3,250 research outputs found

    Cooperative Synchronization in Wireless Networks

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    Synchronization is a key functionality in wireless network, enabling a wide variety of services. We consider a Bayesian inference framework whereby network nodes can achieve phase and skew synchronization in a fully distributed way. In particular, under the assumption of Gaussian measurement noise, we derive two message passing methods (belief propagation and mean field), analyze their convergence behavior, and perform a qualitative and quantitative comparison with a number of competing algorithms. We also show that both methods can be applied in networks with and without master nodes. Our performance results are complemented by, and compared with, the relevant Bayesian Cram\'er-Rao bounds

    A theory of regular MSC languages

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    Message sequence charts (MSCs) are an attractive visual formalism widely used to capture system requirements during the early design stages in domains such as telecommunication software. It is fruitful to have mechanisms for specifying and reasoning about collections of MSCs so that errors can be detected even at the requirements level. We propose, accordingly, a notion of regularity for collections of MSCs and explore its basic properties. In particular, we provide an automata-theoretic characterization of regular MSC languages in terms of finite-state distributed automata called bounded message-passing automata. These automata consist of a set of sequential processes that communicate with each other by sending and receiving messages over bounded FIFO channels. We also provide a logical characterization in terms of a natural monadic second-order logic interpreted over MSCs. A commonly used technique to generate a collection of MSCs is to use a hierarchical message sequence chart (HMSC). We show that the class of languages arising from the so-called bounded HMSCs constitute a proper subclass of the class of regular MSC languages. In fact, we characterize the bounded HMSC languages as the subclass of regular MSC languages that are finitely generated

    Towards a Theory of Regular MSC Languages

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    Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) are an attractive visual formalism widely used to capture system requirements during the earlydesign stages in domains such as telecommunication software. It isfruitful to have mechanisms for specifying and reasoning about collections of MSCs so that errors can be detected even at the requirements level. We propose, accordingly, a notion of regularity for collections of MSCs and explore its basic properties. In particular, weprovide an automata-theoretic characterization of regular MSC languages in terms of finite-state distributed automata called boundedmessage-passing automata. These automata consist of a set of sequential processes that communicate with each other by sending andreceiving messages over bounded FIFO channels. We also provide alogical characterization in terms of a natural monadic second-orderlogic interpreted over MSCs.A commonly used technique to generate a collection of MSCs isto use a Message Sequence Graph (MSG). We show that the class oflanguages arising from the so-called locally synchronized MSGs constitute a proper subclass of the languages which are regular in our sense.In fact, we characterize the locally synchronized MSG languages asthe subclass of regular MSC languages that are finitely generated

    The MOLDY short-range molecular dynamics package

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    We describe a parallelised version of the MOLDY molecular dynamics program. This Fortran code is aimed at systems which may be described by short-range potentials and specifically those which may be addressed with the embedded atom method. This includes a wide range of transition metals and alloys. MOLDY provides a range of options in terms of the molecular dynamics ensemble used and the boundary conditions which may be applied. A number of standard potentials are provided, and the modular structure of the code allows new potentials to be added easily. The code is parallelised using OpenMP and can therefore be run on shared memory systems, including modern multicore processors. Particular attention is paid to the updates required in the main force loop, where synchronisation is often required in OpenMP implementations of molecular dynamics. We examine the performance of the parallel code in detail and give some examples of applications to realistic problems, including the dynamic compression of copper and carbon migration in an iron-carbon alloy

    Stabilizing Byzantine-Fault Tolerant Storage

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    Distributed storage service is one of the main abstractions provided to developers of distributed applications due to its ability to hide the complexity generated by the various messages exchanged between processes. Many protocols have been proposed to build Byzantine-fault-tolerant (BFT) storage services on top of a message-passing system but none of them considers the possibility that well-behaving processes (i.e. correct processes) may experience transient failures due to, say, isolated errors during computation or bit alteration during message transfer. This paper proposes a stabilizing Byzantine-tolerant algorithm for emulating a multi-writer multi-reader regular register abstraction on top of a message passing system with n > 5f servers, which we prove to be the minimal possible number of servers for stabilizing and tolerating f Byzantine servers. That is, each read operation returns the value written by the most recent write and write operations are totally ordered with respect to the happened before relation. Our algorithm is particularly appealing for cloud computing architectures where both processors and memory contents (including stale messages in transit) are prone to errors, faults and malicious behaviors. The proposed implementation extends previous BFT implementations in two ways. First, the algorithm works even when the local memory of processors and the content of the communication channels are initially corrupted in an arbitrary manner. Second, unlike previous solutions, our algorithm uses bounded logical timestamps, a feature difficult to achieve in the presence of transient errors
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