35 research outputs found

    Efikasni algoritmi za probleme iz diskretne geometrije

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    The first class of problem we study deals with geometric matchings. Given a set of points in the plane, we study perfect matchings of those points by straight line segments so that the segments do not cross. Bottleneck matching is such a matching that minimizes the length of the longest segment. We are interested in finding a bottleneck matching of points in convex position. In the monochromatic case, where any two points are allowed to be matched, we give an O(n 2 )-time algorithm for finding a bottleneck matching, improving upon previously best known algorithm of O(n 3 ) time complexity. We also study a bichromatic version of this problem, where each point is colored either red or blue, and only points of different color can be matched. We develop a range of tools, for dealing with bichromatic non-crossing matchings of points in convex position. Combining that set of tools with a geometric analysis enable us to solve the problem of finding a bottleneck matching in O(n 2 ) time. We also design an O(n)-time algorithm for the case where the given points lie on a circle. Previously best known results were O(n 3 ) for points in convex position, and O(n log n) for points on a circle. The second class of problems we study deals with dilation of geometric networks. Given a polygon representing a network, and a point p in the same plane, we aim to extend the network by inserting a line segment, called a feed-link, which connects p to the boundary of the polygon. Once a feed link is fixed, the geometric dilation of some point q on the boundary is the ratio between the length of the shortest path from p to q through the extended network, and their Euclidean distance. The utility of a feed-link is inversely proportional to the maximal dilation over all boundary points. We give a linear time algorithm for computing the feed-link with the minimum overall dilation, thus improving upon the previously known algorithm of complexity that is roughly O(n log n).Prva klasa problema koju proučavamo tičee se geometrijskih mečinga. Za dat skup tačaaka u ravni, posmatramo savršene mečinge tih tačaka spajajućii ih  dužima koje   se ne smeju sećui. Bottleneck mečing je takav mečing koji minimizuje dužinu najduže duži. Naš cilj je da nađemo bottleneck mečiing tačaka u konveksnom položaju.Za monohromatski slučaj, u kom je dozvoljeno upariti svaki par tačaka, dajemo algoritam vremenske složenosti O(n 2) za nalaženje bottleneck mečinga. Ovo  je bolje od prethodno najbolji poznatog algoritam, čiija je složenost O(n 3 ). Takođe proučavamo bihromatsku verziju ovog problema, u kojoj je svaka tačka  obojena ili u crveno ili u plavo, i dozvoljeno je upariti samo tačke različite boje. Razvijamo niz alata za rad sa bihromatskim nepresecajućim mečinzima tačaka u konveksnom položaju. Kombinovanje ovih alata sa geometrijskom analizom omogućava nam da rešimo problem nalaženja bottleneck mečinga u O(n 2 ) vremenu. Takođe, konstruišemo algoritam vremenske složenosti O(n) za slučaj kada  sve date tačkke leže na krugu. Prethodno najbolji poznati algoritmi su imali složenosti  O(n 3 ) za tačkeke u konveksnom položaju i O(n log n) za tačke na krugu. Druga klasa problema koju proučaavamo tiče se dilacije u geometrijskim mrežama. Za datu mrežu predstavljenu poligonom, i tačku p u istoj ravni, želimo proširiti mrežu  dodavanjem duži zvane feed-link koja povezuje p sa obodom poligona. Kada je feed- link fiksiran, definišemo geometrijsku dilaciju neke tačke q na obodu kao odnos izme  đu  dužine najkraćeg puta od p do q kroz proširenu mrežu i njihovog Euklidskog rastojanja. Korisnost feed-linka je obrnuto proporcionalna najvećoj dilaciji od svih ta čaka na obodu poligona. Konstruišemo algoritam linearne vremenske složenosti koji nalazi feed-link sa najmanom sveukupnom dilacijom. Ovim postižemo bolji rezultat od prethodno najboljeg poznatog algoritma složenosti približno O(n log n)

    Geometric Matching and Bottleneck Problems

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    Let PP be a set of at most nn points and let RR be a set of at most nn geometric ranges, such as for example disks or rectangles, where each pPp \in P has an associated supply sp>0s_{p} > 0, and each rRr \in R has an associated demand dr>0d_{r} > 0. A (many-to-many) matching is a set A\mathcal{A} of ordered triples (p,r,apr)P×R×R>0(p,r,a_{pr}) \in P \times R \times \mathbb{R}_{>0} such that prp \in r and the apra_{pr}'s satisfy the constraints given by the supplies and demands. We show how to compute a maximum matching, that is, a matching maximizing (p,r,apr)Aapr\sum_{(p,r,a_{pr}) \in \mathcal{A}} a_{pr}. Using our techniques, we can also solve minimum bottleneck problems, such as computing a perfect matching between a set of nn red points PP and a set of nn blue points QQ that minimizes the length of the longest edge. For the LL_\infty-metric, we can do this in time O(n1+ε)O(n^{1+\varepsilon}) in any fixed dimension, for the L2L_2-metric in the plane in time O(n4/3+ε)O(n^{4/3 + \varepsilon}), for any ε>0\varepsilon > 0

    16th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory: SWAT 2018, June 18-20, 2018, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden

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    Subject index volumes 1–92

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    Algorithms and Data Structures for Faster Nearest-Neighbor Classification

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    Given a set P of n labeled points in a metric space (X,d), the nearest-neighbor rule classifies an unlabeled query point q ∈ X with the class of q's closest point in P. Despite the advent of more sophisticated techniques, nearest-neighbor classification is still fundamental for many machine-learning applications. Over the years, this~has motivated numerous research aiming to reduce its high dependency on the size and dimensionality of the data. This dissertation presents various approaches to reduce the dependency of the nearest-neighbor rule from n to some smaller parameter k, that describes the intrinsic complexity of the class boundaries of P. This is of particular significance as it is usually assumed that k ≪ n on real-world training sets. One natural way to achieve this dependency reduction is to reduce the training set itself, selecting a subset R ⊆ P to be used by the nearest-neighbor rule~to~answer incoming queries, instead of using P. Evidently, this approach would reduce the dependencies of the nearest-neighbor rule from n, the size of P, to the size of R. This dissertation explores different techniques to select subsets whose sizes are proportional to k, and that provide varying degrees of correct classification guarantees. Another alternative involves bypassing training set reduction, and instead building data structures designed to answer classification queries directly. To this end, this dissertation proposes the Chromatic AVD; a Quadtree-based data structure designed to answer ε-approximate nearest-neighbor classification queries. The query time and space complexities of this data structure depend on k_ε; a generalization of k that describes the intrinsic complexity of the ε-approximate class boundaries of P