11 research outputs found

    A Study on the Control, Dynamics, and Hardware of Micro Aerial Biomimetic Flapping Wing Vehicles

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    Biological flight encapsulates 400 million years of evolutionary ingenuity and thus is the most efficient way to fly. If an engineering pursuit is not adhering to biomimetic inspiration, then it is probably not the most efficient design. An aircraft that is inspired by bird or other biological modes of flight is called an ornithopter and is the original design of the first airplanes. Flapping wings hold much engineering promise with the potential to produce lift and thrust simultaneously. In this research, modeling and simulation of a flapping wing vehicle is generated. The purpose of this research is to develop a control algorithm for a model describing flapping wing robotics. The modeling approach consists of initially considering the simplest possible model and subsequently building models of increasing complexity. This research finds that a proportional derivative feedback and feedforward controller applied to a nonlinear model is the most practical controller for a flapping system. Due to the complex aerodynamics of ornithopter flight, modeling and control are very difficult. Overall, this project aims to analyze and simulate different forms of biological flapping flight and robotic ornithopters, investigate different control methods, and also acquire understanding of the hardware of a flapping wing aerial vehicle

    An Experimental Investigation into the Effect of Flap Angles for a Piezo-Driven Wing

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    This article presents a comparison of results from six degree of freedom force and moment measurements and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) data taken on the Air Force Institute of Technology\u27s (AFIT) piezoelectrically actuated, biomimetically designed Hawkmoth, Manduca Sexta, class engineered wing, at varying amplitudes and flapping frequencies, for both trimmed and asymmetric flapping conditions to assess control moment changes. To preserve test specimen integrity, the wing was driven at a voltage amplitude 50% below the maximum necessary to achieve the maximal Hawkmoth total stroke angle. 86 and 65 stroke angles were achieved for the trimmed and asymmetric tests respectively. Flapping tests were performed at system structural resonance, and at 10% off system resonance at a single amplitude, and PZT power consumption was calculated for each test condition. Two-dimensional PIV visualization measurements were taken transverse to the wing planform, recorded at the mid-span, for a single frequency and amplitude setting, for both trimmed and asymmetric flapping to correlate with the 6-DoF balance data. Linear velocity data was extracted from the 2-D PIV imagery at 1/2 and 1 chord locations above and below the wing, and the mean velocities were calculated for four separate wing phases during the flap cycle. The mean forces developed during a flap cycle were approximated using a modification of the Rankine-Froude axial actuator disk model to calculate the transport of momentum flux as a measure of vertical thrust produced during a static hover flight condition. Values of vertical force calculated from the 2-D PIV measurements were within 20% of the 6-DOF force balance experiments. Power calculations confirmed flapping at system resonance required less power than at off resonance frequencies, which is a critical finding necessary for future vehicle design considerations

    Characterization of Flexible Flapping Wings and the Effects of Solar Cells for Miniature Air Vehicles

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    Enhancing the performance of Flapping Wing Miniature Air Vehicles (MAVs) requires reducing the weight and total energy loss while increasing the efficiency. This thesis investigates an approach to reduce total energy loss through an energy harvesting technology, flexible solar cells. These cells are integrated with a flexible wing structure, to minimize the addition of weight to the MAV without comprising efficiency (i.e. performance). An optical technique is developed to characterize the effects of adding flexible solar cells to the shape of the flexible wing structure. A customized test stand for measuring lift and thrust assesses the effects of the solar cells on the flight performance of the MAV, both in stationary configuration (i.e. no air flow), and while subjected to air flow in a customized small-scale wind tunnel. The optical technique is combined with lift and thrust results to describe overall MAV flight performance. These results are then used in a theoretical analysis, developed for predicting time-in-flight, in order to perform a trade-off analysis

    Development of Optimized Piezoelectric Bending Actuators for Use in an Insect Sized Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle

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    Piezoelectric bimorph actuators, as opposed to rotary electric motors, have been suggested as an actuation mechanism for flapping wing micro air vehicles (FWMAVs) because they exhibit favorable characteristics such as low weight, rapidly adaptable frequencies, lower acoustic signature, and controllable flapping amplitudes. Research at the Air Force Research Labs and the Air Force Institute of Technology has shown that by using one actuator per wing, up to five degrees of freedom are possible. However, due to the weight constraints on a FWMAV, the piezoelectric bimorph actuators need to be fully optimized to support free flight. This study focused on three areas of investigation in order to optimize the piezoelectric actuators: validating and improving analytical models that have been previously suggested for the performance of piezoelectric bimorph actuators; identifying the repeatability and reliability of current custom manufacturing techniques; and determining the failure criteria for piezoelectric actuators so that they can be driven at the highest possible voltage. Through the optimization, manufacturing, and performance testing of piezoelectric bimorphs, analytical models have been adjusted to fit the empirical data to yield minimum mass actuators that could potentially meet the mechanical energy requirements in a FWMAV. For custom manufactured actuators, optimized tapered actuators with an end extension showed an 89.5% energy density improvement over optimized rectangular actuators and a 19.5% improvement in energy density over commercially available actuators


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    Flapping wing miniature air vehicles (MAVs) offer several advantageous performance benefits, relative to fixed-wing and rotary-wing MAVs. The goal of this thesis is to design a flapping wing MAV that achieves improved performance by focusing on the flapping mechanism and the spar arrangement in the wings. Two variations of the flapping mechanism are designed and tested, both using compliance as a technique for improved functionality. In the design of these mechanisms, kinematics and dynamics simulation is used to evaluate how forces encountered during wing flapping affect the mechanism. Finite element analysis is used to evaluate the stress and deformation of the mechanism, such that a lightweight yet functional design can be realized. The wings are tested using experimental techniques. These techniques include high speed photography, stiffness measurement, and lift and thrust measurements. Experimentally measured force results are validated with a series of flight tests. A framework for iterative improvement of the MAV is described, that uses the results of physical testing and simulations to investigate the underlying causes of MAV performance aspects; and seeks to capture those beneficial aspects that will allow for performance improvements. Wings and flapping mechanisms designed in this thesis are used to realize a bird-inspired flapping wing miniature air vehicle. This vehicle is capable of radio controlled flights indoors and outdoors in winds up to 6.7m/s with controlled steering, ascent, and descent, as well as payload carrying abilities

    Design and Control of Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicles

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    Flapping wing Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs) continues to be a growing field, with ongoing research into unsteady, low Re aerodynamics, micro-fabrication, and fluid-structure interaction. However, research into flapping wing control of such MAVs continues to lag. Existing research uniformly consists of proposed control laws that are validated by computer simulations of quasi-steady blade-element formulae. Such simulations use numerous assumptions and cannot be trusted to fully describe the flow physics. Instead, such control laws must be validated on hardware. Here, a novel control technique is proposed called Bi-harmonic Amplitude and Bias Modulation (BABM) which can generate forces and moments in 5 vehicle degrees of freedom with only two actuators. Several MAV prototypes were designed and manufactured with independently controllable wings capable of prescribing arbitrary wing trajectories. The forces and moments generated by a MAV utilizing the BABM control technique were measured on a 6-component balance. These experiments verified that a prototype can generate uncoupled forces and moments for motion in five degrees of freedom when using the BABM control technique, and that these forces can be approximated by quasi-steady blade-element formulae. Finally, the prototype performed preliminary controlled flight in constrained motion experiments, further demonstrating the feasibility of BABM

    Bio-Inspired Optic Flow Sensors for Artificial Compound Eyes.

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    Compound eyes in flying insects have been studied to reveal the mysterious cues of vision-based flying mechanisms inside the smallest flying creatures in nature. Especially, researchers in the robotic area have made efforts to transfer the findings into their less than palm-sized unmanned air vehicles, micro-air-vehicles (MAVs). The miniaturized artificial compound eye is one of the key components in this system to provide visual information for navigation. Multi-directional sensing and motion estimation capabilities can give wide field-of-view (FoV) optic flows up to 360 solid angle. By deciphering the wide FoV optic flows, relevant information on the self-status of flight is parsed and utilized for flight command generation. In this work, we realize the wide-field optic flow sensing in a pseudo-hemispherical configuration realized by mounting a number of 2D array optic flow sensors on a flexible PCB module. The flexible PCBs can be bent to form a compound eye shape by origami packaging. From this scheme, the multiple 2D optic flow sensors can provide a modular, expandable configuration to meet low power constraints. The 2D optic flow sensors satisfy the low power constraint by employing a novel bio-inspired algorithm. We have modified the conventional elementary motion detector (EMD), which is known to be a basic operational unit in the insect’s visual pathways. We have implemented a bio-inspired time-stamp-based algorithm in mixed-mode circuits for robust operation. By optimal partitioning of analog to digital signal domains, we can realize the algorithm mostly in digital domain in a column-parallel circuits. Only the feature extraction algorithm is incorporated inside a pixel in analog circuits. In addition, the sensors integrate digital peripheral circuits to provide modular expandability. The on-chip data compressor can reduce the data rate by a factor of 8, so that it can connect a total of 25 optic flow sensors in a 4-wired Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus. The packaged compound eye can transmit full-resolution optic flow data through the single 3MB/sec SPI bus. The fabricated 2D optic flow prototype sensor has achieved the power consumption of 243.3pJ/pixel and the maximum detectable optic flow of 1.96rad/sec at 120fps and 60 FoV.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108841/1/sssjpark_1.pd

    Desarrollo de simulaciones numéricas para el estudio del vuelo de micro vehículos aéreos de alas batientes inspirados en la biología

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    Tesis (DCI)--FCEFN-UNC, 2013Desarrolla de un modelo computacional completo para estudiar el vuelo de insectos y aves pequeñas. Este modelo fue construido acoplando: un modelo cinemático, uno aerodinámico no estacionario, un modelo dinámico no lineal, y una técnica para combinar dichos modelo