5,963 research outputs found

    Scale Stain: Multi-Resolution Feature Enhancement in Pathology Visualization

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    Digital whole-slide images of pathological tissue samples have recently become feasible for use within routine diagnostic practice. These gigapixel sized images enable pathologists to perform reviews using computer workstations instead of microscopes. Existing workstations visualize scanned images by providing a zoomable image space that reproduces the capabilities of the microscope. This paper presents a novel visualization approach that enables filtering of the scale-space according to color preference. The visualization method reveals diagnostically important patterns that are otherwise not visible. The paper demonstrates how this approach has been implemented into a fully functional prototype that lets the user navigate the visualization parameter space in real time. The prototype was evaluated for two common clinical tasks with eight pathologists in a within-subjects study. The data reveal that task efficiency increased by 15% using the prototype, with maintained accuracy. By analyzing behavioral strategies, it was possible to conclude that efficiency gain was caused by a reduction of the panning needed to perform systematic search of the images. The prototype system was well received by the pathologists who did not detect any risks that would hinder use in clinical routine

    Goggle Augmented Imaging and Navigation System for Fluorescence-Guided Surgery

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    Surgery remains the only curative option for most solid tumors. The standard-of-care usually involves tumor resection and sentinel lymph node biopsy for cancer staging. Surgeons rely on their vision and touch to distinguish healthy from cancer tissue during surgery, often leading to incomplete tumor resection that necessitates repeat surgery. Sentinel lymph node biopsy by conventional radioactive tracking exposes patients and caregivers to ionizing radiation, while blue dye tracking stains the tissue highlighting only superficial lymph nodes. Improper identification of sentinel lymph nodes may misdiagnose the stage of the cancer. Therefore there is a clinical need for accurate intraoperative tumor and sentinel lymph node visualization. Conventional imaging modalities such as x-ray computed tomography, positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound are excellent for preoperative cancer diagnosis and surgical planning. However, they are not suitable for intraoperative use, due to bulky complicated hardware, high cost, non-real-time imaging, severe restrictions to the surgical workflow and lack of sufficient resolution for tumor boundary assessment. This has propelled interest in fluorescence-guided surgery, due to availability of simple hardware that can achieve real-time, high resolution and sensitive imaging. Near-infrared fluorescence imaging is of particular interest due to low background absorbance by photoactive biomolecules, enabling thick tissue assessment. As a result several near-infrared fluorescence-guided surgery systems have been developed. However, they are limited by bulky hardware, disruptive information display and non-matched field of view to the user. To address these limitations we have developed a compact, light-weight and wearable goggle augmented imaging and navigation system (GAINS). It detects the near-infrared fluorescence from a tumor accumulated contrast agent, along with the normal color view and displays accurately aligned, color-fluorescence images via a head-mounted display worn by the surgeon, in real-time. GAINS is a platform technology and capable of very sensitive fluorescence detection. Image display options include both video see-through and optical see-through head-mounted displays for high-contrast image guidance as well as direct visual access to the surgical bed. Image capture options from large field of view camera as well high magnification handheld microscope, ensures macroscopic as well as microscopic assessment of the tumor bed. Aided by tumor targeted near-infrared contrast agents, GAINS guided complete tumor resection in subcutaneous, metastatic and spontaneous mouse models of cancer with high sensitivity and specificity, in real-time. Using a clinically-approved near-infrared contrast agent, GAINS provided real-time image guidance for accurate visualization of lymph nodes in a porcine model and sentinel lymph nodes in human breast cancer and melanoma patients with high sensitivity. This work has addressed issues that have limited clinical adoption of fluorescence-guided surgery and paved the way for research into developing this approach towards standard-of-care practice that can potentially improve surgical outcomes in cancer

    Real-time polarization microscopy of fibrillar collagen in histopathology

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Keikhosravi, A., Shribak, M., Conklin, M. W., Liu, Y., Li, B., Loeffler, A., Levenson, R. M., & Eliceiri, K. W. Real-time polarization microscopy of fibrillar collagen in histopathology. Scientific Reports, 11(1), (2021): 19063, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-98600-w.Over the past two decades, fibrillar collagen reorganization parameters such as the amount of collagen deposition, fiber angle and alignment have been widely explored in numerous studies. These parameters are now widely accepted as stromal biomarkers and linked to disease progression and survival time in several cancer types. Despite all these advances, there has not been a significant effort to make it possible for clinicians to explore these biomarkers without adding steps to the clinical workflow or by requiring high-cost imaging systems. In this paper, we evaluate previously described polychromatic polarization microscope (PPM) to visualize collagen fibers with an optically generated color representation of fiber orientation and alignment when inspecting the sample by a regular microscope with minor modifications. This system does not require stained slides, but is compatible with histological stains such as H&E. Consequently, it can be easily accommodated as part of regular pathology review of tissue slides, while providing clinically useful insight into stromal composition.This work was supported by NIH R01 CA238191 (KWE), NIH P41GM135019 (KWE), NIH R01 GM101701 (MS), funding from the Morgridge Institute for Research (KWE), the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) (KWE), and the William T. Golden Endowment (MS)

    The future of laboratory medicine - A 2014 perspective.

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    Predicting the future is a difficult task. Not surprisingly, there are many examples and assumptions that have proved to be wrong. This review surveys the many predictions, beginning in 1887, about the future of laboratory medicine and its sub-specialties such as clinical chemistry and molecular pathology. It provides a commentary on the accuracy of the predictions and offers opinions on emerging technologies, economic factors and social developments that may play a role in shaping the future of laboratory medicine

    Video Communication in Telemedicine

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    InterNAV3D: A Navigation Tool for Robot-Assisted Needle-Based Intervention for the Lung

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    Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in North America. There are recent advances in cancer treatment techniques that can treat cancerous tumors, but require a real-time imaging modality to provide intraoperative assistive feedback. Ultrasound (US) imaging is one such modality. However, while its application to the lungs has been limited because of the deterioration of US image quality (due to the presence of air in the lungs); recent work has shown that appropriate lung deflation can help to improve the quality sufficiently to enable intraoperative, US-guided robotics-assisted techniques to be used. The work described in this thesis focuses on this approach. The thesis describes a project undertaken at Canadian Surgical Technologies and Advanced Robotics (CSTAR) that utilizes the image processing techniques to further enhance US images and implements an advanced 3D virtual visualization software approach. The application considered is that for minimally invasive lung cancer treatment using procedures such as brachytherapy and microwave ablation while taking advantage of the accuracy and teleoperation capabilities of surgical robots, to gain higher dexterity and precise control over the therapy tools (needles and probes). A number of modules and widgets are developed and explained which improve the visibility of the physical features of interest in the treatment and help the clinician to have more reliable and accurate control of the treatment. Finally the developed tools are validated with extensive experimental evaluations and future developments are suggested to enhance the scope of the applications

    Differently stained whole slide image registration technique with landmark validation

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    Abstract. One of the most significant features in digital pathology is to compare and fuse successive differently stained tissue sections, also called slides, visually. Doing so, aligning different images to a common frame, ground truth, is required. Current sample scanning tools enable to create images full of informative layers of digitalized tissues, stored with a high resolution into whole slide images. However, there are a limited amount of automatic alignment tools handling large images precisely in acceptable processing time. The idea of this study is to propose a deep learning solution for histopathology image registration. The main focus is on the understanding of landmark validation and the impact of stain augmentation on differently stained histopathology images. Also, the developed registration method is compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms which utilize whole slide images in the field of digital pathology. There are previous studies about histopathology, digital pathology, whole slide imaging and image registration, color staining, data augmentation, and deep learning that are referenced in this study. The goal is to develop a learning-based registration framework specifically for high-resolution histopathology image registration. Different whole slide tissue sample images are used with a resolution of up to 40x magnification. The images are organized into sets of consecutive, differently dyed sections, and the aim is to register the images based on only the visible tissue and ignore the background. Significant structures in the tissue are marked with landmarks. The quality measurements include, for example, the relative target registration error, structural similarity index metric, visual evaluation, landmark-based evaluation, matching points, and image details. These results are comparable and can be used also in the future research and in development of new tools. Moreover, the results are expected to show how the theory and practice are combined in whole slide image registration challenges. DeepHistReg algorithm will be studied to better understand the development of stain color feature augmentation-based image registration tool of this study. Matlab and Aperio ImageScope are the tools to annotate and validate the image, and Python is used to develop the algorithm of this new registration tool. As cancer is globally a serious disease regardless of age or lifestyle, it is important to find ways to develop the systems experts can use while working with patients’ data. There is still a lot to improve in the field of digital pathology and this study is one step toward it.Eri menetelmin värjättyjen virtuaalinäytelasien rekisteröintitekniikka kiintopisteiden validointia hyödyntäen. Tiivistelmä. Yksi tärkeimmistä digitaalipatologian ominaisuuksista on verrata ja fuusioida peräkkäisiä eri menetelmin värjättyjä kudosleikkeitä toisiinsa visuaalisesti. Tällöin keskenään lähes identtiset kuvat kohdistetaan samaan yhteiseen kehykseen, niin sanottuun pohjatotuuteen. Nykyiset näytteiden skannaustyökalut mahdollistavat sellaisten kuvien luonnin, jotka ovat täynnä kerroksittaista tietoa digitalisoiduista näytteistä, tallennettuna erittäin korkean resoluution virtuaalisiin näytelaseihin. Tällä hetkellä on olemassa kuitenkin vain kourallinen automaattisia työkaluja, jotka kykenevät käsittelemään näin valtavia kuvatiedostoja tarkasti hyväksytyin aikarajoin. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on syväoppimista hyväksikäyttäen löytää ratkaisu histopatologisten kuvien rekisteröintiin. Tärkeimpänä osa-alueena on ymmärtää kiintopisteiden validoinnin periaatteet sekä eri väriaineiden augmentoinnin vaikutus. Lisäksi tässä työssä kehitettyä rekisteröintialgoritmia tullaan vertailemaan muihin kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin algoritmeihin, jotka myös hyödyntävät virtuaalinäytelaseja digitaalipatologian saralla. Kirjallisessa osiossa tullaan siteeraamaan aiempia tutkimuksia muun muassa seuraavista aihealueista: histopatologia, digitaalipatologia, virtuaalinäytelasi, kuvantaminen ja rekisteröinti, näytteen värjäys, data-augmentointi sekä syväoppiminen. Tavoitteena on kehittää oppimispohjainen rekisteröintikehys erityisesti korkearesoluutioisille digitalisoiduille histopatologisille kuville. Erilaisissa näytekuvissa tullaan käyttämään jopa 40-kertaista suurennosta. Kuvat kudoksista on järjestetty eri menetelmin värjättyihin peräkkäisiin kuvasarjoihin ja tämän työn päämääränä on rekisteröidä kuvat pohjautuen ainoastaan kudosten näkyviin osuuksiin, jättäen kuvien tausta huomioimatta. Kudosten merkittävimmät rakenteet on merkattu niin sanotuin kiintopistein. Työn laatumittauksina käytetään arvoja, kuten kohteen suhteellinen rekisteröintivirhe (rTRE), rakenteellisen samankaltaisuuindeksin mittari (SSIM), sekä visuaalista arviointia, kiintopisteisiin pohjautuvaa arviointia, yhteensopivuuskohtia, ja kuvatiedoston yksityiskohtia. Nämä arvot ovat verrattavissa myös tulevissa tutkimuksissa ja samaisia arvoja voidaan käyttää uusia työkaluja kehiteltäessä. DeepHistReg metodi toimii pohjana tässä työssä kehitettävälle näytteen värjäyksen parantamiseen pohjautuvalle rekisteröintityökalulle. Matlab ja Aperio ImageScope ovat ohjelmistoja, joita tullaan hyödyntämään tässä työssä kuvien merkitsemiseen ja validointiin. Ohjelmointikielenä käytetään Pythonia. Syöpä on maailmanlaajuisesti vakava sairaus, joka ei katso ikää eikä elämäntyyliä. Siksi on tärkeää löytää uusia keinoja kehittää työkaluja, joita asiantuntijat voivat hyödyntää jokapäiväisessä työssään potilastietojen käsittelyssä. Digitaalipatologian osa-alueella on vielä paljon innovoitavaa ja tämä työ on yksi askel eteenpäin taistelussa syöpäsairauksia vastaan

    Complexity Reduction in Image-Based Breast Cancer Care

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    The diversity of malignancies of the breast requires personalized diagnostic and therapeutic decision making in a complex situation. This thesis contributes in three clinical areas: (1) For clinical diagnostic image evaluation, computer-aided detection and diagnosis of mass and non-mass lesions in breast MRI is developed. 4D texture features characterize mass lesions. For non-mass lesions, a combined detection/characterisation method utilizes the bilateral symmetry of the breast s contrast agent uptake. (2) To improve clinical workflows, a breast MRI reading paradigm is proposed, exemplified by a breast MRI reading workstation prototype. Instead of mouse and keyboard, it is operated using multi-touch gestures. The concept is extended to mammography screening, introducing efficient navigation aids. (3) Contributions to finite element modeling of breast tissue deformations tackle two clinical problems: surgery planning and the prediction of the breast deformation in a MRI biopsy device