13 research outputs found

    Revisiting News Value Theory in the Age of Globalization

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    This study reviewed the existing literature on news value theory andexamined its validity and implications in the contemporary world.The study refers to digital journalists and academicians. Are the newsselection criterion still the same as they were in the past or are editors,journalists, and media outlets changing their approach due toglobalization? Do journalists and editors still consider the same newsfactors to publish a story or not? These questions are addressed inthis study. This paper is relevant for future researchers andprofessional journalists. Today, journalists need more skills than everbefore. At the same time, due to digitalization and competition,organizations need stories continuously throughout the day to runtheir businesses and maintain their ranking among other mediaoutlets. Scholars need to empirically revisit media theories includesmiddle range theories, according to the needs of the time. Existingliterature shows that the globalization has changed a bit news factorsand researchers need to revisit existing news factors

    #Trending: a reevaluation of traditional news values given twitter through a mixed methods approach

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    Over the years, social media have catered for faster and perhaps more efficient delivery of news. Twitter, one of the most popular micro-blogging sites, is now being used by journalists in spreading and gathering news. And since Twitter takes note of what topics are trending, journalists now have an idea on what their audience would like to know and talk about. However, topics trending on Twitter often do not reflect the dominant news values presented by the journalists in the traditional news media, thus creating a gap between the perceptions of the audience and of the journalist on what are considered to be newsworthy especially on Twitter. This also creates an impression that news and news values are evolving. This exploratory mixed methods research re-evaluates the traditional news values in the age of Twitter. It seeks to determine if such values have evolved and if they remain relevant for journalists in the delivery of news in this entirely new platform. Four news values were identified given a phenomenological approach employed in qualitative interviews. These identified news values were then tested using a survey (N=300) as structural equation modelling was employed to test if these four news values are correlated to newsworthiness, news consumption and news distribution. It was found that the traditional news values relevant in journalists' practice of news judgment and in audience' interaction on Twitter. This study contributes to discourses on news values which are currently being reviewed given how the Internet and social media have influenced journalism

    #Trending: A reevaluation of traditional news values given Twitter through a mixed methods approach

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    Over the years, social media has catered for faster and perhaps more efficient delivery of news. Twitter, one of the most popular micro-blogging sites, is now being used by journalists in spreading and gathering news. And since Twitter takes note of what topics are trending, journalists now have an idea on what their audience would like to know and talk about. However, topics trending on Twitter often do not reflect the dominant news values presented by the journalists in the traditional news media, thus creating a gap between the perceptions of the audience and of the journalist on what are considered to be newsworthy especially on Twitter. This also creates an impression that news and the news values are evolving. This exploratory mixed methods research re-evaluates the traditional news values in the age of Twitter. It seeks to determine if such values have evolved and if they remain relevant for journalists in the delivery of news in this entirely new platform. Four news values were identified given a phenomenological approach employed in qualitative interviews. These identified news values were then tested using a survey (N=300) as structural equation modeling was employed to test if these four news values are correlated to newsworthiness, news consumption and news distribution. This study contributes to discourses on news values which are currently being reviewed given how the Internet and social media have influenced journalism.Venice Nicole Arboleda Amoroso, Nicole Abigail Cenizal Cham, Paulo Mari Chico Cruz, Candice Ria Estacamento Monsale, Micah Gabriela Tongol San Jose, Jeremaiah Manuel Opinian

    International Conference "Words, Images and Ideology of Populism 3.0" - Book of Abstracts

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    Book of Abstracts of the International Conference "Words, Images and Ideology of Populism 3.0

    Corporate Social Responsibility at Swisscom: Empowering the Idea of Sustainability and Transforming Individuals’ Realities

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    With corporate social responsibility becoming more important to powerful companies, analyzing how the idea of sustainability circulates in a company and influences actors is key to understanding the potential and limitations of corporate social responsibility as companies’ strategic approach to sustainability. Individuals in a company act upon ideas and together form a shared reality. This thesis, based on six months of fieldwork, in-depth interviews and a focus group meeting with the corporate social responsibility team as primary mediator of sustainability, offers an ethnographic account on how sustainability is circulated and made powerful at Swisscom, a Swiss telecommunication company. From a social constructivist perspective, I will show that the team’s, and with that the idea’s significance, results from a dialectic relationship between the team, the remaining company and external actors. I will further show that the team, to enhance its significance inside and outside the company, employs strategies to approach other actors. Finally, this thesis suggests that, with regard to sustainability, more research is needed to better understand how ideas circulate and influence individuals in their actions

    Enabling automatic provenance-based trust assessment of web content

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    Expresiones citativas y reportativas: análisis contrastivo inglés-español de la prensa de calidad

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, Departamento de Filología Inglesa (Lengua y Lingüística Inglesa), leída el 27/06/2017The language embedded in quotations in newspaper reports is a powerful tool that can influence readers’ thought, in particular their position towards the state of affairs and/or the participants included in the quote (Fowler 1994). This thesis, entitled ‘Reporting expressions: an English-Spanish contrastive study of quality press’, investigates the subtle ways by which the media restructures the world in the discourse, which jeopardises its efforts to configure itself as an objective and unbiased information medium. Thus, this study aims at answering a broad research question: is news industry impartial or evaluative? To this end, I will analyse the linguistic features embedded in reporting expressions that may lead to ideological variations, thus provoking distortions of meaning of what was originally uttered by the information sources.The parameters that will be studied in this investigation are the following: reporting style; reporting verb, which comprises tense, aspect, voice and writer’s commitment; the source of information, considering the specificity and gender factors; reportative evidentiality; news values; and, finally, the prominence parameter, which addresses the study of headlines...El lenguaje incluido en las citas periodísticas es una herramienta poderosa que puede influir en el pensamiento de los lectores, en particular su posicionamiento hacia los hechos y/o participantes incluidos en la cita (Fowler 1994). Esta tesis, titulada ‘Expresiones citativas y reportativas: análisis contrastivo inglés-español de la prensa de calidad’, investiga las maneras sutiles por las cuales los medios de comunicación reestructuran el mundo en el discurso, lo cual compromete sus esfuerzos por configurarse como un medio de información objetivo e imparcial. Por lo tanto, todo este estudio tiene como objetivo responder a la siguiente cuestión amplia de la investigación: ¿la industria de las noticias es imparcial o evaluativa? Para tal fin, analizaré los rasgos lingüísticos inmersos en expresiones citativas que puedan llevar a variaciones ideológicas, provocando así distorsiones de significado de lo que fue originalmente dicho por las fuentes de información.Los parámetros que serán estudiados en esta investigación son los siguientes: estilo citativo; el verbo citativo, que incluye tiempo, aspecto, voz y la implicación del escritor; la fuente de información, considerando los factores de especificidad y género; la evidencialidad reportativa; los valores de las noticias; y, finalmente, el parámetro de la prominencia, que aborda el estudio de los titulares de prensa...Depto. de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y LiteraturaFac. de FilologíaTRUEunpu

    A noticiabilidade no ciberjornalismo. Processos de seleção, métricas de consumo e valores-notícia influentes

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    Na corrida por um menu noticioso que promova uma ampla circulação dos seus conteúdos em rede, o ciberjornalismo vivencia uma nova fase de experimentações e desafios num contexto infocomunicacional fortemente competitivo. Numa abordagem etnometodólogica, com recursos à observação de campo e entrevistas, por meio de estudos de caso, essa investigação identificou uma recorrente associação de critérios de noticiabilidade à análise das dinâmicas de consumo geradas pelas audiências em rotinas operacionais de quatro redações ciberjornalísticas, no Brasil e em Portugal. Verificou-se que tais dinâmicas de consumo estão sendo absorvidas frequentemente como elementos ou mecanismos influentes às escolhas do que é notícia, como nova estratégia de expansão de circulação de seus conteúdos na web. Com base em pressupostos substantivos e contextuais de notícia que derivam, dentre outros fatores, da análise de dinâmicas de consumo no meio online e da pressão que múltiplos agentes exercem hoje sobre a produção, essa modalidade do jornalismo tem buscado incorporar em suas rotinas uma ação operacional capaz de gerar níveis crescentes de disseminação e engajamento. No atual contexto de processos operacionais de seleção de notícia, efetivados por equipes multiprofissionais fortemente atentas a reações de interesses e preferências da audiência (visualizações, partilhas e comentários), destacam-se valores-notícia influentes nas decisões editoriais, que reforçam, mas também alteram qualidades convencionais de notícia. Mais que investigar e informar, a tarefa de decidir o que será notícia evidencia outros objetivos, como impactar, imediatizar, interagir, engajar e espalhar, dos quais emergem atributos que definem o que tem obtido valor como informação pública.In the race for a news menu that promotes a wide circulation of its contents in network, the cyberjournalism experiences a new phase of trials and challenges in a strongly competitive infocomunicacional context. In an ethnomethodological approach, with resources to field observation and interviews, through case studies, this research discovered a recurrent association of newsworthiness criteria with the analysis of consumption dynamics generated by audiences in the operational routines of four cyberjournalistic newsrooms in Brazil and in Portugal. It has been found that such consumer dynamics are often being absorbed as influential elements or mechanisms in the choices of news, as a new strategy of expanding circulation of their content on the web. Based on substantive and contextual assumptions about news that derive, among other factors, from the analysis of consumer dynamics in the online medium and the pressure that multiple agents exert on production nowadays, the journalism has been trying to incorporate into its routines an operational action capable of generating increasing levels of dissemination and engagement. In the current context of operational processes of news selection, carried out by multiprofessional teams strongly attentive to reactions of interests and preferences of the audience (views, shares and comments), news values are emerging in the editorial decisions, that reinforce, but also change conventional qualities of news. Rather than investigating and informing, the task of deciding what will be news highlights other goals, such as impacting, immediacy, interacting, engaging and spreading, when new attributes arise and shape the public information