbalanced credit risk assessment and uses the support vector machine (SVM) and the multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) as the base predictor. BBHFS is a hybrid feature selection method that integrates the t-test and B&B with the k-fold crossvalidation method to search for a satisfactory feature subset. The IOMCE divides majority samples into several subsets and then combines them with minority samples to construct several training sets for constructing a multiple-classifier ensemble model. We conduct main experiments using a 1:3 imbalanced corporate credit risk data set with continuous features and extended experiments using a 1:5 imbalanced data set with continuous features and a 1:3 imbalanced data set with discrete and nominal features. We combine no feature selection and five feature selection methods (the pure B&B, the factor analysis, the pure t-test, t-test & correlation analysis, and BBHFS) with single-classifier and the IOMCE to construct SVM and MDA models for an empirical comparison. When all features are continuous, the BBHFS-IOMCE method generally outperforms all the other methods. More specifically, BBHFS provides more stable and satisfactory results than the other feature selection methods, and compared with single-classifier models, IOMCE models can significantly enhance the recognition rate for minority samples while incurring a small reduction in the recognition rate for majority samples and maintaining an acceptable overall accuracy. When the features are almost discrete or nominal, the IOMCE method retains its ability to deal with an imbalanced data set, although the five feature selection methods have no significant advantages over no feature selection. This suggests that BBHFS is effective in retaining useful information when reducing the dimensionality of continuous features and that the BBHFS-IOMCE method is an important tool for imbalanced credit risk assessment

    Decision Support Systems for Risk Assessment in Credit Operations Against Collateral

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    With the global economic crisis, which reached its peak in the second half of 2008, and before a market shaken by economic instability, financial institutions have taken steps to protect the banks’ default risks, which had an impact directly in the form of analysis in credit institutions to individuals and to corporate entities. To mitigate the risk of banks in credit operations, most banks use a graded scale of customer risk, which determines the provision that banks must do according to the default risk levels in each credit transaction. The credit analysis involves the ability to make a credit decision inside a scenario of uncertainty and constant changes and incomplete transformations. This ability depends on the capacity to logically analyze situations, often complex and reach a clear conclusion, practical and practicable to implement. Credit Scoring models are used to predict the probability of a customer proposing to credit to become in default at any given time, based on his personal and financial information that may influence the ability of the client to pay the debt. This estimated probability, called the score, is an estimate of the risk of default of a customer in a given period. This increased concern has been in no small part caused by the weaknesses of existing risk management techniques that have been revealed by the recent financial crisis and the growing demand for consumer credit.The constant change affects several banking sections because it prevents the ability to investigate the data that is produced and stored in computers that are too often dependent on manual techniques. Among the many alternatives used in the world to balance this risk, the provision of guarantees stands out of guarantees in the formalization of credit agreements. In theory, the collateral does not ensure the credit return, as it is not computed as payment of the obligation within the project. There is also the fact that it will only be successful if triggered, which involves the legal area of the banking institution. The truth is, collateral is a mitigating element of credit risk. Collaterals are divided into two types, an individual guarantee (sponsor) and the asset guarantee (fiduciary). Both aim to increase security in credit operations, as an payment alternative to the holder of credit provided to the lender, if possible, unable to meet its obligations on time. For the creditor, it generates liquidity security from the receiving operation. The measurement of credit recoverability is a system that evaluates the efficiency of the collateral invested return mechanism. In an attempt to identify the sufficiency of collateral in credit operations, this thesis presents an assessment of smart classifiers that uses contextual information to assess whether collaterals provide for the recovery of credit granted in the decision-making process before the credit transaction become insolvent. The results observed when compared with other approaches in the literature and the comparative analysis of the most relevant artificial intelligence solutions, considering the classifiers that use guarantees as a parameter to calculate the risk contribute to the advance of the state of the art advance, increasing the commitment to the financial institutions.Com a crise econômica global, que atingiu seu auge no segundo semestre de 2008, e diante de um mercado abalado pela instabilidade econômica, as instituições financeiras tomaram medidas para proteger os riscos de inadimplência dos bancos, medidas que impactavam diretamente na forma de análise nas instituições de crédito para pessoas físicas e jurídicas. Para mitigar o risco dos bancos nas operações de crédito, a maioria destas instituições utiliza uma escala graduada de risco do cliente, que determina a provisão que os bancos devem fazer de acordo com os níveis de risco padrão em cada transação de crédito. A análise de crédito envolve a capacidade de tomar uma decisão de crédito dentro de um cenário de incerteza e mudanças constantes e transformações incompletas. Essa aptidão depende da capacidade de analisar situações lógicas, geralmente complexas e de chegar a uma conclusão clara, prática e praticável de implementar. Os modelos de Credit Score são usados para prever a probabilidade de um cliente propor crédito e tornar-se inadimplente a qualquer momento, com base em suas informações pessoais e financeiras que podem influenciar a capacidade do cliente de pagar a dívida. Essa probabilidade estimada, denominada pontuação, é uma estimativa do risco de inadimplência de um cliente em um determinado período. A mudança constante afeta várias seções bancárias, pois impede a capacidade de investigar os dados que são produzidos e armazenados em computadores que frequentemente dependem de técnicas manuais. Entre as inúmeras alternativas utilizadas no mundo para equilibrar esse risco, destacase o aporte de garantias na formalização dos contratos de crédito. Em tese, a garantia não “garante” o retorno do crédito, já que não é computada como pagamento da obrigação dentro do projeto. Tem-se ainda, o fato de que esta só terá algum êxito se acionada, o que envolve a área jurídica da instituição bancária. A verdade é que, a garantia é um elemento mitigador do risco de crédito. As garantias são divididas em dois tipos, uma garantia individual (patrocinadora) e a garantia do ativo (fiduciário). Ambos visam aumentar a segurança nas operações de crédito, como uma alternativa de pagamento ao titular do crédito fornecido ao credor, se possível, não puder cumprir suas obrigações no prazo. Para o credor, gera segurança de liquidez a partir da operação de recebimento. A mensuração da recuperabilidade do crédito é uma sistemática que avalia a eficiência do mecanismo de retorno do capital investido em garantias. Para tentar identificar a suficiência das garantias nas operações de crédito, esta tese apresenta uma avaliação dos classificadores inteligentes que utiliza informações contextuais para avaliar se as garantias permitem prever a recuperação de crédito concedido no processo de tomada de decisão antes que a operação de crédito entre em default. Os resultados observados quando comparados com outras abordagens existentes na literatura e a análise comparativa das soluções de inteligência artificial mais relevantes, mostram que os classificadores que usam garantias como parâmetro para calcular o risco contribuem para o avanço do estado da arte, aumentando o comprometimento com as instituições financeiras

    Agente para recuperación automática de información en diversos entornos basado en técnicas de inteligencia computacional

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    Falta palabras clavesLa presente tesis se enmarca en la problemática de la recuperación de información, entendiendo por recuperación de información la búsqueda dentro de una colección de documentos diversos, de forma automática, de todos los documentos relacionados, con un cierto grado de relevancia, a partir de una consulta formulada por un usuario. En particular, expone un novedoso sistema, basado en lógica difusa, para la implementación de agentes inteligentes para resolver problemas reales de recuperación de información en diversos entornos. Los métodos de recuperación de información y de asignación de pesos desarrollados dan lugar a las publicaciones que se adjuntan en el compendio de esta tesis; y su aplicación propicia una entrada en la oficina de registro de la propiedad intelectual. En los trabajos de colaboración con empresa relacionados en el Capítulo 5 se han implementado diversos prototipos de agentes inteligentes aplicando las técnicas de inteligencia computacional que sustentan los métodos de recuperación de información desarrollados, con la finalidad de crear agentes inteligentes para resolución de problemas reales en los que se necesita realizar una recuperación de información. Los agentes inteligentes desarrollados utilizan el método de recuperación de información, el método de asignación de pesos, y la estructura de almacenamiento de información desarrollada en las publicaciones que forman el compendio de esta tesis. En dichas publicaciones se justifica el buen funcionamiento de estos métodos, así como la mejora de rendimiento en la recuperación de información contenida en portales web frente al modelo de espacio vectorial (Vector Space Model, VSM) y el método de asignación de pesos tf-idf

    Credit scoring models for Egyptian banks : neural nets and genetic programming versus conventional techniques

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    Credit scoring has been regarded as a core appraisal tool of banks during the last few decades, and has been widely investigated in the area of finance, in general, and banking sectors, in particular. In this thesis, the main aims and objectives are: to identify the currently used techniques in the Egyptian banking credit evaluation process; and to build credit scoring models to evaluate personal bank loans. In addition, the subsidiary aims are to evaluate the impact of sample proportion selection on the Predictive capability of both advanced scoring techniques and conventional scoring techniques, for both public banks and a private banking case-study; and to determine the key characteristics that affect the personal loans' quality (default risk). The stages of the research comprised: firstly, an investigative phase, including an early pilot study, structured interviews and a questionnaire; and secondly, an evaluative phase, including an analysis of two different data-sets from the Egyptian private and public banks applying average correct classification rates and estimated misclassification costs as criteria. Both advanced scoring techniques, namely, neural nets (probabilistic neural nets and multi-layer feed-forward nets) and genetic programming, and conventional techniques, namely, a weight of evidence measure, multiple discriminant analysis, probit analysis and logistic regression were used to evaluate credit default risk in Egyptian banks. In addition, an analysis of the data-sets using Kohonen maps was undertaken to provide additional visual insights into cluster groupings. From the investigative stage, it was found that all public and the vast majority of private banks in Egypt are using judgemental approaches in their credit evaluation. From the evaluative stage, clear distinctions between the conventional techniques and the advanced techniques were found for the private banking case-study; and the advanced scoring techniques (such as powerful neural nets and genetic programming) were superior to the conventional techniques for the public sector banks. Concurrent loans from other banks and guarantees by the corporate employer of the loan applicant, which have not been used in other reported studies, are identified as key variables and recommended in the specific environment chosen, namely Egypt. Other variables, such as a feasibility study and the Central Bank of Egypt report also play a contributory role in affecting the loan quality.The Egyptian Governmen