5,657 research outputs found

    Bounded Context Switching for Valence Systems

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    We study valence systems, finite-control programs over infinite-state memories modeled in terms of graph monoids. Our contribution is a notion of bounded context switching (BCS). Valence systems generalize pushdowns, concurrent pushdowns, and Petri nets. In these settings, our definition conservatively generalizes existing notions. The main finding is that reachability within a bounded number of context switches is in NPTIME, independent of the memory (the graph monoid). Our proof is genuinely algebraic, and therefore contributes a new way to think about BCS. In addition, we exhibit a class of storage mechanisms for which BCS reachability belongs to PTIME

    Reversible carrier-type transition in gas-sensing oxides and nanostructures

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    Despite many important applications of a-Fe2O3 and Fe doped SnO2 in semiconductors, catalysis, sensors, clinical diagnosis and treatments, one fundamental issue that is crucial to these applications remains theoretically equivocal- the reversible carrier-type transition between n- and p-type conductivities during gas-sensing operations. Here, we give unambiguous and rigorous theoretical analysis in order to explain why and how the oxygen vacancies affect the n-type semiconductors, a-Fe2O3 and Fe doped SnO2 in which they are both electronically and chemically transformed into a p-type semiconductor. Furthermore, this reversible transition also occurs on the oxide surfaces during gas-sensing operation due to physisorbed gas molecules (without any chemical reaction). We make use of the ionization energy theory and its renormalized ionic displacement polarizability functional to reclassify, generalize and to explain the concept of carrier-type transition in solids, and during gas-sensing operation. The origin of such a transition is associated to the change in ionic polarizability and the valence states of cations in the presence of (a) oxygen vacancies and (b) physisorped gas molecules.Comment: To be published in ChemPhysChe

    Scope-Bounded Reachability in Valence Systems

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    Multi-pushdown systems are a standard model for concurrent recursive programs, but they have an undecidable reachability problem. Therefore, there have been several proposals to underapproximate their sets of runs so that reachability in this underapproximation becomes decidable. One such underapproximation that covers a relatively high portion of runs is scope boundedness. In such a run, after each push to stack i, the corresponding pop operation must come within a bounded number of visits to stack i. In this work, we generalize this approach to a large class of infinite-state systems. For this, we consider the model of valence systems, which consist of a finite-state control and an infinite-state storage mechanism that is specified by a finite undirected graph. This framework captures pushdowns, vector addition systems, integer vector addition systems, and combinations thereof. For this framework, we propose a notion of scope boundedness that coincides with the classical notion when the storage mechanism happens to be a multi-pushdown. We show that with this notion, reachability can be decided in PSPACE for every storage mechanism in the framework. Moreover, we describe the full complexity landscape of this problem across all storage mechanisms, both in the case of (i) the scope bound being given as input and (ii) for fixed scope bounds. Finally, we provide an almost complete description of the complexity landscape if even a description of the storage mechanism is part of the input

    Recent Advances on Reachability Problems for Valence Systems (Invited Talk)

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    Quantum Many-Body Dynamics of Coupled Double-Well Superlattices

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    We propose a method for controllable generation of non-local entangled pairs using spinor atoms loaded in an optical superlattice. Our scheme iteratively increases the distance between entangled atoms by controlling the coupling between the double wells. When implemented in a finite linear chain of 2N atoms, it creates a triplet valence bond state with large persistency of entanglement (of the order of N). We also study the non-equilibrium dynamics of the one-dimensional ferromagnetic Heisenberg Hamiltonian and show that the time evolution of a state of decoupled triplets on each double well leads to the formation of a highly entangled state where short-distance antiferromagnetic correlations coexist with longer-distance ferromagnetic ones. We present methods for detection and characterization of the various dynamically generated states. These ideas are a step forward towards the use of atoms trapped by light as quantum information processors and quantum simulators.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, references adde

    Rips Induction: Index of the dual lamination of an R\R-tree

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    Let TT be a R\R-tree in the boundary of the Outer Space CVN_N, with dense orbits. The QQ-index of TT is defined by means of the dual lamination of TT. It is a generalisation of the Euler-Poincar\'e index of a foliation on a surface. We prove that the QQ-index of TT is bounded above by 2N−22N-2, and we study the case of equality. The main tool is to develop the Rips Machine in order to deal with systems of isometries on compact R\R-trees. Combining our results on the \CQ-index with results on the classical geometric index of a tree, we obtain a beginning of classification of trees. As a consequence, we give a classification of iwip outer automorphisms of the free group, by discussing the properties of their attracting and repelling trees.Comment: 33 pages. The previous version has been splitted in two disjoint papers. See also Botanic of irreducible automorphisms of free group

    Surface theorem for the Chern-Simons axion coupling

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    The Chern-Simons axion coupling of a bulk insulator is only defined modulo a quantum of e^2/h. The quantized part of the coupling is uniquely defined for a bounded insulating sample, but it depends on the specific surface termination. Working in a slab geometry and representing the valence bands in terms of hybrid Wannier functions, we show how to determine that quantized part from the excess Chern number of the hybrid Wannier sheets located near the surface of the slab. The procedure is illustrated for a tight-binding model consisting of coupled quantum anomalous Hall layers. By slowly modulating the model parameters, it is possible to transfer one unit of Chern number from the bottom to the top surface over the course of a cyclic evolution of the bulk Hamiltonian. When the evolution of the surface Hamiltonian is also cyclic, the Chern pumping is obstructed by chiral touchings between valence and conduction surface bands.Comment: 15 page
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