8 research outputs found

    Interoperability in virtual world

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    Recently we have seen a growing use of virtual worlds (VW) in many areas like marketing, e-commerce, games, social interaction and education. The virtual worlds offer many resources to engage their users (named avatar) like freedom of movements, teleport yourself to other local, communicate with other inhabitants (both text and voice messages), capacity to create, modify and destroy objects and the possibility of programming behaviors to these objects via scripts. The amount of resources "in" the world is great. This measure will be bigger if adding the resources "out" the world. Both resources (in and out) need ways to communication. Our interest on VW applications to education goals, rises the necessity of understand the model, protocols and ways of communication these "virtual worlds" with the "real worlds".XI Workshop tecnología informática aplicada en educaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Creating Test Questions for 3D Collaborative Virtual Worlds: the WorldOfQuestions Authoring Environment

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    In this paper we introduce, describe and evaluate WorldOfQuestions, an authoring environment for the creation and delivery of tests in 3D Collaborative Virtual Worlds. This environment is composed of an extended, customized version of the Open Wonderland platform and a form-based editor. Its aim is to make the most of 3D world features, such as immersion and interactivity, when implementing multiple choice, ordering and essay questions enriched with multimedia elements and 3D objects. A group of teaching professionals was asked to work with the environment, in order to evaluate its usefulness and ease of use. A Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) based framework was used for this evaluation. According to the educators interviewed, the most important aspects to consider regarding the behavioral intention to use the tool were the academic subject being taught, the student profiles, the environment learning curve and the time requirements.This research has been partially supported by the Spanish national projects Learn3 (grant TIN2008-05163/TSI) and EEE (grant TIN2011-28308-C03-01) and the Madrid regional project eMadrid (grant S2009/TIC-1650).publicad

    Recognizing emotions induced by wearable haptic vibration using noninvasive electroencephalogram

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    The integration of haptic technology into affective computing has led to a new field known as affective haptics. Nonetheless, the mechanism underlying the interaction between haptics and emotions remains unclear. In this paper, we proposed a novel haptic pattern with adaptive vibration intensity and rhythm according to the volume, and applied it into the emotional experiment paradigm. To verify its superiority, the proposed haptic pattern was compared with an existing haptic pattern by combining them with conventional visual–auditory stimuli to induce emotions (joy, sadness, fear, and neutral), and the subjects’ EEG signals were collected simultaneously. The features of power spectral density (PSD), differential entropy (DE), differential asymmetry (DASM), and differential caudality (DCAU) were extracted, and the support vector machine (SVM) was utilized to recognize four target emotions. The results demonstrated that haptic stimuli enhanced the activity of the lateral temporal and prefrontal areas of the emotion-related brain regions. Moreover, the classification accuracy of the existing constant haptic pattern and the proposed adaptive haptic pattern increased by 7.71 and 8.60%, respectively. These findings indicate that flexible and varied haptic patterns can enhance immersion and fully stimulate target emotions, which are of great importance for wearable haptic interfaces and emotion communication through haptics

    Bridging the Gap between Virtual and Real World by Bringing an Interpersonal Haptic Communication System in Second Life

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    3D Virtual Worlds and the Metaverse: Current Status and Future Possibilities

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    Moving from a set of independent virtual worlds to an integrated network of 3D virtual worlds or Metaverse rests on progress in four areas: immersive realism, ubiquity of access and identity, interoperability, and scalability. For each area, the current status and needed developments in order to achieve a functional Metaverse are described. Factors that support the formation of a viable Metaverse, such as institutional and popular interest and ongoing improvements in hardware performance, and factors that constrain the achievement of this goal, including limits in computational methods and unrealized collaboration among virtual world stakeholders and developers, are also considered

    Interdisciplinary Insights for Digital Touch Communication

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    Communication is increasingly moving beyond ‘ways of seeing’ to ‘ways of feeling’. This Open Access book provides social design insights and implications for HCI research and design exploring digitally mediated touch communication. It offers a socially orientated map to help navigate the complex social landscape of digitally mediated touch for communication: from everyday touch-screens, tangibles, wearables, haptics for virtual reality, to the tactile internet of skin. Drawing on literature reviews, new case-study vignettes, and exemplars of digital touch, the book examines the major social debates provoked by digital touch, and investigates social themes central to the communicative potential and societal consequences of digital touch: · Communication environments, capacities and practices · Norms associations and expectations · Presence, absence and connection · Social imaginaries of digital touch · Digital touch ethics and values The book concludes with a discussion of the significance of social understanding and methods in the context of Interdisciplinary collaborations to explore touch, towards the design of digital touch communication, ‘ways of feeling’, that are useable, appropriate, ethical and socially aware

    Synthèse et commande de dispositifs haptiques pour la communication à distance : application à une interface robotique anthropomorphe pour la poignée de main

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    Les systèmes de communication à distance entre les individus ont évolué significativement au cours des dernières années, de concert avec les innovations technologiques caractérisant notre société. Afin de réaliser une communication réaliste et intuitive, le système doit être capable de stimuler les sens qui sont habituellement impliqués dans l’interaction entre deux personnes, tels que l’ouïe, la vision et le toucher. Le téléphone a représenté une innovation importante dans les communications en permettant enfin de pouvoir parler avec son interlocuteur directement, sans devoir employer un signal codé comme le code Morse. Cette communication a été améliorée en introduisant les appels vidéo, lesquels permettent non seulement d’entendre l’interlocuteur mais aussi de le voir. Plusieurs recherches ont cependant démontré que le sens du toucher joue également un rôle très important dans les interactions entre individus. Une technologie relativement récente, connue comme technologie haptique, aborde le problème de la transmission du sens du toucher à distance, dans le but de mettre en oeuvre une communication complète et encore plus réaliste. Cette technologie a également d’autres applications tout aussi importantes. À titre d’exemple, l’haptique est utilisée dans le domaine de la réadaptation et de l’apprentissage guidé de personnes ayant des déficiences motrices. Cette thèse porte sur le développement de la technologie haptique pour la communication à distance entre deux individus. L’objectif final est la réalisation d’un système permettant aux deux utilisateurs de se serrer la main à distance. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, nous devons aborder deux problèmes différents, tels que la conception d’une interface capable de reproduire le mouvement désiré et l’implémentation d’une loi de commande garantissant le comportement correct de cette interface. Toujours dans le cadre de l’interaction à distance par le biais d’un dispositif haptique, une interface pour l’apprentissage de l’écriture manuelle est également présentée. Cette application permet de démontrer, entre autres, l’importance d’un signal haptique dans l’interaction humain-humain et son influence sur les utilisateurs.Remote communication systems have significantly improved in the course of the recent years, in concert with technological innovations of our society. In order to realize a realistic and intuitive communication, the system must activate the part of the sensory system that is normally stimulated in an interaction between two people, i.e., the auditory system, the visual system and the haptic perception system, which concerns touch. The telephone represented an innovating communication system. It allowed to directly talk to the interlocutor without any need for a coded signal such as the Morse code. Remote communications have been further improved with the introduction of the video calls, which allow people not only to talk to but also to see each other. Several researches proved that the sense of touch plays a crucial role in social interactions. Haptic technology, which is relatively recent, approaches the problems related to the perception and the transmission of touch. One objective is to render remote communications even more complete and realistic. Haptic technology is also used in other important applications such as, for instance, rehabilitation and guided learning process of people with movement impairments. This thesis concerns the development of the haptic technology devoted to the implementation of remote communication systems. The final objective is to realize a teleoperation system which allows two users to remotely shake hands. In order to achieve this objective, two main issues must be faced : the design of a haptic interface capable of reproducing the required movement and the implementation of a control law which guarantees the proper response of such an interface. In the framework of a remote interaction via a haptic device, an interface for the training and assessment of handwriting capabilities is also presented. The latter application demonstrates the importance of haptic signals in a remote human-human interaction and its influence on the users

    Interdisciplinary Insights for Digital Touch Communication

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    Communication is increasingly moving beyond ‘ways of seeing’ to ‘ways of feeling’. This Open Access book provides social design insights and implications for HCI research and design exploring digitally mediated touch communication. It offers a socially orientated map to help navigate the complex social landscape of digitally mediated touch for communication: from everyday touch-screens, tangibles, wearables, haptics for virtual reality, to the tactile internet of skin. Drawing on literature reviews, new case-study vignettes, and exemplars of digital touch, the book examines the major social debates provoked by digital touch, and investigates social themes central to the communicative potential and societal consequences of digital touch: · Communication environments, capacities and practices · Norms associations and expectations · Presence, absence and connection · Social imaginaries of digital touch · Digital touch ethics and values The book concludes with a discussion of the significance of social understanding and methods in the context of Interdisciplinary collaborations to explore touch, towards the design of digital touch communication, ‘ways of feeling’, that are useable, appropriate, ethical and socially aware