7 research outputs found

    An algorithmic framework for the exact solution of tree-star problems

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    Many problems arising in the area of telecommunication ask for solutions with a tree-star topology. This paper proposes a general procedure for finding optimal solutions to a family of these problems. The family includes problems in the literature named as connected facility location, rent-or-buy and generalized Steiner tree-star. We propose a solution framework based on a branch-and-cut algorithm which also relies on sophisticated reduction and heuristic techniques. An important ingredient of this framework is a dual ascent procedure for asymmetric connected facility location. This paper shows how this procedure can be exploited in combination with various mixed integer programming formulations. Using the new framework, many benchmark instances in the literature for which only heuristic results were available so far, can be solved to provable optimality within seconds. To better assess the computational performance of the new approach, we additionally consider larger instances and provide optimal solutions for most of them too

    The incremental connected facility location problem

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    We consider the incremental connected facility location problem (incremental ConFL), in which we are given a set of potential facilities, a set of interconnection nodes, a set of customers with demands, and a planning horizon. For each time period, we have to select a set of facilities to open, a set of customers to be served, the assignment of these customers to the open facilities, and a network that connects the open facilities. Once a customer is served, it must remain served in subsequent periods. Furthermore, in each time period the total demand of all customers served must be at least equal to a given minimum coverage requirement for that period. The objective is to minimize the total cost for building the network given by the investment and maintenance costs for the facilities and the network summed up over all time periods. We propose a mixed integer programming approach in which, in each time period, a single period ConFL with coverage restrictions has to be solved. For this latter problem, which is of particular interest in itself, new families of valid inequalities are proposed: these are set union knapsack cover (SUKC) inequalities, which are further enhanced by lifting and/or combined with cut-set inequalities, which are primarily used to ensure connectivity requirements. Details of an efficient branch-and-cut implementation are presented and computational results on a benchmark set of large instances are given, including examples of telecommunication networks in German

    Security Configuration Management in Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

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    Intrusion Detection and/or Prevention Systems (IDPS) represent an important line of defense against a variety of attacks that can compromise the security and proper functioning of an enterprise information system. IDPSs can be network or host-based and can collaborate in order to provide better detection of malicious traffic. Although several IDPS systems have been proposed, their appropriate con figuration and control for e effective detection/ prevention of attacks and efficient resource consumption is still far from trivial. Another concern is related to the slowing down of system performance when maximum security is applied, hence the need to trade o between security enforcement levels and the performance and usability of an enterprise information system. In this dissertation, we present a security management framework for the configuration and control of the security enforcement mechanisms of an enterprise information system. The approach leverages the dynamic adaptation of security measures based on the assessment of system vulnerability and threat prediction, and provides several levels of attack containment. Furthermore, we study the impact of security enforcement levels on the performance and usability of an enterprise information system. In particular, we analyze the impact of an IDPS con figuration on the resulting security of the network, and on the network performance. We also analyze the performance of the IDPS for different con figurations and under different traffic characteristics. The analysis can then be used to predict the impact of a given security con figuration on the prediction of the impact on network performance

    An extended version of the Ordered Median Tree Location Problem including appendices and detailed computational results

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    In this paper, we propose the Ordered Median Tree Location Problem (OMT). The OMT is a single-allocation facility location problem where p facilities must be placed on a network connected by a non-directed tree. The objective is to minimize the sum of the ordered weighted averaged allocation costs plus the sum of the costs of connecting the facilities in the tree. We present different MILP formulations for the OMT based on properties of the minimum spanning tree problem and the ordered median optimization. Given that ordered median hub location problems are rather difficult to solve we have improved the OMT solution performance by introducing covering variables in a valid reformulation plus developing two pre-processing phases to reduce the size of this formulations. In addition, we propose a Benders decomposition algorithm to approach the OMT. We establish an empirical comparison between these new formulations and we also provide enhancements that together with a proper formulation allow to solve medium size instances on general random graphs.Comment: 112 pages, 4 figures, extended version of 'The Ordered Median Location Problem

    Fiber to the home

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    In den letzten Jahren gab es zunehmenden Bedarf für breitbandige Telekommunikations Netzwerke. Eine von Telekommunikationsunternehmen angewandte Strategie um die Bandbreite entlang der last-mile des Netzwerks zu erhöhen ist, Glasfaserkabel direkt bis zum Endkunden zu verlegen. Diese Strategie wird fiber to the home (FTTH) genannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das local access network design problem (LAN) und die Variante mit prize-collecting (PC-LAN) verwendet, um das Problem der FTTH Planung zu modellieren. Das LAN Problem zielt darauf ab eine kostenminimale Lösung zu finden und gestattet es sowohl verschiedene Kabeltechnologien und existierende Infrastruktur, als auch die Zusatzkosten zu modellieren, die anfallen wenn neue Verbindungen hergestellt werden. Darüber hinaus, erlaubt das PC-LAN Problem den Aspekt zu modellieren, dass nicht unbedingt alle Kunden mit FTTH versorgt werden müssen. Stattdessen wird eine Teilmenge der Kunden versorgt mit dem Ziel den Profit zu maximieren. Um LAN und PC-LAN Problem Instanzen zu lösen, werden folgende Methoden des Operations Research angewandt: Preprocessing, ganzzahlige Programmierung, Stärkung der mathematischen Modelle durch Disaggregation der Variablen, Benders' Dekomposition und adaptive Multi-Start-Heuristiken. In einem Projekt von Universität Wien und Telekom Austria wurden große FTTH Datensätze untersucht und die hier vorgestellten Methoden entworfen. Diese Lösungsansätze wurden als Computerprogramme implementiert und ihre Tauglichkeit zur Behandlung von FTTH Planungsfragen konnte gezeigt werden.Within recent years the request for broadband telecommunication networks has been constantly increasing. A strategy employed by telecommunication companies to increase the bandwidth on the last mile of the network is to lay optical fiber directly to the end customer. This strategy is denoted as fiber to the home (FTTH). In this thesis the local access network design problem (LAN) and its prize-collecting variant (PC-LAN) are used to formalize the planning of FTTH networks. The LAN problem asks for a cost minimal solution and allows to model different cable technologies, existing infrastructure and the overhead cost incurred by building new connections. In addition, the PC-LAN problem covers the aspect, that not all customers must necessarily be connected with FTTH, but instead we search for a subset of customers in order to maximize profits. To solve LAN and PC-LAN instances, the following operations research methods are employed: Preprocessing, mixed integer programming, model strengthening by variable disaggregation, Benders' decomposition and adaptive multi-start heuristics. In a project between University of Vienna and Telekom Austria, large real world data sets for FTTH planning were investigated and the methods presented in this thesis have been designed. These solution methods have been implemented as computer programs and empirically verified to be reasonable approaches to FTTH network design problems

    Mixed integer programming approaches to problems combining network design and facility location

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    Viele heutzutage über das Internet angebotene Dienstleistungen benötigen wesentlich höhere Bandbreiten als von bestehenden lokalen Zugangsnetzen bereitgestellt werden. Telekommunikationsanbieter sind daher seit einigen Jahren bestrebt, ihre zum Großteil auf Kupferkabeln basierenden Zugangsnetze entsprechend zu modernisieren. Die gewünschte Erweiterung der bereitgestellten Bandbreiten wird oftmals erzielt, indem ein Teil des Kupfernetzes durch Glasfaser ersetzt wird. Dafür sind Versorgungsstandorte notwendig, an welchen die optischen und elektrischen Signale jeweils in einander umgewandelt werden. In der Praxis gibt es mehrere Strategien für die Installation von optischen Zugangsnetzen. Fiber-to-the-Home bezeichnet Netze, in denen jeder Haushalt direkt per Glasfaser angebunden wird. Wird je Wohngebäude eine optische Verbindung bereitgestellt, nennt man dies Fiber-to-the-Building. Endet die Glasfaserverbindung an einem Versorgungsstandort, welcher die Haushalte eines ganzen Wohnviertels durch Kupferkabel versorgt, bezeichnet man dies als Fiber-to-the-Curb. Inhalt dieser Dissertation sind mathematische Optimierungsmodelle für die kosteneffiziente Planung von auf Glasfaser basierenden lokalen Zugangsnetzen. Diese Modelle decken mehrere Aspekte der Planung ab, darunter die Fiber-to-the-Curb-Strategie mit zusätzlichen Restriktionen betreffend Ausfallssicherheit, gemischte Fiber-to-the-Home und Fiber-to-the-Curb-Netze sowie die Kapazitätenplanung von Fiber-to-the-Curb-Netzen. Ergebnis dieser Dissertation sind die theoretische Analyse der beschriebenen Modelle sowie effiziente Lösungsalgorithmen. Es kommen Methoden der kombinatorischen Optimierung zum Einsatz, darunter Umformulierungen auf erweiterten Graphen, zulässige Ungleichungen und Branch-and-Cut-Verfahren.In recent years, telecommunication service providers started to adapt their local access networks to the steadily growing demand for bandwidth of internet-based services. Most existing local access networks are based on copper cable and offer a limited bandwidth to customers. A common approach to increase this bandwidth is to replace parts of the network by fiber-optic cable. This requires the installation of facilities, where the optical signal is transformed into an electrical one and vice versa. Several strategies are commonly used to deploy fiber-optic networks. Connecting each customer via a fiber-optic link is referred to as Fiber-to-the-Home. If there is a fiber-optic connection for every building this is commonly referred to as Fiber-to-the-Building. If a fiber-optic connection leads to each facility that serves an entire neighborhood, this is referred to as Fiber-to-the-Curb. In this thesis we propose mathematical optimization models for the cost-efficient design of local access networks based on fiber-optic cable. These models cover several aspects, including the Fiber-to-the-Curb strategy under additional reliability constraints, mixed Fiber-to-the-Home and Fiber-to-the-Curb strategies and capacity planning of links and facilities for Fiber-to-the-Curb networks. We provide a theoretical analysis of the proposed models and develop efficient solution algorithms. We use state-of-the-art methods from combinatorial optimization including polyhedral comparisons, reformulations on extended graphs, valid inequalities and branch-and-cut procedures