8 research outputs found

    Securing Online Knowledge Systems by Blockchain: a proposed solution for model Online Defence Information System

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    257-267Information systems offer a range of services by amalgamating information, technology, people, and organizations to serve business needs to solve problems, and disseminate knowledge within and in public. Certain unclassified but restricted information could also be made available on these systems/platforms to a class of pre-authenticated registered users. The model Online Defence Information System (ODIS) (https://www.odisys.in) is one such system that is the basis of discussion in the paper. It is designed and developed as an important knowledge resource for defence community. An expert can also contribute by making online submissions of tacit knowledge for the benefit of society. The system is built on the centralized networking architecture and is based on trust management (trust of content and platform). Given the security vulnerabilities rising proportionally with computational power, it has been established that a centralized system is more likely to see malicious attacks than a decentralized system. Paper explores the solution to counter apparent vulnerabilities and draws an analytic comparison with “blockchain”, decentralized network architecture. The paper gives an overview of ODIS's architecture, development and design methodologies and challenges, and a solution that offers safety, security, authenticity and verifiability of contents on the system such as ODIS

    Securing Online Knowledge Systems by Blockchain: a proposed solution for model Online Defence Information System

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    Information systems offer a range of services by amalgamating information, technology, people, and organizations to serve business needs to solve problems, and disseminate knowledge within and in public. Certain unclassified but restricted information could also be made available on these systems/platforms to a class of pre-authenticated registered users. The model Online Defence Information System (ODIS) (https://www.odisys.in) is one such system that is the basis of discussion in the paper. It is designed and developed as an important knowledge resource for defence community. An expert can also contribute by making online submissions of tacit knowledge for the benefit of society. The system is built on the centralized networking architecture and is based on trust management (trust of content and platform). Given the security vulnerabilities rising proportionally with computational power, it has been established that a centralized system is more likely to see malicious attacks than a decentralized system. Paper explores the solution to counter apparent vulnerabilities and draws an analytic comparison with “blockchain”, decentralized network architecture. The paper gives an overview of ODIS's architecture, development and design methodologies and challenges, and a solution that offers safety, security, authenticity and verifiability of contents on the system such as ODIS

    Blockchain-based data sharing for decentralized tourism destinations recommendation system

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    One thing that tourists need to plan their tourism activities is a recommendation system. The tourism destinations recommendation system in this study has three primary nodes, namely user, server, and sensor. Each node requires the ability to share data to produce recommendations that the user expects through their mobile devices. In this paper, we propose the data-sharing system scheme uses a blockchain-based decentralized network that each node can be connected directly to each other, to support the exchange of data between them. The block architecture used in the blockchain network has three main parts, namely block information, hashes, and data. Each type of node has a different structure and direction of data communication. Where the user node sends destination assessment data to the server node, then the server node sends data from the machine learning process to the user node. The sensor sends dynamic data about popularity, traffic, and weather to the user node as consideration for finalizing the generating recommendations process. In the process of sending data, each node in the blockchain network goes through several functions, including hashing, block validation, chaining block, and broadcast. We conduct web-based experiments and analysis of the data-sharing system to illustrate the system works. The experimental results show that the system handles data circulation with an average time of mine is 84.5 ms in sending multi-criteria assessment data from the user and 119.1 ms in sending data of machine learning result from the server

    Blockchain for Transparent Data Management Toward 6G

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    The wealth of user data acts as a fuel for network intelligence toward the sixth generation wireless networks (6G). Due to data heterogeneity and dynamics, decentralized data management (DM) is desirable for achieving transparent data operations across network domains, and blockchain can be a promising solution. However, the increasing data volume and stringent data privacy-preservation requirements in 6G bring significantly technical challenge to balance transparency, efficiency, and privacy requirements in decentralized blockchain-based DM. In this paper, we investigate blockchain solutions to address the challenge. First, we explore the consensus protocols and scalability mechanisms in blockchains and discuss the roles of DM stakeholders in blockchain architectures. Second, we investigate the authentication and authorization requirements for DM stakeholders. Third, we categorize DM privacy requirements and study blockchain-based mechanisms for collaborative data processing. Subsequently, we present research issues and potential solutions for blockchain-based DM toward 6G from these three perspectives. Finally, we conclude this paper and discuss future research directions.Huawei Technologies Canada || Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Sistem penilaian tempat wisata di Kabupaten Kediri berbasis web menggunakan Blockchain Ethereum

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    ABSTRAK: Sistem penilaian tempat wisata di Kabupaten Kediri berbasis web menggunakan Blockchain Ethereum Pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor unggulan di Kabupaten Kediri. Destinasi wisatanya tidak hanya didatangi wisatawan local tetapi bahkan sampai mancanegara. Sehingga perlu adanya evaluasi dan penilaian terhadap masing-masing destinasi wisata agar dapat dilakukan pengembangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi blockchain ethereum pada website sistem penilaian. Penilaian yang dilakukan menggunakan kriteria dari 6As Tourism Destination Framework. Penerapan dari sistem penilaian tersebut akan berupa website dengan penyimpanan datanya menggunakan blockchain ethereum sebagai penyimpanan data terdesentralisasi. Dengan menggunakan blockchain ethereum, wisatawan akan mudah dalam melakukan penilaian serta data transaksi penilaian juga akan lebih aman. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menguji transaction hash dan fungsional website menggunakan metode black box testing. Hasil dari pengujian yaitu data transaksi penilaian dapat tersimpan pada jaringan blockchain ethereum dan dapat ditampilkan pada website sistem penilaian. Hasil dari pengujian fungsional website menunjukkan kesesuaian antara input yang dilakukan dan output yang dihasilkan. ABSTRACT: Tourism is one of the leading sectors in Kediri Regency. Its tourist destinations are not only visited by local tourists but even foreign tourists. So it is necessary to evaluate and assess each tourist destination so that development can be carried out. The purpose of this research is to find out how the ethereum blockchain is implemented on the rating system website. The assessment was carried out using the criteria of the 6As Tourism Destination Framework. The implementation of the scoring system will be in the form of a website with data storage using the ethereum blockchain as a decentralized data storage. By using the Ethereum blockchain, it will be easy for tourists to make assessments and the assessment transaction data will also be safer. Testing is carried out by testing the transaction hash and website functionality using the black box testing method. The results of the test are that the valuation transaction data can be stored on the ethereum blockchain network and can be displayed on the appraisal system website. The results of website functional testing show compatibility between the inputs performed and the outputs produced. مستخلص البحث: السياحة هي واحدة من القطاعات الرائدة في ريجنسي كيديري. لا تتم زيارة وجهاتها السياحية فقط من قبل السياح المحليين ولكن حتى السياح الأجانب. لذلك من الضروري تقييم وتقدير كل وجهة سياحية حتى يمكن تنفيذ التطوير. الغرض من هذا البحث كشين الإهو معرفة كيفية تنفيذ بلويثيريوم على موقع نظام التصنيف. تم إجراء التقييم باستخدام معايير إطار الوجهة السياحية6As. سيكون تنفيذ نظام التسجيل في شكل موقع ويب به تخزين بيانات باستخدامblockchain ethereumكتخزين بيانات كزي. باستخداملامرblockchain ethereum، سيكون من السهل على السياحإجراء تقييمات وستكون بيانات معاملات التقييم أيضًا أكثر أمانًا. يتم إجراء الاختبار عن طريق اختبار وظيفة تجزئة المعاملات والموقع الإلك تًوني باستخدام طريقة اختبار كشين الإيثيرالصندوق الأسود. نتائج الاختبار هي أنه يمكن تخزين بيانات معاملات التقييم على شبكة بلويوم ويمكن عرضها على موقع نظام التقييم. تظهر نتائج الاختبار الوظيفي للموقع التوافق بين المدخلات التي تم إجراؤها والمخرجات المنتجة

    Blockchain architecture adoption in supply chain management: A dematel-based analysis of critical factors

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    The uprising of blockchain technology has recently become a trend owing to its prowess to reform the governance of supply chains, offering improved levels of data transparency, traceability, and efficient workflow. The objective drawn on this research is to examine the key determinants that impact the adoption as well as applicability of blockchain technology within the supply chain management context. The Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) model is tested in this study to inspect and fathom the complex relationships between these components, thereby uncovering their respective significance and interrelationships. The results derived from this study contribute vital insights into the ever-changing landscape of blockchain adoption, with a particular focus on key factors comprising technical competencies, IT infrastructure, interoperability, compatibility, and complexity. The research based on DEMATEL methodology reveals both direct and indirect influences, facilitating a more comprehensive comprehension of these crucial variables. This study is an invaluable resource for industry stakeholders, policymakers, and organizations seeking to embrace blockchain technology into supply chain operations. This study’s original intent is to frame an extensive analysis of the key aspects and their interrelationships, offering valuable insights for making well-informed decisions. The overarching aim is to facilitate the seamless assimilation of blockchain architecture into supply chain management systems, promoting effectiveness along with harmony