22,465 research outputs found

    The role of numerical boundary procedures in the stability of perfectly matched layers

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    In this paper we address the temporal energy growth associated with numerical approximations of the perfectly matched layer (PML) for Maxwell's equations in first order form. In the literature, several studies have shown that a numerical method which is stable in the absence of the PML can become unstable when the PML is introduced. We demonstrate in this paper that this instability can be directly related to numerical treatment of boundary conditions in the PML. First, at the continuous level, we establish the stability of the constant coefficient initial boundary value problem for the PML. To enable the construction of stable numerical boundary procedures, we derive energy estimates for the variable coefficient PML. Second, we develop a high order accurate and stable numerical approximation for the PML using summation--by--parts finite difference operators to approximate spatial derivatives and weak enforcement of boundary conditions using penalties. By constructing analogous discrete energy estimates we show discrete stability and convergence of the numerical method. Numerical experiments verify the theoretical result

    Nonlinear Boundary Conditions for Initial Boundary Value Problems with Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    We derive new boundary conditions and implementation procedures for nonlinear initial boundary value problems (IBVPs) with non-zero boundary data that lead to bounded solutions. The new boundary procedure is applied to nonlinear IBVPs on skew-symmetric form, including dissipative terms. The complete procedure has two main ingredients. In the first part (published in [1, 2]), the energy and entropy rate in terms of a surface integral with boundary terms was produced for problems with first derivatives. In this second part we complement it by adding second derivative dissipative terms and bound the boundary terms. We develop a new nonlinear boundary procedure which generalise the characteristic boundary procedure for linear problems. Both strong and weak imposition of the nonlinear boundary conditions with non-zero boundary data are considered, and we prove that the solution is bounded. The boundary procedure is applied to four important IBVPs in computational fluid dynamics: the incompressible Euler and Navier-Stokes, the shallow water and the compressible Euler equations. Finally we show that stable discrete approximations follow by using summation-by-parts operators combined with weak boundary conditions.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2301.0456

    Review of Summation-by-parts schemes for initial-boundary-value problems

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    High-order finite difference methods are efficient, easy to program, scales well in multiple dimensions and can be modified locally for various reasons (such as shock treatment for example). The main drawback have been the complicated and sometimes even mysterious stability treatment at boundaries and interfaces required for a stable scheme. The research on summation-by-parts operators and weak boundary conditions during the last 20 years have removed this drawback and now reached a mature state. It is now possible to construct stable and high order accurate multi-block finite difference schemes in a systematic building-block-like manner. In this paper we will review this development, point out the main contributions and speculate about the next lines of research in this area

    Structure constants of operators on the Wilson loop from integrability

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    We study structure constants of local operators inserted on the Wilson loop in N=4{\cal N}=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We compute the structure constants in the SU(2) sector at tree level using the correspondence between operators on the Wilson loop and the open spin chain. The results are interpreted as the summation over all possible ways of changing the signs of magnon momenta in the hexagon form factors. This is consistent with a holographic description of the correlator as the cubic open string vertex, which consists of one hexagonal patch and three boundaries. We then conjecture that a similar expression should hold also at finite coupling.Comment: 38 pages; v3: JHEP published versio

    High-order accurate difference schemes for the Hodgkin-Huxley equations

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    A novel approach for simulating potential propagation in neuronal branches with high accuracy is developed. The method relies on high-order accurate difference schemes using the Summation-By-Parts operators with weak boundary and interface conditions applied to the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. This work is the first demonstrating high accuracy for that equation. Several boundary conditions are considered including the non-standard one accounting for the soma presence, which is characterized by its own partial differential equation. Well-posedness for the continuous problem as well as stability of the discrete approximation is proved for all the boundary conditions. Gains in terms of CPU times are observed when high-order operators are used, demonstrating the advantage of the high-order schemes for simulating potential propagation in large neuronal trees

    Trembling cavities in the canonical approach

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    We present a canonical formalism facilitating investigations of the dynamical Casimir effect by means of a response theory approach. We consider a massless scalar field confined inside of an arbitaray domain G(t)G(t), which undergoes small displacements for a certain period of time. Under rather general conditions a formula for the number of created particles per mode is derived. The pertubative approach reveals the occurance of two generic processes contributing to the particle production: the squeezing of the vacuum by changing the shape and an acceleration effect due to motion af the boundaries. The method is applied to the configuration of moving mirror(s). Some properties as well as the relation to local Green function methods are discussed. PACS-numbers: 12.20; 42.50; 03.70.+k; 42.65.Vh Keywords: Dynamical Casimir effect; Moving mirrors; Cavity quantum field theory; Vibrating boundary

    One-loop Noncommutative U(1) Gauge Theory from Bosonic Worldline Approach

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    We develop a method to compute the one-loop effective action of noncommutative U(1) gauge theory based on the bosonic worldline formalism, and derive compact expressions for N-point 1PI amplitudes. The method, resembling perturbative string computations, shows that open Wilson lines emerge as a gauge invariant completion of certain terms in the effective action. The terms involving open Wilson lines are of the form reminiscent of closed string exchanges between the states living on the two boundaries of a cylinder. They are also consistent with recent matrix theory analysis and the results from noncommutative scalar field theories with cubic interactions.Comment: 1+35 pages, Latex, address info adde