493 research outputs found

    Predictable composition of memory accesses on many-core processors

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    International audienceThe use of many-core COTS processors in safety critical embedded systems is a challenging research topic. The predictable execution of several applications on those processors is not possible without a precise analysis and mitigation of the possible sources of interference. In this paper, we identify the external DDR-SDRAM and the Network on Chip to be the main bottlenecks for both average performance and predictability in such platforms. As DDR-SDRAM memories are intrinsically stateful, the naive calculation of the Worst-Case Execution Times (WCETs) of tasks involves a significantly pessimistic upper-bounding of the memory access latencies. Moreover, the worst-case end-to-end delays of wormhole switched networks cannot be bounded without strong assumptions on the system model because of the possibility of deadlock. We provide an analysis of each potential source of interference and we give recommendations in order to build viable execution models enabling efficient composable computation of worst-case end-to-end memory access latencies compared to the naive worst-case-everywhere approach

    WCET-Aware Scratchpad Memory Management for Hard Real-Time Systems

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    abstract: Cyber-physical systems and hard real-time systems have strict timing constraints that specify deadlines until which tasks must finish their execution. Missing a deadline can cause unexpected outcome or endanger human lives in safety-critical applications, such as automotive or aeronautical systems. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to obtain and optimize a safe upper bound of each task’s execution time or the worst-case execution time (WCET), to guarantee the absence of any missed deadline. Unfortunately, conventional microarchitectural components, such as caches and branch predictors, are only optimized for average-case performance and often make WCET analysis complicated and pessimistic. Caches especially have a large impact on the worst-case performance due to expensive off- chip memory accesses involved in cache miss handling. In this regard, software-controlled scratchpad memories (SPMs) have become a promising alternative to caches. An SPM is a raw SRAM, controlled only by executing data movement instructions explicitly at runtime, and such explicit control facilitates static analyses to obtain safe and tight upper bounds of WCETs. SPM management techniques, used in compilers targeting an SPM-based processor, determine how to use a given SPM space by deciding where to insert data movement instructions and what operations to perform at those program locations. This dissertation presents several management techniques for program code and stack data, which aim to optimize the WCETs of a given program. The proposed code management techniques include optimal allocation algorithms and a polynomial-time heuristic for allocating functions to the SPM space, with or without the use of abstraction of SPM regions, and a heuristic for splitting functions into smaller partitions. The proposed stack data management technique, on the other hand, finds an optimal set of program locations to evict and restore stack frames to avoid stack overflows, when the call stack resides in a size-limited SPM. In the evaluation, the WCETs of various benchmarks including real-world automotive applications are statically calculated for SPMs and caches in several different memory configurations.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Fixed-Priority Memory-Centric Scheduler for COTS-Based Multiprocessors

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    Memory-centric scheduling attempts to guarantee temporal predictability on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) multiprocessor systems to exploit their high performance for real-time applications. Several solutions proposed in the real-time literature have hardware requirements that are not easily satisfied by modern COTS platforms, like hardware support for strict memory partitioning or the presence of scratchpads. However, even without said hardware support, it is possible to design an efficient memory-centric scheduler. In this article, we design, implement, and analyze a memory-centric scheduler for deterministic memory management on COTS multiprocessor platforms without any hardware support. Our approach uses fixed-priority scheduling and proposes a global "memory preemption" scheme to boost real-time schedulability. The proposed scheduling protocol is implemented in the Jailhouse hypervisor and Erika real-time kernel. Measurements of the scheduler overhead demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach, and schedulability experiments show a 20% gain in terms of schedulability when compared to contention-based and static fair-share approaches

    Designing Mixed Criticality Applications on Modern Heterogeneous MPSoC Platforms

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    Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoC) integrating hard processing cores with programmable logic (PL) are becoming increasingly common. While these platforms have been originally designed for high performance computing applications, their rich feature set can be exploited to efficiently implement mixed criticality domains serving both critical hard real-time tasks, as well as soft real-time tasks. In this paper, we take a deep look at commercially available heterogeneous MPSoCs that incorporate PL and a multicore processor. We show how one can tailor these processors to support a mixed criticality system, where cores are strictly isolated to avoid contention on shared resources such as Last-Level Cache (LLC) and main memory. In order to avoid conflicts in last-level cache, we propose the use of cache coloring, implemented in the Jailhouse hypervisor. In addition, we employ ScratchPad Memory (SPM) inside the PL to support a multi-phase execution model for real-time tasks that avoids conflicts in shared memory. We provide a full-stack, working implementation on a latest-generation MPSoC platform, and show results based on both a set of data intensive tasks, as well as a case study based on an image processing benchmark application

    Memory Efficient Scheduling for Multicore Real-time Systems

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    Modern real-time systems are becoming increasingly complex and requiring significant computational power to meet their demands. Since the increase in uniprocessor speed has slowed down in the last decade, multicore processors are now the preferred way to supply the increased performance demand of real-time systems. A significant amount of work in the real-time community has focused on scheduling solutions for multicore processors for both sequential and parallel real-time tasks. Even though such solutions are able to provide strict timing guarantees on the overall response time of real-time tasks, they rely on the assumption that the worst-case execution time (WCET) of each individual task is known. However, physical shared resources such as main memory and I/O are heavily employed in multicore processors. These resources are limited and therefore subject to contention. In fact, the execution time of one task when run in parallel with other tasks is significantly larger than the execution time of the same task when run in isolation. In addition, the presence of shared resources increases the timing unpredictability due to the conflicts generated by multiple cores. As a result, the adoption of multicore processors for real-time systems is dependent upon solving such sources of unpredictability. In this dissertation, we investigate memory bus contention. In particular, two main problems are associated with memory contention: (1) unpredictable behavior and (2) hindrance of performance. We show how to mitigate these two problems through scheduling. Scheduling is an attractive tool that can be easily integrated into the system without the need for hardware modifications. We adopt an execution model that exposes memory as a resource to the scheduling algorithm. Thus, the theory of real-time multiprocessor scheduling, that has seen significant advances in recent years, can be utilized to schedule both processor cores and memory. Since the real-time workload on multicore processors can be modeled as sequential or parallel tasks, we also study parallel task scheduling by taking memory time into account

    Scratchpad Memory Management For Multicore Real-Time Embedded Systems

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    Multicore systems will continue to spread in the domain of real-time embedded systems due to the increasing need for high-performance applications. This research discusses some of the challenges associated with employing multicore systems for safety-critical real-time applications. Mainly, this work is concerned with providing: 1) efficient inter-core timing isolation for independent tasks, and 2) predictable task communication for communicating tasks. Principally, we introduce a new task execution model, based on the 3-phase execution model, that exploits the Direct Memory Access (DMA) controllers available in modern embedded platforms along with ScratchPad Memories (SPMs) to enforce strong timing isolation between tasks. The DMA and the SPMs are explicitly managed to pre-load tasks from main memory into the local (private) scratchpad memories. Tasks are then executed from the local SPMs without accessing main memory. This model allows CPU execution to be overlapped with DMA loading/unloading operations from and to main memory. We show that by co-scheduling task execution on CPUs and using DMA to access memory and I/O, we can efficiently hide access latency to physical resources. In turn, this leads to significant improvements in system schedulability, compared to both the case of unregulated contention for access to physical resources and to previous cache and SPM management techniques for real-time systems. The presented SPM-centric scheduling algorithms and analyses cover single-core, partitioned, and global real-time systems. The proposed scheme is also extended to support large tasks that do not fit entirely into the local SPM. Moreover, the schedulability analysis considers the case of recovering from transient soft errors (bit flips caused by a single event upset) in several levels of memories, that cannot be automatically corrected in hardware by the ECC unit. The proposed SPM-centric scheduling is integrated at the OS level; thus it is transparent to applications. The proposed scheme is implemented and evaluated on an FPGA platform and a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) platform. In regards to real-time task communication, two types of communication are considered. 1) Asynchronous inter-task communication, between either sequential tasks (single-threaded) or parallel tasks (multi-threaded). 2) Intra-task communication, where parallel threads of the same application exchange data. A new task scheduling model for parallel tasks (Bundled Scheduling) is proposed to facilitate intra-task communication and reduce synchronization overheads. We show that the proposed bundled scheduling model can be applied to several parallel programming models, such as fork-join and DAG-based applications, leading to improved system schedulability. Finally, intra-task communication is governed by a predictable inter-core communication platform. Specifically, we propose HopliteRT, a lean and predictable Network-on-Chip that connects the private SPMs

    Parallelism-Aware Memory Interference Delay Analysis for COTS Multicore Systems

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    In modern Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) multicore systems, each core can generate many parallel memory requests at a time. The processing of these parallel requests in the DRAM controller greatly affects the memory interference delay experienced by running tasks on the platform. In this paper, we model a modern COTS multicore system which has a nonblocking last-level cache (LLC) and a DRAM controller that prioritizes reads over writes. To minimize interference, we focus on LLC and DRAM bank partitioned systems. Based on the model, we propose an analysis that computes a safe upper bound for the worst-case memory interference delay. We validated our analysis on a real COTS multicore platform with a set of carefully designed synthetic benchmarks as well as SPEC2006 benchmarks. Evaluation results show that our analysis is more accurately capture the worst-case memory interference delay and provides safer upper bounds compared to a recently proposed analysis which significantly under-estimate the delay.Comment: Technical Repor
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