24 research outputs found

    Equivalence of operations with respect to discriminator clones

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    For each clone C on a set A there is an associated equivalence relation, called C-equivalence, on the set of all operations on A, which relates two operations iff each one is a substitution instance of the other using operations from C. In this paper we prove that if C is a discriminator clone on a finite set, then there are only finitely many C-equivalence classes. Moreover, we show that the smallest discriminator clone is minimal with respect to this finiteness property. For discriminator clones of Boolean functions we explicitly describe the associated equivalence relations.Comment: 17 page

    A note on minors determined by clones of semilattices

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    The C-minor partial orders determined by the clones generated by a semilattice operation (and possibly the constant operations corresponding to its identity or zero elements) are shown to satisfy the descending chain condition.Comment: 6 pages, proofs improved, introduction and references adde

    The arity gap of polynomial functions over bounded distributive lattices

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    Let A and B be arbitrary sets with at least two elements. The arity gap of a function f: A^n \to B is the minimum decrease in its essential arity when essential arguments of f are identified. In this paper we study the arity gap of polynomial functions over bounded distributive lattices and present a complete classification of such functions in terms of their arity gap. To this extent, we present a characterization of the essential arguments of polynomial functions, which we then use to show that almost all lattice polynomial functions have arity gap 1, with the exception of truncated median functions, whose arity gap is 2.Comment: 7 page

    On the effect of variable identification on the essential arity of functions

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    We show that every function of several variables on a finite set of k elements with n>k essential variables has a variable identification minor with at least n-k essential variables. This is a generalization of a theorem of Salomaa on the essential variables of Boolean functions. We also strengthen Salomaa's theorem by characterizing all the Boolean functions f having a variable identification minor that has just one essential variable less than f.Comment: 10 page

    The arity gap of order-preserving functions and extensions of pseudo-Boolean functions

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    The aim of this paper is to classify order-preserving functions according to their arity gap. Noteworthy examples of order-preserving functions are so-called aggregation functions. We first explicitly classify the Lov\'asz extensions of pseudo-Boolean functions according to their arity gap. Then we consider the class of order-preserving functions between partially ordered sets, and establish a similar explicit classification for this function class.Comment: 11 pages, material reorganize

    Generalizations of Swierczkowski's lemma and the arity gap of finite functions

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    Swierczkowski's Lemma - as it is usually formulated - asserts that if f is an at least quaternary operation on a finite set A and every operation obtained from f by identifying a pair of variables is a projection, then f is a semiprojection. We generalize this lemma in various ways. First, it is extended to B-valued functions on A instead of operations on A and to essentially at most unary functions instead of projections. Then we characterize the arity gap of functions of small arities in terms of quasi-arity, which in turn provides a further generalization of Swierczkowski's Lemma. Moreover, we explicitly classify all pseudo-Boolean functions according to their arity gap. Finally, we present a general characterization of the arity gaps of B-valued functions on arbitrary finite sets A.Comment: 11 pages, proofs simplified, contents reorganize

    Additive decomposability of functions over abelian groups

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    Abelian groups are classified by the existence of certain additive decompositions of group-valued functions of several variables with arity gap 2.Comment: 17 page

    Author index to volume 141 (1995)

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