588 research outputs found

    Bounding Worst-Case Response Time for Tasks With Non-Preemptive Regions

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    Real-time schedulability theory requires a priori knowledge of the worst-case execution time (WCET) of every task in the system. Fundamental to the calculation of WCET is a scheduling policy that determines priorities among tasks. Such policies can be non-preemptive or preemptive. While the former reduces analysis complexity and overhead in implementation, the latter provides increased flexibility in terms of schedulability for higher utilizations of arbitrary task sets. In practice, tasks often have non-preemptive regions but are otherwise scheduled preemptively. To bound the WCET of tasks, architectural features have to be considered in the context of a scheduling scheme. In particular, preemption affects caches, which can be modeled by bounding the cache-related preemption delay (CRPD) of a task. In this paper, we propose a framework that provides safe and tight bounds of the data-cache related preemption delay (D-CRPD), the WCET and the worst-case response times, not just for homogeneous tasks under fully preemptive or fully non-preemptive systems, but for tasks with a non-preemptive region. By retaining the option of preemption where legal, task sets become schedulable that might otherwise not be. Yet, by requiring a region within a task to be non-preemptive, correctness is ensured in terms of arbitration of access to shared resources. Experimental results confirm an increase in schedulability of a task set with nonpreemptive regions over an equivalent task set where only those tasks with non-preemptive regions are scheduled nonpreemptively altogether. Quantitative results further indicate that D-CRPD bounds and response-time bounds comparable to task sets with fully non-preemptive tasks can be retained in the presence of short non-preemptive regions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first framework that performs D-CRPD calculations in a system for tasks with a non-preemptive region

    Bounding Worst-Case Response Times of Tasks under PIP

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    Schedulability theory in real-time systems requires prior knowledge of the worst-case execution time (WCET) of every task in the system. One method to determine the WCET is known as static timing analysis. Determination of the priorities among tasks in such a system requires a scheduling policy, which could be either preemptive or nonpreemptive. While static timing analysis and data cache analysis are simplified by using a fully non-preemptive scheduling policy, it results in decreased schedulability. In prior work, a methodology was proposed to bound the data-cache related delay for real-time tasks that, beside having a non-preemptive region (critical section), can otherwise be scheduled preemptively. While the prior approach improves schedulability in comparison to fully non-preemptive methods, it is still conservative in its approach due to its fundamental assumption that a task executing in a critical section may not be preempted by any other task. In this paper, we propose a methodology that incorporates resource sharing policies such as the Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP) into the calculation of data-cache related delay. In this approach, access to shared resources, which is the primary reason for critical sections within tasks, is controlled by the resource sharing policy. In addition to maintaining correctness of access, such policies strive to limit resource access conflicts, thereby improving the responsiveness of tasks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first framework that integrates data-cache related delay calculations with resource sharing policies in the context of real-time systems

    Optimal Selection of Preemption Points to Minimize Preemption Overhead

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    A central issue for verifying the schedulability of hard real-time systems is the correct evaluation of task execution times. These values are significantly influenced by the preemption overhead, which mainly includes the cache related delays and the context switch times introduced by each preemption. Since such an overhead significantly depends on the particular point in the code where preemption takes place, this paper proposes a method for placing suitable preemption points in each task in order to maximize the chances of finding a schedulable solution. In a previous work, we presented a method for the optimal selection of preemption points under the restrictive assumption of a fixed preemption cost, identical for each preemption point. In this paper, we remove such an assumption, exploring a more realistic and complex scenario where the preemption cost varies throughout the task code. Instead of modeling the problem with an integer programming formulation, with exponential worst-case complexity, we derive an optimal algorithm that has a linear time and space complexity. This somewhat surprising result allows selecting the best preemption points even in complex scenarios with a large number of potential preemption locations. Experimental results are also presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach in increasing the system schedulability

    Bounding the Effects of Resource Access Protocols on Cache Behavior

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    The assumption of task independence has long been consubstantial with the formulation of many schedulability analysis techniques. That assumption is evidently advantageous for the mathematical formulation of the analysis equations, but ill fit to capture the actual behavior of the system. Resource sharing is one of the system design dimensions that break the assumption of task independence. By shaking the very foundations of the real-time analysis theory, the advent of multicore systems has caused resurgence of interest in resource sharing and synchronization protocols, and also dawned the fact that the assumption of task independence may be forever broken. Research in cache-aware schedulability analysis instead has paid very little attention to the impact that synchronization protocols may have on cache behavior. A blocked task may in fact incur time penalties similar in kind to those caused by preemption, in that some useful code or data already loaded in the cache may be evicted while the task is blocked. In this paper we characterize the sources of cache-related blocking delay (CRBD). We then provide a bound on the CRBD for three synchronization protocols of interest. The comparison between these bounds provides striking evidence that an informed choice of the synchronization protocol helps contain the perturbing effects of blocking on the cache state

    Limited Preemptive Scheduling for Real-Time Systems: a Survey

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    The question whether preemptive algorithms are better than nonpreemptive ones for scheduling a set of real-time tasks has been debated for a long time in the research community. In fact, especially under fixed priority systems, each approach has advantages and disadvantages, and no one dominates the other when both predictability and efficiency have to be taken into account in the system design. Recently, limited preemption models have been proposed as a viable alternative between the two extreme cases of fully preemptive and nonpreemptive scheduling. This paper presents a survey of the existing approaches for reducing preemptions and compares them under different metrics, providing both qualitative and quantitative performance evaluations

    Timing Analysis for DAG-based and GFP Scheduled Tasks

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    Modern embedded systems have made the transition from single-core to multi-core architectures, providing performance improvement via parallelism rather than higher clock frequencies. DAGs are considered among the most generic task models in the real-time domain and are well suited to exploit this parallelism. In this paper we provide a schedulability test using response-time analysis exploiting exploring and bounding the self interference of a DAG task. Additionally we bound the interference a high priority task has on lower priority ones

    An Analysis of Lazy and Eager Limited Preemption Approaches under DAG-Based Global Fixed Priority Scheduling

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    DAG-based scheduling models have been shown to effectively express the parallel execution of current many-core heterogeneous architectures. However, their applicability to real-time settings is limited by the difficulties to find tight estimations of the worst-case timing parameters of tasks that may arbitrarily be preempted/migrated at any instruction. An efficient approach to increase the system predictability is to limit task preemptions to a set of pre-defined points. This limited preemption model supports two different preemption approaches, eager and lazy, which have been analyzed only for sequential task-sets. This paper proposes a new response time analysis that computes an upper bound on the lower priority blocking that each task may incur with eager and lazy preemptions. We evaluate our analysis with both, synthetic DAG-based task-sets and a real case-study from the automotive domain. Results from the analysis demonstrate that, despite the eager approach generates a higher number of priority inversions, the blocking impact is generally smaller than in the lazy approach, leading to a better schedulability performance.This work was funded by the EU projects P-SOCRATES (FP7-ICT-2013-10) and HERCULES (H2020/ICT/2015/688860), and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under contract TIN2015-65316-P.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fixed-Priority Memory-Centric Scheduler for COTS-Based Multiprocessors

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    Memory-centric scheduling attempts to guarantee temporal predictability on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) multiprocessor systems to exploit their high performance for real-time applications. Several solutions proposed in the real-time literature have hardware requirements that are not easily satisfied by modern COTS platforms, like hardware support for strict memory partitioning or the presence of scratchpads. However, even without said hardware support, it is possible to design an efficient memory-centric scheduler. In this article, we design, implement, and analyze a memory-centric scheduler for deterministic memory management on COTS multiprocessor platforms without any hardware support. Our approach uses fixed-priority scheduling and proposes a global "memory preemption" scheme to boost real-time schedulability. The proposed scheduling protocol is implemented in the Jailhouse hypervisor and Erika real-time kernel. Measurements of the scheduler overhead demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach, and schedulability experiments show a 20% gain in terms of schedulability when compared to contention-based and static fair-share approaches
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