15 research outputs found

    Study on epidemiology, risk factors and clinical characteristics of triple negative breast cancer in Bangladesh

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    Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in Bangladesh. Although significant improvement has been made in breast cancer treatment and management, Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) is still the least known breast cancer subtype in this country. TNBC is well known for its aggressive nature and limited therapeutic options when compared to other breast cancer subtypes. Several population-based studies indicated high prevalence of TNBC in African women in addition to few recent studies indicating a growing number of TNBC patients among Asian population. However, there is a lack of evidence on TNBC patients in Bangladesh due to limited knowledge and awareness. In this paper we review the epidemiology, general risk factors and clinical characteristics of TNBC to find out the correlation between TNBC and other conventional breast cancer subtypes in Bangladesh. Some diagnostic and therapeutic approaches as well as future novel solutions for TNBC are also discussed to understand the pathologic process and treatment strategies of TNBC. Literature review reveals that, there is a lack of TNBC studies in Bangladesh. Therefore, more investigations should be carried out to address the degree of vulnerability of TNBC in breast cancer patients of Bangladesh

    Applying an Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach to Detect Dietary Habits of Breast Cancer Patients in Bangladesh

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    Purpose: The study aims to examine the association between food habits/lifestyle and breast cancer using an unsupervised machine approach.  Method: The dataset was collected from the hospitals of eight divisional cities in Bangladesh using a semi-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistical tools and an unsupervised machine learning approach- Factor Analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: The highest numbers of breast cancer patients were observed in the Sylhet division, followed by the Dhaka and Khulna divisions. It is noted that, overall, left breast cancer patients outnumber right breast cancer patients. We found that betel nuts, beverages, beef/mutton, etc. are high commonalities, which indicates that these food habits are highly associated with breast cancer. Moreover, most of the patients can’t bear the cost of treatment.  Conclusions: It is concluded that most breast cancer patients are used to taking betel nuts and beverages that may cause this disease. Therefore, we should avoid unhealthy and junk foods

    Improving Outcomes from Breast Cancer in a Low-Income Country: Lessons from Bangladesh

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    Women in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have yet to benefit from recent advances in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment now experienced in high-income countries. Their unique sociocultural and health system circumstances warrant a different approach to breast cancer management than that applied to women in high-income countries. Here, we present experience from the last five years working in rural Bangladesh. Case and consecutive series data, focus group and individual interviews, and clinical care experience provide the basis for this paper. These data illustrate a complex web of sociocultural, economic, and health system conditions which affect womens' choices to seek and accept care and successful treatment. We conclude that health system, human rights, and governance issues underlie high mortality from this relatively rare disease in Bangladesh

    Sugar Ka Saathi – A Case Study Designing Digital Self-management Tools for People Living with Diabetes in Pakistan

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    This paper presents the results of an iterative participatory process to design a smart self-management tool for less-literate people living with diabetes in Pakistan. Initially, interviews and focus groups with sixty-nine people living with diabetes identified issues that they face when self-managing including un-controllable factors, lack of diabetes awareness, low-tech mobile phones, and poor internet availability. We developed personas grounded in the scoping results and adjusted our PD approach to focus on more tangible design artefacts before running narrative scoping PD sessions. Working from older, illiterate persona, we designed a phone-line delivered Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. We developed a functional IVR Prototype “Sugar ka Saathi” (Diabetes Companion) with input from a group of 4 Pakistan-based healthcare professionals, to act as a design probe in the PD process. We tested the IVR probe with fifty-seven of the original scoping participants which validated the knowledge transferred by the IVR and its acceptability. Invisible design videos were shown to elaborate the IVR and community concept to thirteen participants through two filmed videos using our existing persona characters from the scoping studies, these videos helped to engage older people with diabetes in PD sessions

    Hipertensión arterial y diabetes mellitus como factores de riesgo para cáncer de mama

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    Objetivo: Identificar a la hipertensión arterial y a la diabetes mellitus como factores de riesgo para Cáncer de Mama en pacientes del Servicio de Cirugía Oncológica de Mamas, Piel y Partes Blandas del Instituto Regional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas Norte atendidas en el periodo enero 2012 - diciembre 2016. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, caso - control; incluyendo 140 pacientes entre 40 y 60 años, se dividió en 2 grupos: pacientes con de cáncer de mama (casos) y pacientes sin cáncer de mama (controles), aplicándose Odss Ratio (OR) y la prueba estadística Chi cuadrado para validar su asociación. Resultados: La Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (OR: 2,75; p<0,05) y la Hipertensión arterial (OR: 2,85; p<0,05) son factores de riesgo estadísticamente significativos para cáncer de mama. La frecuencia de menarquia precoz y el uso de anticonceptivos orales fue significativamente mayor en los casos respecto al grupo control (p<0,05). En el análisis multivariado a través de regresión logística se corrobora la significancia del riesgo para las variables: Diabetes mellitus, Hipertensión arterial, menarquia precoz y uso de anticonceptivos como factores de riesgo para cáncer de mama. Conclusión: La Hipertensión Arterial y la Diabetes Mellitus son factores de riesgo para Cáncer de Mama en pacientes del Servicio de Cirugía Oncológica de Mamas, Piel y Partes Blandas del Instituto Regional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas Norte atendidas en el periodo enero 2012 - diciembre 2016


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    Kanker payudara merupakan keganasan umum pertama pada wanita di seluruh dunia dan menjadi pembunuh nomor dua dari keseluruhan kanker di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor risikogaya hidup yaitu konsumsi lemak, obesitas, merokok dan stres pada wanita yang menderita kanker payudara di rumah sakit Kota Makassar tahun 2016. Jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangancase control study, pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, uji statistik bivariat menggunakan odds ratio dengan α=0,05 dan multivariat menggunakan analisis regresi berganda logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan OR, diketahui bahwa faktor risiko yang signifikan terhadap kejadian kanker payudara adalah konsumsi lemak ≥ nilai rata-rata seluruh penderita/responden (≥97) (p=0,005, OR=2,872;CI 95%:1,410-5,849), obesitas (IMT≥25 kg/m²) (p=0,069,OR=1,942,CI 95%:1,006-3,749), merokok (p=0,063,OR=2,002;CI 95%:1,020-3,930), dan stres (p=0,012,OR=2,698;CI 95%:1,294-5,624). Stres merupakan variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kejadian kanker payudara (p=0,020,OR=2,657;CI 95%:1,166-6,054). Kesimpulannya adalah faktor risiko yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian kanker payudara pada wanita di Rumah Sakit Kota Makassar adalah konsumsi lemak, obesitas, merokok dan stres. Faktor risiko yang paling perpengaruh terhadap kejadian kanker payudara adalah stres

    Prevalence of Cancer-related Fatigue among Women with Breast Cancer in Erbil City

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    Background and objective: Cancer-related fatigue is greatest frequent upsetting sense of tiredness or exhaustion can happen regardless of cancer type and could be experienced physically or emotionally, and or cognitively, that is associated with the tumor or its treatment. The current study aimed at assessing prevalence of cancer-related fatigue among women with breast cancer. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was conducted from 8th of October 2018 to 8th October 2019. To find out the prevalence of cancer-related fatigue among female breast cancer patients at Nankali Hospital in Erbil city. A sample of 60 breast cancer patient was obtained through non-probability purposive convenience sampling techniques. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 23 for windows. Results: The results showed that the highest percentage of participants (45%) were from age group between 39-54, most of them were from urban area, graduated from primary school, married, however; 53.3% of breast cancer women they had family history of breast cancer. Regarding breast cancer stages, 40% of participants were in third stage. Most of the breast cancer patients were receiving chemotherapy treatment and they had surgery (81.7% and 71.7% respectively). Concerning cancer-related fatigue 75% of participants suffered from fatigue, nonetheless; fatigue severity among participants range from severe 53.3% to moderate 48.3%. Also, physical fatigue was a common type of fatigue among women with breast cancer. Conclusion: One of the most common complains symptom of patient with cancer is fatigue. Cancer-related fatigue impact physical, emotional, cognitive domains of patients’. Moreover, cancer-related fatigue has undesirable effect on patients, mood, daily task performance, and the patient’s life

    Hipertensión arterial y diabetes mellitus como factores de riesgo para cáncer de mama

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    Objetivo: Identificar a la Hipertensión Arterial y a la Diabetes Mellitus como factores de riesgo para Cáncer de Mama en pacientes del Servicio de Cirugía Oncológica de Mamas, Piel y Partes Blandas del Instituto Regional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas Norte atendidas en el periodo enero 2012 - diciembre 2016. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, caso - control; incluyendo 140 pacientes entre 40 y 60 años de edad, se dividió en 2 grupos: pacientes con de cáncer de mama (casos) y pacientes sin cáncer de mama (controles), aplicándose Odds Ratio (OR) y la prueba estadística Chi cuadrado para validar su asociación. Resultados: La Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (OR: 2.75; p<0.05) y la Hipertensión arterial (OR: 2.85; p<0.05) son factores de riesgo estadísticamente significativos para cáncer de mama. La frecuencia de menarquia precoz y el uso de anticonceptivos orales fue significativamente mayor en los casos respecto al grupo control (p<0.05). En el análisis multivariado a través de regresión logística se corrobora la significancia del riesgo para las variables: Diabetes mellitus, Hipertensión arterial, menarquia precoz y uso de anticonceptivos como factores de riesgo para cáncer de mama. Conclusión: La Hipertensión Arterial y la Diabetes Mellitus son factores de riesgo para Cáncer de Mama en pacientes del Servicio de Cirugía Oncológica de Mamas, Piel y Partes Blandas del Instituto Regional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas Norte atendidas en el periodo enero 2012 - diciembre 2016.Objective: To identify Arterial Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus as risk factors for Breast Cancer in patients of the Oncological Surgery Service of Breast, Skin and Soft Parts of the Regional Institute of Neoplastic Diseases North attended in the period January 2012 - December 2016. Material and methods: A retrospective, case - control study was conducted; including 140 patients between 40 and 60 years of age, it was divided into 2 groups: patients with breast cancer (cases) and patients without breast cancer (controls), applying Odss Ratio (OR) and the Chi square statistical test to validate your association. Results: Diabetes mellitus type 2 (OR: 2.75, p <0.05) and arterial hypertension (OR: 2.85, p <0.05) are statistically significant risk factors for breast cancer. The frequency of early menarche and the use of oral contraceptives was significantly higher in the cases with respect to the control group (p <0.05). In the multivariate analysis through logistic regression, the significance of the risk for the variables is corroborated: Diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, early menarche and use of contraceptives as risk factors for breast cancer. Conclusion: Arterial Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus are risk factors for Breast Cancer in patients of the Oncological Surgery Service of Breast, Skin and Soft Parts of the Regional Institute of Neoplastic Diseases North attended in the period January 2012 - December 2016.Tesi

    Use of complementary therapies by patients with cancer in Bangladesh

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    Thesis (M.S.N., Nursing Science)-- Prince of Songkla University, 201