1,250 research outputs found

    Entropy on Spin Factors

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    Recently it has been demonstrated that the Shannon entropy or the von Neuman entropy are the only entropy functions that generate a local Bregman divergences as long as the state space has rank 3 or higher. In this paper we will study the properties of Bregman divergences for convex bodies of rank 2. The two most important convex bodies of rank 2 can be identified with the bit and the qubit. We demonstrate that if a convex body of rank 2 has a Bregman divergence that satisfies sufficiency then the convex body is spectral and if the Bregman divergence is monotone then the convex body has the shape of a ball. A ball can be represented as the state space of a spin factor, which is the most simple type of Jordan algebra. We also study the existence of recovery maps for Bregman divergences on spin factors. In general the convex bodies of rank 2 appear as faces of state spaces of higher rank. Therefore our results give strong restrictions on which convex bodies could be the state space of a physical system with a well-behaved entropy function.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    Topological Data Analysis with Bregman Divergences

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    Given a finite set in a metric space, the topological analysis generalizes hierarchical clustering using a 1-parameter family of homology groups to quantify connectivity in all dimensions. The connectivity is compactly described by the persistence diagram. One limitation of the current framework is the reliance on metric distances, whereas in many practical applications objects are compared by non-metric dissimilarity measures. Examples are the Kullback-Leibler divergence, which is commonly used for comparing text and images, and the Itakura-Saito divergence, popular for speech and sound. These are two members of the broad family of dissimilarities called Bregman divergences. We show that the framework of topological data analysis can be extended to general Bregman divergences, widening the scope of possible applications. In particular, we prove that appropriately generalized Cech and Delaunay (alpha) complexes capture the correct homotopy type, namely that of the corresponding union of Bregman balls. Consequently, their filtrations give the correct persistence diagram, namely the one generated by the uniformly growing Bregman balls. Moreover, we show that unlike the metric setting, the filtration of Vietoris-Rips complexes may fail to approximate the persistence diagram. We propose algorithms to compute the thus generalized Cech, Vietoris-Rips and Delaunay complexes and experimentally test their efficiency. Lastly, we explain their surprisingly good performance by making a connection with discrete Morse theory

    A directed isoperimetric inequality with application to Bregman near neighbor lower bounds

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    Bregman divergences DϕD_\phi are a class of divergences parametrized by a convex function ϕ\phi and include well known distance functions like ℓ22\ell_2^2 and the Kullback-Leibler divergence. There has been extensive research on algorithms for problems like clustering and near neighbor search with respect to Bregman divergences, in all cases, the algorithms depend not just on the data size nn and dimensionality dd, but also on a structure constant μ≥1\mu \ge 1 that depends solely on ϕ\phi and can grow without bound independently. In this paper, we provide the first evidence that this dependence on μ\mu might be intrinsic. We focus on the problem of approximate near neighbor search for Bregman divergences. We show that under the cell probe model, any non-adaptive data structure (like locality-sensitive hashing) for cc-approximate near-neighbor search that admits rr probes must use space Ω(n1+μcr)\Omega(n^{1 + \frac{\mu}{c r}}). In contrast, for LSH under ℓ1\ell_1 the best bound is Ω(n1+1cr)\Omega(n^{1+\frac{1}{cr}}). Our new tool is a directed variant of the standard boolean noise operator. We show that a generalization of the Bonami-Beckner hypercontractivity inequality exists "in expectation" or upon restriction to certain subsets of the Hamming cube, and that this is sufficient to prove the desired isoperimetric inequality that we use in our data structure lower bound. We also present a structural result reducing the Hamming cube to a Bregman cube. This structure allows us to obtain lower bounds for problems under Bregman divergences from their ℓ1\ell_1 analog. In particular, we get a (weaker) lower bound for approximate near neighbor search of the form Ω(n1+1cr)\Omega(n^{1 + \frac{1}{cr}}) for an rr-query non-adaptive data structure, and new cell probe lower bounds for a number of other near neighbor questions in Bregman space.Comment: 27 page

    Adaptive Mixture Methods Based on Bregman Divergences

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    We investigate adaptive mixture methods that linearly combine outputs of mm constituent filters running in parallel to model a desired signal. We use "Bregman divergences" and obtain certain multiplicative updates to train the linear combination weights under an affine constraint or without any constraints. We use unnormalized relative entropy and relative entropy to define two different Bregman divergences that produce an unnormalized exponentiated gradient update and a normalized exponentiated gradient update on the mixture weights, respectively. We then carry out the mean and the mean-square transient analysis of these adaptive algorithms when they are used to combine outputs of mm constituent filters. We illustrate the accuracy of our results and demonstrate the effectiveness of these updates for sparse mixture systems.Comment: Submitted to Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier; IEEE.or
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