2,012 research outputs found

    A Newly Discovered Manuscript of the Historia de los Reyes Moros de Granada by Hernando de Baeza

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    The Historia de los Reyes Moros de Granada, written by the chronicler Hernando de Baeza in the first half of the XVI century, in Spain, is a valuable text that provides a very different perspective from other late medieval Spanish official chronicles. In this article we give an account of the discovery of a previously unknown manuscript of this chronicle which, unlike the two others already known, is complete and includes the ending and the negotiations between the Catholic Kings of Spain and the last Nasrid sultan Boabdil for the Islamic surrender of Granada. We describe this previously unknown manuscript, give an account of the importance of the codex in which it is found, and show the importance of this discovery for Spanish historiography

    A Tribute to Gaspar Cassadó, April 24, 2001

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    This is the concert program of the Tribute to Gaspar Cassadó performance on Tuesday, April 24, 2001 at 8:00 p.m., at the Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were Toccata for Cello by Frescobaldi-Cassadó, Trio in C Major by G. Cassadó, Requiebros by G. Cassadó, Lamento di Boabdil by G. Cassadó, Allegretto grazioso by Schubert-Cassadó, Danse du Diable vert by G. Cassadó, Concerto for Cello in D Major by Mozart-Cassadó, and Concerto in A Minor by Schubert-Cassadó. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    The History of the moorish kings of Grenada by Hernando of Baeza. A chronicle that is part frontier romance, part autobiography, and part legend

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    En este trabajo trato de poner en claro algunos datos de la vida del cronista y trujamán Hernando de Baeza a través de los datos autobiográficos contenidos, de forma explícita o velada, en su crónica de los últimos años de la Granada nazarí, y añado algunos otros que se pueden deducir de sus propias palabras y de las de aquellos coetáneos o próximos a su tiempo que, interesados por su obra, nos han legado algunos escasos comentarios sobre sus vivenciasIn this work I try to clarify some aspects from the chronicler and turjuman Hernando de Baeza’s life, throughout autobiographical data, in a clear or hidden way, in his chronicle about the last years of the nazari Grenada, and I add some other ones we can deduce from his own words, and from other contemporary writers of his time that, very interested in his work, they have passed on some scarce information about his experiences

    Los derechos de los vencidos: las capitulaciones de Granada (1491)

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    El artículo propone una lectura de las cláusulas religiosas de las capitulaciones para la entrega de Granada (25 de noviembre de 1491). Se pone en tela de juicio la idea, comúnmente aceptada en la historiografía, de que las capitulaciones establecían el respeto a las leyes y a la religión de los vencidos y que, por lo tanto, las actuaciones que llevaron a la conversión de los musulmanes de Granada en los años 1499-1501 violaron las mismas capitulaciones. La comparación entre las peticiones del rey Boabdil y el texto firmado por los Reyes Católicos, apoyada sobre el derecho canónico, permite aclarar la posición de los Reyes en puntos tan decisivos como las modalidades del culto islámico, las señales de identificación, la prohibición de las conversiones forzadas y el estatuto de los hombres y mujeres convertidos del Cristianismo al Islam (elches). Se intenta demostrar que las capitulaciones, lejos de fijar la situación religiosa en Granada, establecían la dominación cristiana, abriendo el paso a una dinámica de conversión de la población musulmana y a la recuperación de los elches por la Iglesia.The article proposes a reading of the religious clauses of the capitulations for the surrender of Granada (25 November 1491). It questions the idea, commonly accepted in historiography, that the capitulations established the respect to the laws and to the religion of the vanquished and that, therefore, the acts which led to the conversion of the Muslims of Granada in 1499-1501 violated the same capitulations. The comparison between the requests of king Boabdil and the text signed by the Catholic Kings clarifies, on the basis of canon law, the position of the Kings on such important issues as the modalities of Islamic cult, the distinctive signs of identification, the prohibition of forced conversions and the statute of men and women converted from Christianity to Islam (elches). It aims at showing that the capitulations, far from fixing the religious situation in Granada, established Christian domination and opened the way to a dynamics of conversion of the Muslims, and to the recovery of the elches by the Church

    Casa de Boabdil in Granada

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    CASA DE BOABDIL IN GRANADA Casa de Boabdil in Granada ( -

    From Routes to Roots: A Vision of the Indian Subcontinent in Salman Rushdie’s Novels

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    Rushdie has explored many themes and issues in his writing cosmos within the postcolonial perspective in relationship with language, history, politics, identity, migration, and globalization. The present paper is focused on his two famous novels The Moor's Last Sigh and Shalimar the Clown that had taken a reversion from the other works that are based on western countries and characters. He is traversing back from routes to roots, envisioning the Indian subcontinent within his critiques. Rushdie encompasses through the geographical, political, and cultural limits in the course of his written works, just to come back to explore his subcontinent. In both these books the Indian nation expects a key topical core interest with a major focus on serious issues like historical backdrop of India loaded with turbulence in the present circumstances, and the issue of Kashmir has given a priority that has got mutilated between India and Pakistan since independence. The experience of distance inside the third world connection is pondered upon after the postcolonial era of the subcontinent. Rushdie investigates the historical backdrop of India full with turbulence in the most recent century in The Moor’s Last Sigh, while it is the issue of Kashmir that expects priority in Shalimar the Clown

    La espada de Aliatar y dos pomos en marfil nazaríes. Conexiones estilísticas e iconográficas

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    Dentro del armamento de parada nazarí resultan especialmente relevantes por su originalidad morfológica las espadas jinetas. Varios ejemplares de esta serie están decorados con fragmentos de marfil esculpido dispuestos en la empuñadura. Tres de estos pomos eborarios sorprenden por sus estrechas analogías técnicas, estilísticas e iconográficas. En este trabajo se aborda por primera vez su estudio comparativo, considerándolos –en oposición a la panoplia regia dotada de emblemas dinásticos– parte integrante de una producción seriada salida de los talleres áulicos granadinos con el objeto de satisfacer la demanda cortesana. Se propone asimismo una interpretación novedosa de su iconografía, con antecedentes en el ámbito mardanisí, así como ejemplos coetáneos en la decoración parietal mudéjar.Within Nasrid parade weapons, jinetas swords are particularly relevant for their morphological originality. Several examples of this series are decorated with fragments of carved ivory arranged in the hilt. Three of these ivory pommels are astonishing because of their narrow technical, stylistic, and iconographic analogies. This paper discusses their comparative study for the first time by considering them alongside royal collection of weapons fitted with dynastic emblems as a key component to a mass production issued from Granada courtly workshops in order to meet the courtesan demand. Likewise proposed is a novel interpretation of their iconography with a background in the Mardanisi sphere and contemporary examples in the Mudejar wall decoration

    Testamento y muerte de don Pedro de Granada

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    Sobre la verdad de los Abencerrajes

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    La mortalidad fetal en la presentación podálica: Instituto de Maternidad de La Plata

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    En esta tesis pretendo hacer una relación o comparación de estadísticas de distintos autores, ya sean clásicos o modernos, con datos obtenidos personalmente en los archivos del Instituto de Maternidad de La Plata, al respecto, y examinar las causas de esa mortalidad. Pero antes de entrar al tema en sí, creo conveniente ubicar la presentación podálica en relación a las otras formas de presentación, haciendo una somera referencia de su frecuencia y sus causas.Tesis digitalizada en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Médica