433 research outputs found

    Development and Specification of Virtual Environments

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    This thesis concerns the issues involved in the development of virtual environments (VEs). VEs are more than virtual reality. We identify four main characteristics of them: graphical interaction, multimodality, interface agents, and multi-user. These characteristics are illustrated with an overview of different classes of VE-like applications, and a number of state-of-the-art VEs. To further define the topic of research, we propose a general framework for VE systems development, in which we identify five major classes of development tools: methodology, guidelines, design specification, analysis, and development environments. Of each, we give an overview of existing best practices

    An evaluation of the Valisys 3.0 quality assurance software

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    Using Bayesian optimization algorithm for model-based integration testing

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    Enhancements to jml and its extended static checking technology

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    Formal methods are useful for developing high-quality software, but to make use of them, easy-to-use tools must be available. This thesis presents our work on the Java Modeling Language (JML) and its static verification tools. A main contribution is Offline User-Assisted Extended Static Checking (OUA-ESC), which is positioned between the traditional, fully automatic ESC and interactive Full Static Program Verification (FSPV). With OUA-ESC, automated theorem provers are used to discharge as many Verification Conditions (VCs) as possible, then users are allowed to provide Isabelle/HOL proofs for the sub-VCs that cannot be discharged automatically. Thus, users are able to take advantage of the full power of Isabelle/HOL to manually prove the system correct, if they so choose. Exploring unproven sub-VCs with Isabelle's ProofGeneral has also proven very useful for debugging code and their specifications. We also present syntax and semantics for monotonic non-null references, a common category that has not been previously identified. This monotonic non-null modifier allows some fields previously declared as nullable to be treated like local variables for nullity flow analysis. To support this work, we developed JML4, an Eclipse-based Integration Verification Environment (IVE) for the Java Modeling Language. JML4 provides integration of JML into all of the phases of the Eclipse JDT's Java compiler, makes use of external API specifications, and provides native error reporting. The verification techniques initially supported include a Non-Null Type System (NNTS), Runtime Assertion Checking (RAC), and Extended Static Checking (ESC); and verification tools to be developed by other researchers can be incorporated. JML4 was adopted by the JML4 community as the platform for their combined research efforts. ESC4, JML4's ESC component, provides other novel features not found before in ESC tools. Multiple provers are used automatically, which provides a greater coverage of language constructs that can be verified. Multi-threaded generation and distributed discharging of VCs, as well as a proof-status caching strategy, greatly speed up this CPU-intensive verification technique. VC caches are known to be fragile, and we developed a simple way to remove some of that fragility. These features combine to form the first IVE for JML, which will hopefully bring the improved quality promised by formal methods to Java developer

    Design and development of protocol log analyzer for cellular modem

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    Abstract. Telecommunications protocols and cellular modems are used in devices to facilitate wireless communication. Cellular modems produce log files, which have to be analyzed by engineers when issues occur. Performing the analysis for large logs manually can be very time consuming, thus different approaches for trying to automate or simplify the process exist. This thesis presents design and development for a cellular modem log analysis tool. The tool is designed to take into account peculiarities of telecommunications protocols and cellular modems, especially of 5G New Radio Radio Resource Control protocol. A notation for defining analysis rules used by the tool is presented to be used alongside the tool. The developed tool is a proof-of-concept, with focus being on how the tool performs the analysis and how the notation can be used to define the wanted analysis rules. The features of the notation include defining expected content of protocol messages and order of log message sequences. The tool performs well with artificial modem logs, though some flaws in the notation are recognized. In the future, the tool and the notation should be updated with support for real cellular modem logs and evaluated in field use cases by cellular modem engineers.Matkapuhelinmodeemien lokitiedostojen analysointityökalun suunnittelu ja toteutus. Tiivistelmä. Tietoliikenneprotokollia ja matkapuhelinmodeemeja käytetään laitteissa langattoman tiedonsiirron mahdollistamiseksi. Matkapuhelinmodeemit tuottavat lokitiedostoja, joita insinöörien täytyy analysoida ongelmatilanteissa. Suurten lokitiedostojen analysointi manuaalisesti on työlästä, joten on olemassa keinoja prosessin automatisointiin tai yksinkertaistamiseen. Tämä työ esittelee suunnitelman ja toteutuksen matkapuhelinmodeemin lokitiedostojen analysointityökalulle. Työkalun suunnittelussa on otettu huomioon tietoliikenneprotokollien, erityisesti 5G New Radion radioresurssien hallintaprotokollan (RRC), ja matkapuhelinmodeemien erikoisuudet. Merkintäsäännöstö, jolla voidaan määritellä analyysisäännöt, esitellään työkalulle. Kehitetty työkalu on karkea prototyyppi. Kehityksessä keskitytään työkalun analyysiominaisuuksiin ja mahdollisuuksiin käyttää merkintäsäännöstöä määrittämään halutut analyysisäännöt. Merkintäsäännöstön ominaisuuksiin kuuluu odotettujen lokiviestien sisällön ja järjestyksen määrittely. Työkalu suoriutuu keinotekoisien modeemilokitiedostojen kanssa hyvin, mutta joitain vikoja merkintäsäännöstöstä havaittiin. Tulevaisuuden kehitystä ajatellen työkalu kannattaisi päivittää toimimaan aitojen matkapuhelinmodeemien lokitiedostojen kanssa, että sen kykyä suoriutua aidoista käyttötilanteista voitaisiin arvioida

    Assessing composition in modeling approaches

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    Modeling approaches are based on various paradigms, e.g., aspect-oriented, feature-oriented, object-oriented, and logic-based. Modeling approaches may cover requirements models to low-level design models, are developed for various purposes, use various means of composition, and thus are difficult to compare. However, such comparisons are critical to help practitioners know under which conditions approaches are most applicable, and how they might be successfully generalized and combined to achieve end-to-end methods. This paper reports on work done at the 2nd International Comparing Modeling Approaches (CMA) workshop towards the goal of identifying potential comprehensive modeling methodologies with a particular emphasis on composition: (i) an improved set of comparison criteria; (ii) 19 assessments of modeling approaches based on the comparison criteria and a common, focused case study

    Defining Reality in Virtual Reality: Exploring Visual Appearance and Spatial Experience Focusing on Colour

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    Today, different actors in the design process have communication difficulties in visualizing and predictinghow the not yet built environment will be experienced. Visually believable virtual environments (VEs) can make it easier for architects, users and clients to participate in the planning process. This thesis deals with the difficulties of translating reality into digital counterparts, focusing on visual appearance(particularly colour) and spatial experience. The goal is to develop knowledge of how differentaspects of a VE, especially light and colour, affect the spatial experience; and thus to contribute to a better understanding of the prerequisites for visualizing believable spatial VR-models. The main aims are to 1) identify problems and test solutions for simulating realistic spatial colour and light in VR; and 2) develop knowledge of the spatial conditions in VR required to convey believable experiences; and evaluate different ways of visualizing spatial experiences. The studies are conducted from an architecturalperspective; i.e. the whole of the spatial settings is considered, which is a complex task. One important contribution therefore concerns the methodology. Different approaches were used: 1) a literature review of relevant research areas; 2) a comparison between existing studies on colour appearance in 2D vs 3D; 3) a comparison between a real room and different VR-simulations; 4) elaborationswith an algorithm for colour correction; 5) reflections in action on a demonstrator for correct appearance and experience; and 6) an evaluation of texture-styles with non-photorealistic expressions. The results showed various problems related to the translation and comparison of reality to VR. The studies pointed out the significance of inter-reflections; colour variations; perceived colour of light and shadowing for the visual appearance in real rooms. Some differences in VR were connected to arbitrary parameter settings in the software; heavily simplified chromatic information on illumination; and incorrectinter-reflections. The models were experienced differently depending on the application. Various spatial differences between reality and VR could be solved by visual compensation. The study with texture-styles pointed out the significance of varying visual expressions in VR-models

    Defining Reality in Virtual Reality: Exploring Visual Appearance and Spatial Experience Focusing on Colour

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    Today, different actors in the design process have communication difficulties in visualizing and predictinghow the not yet built environment will be experienced. Visually believable virtual environments (VEs) can make it easier for architects, users and clients to participate in the planning process. This thesis deals with the difficulties of translating reality into digital counterparts, focusing on visual appearance(particularly colour) and spatial experience. The goal is to develop knowledge of how differentaspects of a VE, especially light and colour, affect the spatial experience; and thus to contribute to a better understanding of the prerequisites for visualizing believable spatial VR-models. The main aims are to 1) identify problems and test solutions for simulating realistic spatial colour and light in VR; and 2) develop knowledge of the spatial conditions in VR required to convey believable experiences; and evaluate different ways of visualizing spatial experiences. The studies are conducted from an architecturalperspective; i.e. the whole of the spatial settings is considered, which is a complex task. One important contribution therefore concerns the methodology. Different approaches were used: 1) a literature review of relevant research areas; 2) a comparison between existing studies on colour appearance in 2D vs 3D; 3) a comparison between a real room and different VR-simulations; 4) elaborationswith an algorithm for colour correction; 5) reflections in action on a demonstrator for correct appearance and experience; and 6) an evaluation of texture-styles with non-photorealistic expressions. The results showed various problems related to the translation and comparison of reality to VR. The studies pointed out the significance of inter-reflections; colour variations; perceived colour of light and shadowing for the visual appearance in real rooms. Some differences in VR were connected to arbitrary parameter settings in the software; heavily simplified chromatic information on illumination; and incorrectinter-reflections. The models were experienced differently depending on the application. Various spatial differences between reality and VR could be solved by visual compensation. The study with texture-styles pointed out the significance of varying visual expressions in VR-models

    Proceedings of the Advisory Committee on Standardization of Carbon-Phenolic Test Methods and Specifications

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    Proceedings of the Advisory Committee on Standardization of carbon-phenolic test methods and specifications are compiled. The following subject areas are covered: ashing procedures and alkali metal content of carbon fiber and fabrics; SPIP product identification code; SPIP initiative to adopt a water-soluble rayon yarn lubricant/size for weaving; fabric oxidation mass loss test; shelf life limit for prepregs, industry standard; silicon contamination update; resin, filler, and fabric content in prepreg; carbon assay testing calibration; thiokol rayon specifications; and SPIP low conductivity PAN program