268 research outputs found

    Delta bloom filter compression using stochastic learning-based weak estimation

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    Substantial research has been done, and sill continues, for reducing the bandwidth requirement and for reliable access to the data, stored and transmitted, in a space efficient manner. Bloom filters and their variants have achieved wide spread acceptability in various fields due to their ability to satisfy these requirements. As this need has increased, especially, for the applications which require heavy use of the transmission bandwidth, distributed computing environment for the databases or the proxy servers, and even the applications which are sensitive to the access to the information with frequent modifications, this thesis proposes a solution in the form of compressed delta Bloom filter. This thesis proposes delta Bloom filter compression, using stochastic learning-based weak estimation and prediction with partial matching to achieve the goal of lossless compression with high compression gain for reducing the large data transferred frequently

    Low-bandwidth authentication.

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    Certificate Based Scheme and Expedite Message Authentication Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    VANET security is major issue for researcher. Thus Ad-Hoc Networks embrace the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) for their security purpose. EMAP was presented to overcome the problem of the long delay incurred in checking the revocation status of a certificate using a CRL. From the experimental analysis it was observed that it is resistant to common attacks while performing the authentication techniques. Therefore, EMAP can significantly decrease the message-loss ratio due to message verification delay as compared to the conventional authentication methods employing CRL checking. Thus to further address these issues along with EMAP protocol, new EMAP method is presented called as CEMAP (certificate based EMAP) which is intended to overcome the authentication delay in message processing by reducing the complexity in Authentication process. CEMAP authentication protocol is constructed based on the combination of the new signature scheme and EMAP. The proposed algorithm reduces the delay by 10% than EMAP. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15023

    BECSI: Bandwidth Efficient Certificate Status Information Distribution Mechanism for VANETs

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    Attribute-based data transfer with filtering scheme in cloud computing

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    Data transfer is a transmission of data over a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication channel. To protect the confidentiality of the transferred data, public-key cryptography has been introduced in data transfer schemes (DTSs). Data transfer is a transmission of data over a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication channel. To protect the confidentiality of the transferred data, public-key cryptography has been introduced in data transfer schemes (DTSs). Unfortunately, there exist some drawbacks in the current DTSs. First, the sender must know who the real receivers are. This is undesirable in a system where the number of the users is very large, such as cloud computing. In practice, the sender only knows some descriptive attributes of the receivers. Secondly, the receiver cannot be guaranteed to only receive messages from the legal senders. Therefore, it remains an elusive and challenging research problem on how to design a DTS scheme where the sender can send messages to the unknown receivers and the receiver can filter out false messages according to the described attributes. In this paper, we propose an attribute-based data transfer with filtering (ABDTF) scheme to address these problems. In our proposed scheme, the receiver can publish an access structure so that only the users whose attributes satisfy this access structure can send messages to him. Furthermore, the sender can encrypt a message under a set of attributes such that only the users who hold these attributes can obtain the message. In particular, we provide an efficient filtering algorithm for the receiver to resist the denial-of-service attacks. Notably, we propose the formal definition and security models for ABDTF schemes. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that a provable ABDTF scheme is proposed. Hence, this work provides a new research approach to ABDTF schemes. must know who are the real receivers. This is undesirable in a system where the number of the users is very large, such as cloud computing. In practice, the sender only knows some descriptive attributes of the receivers. Second, the receiver cannot be guaranteed to only receive messages from the legal senders. Therefore, it remains an elusive and challenging research problem on how to design a DTS scheme where the sender can send messages to the unknown receivers and the receiver can filter out false messages according to the described attributes. In this paper, we propose an attribute-based data transfer with filtering (ABDTF) scheme to address these problems. In our proposed scheme, the receiver can publish an access structure so that only the users whose attributes satisfy this access structure can send messages to him. Furthermore, the sender can encrypt a message under a set of attributes such that only the users who hold these attributes can obtain the message. In particular, we provide an efficient filtering algorithm for the receiver to resist the denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Notably, we propose the formal definition and security models for ABDTF schemes. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that a provable ABDTF scheme is proposed. Hence, this work provides a new research approach to ABDTF schemes

    A privacy preserving framework for cyber-physical systems and its integration in real world applications

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    A cyber-physical system (CPS) comprises of a network of processing and communication capable sensors and actuators that are pervasively embedded in the physical world. These intelligent computing elements achieve the tight combination and coordination between the logic processing and physical resources. It is envisioned that CPS will have great economic and societal impact, and alter the qualify of life like what Internet has done. This dissertation focuses on the privacy issues in current and future CPS applications. as thousands of the intelligent devices are deeply embedded in human societies, the system operations may potentially disclose the sensitive information if no privacy preserving mechanism is designed. This dissertation identifies data privacy and location privacy as the representatives to investigate the privacy problems in CPS. The data content privacy infringement occurs if the adversary can determine or partially determine the meaning of the transmitted data or the data stored in the storage. The location privacy, on the other hand, is the secrecy that a certain sensed object is associated to a specific location, the disclosure of which may endanger the sensed object. The location privacy may be compromised by the adversary through hop-by-hop traceback along the reverse direction of the message routing path. This dissertation proposes a public key based access control scheme to protect the data content privacy. Recent advances in efficient public key schemes, such as ECC, have already shown the feasibility to use public key schemes on low power devices including sensor motes. In this dissertation, an efficient public key security primitives, WM-ECC, has been implemented for TelosB and MICAz, the two major hardware platform in current sensor networks. WM-ECC achieves the best performance among the academic implementations. Based on WM-ECC, this dissertation has designed various security schemes, including pairwise key establishment, user access control and false data filtering mechanism, to protect the data content privacy. The experiments presented in this dissertation have shown that the proposed schemes are practical for real world applications. to protect the location privacy, this dissertation has considered two adversary models. For the first model in which an adversary has limited radio detection capability, the privacy-aware routing schemes are designed to slow down the adversary\u27s traceback progress. Through theoretical analysis, this dissertation shows how to maximize the adversary\u27s traceback time given a power consumption budget for message routing. Based on the theoretical results, this dissertation also proposes a simple and practical weighted random stride (WRS) routing scheme. The second model assumes a more powerful adversary that is able to monitor all radio communications in the network. This dissertation proposes a random schedule scheme in which each node transmits at a certain time slot in a period so that the adversary would not be able to profile the difference in communication patterns among all the nodes. Finally, this dissertation integrates the proposed privacy preserving framework into Snoogle, a sensor nodes based search engine for the physical world. Snoogle allows people to search for the physical objects in their vicinity. The previously proposed privacy preserving schemes are applied in the application to achieve the flexible and resilient privacy preserving capabilities. In addition to security and privacy, Snoogle also incorporates a number of energy saving and communication compression techniques that are carefully designed for systems composed of low-cost, low-power embedded devices. The evaluation study comprises of the real world experiments on a prototype Snoogle system and the scalability simulations

    A Comprehensive Survey on the Cyber-Security of Smart Grids: Cyber-Attacks, Detection, Countermeasure Techniques, and Future Directions

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    One of the significant challenges that smart grid networks face is cyber-security. Several studies have been conducted to highlight those security challenges. However, the majority of these surveys classify attacks based on the security requirements, confidentiality, integrity, and availability, without taking into consideration the accountability requirement. In addition, some of these surveys focused on the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) model, which does not differentiate between the application, session, and presentation and the data link and physical layers of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model. In this survey paper, we provide a classification of attacks based on the OSI model and discuss in more detail the cyber-attacks that can target the different layers of smart grid networks communication. We also propose new classifications for the detection and countermeasure techniques and describe existing techniques under each category. Finally, we discuss challenges and future research directions
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