165 research outputs found

    Is Spiking Logic the Route to Memristor-Based Computers?

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    Memristors have been suggested as a novel route to neuromorphic computing based on the similarity between neurons (synapses and ion pumps) and memristors. The D.C. action of the memristor is a current spike, which we think will be fruitful for building memristor computers. In this paper, we introduce 4 different logical assignations to implement sequential logic in the memristor and introduce the physical rules, summation, `bounce-back', directionality and `diminishing returns', elucidated from our investigations. We then demonstrate how memristor sequential logic works by instantiating a NOT gate, an AND gate and a Full Adder with a single memristor. The Full Adder makes use of the memristor's memory to add three binary values together and outputs the value, the carry digit and even the order they were input in.Comment: Conference paper. Work also reported in US patent: `Logic device and method of performing a logical operation', patent application no. 14/089,191 (November 25, 2013

    Experimental verification of memristor-based material implication NAND operation

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    Memristors are being considered as promising devices for highly dense memory systems as well as the potential basis of new computational paradigms. In this scenario, and in relation with data processing, one of the more specific and differential logic functions is the material implication logic also named as IMPLY logic. Many papers have been published in this framework but few of them are related with experimental works using real memristor devices. In the paper authors show the verification of the IMPLY function by using Ni/HfO2/Si manufactured devices and laboratory measurements. The proper behavior of the IMPLY structure (2 memristors) has been shown. The paper also verifies the proper operation of a two-step IMPLY-based NAND gate implementation, showing the electrical behavior of the circuit in a cycling operation. A new procedure to implement a NAND gate that requires only one step is experimentally shown as well

    Memristor-Based Digital Systems Design and Architectures

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    Memristor is considered as a suitable alternative solution to resolve the scaling limitation of CMOS technology. In recent years, the use of memristors in circuits design has rapidly increased and attracted researcher’s interest. Advances have been made to both size and complexity of memristor designs. The development of CMOS transistors shows major concerns, such as, increased leakage power, reduced reliability, and high fabrication cost. These factors have affected chip manufacturing process and functionality severely. Therefore, the demand for new devices is increasing. Memristor, is considered as one of the key element in memory and information processing design due to its small size, long-term data storage, low power, and CMOS compatibility. The main objective in this research is to design memristor-based arithmetic circuits and to overcome some of the Memristor based logic design issues. In this thesis, a fast, low area and low power hybrid CMOS memristor based digital circuit design were implemented. Small and large-scale memristor based digital circuits are implemented and provided a solutions for overcoming the memristor degradation and fan-out challenges. As an example, a 4- bit LFSR has been implemented by using MRL scheme with 64 CMOS devices and 64 memristors. The proposed design is more efficient in terms of the area when compared with CMOS- based LFSR circuits. The simulation results proves the functionality of the design. This approach presents acceptable speed in comparison with CMOS-based design and it is faster than IMPLY-based memrisitive LFSR. The propped LFSR has 841 ps de-lay. Furthermore, the proposed design has a significant power reduction of over 66% less than CMOS-based approach. This thesis proposes implementation of memristive 2-D median filter and extends previously published works on memristive Filter design to include this emerging technology characteristics in image processing. The proposed circuit was designed based on Pt/TaOx/Ta redox-based device and Memristor Ratioed Logic (MRL). The proposed filter is designed in Cadence and the memristive median approved tested circuit is translated to Verilog-XL as a behavioral model. Different 512 _ 512 pixels input images contain salt and pepper noise with various noise density ratios are applied to the proposed median filter and the design successfully has substantially removed the noise. The implementation results in comparison with the conventional filters, it gives better Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for different images with different noise density ratios while it saves more area as compared to CMOS-based design. This dissertation proposes a comprehensive framework for design, mapping and synthesis of large-scale memristor-CMOS circuits. This framework provides a synthesis approach that can be applied to all memristor-based digital logic designs. In particular, it is a proposal for a characterization methodology of memristor-based logic cells to generate a standard cell library for large scale simulation. The proposed framework is implemented in the Cadence Virtuoso schematic-level environment and was veri_ed with Verilog-XL, MATLAB, and the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Synopses compiler after being translated to the behavioral level. The proposed method can be applied to implement any digital logic design. The frame work is deployed for design of the memristor-based parallel 8-bit adder/subtractor and a 2-D memristive-based median filter

    Connecting Spiking Neurons to a Spiking Memristor Network Changes the Memristor Dynamics

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    Memristors have been suggested as neuromorphic computing elements. Spike-time dependent plasticity and the Hodgkin-Huxley model of the neuron have both been modelled effectively by memristor theory. The d.c. response of the memristor is a current spike. Based on these three facts we suggest that memristors are well-placed to interface directly with neurons. In this paper we show that connecting a spiking memristor network to spiking neuronal cells causes a change in the memristor network dynamics by: removing the memristor spikes, which we show is due to the effects of connection to aqueous medium; causing a change in current decay rate consistent with a change in memristor state; presenting more-linear I−tI-t dynamics; and increasing the memristor spiking rate, as a consequence of interaction with the spiking neurons. This demonstrates that neurons are capable of communicating directly with memristors, without the need for computer translation.Comment: Conference paper, 4 page

    Low-power emerging memristive designs towards secure hardware systems for applications in internet of things

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    Emerging memristive devices offer enormous advantages for applications such as non-volatile memories and in-memory computing (IMC), but there is a rising interest in using memristive technologies for security applications in the era of internet of things (IoT). In this review article, for achieving secure hardware systems in IoT, low-power design techniques based on emerging memristive technology for hardware security primitives/systems are presented. By reviewing the state-of-the-art in three highlighted memristive application areas, i.e. memristive non-volatile memory, memristive reconfigurable logic computing and memristive artificial intelligent computing, their application-level impacts on the novel implementations of secret key generation, crypto functions and machine learning attacks are explored, respectively. For the low-power security applications in IoT, it is essential to understand how to best realize cryptographic circuitry using memristive circuitries, and to assess the implications of memristive crypto implementations on security and to develop novel computing paradigms that will enhance their security. This review article aims to help researchers to explore security solutions, to analyze new possible threats and to develop corresponding protections for the secure hardware systems based on low-cost memristive circuit designs
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