852 research outputs found

    Restricted Dynamic Programming Heuristic for Precedence Constrained Bottleneck Generalized TSP

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    We develop a restricted dynamical programming heuristic for a complicated traveling salesman problem: a) cities are grouped into clusters, resp. Generalized TSP; b) precedence constraints are imposed on the order of visiting the clusters, resp. Precedence Constrained TSP; c) the costs of moving to the next cluster and doing the required job inside one are aggregated in a minimax manner, resp. Bottleneck TSP; d) all the costs may depend on the sequence of previously visited clusters, resp. Sequence-Dependent TSP or Time Dependent TSP. Such multiplicity of constraints complicates the use of mixed integer-linear programming, while dynamic programming (DP) benefits from them; the latter may be supplemented with a branch-and-bound strategy, which necessitates a “DP-compliant” heuristic. The proposed heuristic always yields a feasible solution, which is not always the case with heuristics, and its precision may be tuned until it becomes the exact DP

    On the vehicle routing problem with time windows

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    Comparison of Tabu/2‐opt heuristic and optimal tree search method for assignment problems

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    A nonlinear cooperative control problem involving several vehicles is detailed and solved. The vehicles must be assigned to perform many tasks such that they obey constraints on the order of task completion and minimize a nonlinear objective function, the total time to finish all tasks. This is an example of a combinatorial task assignment problem. A novel heuristic is introduced that represents a new combination of two combinatorial optimization tools. The quality of the solutions produced by this heuristic is demonstrated through comparison with a branch and bound search method. The branch and bound method is a well‐known procedure and finds optimal solutions to the constrained, nonlinear task assignment problem. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86839/1/1717_ftp.pd

    The traveling salesman problem with pickups, deliveries, and draft limits

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    open3siResearch supported by Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grants FA9550-17-1-0025 and FA9550-17-1-0067 ) and by MIUR- Italy (Grant PRIN 2015 ).We introduce a new generalization of the traveling salesman problem with pickup and delivery, that stems from applications in maritime logistics, in which each node represents a port and has a known draft limit. Each customer has a demand, characterized by a weight, and pickups and deliveries are performed by a single ship of given weight capacity. The ship is able to visit a port only if the amount of cargo it carries is compatible with the draft limit of the port. We present an integer linear programming formulation and we show how classical valid inequalities from the literature can be adapted to the considered problem. We introduce heuristic procedures and a branch-and-cut exact algorithm. We examine, through extensive computational experiments, the impact of the various cuts and the performance of the proposed algorithms.openMalaguti, Enrico; Martello, Silvano*; Santini, AlbertoMalaguti, Enrico; Martello, Silvano*; Santini, Albert

    Using PCGTSPAlgorithm for Solving Generalized Segment Continuous Cutting Problem

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    The problem of optimal tool routing for CNC sheet cutting machines (referred to as Cutting Path Problem or Tool Path Problem) is considered. The general formulation is used - Generalized Segment Continuous Cutting Problem (GSCCP). The new algorithm developed by the authors to solve generalized traveling salesman problem with precedence constraints (PCGTSP) is shown to effectively tackle this problem. This branch-and-bound algorithm, combined with the use of dynamic programming and a specialized heuristic solver, makes it possible to get optimal solutions for problems of small dimension in a relatively short time compared to known exact algorithms, as well as to find effective lower and upper bounds for the optimal solutions for large-scale problems. The conclusions are illustrated by solving several model examples. © 2022 The Authors. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka, (075 -02-2022-874)The work was performed as part of research conducted in the Ural Mathematical Center with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement number 075 -02-2022-874)

    Offline and online variants of the Traveling Salesman Problem

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    In this thesis, we study several well-motivated variants of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). First, we consider makespan minimization for vehicle scheduling problems on trees with release and handling times. 2-approximation algorithms were known for several variants of the single vehicle problem on a path. A 3/2-approximation algorithm was known for the single vehicle problem on a path where there is a fixed starting point and the vehicle must return to the starting point upon completion. Karuno, Nagamochi and Ibaraki give a 2-approximation algorithm for the single vehicle problem on trees. We develop a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS) for the single vehicle scheduling problem on trees which have a constant number of leaves. This PTAS can be easily adapted to accommodate various starting/ending constraints. We then extended this to a PTAS for the multiple vehicle problem where vehicles operate in disjoint subtrees. We also present competitive online algorithms for some single vehicle scheduling problems. Secondly, we study a class of problems called the Online Packet TSP Class (OP-TSP-CLASS). It is based on the online TSP with a packet of requests known and available for scheduling at any given time. We provide a 5/3 lower bound on any online algorithm for problems in OP-TSP-CLASS. We extend this result to the related k-reordering problem for which a 3/2 lower bound was known. We develop a κ+1-competitive algorithm for problems in OP-TSP-CLASS, where a κ-approximation algorithm is known for the offline version of that problem. We use this result to develop an offline m(κ+1)-approximation algorithm for the Precedence-Constrained TSP (PCTSP) by segmenting the n requests into m packets. Its running time is mf(n/m) given a κ-approximation algorithm for the offline version whose running time is f(n)

    A Systematic Review of Approximability Results for Traveling Salesman Problems leveraging the TSP-T3CO Definition Scheme

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    The traveling salesman (or salesperson) problem, short TSP, is a problem of strong interest to many researchers from mathematics, economics, and computer science. Manifold TSP variants occur in nearly every scientific field and application domain: engineering, physics, biology, life sciences, and manufacturing just to name a few. Several thousand papers are published on theoretical research or application-oriented results each year. This paper provides the first systematic survey on the best currently known approximability and inapproximability results for well-known TSP variants such as the "standard" TSP, Path TSP, Bottleneck TSP, Maximum Scatter TSP, Generalized TSP, Clustered TSP, Traveling Purchaser Problem, Profitable Tour Problem, Quota TSP, Prize-Collecting TSP, Orienteering Problem, Time-dependent TSP, TSP with Time Windows, and the Orienteering Problem with Time Windows. The foundation of our survey is the definition scheme T3CO, which we propose as a uniform, easy-to-use and extensible means for the formal and precise definition of TSP variants. Applying T3CO to formally define the variant studied by a paper reveals subtle differences within the same named variant and also brings out the differences between the variants more clearly. We achieve the first comprehensive, concise, and compact representation of approximability results by using T3CO definitions. This makes it easier to understand the approximability landscape and the assumptions under which certain results hold. Open gaps become more evident and results can be compared more easily

    Constrained Task Assignment and Scheduling on Networks of Arbitrary Topology.

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    This dissertation develops a framework to address centralized and distributed constrained task assignment and task scheduling problems. This framework is used to prove properties of these problems that can be exploited, develop effective solution algorithms, and to prove important properties such as correctness, completeness and optimality. The centralized task assignment and task scheduling problem treated here is expressed as a vehicle routing problem with the goal of optimizing mission time subject to mission constraints on task precedence and agent capability. The algorithm developed to solve this problem is able to coordinate vehicle (agent) timing for task completion. This class of problems is NP-hard and analytical guarantees on solution quality are often unavailable. This dissertation develops a technique for determining solution quality that can be used on a large class of problems and does not rely on traditional analytical guarantees. For distributed problems several agents must communicate to collectively solve a distributed task assignment and task scheduling problem. The distributed task assignment and task scheduling algorithms developed here allow for the optimization of constrained military missions in situations where the communication network may be incomplete and only locally known. Two problems are developed. The distributed task assignment problem incorporates communication constraints that must be satisfied; this is the Communication-Constrained Distributed Assignment Problem. A novel distributed assignment algorithm, the Stochastic Bidding Algorithm, solves this problem. The algorithm is correct, probabilistically complete, and has linear average-case time complexity. The distributed task scheduling problem addressed here is to minimize mission time subject to arbitrary predicate mission constraints; this is the Minimum-time Arbitrarily-constrained Distributed Scheduling Problem. The Optimal Distributed Non-sequential Backtracking Algorithm solves this problem. The algorithm is correct, complete, outputs time optimal schedules, and has low average-case time complexity. Separation of the task assignment and task scheduling problems is exploited here to ameliorate the effects of an incomplete communication network. The mission-modeling conditions that allow this and the benefits gained are discussed in detail. It is shown that the distributed task assignment and task scheduling algorithms developed here can operate concurrently and maintain their correctness, completeness, and optimality properties.Ph.D.Aerospace EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91527/1/jpjack_1.pd