7,646 research outputs found

    Self-Regulation in the Brewing Industry

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    The internationalization of the beer brewing industry

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    Economies of scale ; International trade ; Beer industry

    Entrepreneurial intentions in an emerging industry: An exploratory study

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    This exploratory study examines entrepreneurial intentions in the emerging craft brewing industry from the perspective of predominantly micro and small craft brewery owners/brewing masters through the lens of the theories of universal values and planned behaviour. In doing so, the study makes a contribution to the existing academic literature on entrepreneurial intentions, micro and small businesses, and craft brewing industry. A contribution is also made by refining the adopted theoretical frameworks to study craft brewing entrepreneurship. Employing content analysis and word association revealed that passion for the craft brewing industry, turning a hobby into a professional undertaking, and professional and lifestyle changes- as compared to financial rewards- are predominant reasons for being involved in this industry. Alignments between the findings and universal values and two of the three predicting intentions was noticed, demonstrating the applicability of these theoretical frameworks in the context of the industry under examination

    Dynamic aspects of brewing industry

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    Utifrån kritik från Socialstyrelsen och Länsstyrelsen att kommunerna inte hade tillräckligt god kunskap om målgruppen psykiskt funktionshindrade, bristande samordning med den landstingsstyrda psykiatrin samt kommunernas egna önskemål om bättre kunskap, genomfördes en länsövergripande inventering av psykiskt funktionshindrade i Jämtlands kommuner under 2005. Syftet var att kartlägga personer med psykiska funktionshinder och deras behov, utveckla uppsökande verksamhet, identifiera gråzoner, ge underlag för att utveckla samarbetet kommun – psykiatri samt ge möjlighet till kommunvisa jämförelser. Som en del av inventeringen skulle också en livskvalitetsintervju göras med ett urval av de identifierade personerna. Kartläggningen genomfördes i enlighet med en målgruppsdefinition och inventeringsmodell föreslagen av Socialstyrelsen med ett enkätförfarande riktat till uppgiftslämnare inom olika berörda myndigheter. Enkäter lämnades till kommunernas vård och socialtjänst, psykiatrin, primärvården, arbetsförmedlingen och försäkringskassan. Enkäterna innehöll frågor om insatser och behov från respektive instans samt i vilken mån de var tillfredsställda. Livskvalitetsundersökningen genomfördes i form av personliga intervjuer med instrumentet Lancashires livskvalitetsprofil på ett slumpmässigt urval ur gruppen med klarlagd diagnos. Undersökningen har utifrån sitt syfte om kartläggning gett information om 454 personer där uppgift om relevant diagnos gått att belägga (i rapporten benämnda Grupp 1). Detta utgör 75 % av det förväntade antalet med psykiska funktionshinder (0,6 % av befolkningen). Personerna i Grupp 1 inrapporterades i huvudsak från psykiatrin och socialtjänsten. Av denna grupp var drygt en tredjedel inrapporterade av psykiatrin eller annan myndighet men inte av kommunerna. Detta kan tolkas som att dessa personer och deras behov inte var kända hos kommunerna vid inventeringstillfället. Utöver detta har också uppgifter om 329 personer som av handläggare bedömts ha sådana problem att de hör till målgruppen/har liknande behov (i rapporten kallade Grupp 2) men där diagnos eller kontakter med psykiatrin inte kunnat verifieras, kommit in. Dessa personer var i huvudsak rapporterade från socialtjänsten. I båda grupperna var det en övervikt av män. Medelåldern var 51.4 år i Grupp 1 och 52.5 i Grupp 2. I båda grupperna bodde drygt två tredjedelar i egen bostad. Endast omkring 30 % av dem i arbetsför ålder i båda grupperna hade uppgifter om att de hade arbete eller deltog i organiserad sysselsättning. Medicinering och läkarkontakt var de vanligaste insatserna från psykiatrin medan kommunal hälso- och sjukvård och stöd i eget boende var vanligast i kommunerna. Sammanfattningsvis bedömde både psykiatrin och kommunerna behovet av ytterligare stöd till målgruppen (Grupp 1) som stort. Intervjuundersökningen om livskvalitet har trots ett högt (delvis förväntat) bortfall gett en fördjupad bild av målgruppens behov och syn på sina livsförhållanden. Intervjupersonernas (n = 56) sammanfattande skattningar av olika livsområden visade att man var relativt nöjd med sin livskvalitet med medelvärden på 4 och 5 på en sjugradig skala. Minst nöjd var man med sin ekonomiska situation medan några av de områden man var mest nöjd med var fritid och säkerhet. Som förslag till åtgärder utifrån inventeringens resultat noteras behov av ökade resurser för utredningar (bl.a. utifrån Grupp 2), vikten av uppsökande verksamhet, utveckling av mer varierat utbud av sysselsättning och tydlighet kring ansvaret för samordningen av insatser för personer med psykiska funktionshinder

    Isolation and Characterization of Wild Microbes for Brewing

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    The craft beer brewing industry has enjoyed explosive growth over the past decade and as component of this expansion interest in the production of “wild” or spontaneously fermented alcoholic beers and ales has increased dramatically. Unlike traditionally fermented ales, the vast majority of which are brewed with less than a dozen well characterized domestic strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, spontaneous fermentation typically depends on environmental yeasts of the Saccharomycetaceae family. We report here a recharacterization and comparison of a number of previously isolated yeast species from various environmental sources as their characteristics relate to their usefulness in the craft brewing industry. In addition, characterization of a strain newly isolated from a New England malting facility is presented. This comparison has confirmed that yeasts of potential use in the brewing industry can vary widely in terms of species, secondary metabolite production, carbohydrate use, and fermentation characteristics

    "Capital Accumulation and the Local Economy: Brewers and Local Notables"; forthcoming in Tanimoto, Masayuki ed, The Role of Tradition in Japan's Industrialization, Oxford University Press.

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    This essay focuses on the holders of accumulated capital in the brewing industry to examine the characteristics of the capital accumulation process and the connection between accumulated capital and the start of Japan's industrialisation in Meiji period. The characteristic feature of brewing as a so-called "traditional industry" was that individual entrepreneurs accumulated a relatively large amount of capital and labour. The multi-layered structure of the brewing industry, with large-sized brewers selling to urban markets and small and medium-sized producers supplying areas outside the cities, resulted in this feature and formed a necessary condition for the investment activities of brewers. According to the examination of historical materials on particular brewery businesses [the Hamaguchi family and the Sekiguchi family], the brewers dared to invest their capital locally - in areas where they maintained close relationships. Capital accumulation in "traditional" industries was thus linked to the emergence of modern enterprises, and this linkage was supported by a regional community in which "traditional capitalists"' acted as "local notables" as much as entrepreneurs. The investment activities rooted in the regional community were the hidden driving force in initiating Japan's industrial revolution and full-scale industrialisation.

    "Capital Accumulation and the Local Economy: Brewers and Local Notables"

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    This essay focuses on the holders of accumulated capital in the brewing industry to examine the characteristics of the capital accumulation process and the connection between accumulated capital and the start of Japan's industrialisation in Meiji period. The characteristic feature of brewing as a so-called "traditional industry" was that individual entrepreneurs accumulated a relatively large amount of capital and labour. The multi-layered structure of the brewing industry, with large-sized brewers selling to urban markets and small and medium-sized producers supplying areas outside the cities, resulted in this feature and formed a necessary condition for the investment activities of brewers. According to the examination of historical materials on particular brewery businesses [the Hamaguchi family and the Sekiguchi family], the brewers dared to invest their capital locally - in areas where they maintained close relationships. Capital accumulation in "traditional" industries was thus linked to the emergence of modern enterprises, and this linkage was supported by a regional community in which "traditional capitalists"' acted as "local notables" as much as entrepreneurs. The investment activities rooted in the regional community were the hidden driving force in initiating Japan's industrial revolution and full-scale industrialisation.

    An Experiential Supply Chain Management Field Study: Effectively Bridging the Gap Between Classroom and Practice

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    Employers want new college graduates to relate theory to practice when they begin their careers. Experiential learning opportunities provide occasions to develop such skills. However, internships and single factory tours rarely provide more generalizable insights about the competitive nature of business across a range of firms. We conceptually explore an experiential field study that addresses this shortcoming: a supply chain management course of the brewing industry. We describe the development of our course, its execution, its learning outcomes, advantages of our approach in the brewing industry, and suggestions to replicate it at other schools and with other industries

    Роль стратегического анализа в структурировании современных тенденций рынка пива Украины

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    Проведен стратегический анализ пивоваренной отрасли Украины. Определены позитивные и негативные тенденции рынка пива Украины.The strategic analysis of Ukraine brewing industry is done. Positive and negative of Ukraine beer market tendencies are detected and structured