204 research outputs found

    Embedded noninteractive continuous bot detection

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    Multiplayer online computer games are quickly growing in popularity, with millions of players logging in every day. While most play in accordance with the rules set up by the game designers, some choose to utilize artificially intelligent assistant programs, a.k.a. bots, to gain an unfair advantage over other players. In this article we demonstrate how an embedded noninteractive test can be used to prevent automatic artificially intelligent players from illegally participating in online game-play. Our solution has numerous advantages over traditional tests, such as its nonobtrusive nature, continuous verification, and simple noninteractive and outsourcing-proof design. © 2008 ACM

    Avatar captcha : telling computers and humans apart via face classification and mouse dynamics.

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    Bots are malicious, automated computer programs that execute malicious scripts and predefined functions on an affected computer. They pose cybersecurity threats and are one of the most sophisticated and common types of cybercrime tools today. They spread viruses, generate spam, steal personal sensitive information, rig online polls and commit other types of online crime and fraud. They sneak into unprotected systems through the Internet by seeking vulnerable entry points. They access the system’s resources like a human user does. Now the question arises how do we counter this? How do we prevent bots and on the other hand allow human users to access the system resources? One solution is by designing a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart), a program that can generate and grade tests that most humans can pass but computers cannot. It is used as a tool to distinguish humans from malicious bots. They are a class of Human Interactive Proofs (HIPs) meant to be easily solvable by humans and economically infeasible for computers. Text CAPTCHAs are very popular and commonly used. For each challenge, they generate a sequence of alphabets by distorting standard fonts, requesting users to identify them and type them out. However, they are vulnerable to character segmentation attacks by bots, English language dependent and are increasingly becoming too complex for people to solve. A solution to this is to design Image CAPTCHAs that use images instead of text and require users to identify certain images to solve the challenges. They are user-friendly and convenient for human users and a much more challenging problem for bots to solve. In today’s Internet world the role of user profiling or user identification has gained a lot of significance. Identity thefts, etc. can be prevented by providing authorized access to resources. To achieve timely response to a security breach frequent user verification is needed. However, this process must be passive, transparent and non-obtrusive. In order for such a system to be practical it must be accurate, efficient and difficult to forge. Behavioral biometric systems are usually less prominent however, they provide numerous and significant advantages over traditional biometric systems. Collection of behavior data is non-obtrusive and cost-effective as it requires no special hardware. While these systems are not unique enough to provide reliable human identification, they have shown to be highly accurate in identity verification. In accomplishing everyday tasks, human beings use different styles, strategies, apply unique skills and knowledge, etc. These define the behavioral traits of the user. Behavioral biometrics attempts to quantify these traits to profile users and establish their identity. Human computer interaction (HCI)-based biometrics comprise of interaction strategies and styles between a human and a computer. These unique user traits are quantified to build profiles for identification. A specific category of HCI-based biometrics is based on recording human interactions with mouse as the input device and is known as Mouse Dynamics. By monitoring the mouse usage activities produced by a user during interaction with the GUI, a unique profile can be created for that user that can help identify him/her. Mouse-based verification approaches do not record sensitive user credentials like usernames and passwords. Thus, they avoid privacy issues. An image CAPTCHA is proposed that incorporates Mouse Dynamics to help fortify it. It displays random images obtained from Yahoo’s Flickr. To solve the challenge the user must identify and select a certain class of images. Two theme-based challenges have been designed. They are Avatar CAPTCHA and Zoo CAPTCHA. The former displays human and avatar faces whereas the latter displays different animal species. In addition to the dynamically selected images, while attempting to solve the CAPTCHA, the way each user interacts with the mouse i.e. mouse clicks, mouse movements, mouse cursor screen co-ordinates, etc. are recorded nonobtrusively at regular time intervals. These recorded mouse movements constitute the Mouse Dynamics Signature (MDS) of the user. This MDS provides an additional secure technique to segregate humans from bots. The security of the CAPTCHA is tested by an adversary executing a mouse bot attempting to solve the CAPTCHA challenges

    Random Image Matching CAPTCHA System

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    Security risks is an important issues and caught the attention of researchers in the area of networks, web development, human computer interaction and software engineering. One main challenge for online systems is to identify whether the users are humans or software robots (bots). While it is natural to provide service to human users, providing service for software robots (bots) comes with many security risks and challenges. Software robots are often used by spammers to create fake online accounts, affect search engine ranking, take part in on-line polls, send out spam or simply waste the resources of the server. In this paper we introduce a visual CAPTCHA technique that is based on generating random images by the computer, theuser is then asked to match a feature point between two images (i.e. solve the correspondence problem as defined by the researchers in the computer vision area). The relationship between the two images is based on a randomly generated homography transformation function. The main advantage of our approach compared to other visual CAPTCHA techniques is that we eliminate the need for a database of images while retaining ease of use

    Evaluating the usability and security of a video CAPTCHA

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    A CAPTCHA is a variation of the Turing test, in which a challenge is used to distinguish humans from computers (`bots\u27) on the internet. They are commonly used to prevent the abuse of online services. CAPTCHAs discriminate using hard articial intelligence problems: the most common type requires a user to transcribe distorted characters displayed within a noisy image. Unfortunately, many users and them frustrating and break rates as high as 60% have been reported (for Microsoft\u27s Hotmail). We present a new CAPTCHA in which users provide three words (`tags\u27) that describe a video. A challenge is passed if a user\u27s tag belongs to a set of automatically generated ground-truth tags. In an experiment, we were able to increase human pass rates for our video CAPTCHAs from 69.7% to 90.2% (184 participants over 20 videos). Under the same conditions, the pass rate for an attack submitting the three most frequent tags (estimated over 86,368 videos) remained nearly constant (5% over the 20 videos, roughly 12.9% over a separate sample of 5146 videos). Challenge videos were taken from YouTube.com. For each video, 90 tags were added from related videos to the ground-truth set; security was maintained by pruning all tags with a frequency 0.6%. Tag stemming and approximate matching were also used to increase human pass rates. Only 20.1% of participants preferred text-based CAPTCHAs, while 58.2% preferred our video-based alternative. Finally, we demonstrate how our technique for extending the ground truth tags allows for different usability/security trade-offs, and discuss how it can be applied to other types of CAPTCHAs

    CAPTCHA Types and Breaking Techniques: Design Issues, Challenges, and Future Research Directions

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    The proliferation of the Internet and mobile devices has resulted in malicious bots access to genuine resources and data. Bots may instigate phishing, unauthorized access, denial-of-service, and spoofing attacks to mention a few. Authentication and testing mechanisms to verify the end-users and prohibit malicious programs from infiltrating the services and data are strong defense systems against malicious bots. Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) is an authentication process to confirm that the user is a human hence, access is granted. This paper provides an in-depth survey on CAPTCHAs and focuses on two main things: (1) a detailed discussion on various CAPTCHA types along with their advantages, disadvantages, and design recommendations, and (2) an in-depth analysis of different CAPTCHA breaking techniques. The survey is based on over two hundred studies on the subject matter conducted since 2003 to date. The analysis reinforces the need to design more attack-resistant CAPTCHAs while keeping their usability intact. The paper also highlights the design challenges and open issues related to CAPTCHAs. Furthermore, it also provides useful recommendations for breaking CAPTCHAs

    A Survey on Breaking Technique of Text-Based CAPTCHA

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    The CAPTCHA has become an important issue in multimedia security. Aimed at a commonly used text-based CAPTCHA, this paper outlines some typical methods and summarizes the technological progress in text-based CAPTCHA breaking. First, the paper presents a comprehensive review of recent developments in the text-based CAPTCHA breaking field. Second, a framework of text-based CAPTCHA breaking technique is proposed. And the framework mainly consists of preprocessing, segmentation, combination, recognition, postprocessing, and other modules. Third, the research progress of the technique involved in each module is introduced, and some typical methods of segmentation and recognition are compared and analyzed. Lastly, the paper discusses some problems worth further research

    Video CAPTCHAs: Usability vs. Security

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    A Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computer and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) is a variation of the Turing test, in which a challenge is used to distinguish humans from computers (‘bots’) on the internet. They are commonly used to prevent the abuse of online services; for example, malicious users have written automated programs that sign up for thousands of free email accounts and send SPAM messages. A number of hard artificial intelligence problems, including natural language processing, speech recognition, character recognition, and image understanding, have been used as the basis for these challenges on the expectation that humans will outperform bots. The most common type of CAPTCHA requires a user to transcribe distorted characters displayed within a noisy image. Unfortunately, many users find CAPTCHAs based on character-recognition frustrating and attack success rates as high as 60% have been reported for Microsoft’s Hotmail CAPTCHA [8].To address these problems, we present a first attempt at using content-based video labeling (‘tagging’) as a the basis for a CAPTCHA

    CAPTCHaStar! A novel CAPTCHA based on interactive shape discovery

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    Over the last years, most websites on which users can register (e.g., email providers and social networks) adopted CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) as a countermeasure against automated attacks. The battle of wits between designers and attackers of CAPTCHAs led to current ones being annoying and hard to solve for users, while still being vulnerable to automated attacks. In this paper, we propose CAPTCHaStar, a new image-based CAPTCHA that relies on user interaction. This novel CAPTCHA leverages the innate human ability to recognize shapes in a confused environment. We assess the effectiveness of our proposal for the two key aspects for CAPTCHAs, i.e., usability, and resiliency to automated attacks. In particular, we evaluated the usability, carrying out a thorough user study, and we tested the resiliency of our proposal against several types of automated attacks: traditional ones; designed ad-hoc for our proposal; and based on machine learning. Compared to the state of the art, our proposal is more user friendly (e.g., only some 35% of the users prefer current solutions, such as text-based CAPTCHAs) and more resilient to automated attacks.Comment: 15 page

    A simple generic attack on text captchas

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    Text-based Captchas have been widely deployed across the Internet to defend against undesirable or malicious bot programs. Many attacks have been proposed; these fine prior art advanced the scientific understanding of Captcha robustness, but most of them have a limited applicability. In this paper, we report a simple, low-cost but powerful attack that effectively breaks a wide range of text Captchas with distinct design features, including those deployed by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Amazon and other Internet giants. For all the schemes, our attack achieved a success rate ranging from 5% to 77%, and achieved an average speed of solving a puzzle in less than 15 seconds on a standard desktop computer (with a 3.3GHz Intel Core i3 CPU and 2 GB RAM). This is to date the simplest generic attack on text Captchas. Our attack is based on Log-Gabor filters; a famed application of Gabor filters in computer security is John Daugman’s iris recognition algorithm. Our work is the first to apply Gabor filters for breaking Captchas
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