113 research outputs found

    Mengukur Kesiapan Kota Dalam Menerapkan Konsep Smart City Inisiatif (Studi Kasus: Kota Banjarmasin)

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    Abstrak – Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik pada tahun 2015, jumlah penduduk kota Banjarmasin menempati persentase terbesar di Kalimantan Selatan yaitu  16,93%. Pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk di daerah perkotaan akan memberikan tantangan dalam menata dan mengelolanya. Konsep smart city (SC) diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi terhadap masalah khas perkotaan. Untuk menerapkan SC, framework SC inisiatif bisa digunakan sebagai model pengembangan awal SC. Penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kesiapan kota dalam menerapkan konsep SC inisiatif menggunakan faktor enabler Garuda Smart City Model (GSCM), studi kasus dilakukan di kota Banjarmasin.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan dilakukan dengan metode wawancara, studi dokumen, pengamatan lapangan di Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika, dan Statistik (Diskominfotik) Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin. Penggunaan menggunakan indikator 3 (tiga) faktor enabler GSCM yaitu teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), tatakelola SC, dan manusia. Parameter enabler ini mencakup aspek-aspek penting dalam SC inisiatif yang mampu mentransformasi kota sehingga menjadi SC. Hasil pengukuran kesiapan kota untuk menerapkan konsep SC inisiatif menunjukkan bahwa dari 36 indikator dan subindikator yang ada, Kota Banjarmasin sudah mencapai 20 indikator dan subindikator. Dari tiga komponen enabler yang telah disebutkan, di Kota Banjarmasin komponen TIK dan komponen manusia sudah siap dalam menerapkan konsep SC inisiatif. Akan tetapi indikator komponen tatakelola yang meliputi tatakelola TIK di lingkungan Pemko Banjarmasin dan tatakelola SC belum tersedia.Kata kunci:  smart city, kesiapan smart city, smart city inisiatif, Kota Banjarmasin, indikator smart city Abstract - Based on data from Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS-Statistics) in 2015, the number of residents in Banjarmasin municpality occupy the largest percentage in South Kalimantan, about 16.93%. The rapid growth of population in urban areas will provide a challenge in organizing and managing. The concept of smart city (SC) is expected to provide solutions to typical urban problems. To implement the SC, the SC initiative framework can be used as a model for early development of SC. This study aims to measure the readiness of the city in applying the concept of the SC initiative using enabler factors of Garuda Smart City model (GSCM), case studies carried out in the city of Banjarmasin.This study uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection was conducted using interviews, document research, field observations at the Department of Communications, Information and Statistics (Diskominfotik) City of Banjarmasin. Indicator measurements using three (3) enabler factors, they are information and communication technology (ICT), SC governance, and humans. This enabler parameters include important aspects in the SC initiative that is able transform the city to become SC. The measurement results of city readiness to implement a SC initiative shows that from 36 indicators and subindicators, Banjarmasin has reached the 20 indicators and subindikator. From three components enabler already mentioned, ICT and human components are ready to implement the concept of the SC initiative. However, in governance indicators, that include ICT governance and SC governance in Banjarmasin municipality is not yet available.Keyword: smart city, smart city readiness, smart city initiative, Banjarmasin, smart city indicator

    Disain Purwarupa Model Smart-Living berbasis Cloud

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    Digitalisasi dan interkoneksi smart device (perangkat pintar) dapat memberikan berbagai keuntungan kepada manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. seperti misalnya kenyamanan, keamanan serta penggunaan energi yang lebih efisien. Konsep smart living yang membungkus digitalisasi dan interkoneksi ini sejatinya adalah otomatisasi pada  berbagai aspek kehidupan,  mulai dari hunian, transportasi, hingga keseluruhan kota. Konsep ini hadir sebagai bagian dari teknologi IoT (Internet of Things). Perkembangan teknologi saat ini, memberikan kemudahan dalam mendisain dan mengimplementasikan konsep smart living dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, dan juga infrastruktur yang relatif semakin terjangkau, memungkinkan pengguna untuk membangun model smart living yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Beberapa kebutuhan dasar smart living, seperti kamera pengawas yang dapat dikontrol dari jauh, kemampuan mengendalikan berbagai peralatan rumah tangga melalui sistem cloud (penyimpanan awan), dan juga perangkat keamanan yang relatif terjangkau dan dapat dintergrasikan dengan peralatan lainnya, membuat penerapan smart living semakin mudah. Penelitian ini mencoba membangun satu model purwarupa smart living dengan memadukan berbagai smart device sesuai kebutuhan tersebu

    Smart City: Concepts and two Relevant Components

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    In the last 30 years, the Smart City (SC) definitions have changed, they expressed different meanings by different people, but still no universally accepted definition, yet. The paper aims to summarize the existing relevant definitions to and propose a concept for characterizing the smartness of a city through intelligent planning and monitoring, guided by actionable information that underpins computer-assisted decisions and institutional digital transformation. As a practical approach, the SC concept is promoted by two components namely: spatial urban territorial planning and cultural heritage via virtual exhibitions. The article highlights the schematic diagram of cross-sectoral interactions between different stakeholders grouped by roles, and the expected impact for these interactions, a proposed functional system architecture for cultural heritage digital transformation and concrete steps for virtual exhibitions implementation


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    Smart City comes as a strategy to reduce the problem due to rapid urban growth and urbanization. The concept of Smart City is needed to ensure the conditions of a habitable City in the context of rapidly growing urban population growth. The urgency of this challenge prompted many cities to begin to find smarter ways of managing urban areas. One way to make the concept of the smart city is to make the city an icon that is sustainable and livable. This study aims to provide the necessary information in building and developing a city through the smart city approach. This paper clarifies the meaning of the word "smart" in the city context through an approach based on an in-depth literature review of the relevant study. This study will identify the main factors and characteristics that characterize smart cities. The method used to obtain various factors and the characteristics of the Smart City in the arrangement of a region is done by studying various kinds of the literature of various concepts and components in the Smart City. The results obtained in this study there is a concept of Smart City in urban planning by mapping various factors and characteristics in the Smart City. Keywords: Smart City, Urban planning, smart city characteristi


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    Promatrajući trendove koncentracije svjetskog stanovništva u gradovima može se zaključiti kako udio gradskog stanovništvo značajno raste, te da će se taj rast nastaviti i u budućnosti. Samim rastom udjela svjetskog stanovništva u gradovima pojavljuju se i razni problemi kvalitete života u gradovima. Navedeno potiče na razmatranje pametnih gradova (smart cities) što je osnovna tema ovog diplomskog rada. Pametni gradovi predstavljaju one gradove koji, uz suglasnost svojih građana, koriste inovativne tehnologije, procese i poslovne modele, sadrže pametnu infrastrukturu, te raspolažu mnoštvom podataka koji omogućavaju veću učinkovitost funkcioniranja samog grada. Ono što je bitno istaknuti jest da gradovi nisu univerzalni i da svaki grad ima svoje specifičnosti zbog čega ne postoji veliki broj metoda mjerenja napretka pametnih gradova. Kao najrelevantniji način mjerenja uspješnosti smart city inicijative pokazao se indeks kretanja tj. City In Motion Indeks.By observing the trends of concentration of world population in cities, it can be concluded that the share of the urban population is growing significantly, and that this growth will continue in the future. With such growth of the share of world population in cities, various problems of quality of life in cities appear. This encourages the consideration of smart cities, what is the main topic of this thesis. Smart cities represent those cities that, with the consent of its citizens, use innovative technologies, processes and business models, contain smart infrastructure, and have access to data that enables greater efficiency of the functioning of a city. What is important to emphasize is that cities are not universal, that each city has its own peculiarities, which is why there are still not many methods of measuring the progress of smart cities. However, the City in Motion Index proved to be the most relevant method of measuring the success of the smart city initiative


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    Promatrajući trendove koncentracije svjetskog stanovništva u gradovima može se zaključiti kako udio gradskog stanovništvo značajno raste, te da će se taj rast nastaviti i u budućnosti. Samim rastom udjela svjetskog stanovništva u gradovima pojavljuju se i razni problemi kvalitete života u gradovima. Navedeno potiče na razmatranje pametnih gradova (smart cities) što je osnovna tema ovog diplomskog rada. Pametni gradovi predstavljaju one gradove koji, uz suglasnost svojih građana, koriste inovativne tehnologije, procese i poslovne modele, sadrže pametnu infrastrukturu, te raspolažu mnoštvom podataka koji omogućavaju veću učinkovitost funkcioniranja samog grada. Ono što je bitno istaknuti jest da gradovi nisu univerzalni i da svaki grad ima svoje specifičnosti zbog čega ne postoji veliki broj metoda mjerenja napretka pametnih gradova. Kao najrelevantniji način mjerenja uspješnosti smart city inicijative pokazao se indeks kretanja tj. City In Motion Indeks.By observing the trends of concentration of world population in cities, it can be concluded that the share of the urban population is growing significantly, and that this growth will continue in the future. With such growth of the share of world population in cities, various problems of quality of life in cities appear. This encourages the consideration of smart cities, what is the main topic of this thesis. Smart cities represent those cities that, with the consent of its citizens, use innovative technologies, processes and business models, contain smart infrastructure, and have access to data that enables greater efficiency of the functioning of a city. What is important to emphasize is that cities are not universal, that each city has its own peculiarities, which is why there are still not many methods of measuring the progress of smart cities. However, the City in Motion Index proved to be the most relevant method of measuring the success of the smart city initiative

    Key Factors of Effective Development of Smart Cities in Croatia

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    World trends are showing a continuous increase in the number of inhabitants living in cities. It is expected that 70% of total world and 80% of total European population will live in cities by 2050. By increasing the number of inhabitants, the challenges of city management are growing as well. With the aim of achieving maximum living standards and quality of life of their inhabitants, the implementation of smart city model proves to be a necessity. The Republic of Croatia, as a member of the European Union, is obliged to follow recommendations contained in a series of documents and conclusions, as well as use the sources of funding available to European member states. The paper provides a framework for understanding the concept of smart cities through an overview of scientific literature, examples of good practice from Europe and the world, and a detailed analysis of the state and degree of development of smart cities in the Republic of Croatia, focusing on key dimensions of smart city development. It has been proven that investing in key dimensions of a smart city: Population, technology, and institutions, generates revenue growth, economic development, and better living quality of city population. The research methodology for this paper is based on a mixed method that involves collection, analysis, and integration of quantitative and qualitative research. The aim of the paper is to provide a framework for understanding the concept of a smart city, point out the advantages of such management mode, as well as the key dimensions to be invested in, in order to boost economic development and quality of life of the dominant, city population

    A crowdsourcing, smart city model for a developing country

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    With the growing number of people living in cities, the challenges faced by government to maintain service delivery to an acceptable standard are immense. ‘Smart cities’ is a new and innovative approach that allows the city to use current infrastructure and resources more efficiently. Not many smart city projects have been implemented in developing countries, where challenges that will affect the success of the project are very different from developed countries. These challenges include low literacy rates, high unemployment rates, high poverty levels and the limited availability of technology, all of which will impact on the implementation and success of a smart city. The purpose of the study was to investigate what variables need to be present in order to implement a smart city project making use of crowdsourcing in a developing country. The study found that there are three variables that will must be present to implement a smart city project in a developing country. These include the city management, the trust of the citizens in the smart city initiative, and the crowdsourcing system. The recommendation of this paper then is then that these variables must be considered by city management in order to successfully implement smart city projects in South Africa

    Sustainable smart cities: the European case

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    Smart cities are emerging all over the world and are a promise to combat various problems currently faced by cities. This context makes smart cities a relevant topic for research. This study aims to identify which factors influence the development of sustainable smart cities. The empirical study uses a sample with 73 European cities and applies a multiple linear regression. The results suggest differences between smart cities in Europe, such as smarter cities are located geographically in the western region and are governed by women. This study provides an academic and empirical study on smart cities and contributes to a better explanation of a still under explored theme.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio