5 research outputs found

    Clutter Mitigation in Echocardiography Using Sparse Signal Separation

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    In ultrasound imaging, clutter artifacts degrade images and may cause inaccurate diagnosis. In this paper, we apply a method called Morphological Component Analysis (MCA) for sparse signal separation with the objective of reducing such clutter artifacts. The MCA approach assumes that the two signals in the additive mix have each a sparse representation under some dictionary of atoms (a matrix), and separation is achieved by finding these sparse representations. In our work, an adaptive approach is used for learning the dictionary from the echo data. MCA is compared to Singular Value Filtering (SVF), a Principal Component Analysis- (PCA-) based filtering technique, and to a high-pass Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter. Each filter is applied to a simulated hypoechoic lesion sequence, as well as experimental cardiac ultrasound data. MCA is demonstrated in both cases to outperform the FIR filter and obtain results comparable to the SVF method in terms of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). Furthermore, MCA shows a lower impact on tissue sections while removing the clutter artifacts. In experimental heart data, MCA obtains in our experiments clutter mitigation with an average CNR improvement of 1.33 dB

    Reconstruction par acquisition compressée en imagerie ultrasonore médicale 3D et Doppler

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    This thesis is dedicated to the application of the novel compressed sensing theory to the acquisition and reconstruction of 3D US images and Doppler signals. In 3D US imaging, one of the major difficulties concerns the number of RF lines that has to be acquired to cover the complete volume. The acquisition of each line takes an incompressible time due to the finite velocity of the ultrasound wave. One possible solution for increasing the frame rate consists in reducing the acquisition time by skipping some RF lines. The reconstruction of the missing information in post processing is then a typical application of compressed sensing. Another excellent candidate for this theory is the Doppler duplex imaging that implies alternating two modes of emission, one for B-mode imaging and the other for flow estimation. Regarding 3D imaging, we propose a compressed sensing framework using learned overcomplete dictionaries. Such dictionaries allow for much sparser representations of the signals since they are optimized for a particular class of images such as US images.We also focus on the measurement sensing setup and propose a line-wise sampling of entire RF lines which allows to decrease the amount of data and is feasible in a relatively simple setting of the 3D US equipment. The algorithm was validated on 3D simulated and experimental data. For the Doppler application, we proposed a CS based framework for randomly interleaving Doppler and US emissions. The proposed method reconstructs the Doppler signal using a block sparse Bayesian learning algorithm that exploits the correlation structure within a signal and has the ability of recovering partially sparse signals as long as they are correlated. This method is validated on simulated and experimental Doppler data.DL’objectif de cette thèse est le développement de techniques adaptées à l’application de la théorie de l’acquisition compressée en imagerie ultrasonore 3D et Doppler. En imagerie ultrasonore 3D une des principales difficultés concerne le temps d’acquisition très long lié au nombre de lignes RF à acquérir pour couvrir l’ensemble du volume. Afin d’augmenter la cadence d’imagerie une solution possible consiste à choisir aléatoirement des lignes RF qui ne seront pas acquises. La reconstruction des données manquantes est une application typique de l’acquisition compressée. Une autre application d’intérêt correspond aux acquisitions Doppler duplex où des stratégies d’entrelacement des acquisitions sont nécessaires et conduisent donc à une réduction de la quantité de données disponibles. Dans ce contexte, nous avons réalisé de nouveaux développements permettant l’application de l’acquisition compressée à ces deux modalités d’acquisition ultrasonore. Dans un premier temps, nous avons proposé d’utiliser des dictionnaires redondants construits à partir des signaux d’intérêt pour la reconstruction d’images 3D ultrasonores. Une attention particulière a aussi été apportée à la configuration du système d’acquisition et nous avons choisi de nous concentrer sur un échantillonnage des lignes RF entières, réalisable en pratique de façon relativement simple. Cette méthode est validée sur données 3D simulées et expérimentales. Dans un deuxième temps, nous proposons une méthode qui permet d’alterner de manière aléatoire les émissions Doppler et les émissions destinées à l’imagerie mode-B. La technique est basée sur une approche bayésienne qui exploite la corrélation et la parcimonie des blocs du signal. L’algorithme est validé sur des données Doppler simulées et expérimentales

    Blood Velocity Estimation Using Compressive Sensing

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    International audienceDuplex ultrasonography is a mode of medical ultrasonography that allows one to visualize, at the same time, the inner structure of the body (B-mode) and the blood flow at a particular point in the body (Doppler mode). This mode requires a strategy for alternating B-mode and flow emissions. Traditional strategies either halve the maximum measurable velocity or introduce gaps in the flow data. The objective of this article is to propose a completely original method based on compressive sensing for reconstructing the Doppler signal segment by segment. Our approach is based on randomly alternating B-mode and flow emissions. The influence of the different parameters on the reconstruction quality is studied in detail. The technique is evaluated and its feasability is validated in simulation and from experimental in vivo data. It is also compared to the only method from the literature, proposed by Jensen, that reconstructs blood velocity estimates from sparse data sets