135 research outputs found

    Blockcipher-based Double-length Hash Functions for Pseudorandom Oracles

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    The notion of PRO (pseudorandom oracle) is an important security notion of hash functions because a PRO hash function inherits all properties of a random oracle up to the PRO bound (e.g., security against generic attacks, collision resistant security, preimage resistant security and so on). In this paper, we propose a new block cipher-based double-length hash function for PROs. Our hash function uses a single block cipher, which encrypts an nn-bit string using a 2n2n-bit key, and maps an input of arbitrary length to a 2n2n-bit output. Since many block ciphers supports a 2n2n-bit key (e.g. AES supports a 256256-bit key), the assumption to use the 2n2n-bit key length block cipher is acceptable. We prove that our hash function is PRO up to \order(2^n) query complexity as long as the block cipher is an ideal cipher. To our knowledge, this is the first time double-length hash function based on a single (practical size) block cipher with the birthday type PRO security

    A Pseudorandom-Function Mode Based on Lesamnta-LW and the MDP Domain Extension and Its Applications

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    This paper discusses a mode for pseudorandom functions (PRFs) based on the hashing mode of Lesamnta-LW and the domain extension called Merkle-Damgård with permutation (MDP). The hashing mode of Lesamnta-LW is a plain Merkle-Damgård iteration of a block cipher with its key size half of its block size. First, a PRF mode is presented which produces multiple independent PRFs with multiple permutations and initialization vectors if the underlying block cipher is a PRP. Then, two applications of the PRF mode are presented. One is a PRF with minimum padding. Here, padding is said to be minimum if the produced message blocks do not include message blocks only with the padded sequence for any non-empty input message. The other is a vector-input PRF using the PRFs with minimum padding.This work was supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI GrantNumber JP16H02828.IEICE Transactions Online TOP (https://search.ieice.org/

    An Analysis of the Blockcipher-Based Hash Functions from PGV

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    Preneel, Govaerts, and Vandewalle (1993) considered the 64 most basic ways to construct a hash function H: {0, 1}*->{0, 1}(n) from a blockcipher E: {0, 1}(n) x {0, 1}(n)->{0,1}(n). They regarded 12 of these 64 schemes as secure, though no proofs or formal claims were given. Here we provide a proof-based treatment of the PGV schemes. We show that, in the ideal-cipher model, the 12 schemes considered secure by PGV really are secure: we give tight upper and lower bounds on their collision resistance. Furthermore, by stepping outside of the Merkle-Damgard approach to analysis, we show that an additional 8 of the PGV schemes are just as collision resistant (up to a constant). Nonetheless, we are able to differentiate among the 20 collision-resistant schemes by considering their preimage resistance: only the 12 initial schemes enjoy optimal preimage resistance. Our work demonstrates that proving ideal-cipher-model bounds is a feasible and useful step for understanding the security of blockcipher-based hash-function constructions

    Efficient Instances of Docked Double Decker With AES

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    A tweakable wide blockcipher is a construction which behaves in the same way as a tweakable blockcipher, with the difference that the actual block size is flexible. Due to this feature, a tweakable wide blockcipher can be directly used as a strong encryption scheme that provides full diffusion when encrypting plaintexts to ciphertexts and vice versa. Furthermore, it can be the basis of authenticated encryption schemes fulfilling the strongest security notions. In this paper, we present two instantiations of the docked double decker tweakable wide blockcipher: ddd-AES\mathit{ddd}\text{-}\mathit{AES} and bbb-ddd-AES\mathit{bbb}\text{-}\mathit{ddd}\text{-}\mathit{AES}. Both instances exclusively use similar building blocks as AES-GCM (AES and finite field multiplication), are designed for maximal parallelism, and hence, can make efficient use of existing hardware accelerators. Moreover, bbb-ddd-AES\mathit{bbb}\text{-}\mathit{ddd}\text{-}\mathit{AES} builds upon a novel beyond birthday bound secure pseudorandom function, a tweakable variant of the XOR of permutations, facilitating in the need to include a tweak in the AES evaluations without sacrificing flexibility in docked double decker

    Blockcipher Based Hashing Revisited

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    We revisit the rate-1 blockcipher based hash functions as first studied by Preneel, Govaerts and Vandewalle (Crypto\u2793) and later extensively analysed by Black, Rogaway and Shrimpton (Crypto\u2702). We analyze a further generalization where any pre- and postprocessing is considered. By introducing a new tweak to earlier proof methods, we obtain a simpler proof that is both more general and more tight than existing results. As added benefit, this also leads to a clearer understanding of the current classification of rate-1 blockcipher based schemes as introduced by Preneel et al. and refined by Black et al

    Statistical Methods in Cryptography

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    Cryptographic assumptions and security goals are fundamentally distributional. As a result, statistical techniques are ubiquitous in cryptographic constructions and proofs. In this thesis, we build upon existing techniques and seek to improve both theoretical and practical constructions in three fundamental primitives in cryptography: blockciphers, hash functions, and encryption schemes. First, we present a tighter hybrid argument via collision probability that is more general than previously known, allowing applications to blockciphers. We then use our result to improve the bound of the Swap-or-Not cipher. We also develop a new blockcipher composition theorem that is both class and security amplifying. Second, we prove a variant of Leftover Hash Lemma for joint leakage, inspired by the Universal Computational Extractor (UCE) assumption. We then apply this technique to construct various standard-model UCE- secure hash functions. Third, we survey existing “lossy primitives” in cryptography, in particular Lossy Trapdoor Functions (LTDF) and Lossy Encryptions (LE); we pro- pose a generalized primitive called Lossy Deterministic Encryption (LDE). We show that LDE is equivalent to LTDFs. This is in contrast with the block-box separation of trapdoor functions and public-key encryption schemes in the computational case. One common theme in our methods is the focus on statistical techniques. Another theme is that the results obtained are in contrast with their computational counterparts—the corresponding computational results are implausible or are know to be false

    07021 Abstracts Collection -- Symmetric Cryptography

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    From .. to .., the Dagstuhl Seminar 07021 ``Symmetric Cryptography\u27\u27 automatically was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Towards Understanding the Known-Key Security of Block Ciphers

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    Known-key distinguishers for block ciphers were proposed by Knudsen and Rijmen at ASIACRYPT 2007 and have been a major research topic in cryptanalysis since then. A formalization of known-key attacks in general is known to be difficult. In this paper, we tackle this problem for the case of block ciphers based on ideal components such as random permutations and random functions as well as propose new generic known-key attacks on generalized Feistel ciphers. We introduce the notion of known-key indifferentiability to capture the security of such block ciphers under a known key. To show its meaningfulness, we prove that the known-key attacks on block ciphers with ideal primitives to date violate security under known-key indifferentiability. On the other hand, to demonstrate its constructiveness, we prove the balanced Feistel cipher with random functions and the multiple Even-Mansour cipher with random permutations known-key indifferentiable for a sufficient number of rounds. We note that known-key indifferentiability is more quickly and tightly attained by multiple Even-Mansour which puts it forward as a construction provably secure against known-key attacks

    Double Ciphertext Mode : A Proposal for Secure Backup

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    Security of data stored in bulk storage devices like the hard disk has gained a lot of importance in the current days. Among the variety of paradigms which are available for disk encryption, low level disk encryption is well accepted because of the high security guarantees it provides. In this paper we view the problem of disk encryption from a different direction. We explore the possibility of how one can maintain secure backups of the data, such that loss of a physical device will mean neither loss of the data nor the fact that the data gets revealed to the adversary. We propose an efficient solution to this problem through a new cryptographic scheme which we call as the double ciphertext mode (DCM). In this paper we describe the syntax of DCM, define security for it and give some efficient constructions. Moreover we argue regarding the suitability of DCM for the secure backup application and also explore other application areas where a DCM can be useful

    Categorization of Faulty Nonce Misuse Resistant Message Authentication

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    A growing number of lightweight block ciphers are proposed for environments such as the Internet of Things. An important contribution to the reduced implementation cost is a block length n of 64 or 96 bits rather than 128 bits. As a consequence, encryption modes and message authentication code (MAC) algorithms require security beyond the 2^{n/2} birthday bound. This paper provides an extensive treatment of MAC algorithms that offer beyond birthday bound PRF security for both nonce-respecting and nonce-misusing adversaries. We study constructions that use two block cipher calls, one universal hash function call and an arbitrary number of XOR operations. We start with the separate problem of generically identifying all possible secure n-to-n-bit pseudorandom functions (PRFs) based on two block cipher calls. The analysis shows that the existing constructions EDM, SoP, and EDMD are the only constructions of this kind that achieve beyond birthday bound security. Subsequently we deliver an exhaustive treatment of MAC algorithms, where the outcome of a universal hash function evaluation on the message may be entered at any point in the computation of the PRF. We conclude that there are a total amount of nine schemes that achieve beyond birthday bound security, and a tenth construction that cannot be proven using currently known proof techniques. For these former nine MAC algorithms, three constructions achieve optimal n-bit security in the nonce-respecting setting, but are completely insecure if the nonce is reused. The remaining six constructions have 3n/4-bit security in the nonce-respecting setting, and only four out of these six constructions still achieve beyond the birthday bound security in the case of nonce misuse