5 research outputs found

    Multi-objective optimization aided to allocation of vertices in aesthetic drawings of special graphs

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    A problem of drawing specific graphs is considered emphasizing aesthetic appeal of the visualization. We focus on graphs related to the management of business processes. A particular problem of the aesthetic drawing is considered where the aesthetic allocation of vertices is aimed. The problem is stated as a problem of bi-objective optimization where the objectives are the length of connectors and the compatibility of the sequence flows with the favorable top-down, left-right direction. An algorithm based on the branch-and-bound approach is proposed

    Depth-first simplicial partition for copositivity detection, with an application to MaxClique

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    Detection of copositivity plays an important role in combinatorial and quadratic optimization. Recently, an algorithm for copositivity detection by simplicial partition has been proposed. In this paper, we develop an improved depth-first simplicial partition algorithm which reduces memory requirements significantly and therefore enables copositivity checks of much larger matrices – of size up to a few thousands instead of a few hundreds. The algorithm has been investigated experimentally on a number of MaxClique problems as well as on generated random problems. We present numerical results showing that the algorithm is much faster than a recently published linear algebraic algorithm for copositivity detection based on traditional ideas – checking properties of principal sub-matrices. We also show that the algorithm works very well for solving MaxClique problems through copositivity checks

    Global optimization using the branch‐and‐bound algorithm with a combination of Lipschitz bounds over simplices

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    Many problems in economy may be formulated as global optimization problems. Most numerically promising methods for solution of multivariate unconstrained Lipschitz optimization problems of dimension greater than 2 use rectangular or simplicial branch‐and‐bound techniques with computationally cheap, but rather crude lower bounds. The proposed branch‐and‐bound algorithm with simplicial partitions for global optimization uses a combination of 2 types of Lipschitz bounds. One is an improved Lipschitz bound with the first norm. The other is a combination of simple bounds with different norms. The efficiency of the proposed global optimization algorithm is evaluated experimentally and compared with the results of other well‐known algorithms. The proposed algorithm often outperforms the comparable branch‐and‐bound algorithms. Santrauka Daug įvairių ekonomikos uždavinių yra formuluojami kaip globaliojo optimizavimo uždaviniai. Didžioji dalis Lipšico globaliojo optimizavimo metodų, tinkamų spręsti didesnės dimensijos, t. y. n > 2, uždavinius, naudoja stačiakampį arba simpleksinį šakų ir rėžių metodus bei paprastesnius rėžius. Šiame darbe pasiūlytas simpleksinis šakų ir rėžių algoritmas, naudojantis dviejų tipų viršutinių rėžių junginį. Pirmasis yra pagerintas rėžis su pirmąja norma, kitas – trijų paprastesnių rėžių su skirtingomis normomis junginys. Gautieji eksperimentiniai pasiūlyto algoritmo rezultatai yra palyginti su kitų gerai žinomų Lipšico optimizavimo algoritmų rezultatais.  First published online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: šakų ir rėžių algoritmas, globalusis optimizavimas, Lipšico optimizavimas, Lipšico rėžis

    Euclidean distance geometry and applications

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    Euclidean distance geometry is the study of Euclidean geometry based on the concept of distance. This is useful in several applications where the input data consists of an incomplete set of distances, and the output is a set of points in Euclidean space that realizes the given distances. We survey some of the theory of Euclidean distance geometry and some of the most important applications: molecular conformation, localization of sensor networks and statics.Comment: 64 pages, 21 figure