34,458 research outputs found

    Bridging the Innovation Divide: An Agenda for Disseminating Technology Innovations within the Nonprofit Sector

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    Examines technology practices -- such as neighborhood information systems, electronic advocacy, Internet-based micro enterprise support, and digital inclusion initiatives -- that strengthen the capacity of nonprofits and community organizations

    Child Welfare Partnership for Research and Training: A Title IV-E University/Community Collaborative Research Model

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    University-community partnerships are increasingly recognized as valuable in educating students for professional practice and bridging the gap between research and practice. This manuscript describes the evolution and design of a university-community partnership between a School of Social Work in one urban university and local child welfare agencies: the Child Welfare Partnership for Research and Training (CW-PART). This local partnership illustrates types of opportunities and outcomes that emerge when state and local entities leverage greater results from federal funding through partnerships with local universities. The manuscript describes 1), the community-engaged framework used to inform the overall approach and partner roles; 2) evolution of the model from early partnered research successes; 3) core elements of the CWPART university-community partnered research model, and 4) preliminary lessons learned from the pilot phase of model

    Soft networks for bridging the gap between research and practice: illuminative evaluation of CHAIN

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    Objectives To explore the process of knowledge exchange in an informal email network for evidence based health care, to illuminate the value of the service and its critical success factors, and to identify areas for improvement.Design Illuminative evaluationSetting Targeted email and networking service for UK healthcare practitioners and researchers.Participants 2800 members of a networking service.Main outcome measures Tracking of email messages, interviews with core staff, and a qualitative analysis of messages, postings from focus groups, and invited and unsolicited feedback to the service.Results The informal email network helped to bridge the gap between research and practice by serving as a rich source of information, providing access to members' experiences, suggestions, and ideas, facilitating cross boundary collaboration, and enabling participation in networking at a variety of levels. Ad hoc groupings and communities of practice emerged spontaneously as members discovered common areas of interest.Conclusion This study illuminated how knowledge for evidence based health care can be targeted, personalised, and made meaningful through informal social processes. Critical success factors include a broad based membership from both the research and service communities; a loose and fluid network structure; fight targeting of messages based on members' interests; the presence of a strong network identity and culture of reciprocity; and the opportunity for new members to learn through passive participation

    How Do Research Projects Influence the Design of Local Policies for Environmental and Natural Resource Management?

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    This paper documents and analyzes interactions between environmental and natural resource (ENR) management research and local governance. It draws from the experiences of the Philippine-based Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Collaborative Research Support Program (SANREM CRSP) to address the following questions: How do research projects influence ENR policy and design? What are the institutional arrangements necessary to sustain interactions between research and governance? The authors offer important methodological insights as well as lessons for practical efforts to link research and policy.environmental and natural resource management, research-policy relationship

    Connecting the dots: Communication skills for stem success

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    Mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi membutuhkan latihan, umpan balik, dan pengembangan profesional berkelanjutan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memahami perspektif dan pengalaman para profesional STEM mengenai pentingnya komunikasi yang efektif dan dampaknya terhadap pertumbuhan dan pencapaian profesional mereka. Melalui wawancara mendalam dan analisis tematik, penelitian ini menyelidiki sifat multifaset keterampilan komunikasi dalam STEM. Temuan penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya komunikasi verbal, tertulis, dan visual dalam STEM. Analisis kualitatif mengungkapkan keterampilan komunikasi verbal praktis. Ini termasuk menyajikan temuan penelitian secara efektif dan terlibat dalam dialog interdisipliner, memungkinkan para profesional STEM untuk berkolaborasi secara efektif, bertukar ide, dan mendorong inovasi. Selain itu, penelitian ini mengungkap peran penting komunikasi visual dalam menyampaikan konsep ilmiah yang kompleks kepada peserta yang beragam. Studi ini menunjukkan bagaimana alat bantu visual yang berdampak, seperti visualisasi dan ilustrasi data, meningkatkan aksesibilitas dan pemahaman informasi ilmiah, yang mengarah pada peningkatan keterlibatan dan penyebaran pengetahuan yang lebih luas. Profesional STEM menghadapi berbagai tantangan dalam mengembangkan dan mengasah keterampilan komunikasi mereka. Ini mengeksplorasi hambatan, seperti kurangnya penekanan pada pelatihan komunikasi dalam pendidikan STEM dan norma budaya yang memprioritaskan keahlian teknis daripada komunikasi yang efektif. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi strategi dan sumber daya yang digunakan para profesional STEM untuk meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi mereka, termasuk partisipasi dalam lokakarya, mencari bimbingan, dan memanfaatkan platform digital untuk komunikasi sains—peran penting keterampilan komunikasi dalam mencapai kesuksesan dibidang STEM. Komunikasi verbal, tertulis, dan visual yang efektif sangat penting dalam mendorong kolaborasi interdisipliner, penyebaran pengetahuan, dan inovasi. Dengan mengenali dan mengatasi tantangan yang terkait dengan keterampilan komunikasi, program pendidikan dan penelitian STEM dapat membekali para profesional dengan lebih baik dengan alat yang diperlukan untuk menjembatani kesenjangan antara keahlian teknis dan dampak sosial yang lebih luas

    Conceptualising the research–practice–professional development nexus: mobilising schools as ‘research-engaged’ professional learning communities

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    This paper argues the need for coherent, holistic frameworks offering insightful understandings as well as viable, connected and synergistic solutions to schools in addressing pressing problems arising from the acknowledged gaps between research, practice and professional development. There is a need to conceptualise a comprehensive conceptual framework that rationalises, constructs and connects salient professional development concepts and practices fit for purpose in twenty-first-century schools. Specifically, three themes conceptualise existing problems faced by schools and their possible solutions: first, bridging the research–policy–practice gap by mobilising knowledge more effectively through knowledge producers and consumers working collaboratively; second, valuing and integrating both tacit knowledge and academic coded knowledge; and third, raising the professionalism and reflectivity of teachers and leaders. However, a new organisational and human infrastructure is needed to enable these solutions to be realised in school practice. Arguably, three responses are critical to this challenge of knowledge mobilisation; all are achievable through the powerful unifying concept of the ‘research-engaged school’. The three responses are: research engagement on the part of all teachers and leaders; creating schools and school networks as professional learning communities; and adopting a workable methodology (namely, research–design–development) for teachers and leaders to put research into practice and tailor innovations to specific school contexts
