4,128 research outputs found

    FinTech, blockchain and Islamic finance : an extensive literature review

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    Purpose: The paper aims to review the academic research work done in the area of Islamic financial technology. The Islamic FinTech area has been classified into three broad categories of the Islamic FinTech, Islamic Financial technology opportunities and challenges, Cryptocurrency/Blockchain sharia compliance and law/regulation. Finally, the study identifies and highlights the opportunities and challenges that Islamic Financial institutions can learn from the conventional FinTech organization across the world. Approach/Methodology/Design: The study collected 133 research studies (50 from Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 30 from Research gate, 33 from Google Scholar and 20 from other sources) in the area of Islamic Financial Technology. The study presents the systematic review of the above studies. Findings: The study classifies the Islamic FinTech into three broad categories namely, Islamic FinTech opportunities and challenges, Cryptocurrency/Blockchain sharia compliance and law/regulation. The study identifies that the sharia compliance related to the cryptocurrency/Blockchain is the biggest challenge which Islamic FinTech organizations are facing. During our review we also find that Islamic FinTech organizations are to be considered as partners by the Islamic Financial Institutions (IFI’s) than the competitors. If Islamic Financial institutions want to increase efficiency, transparency and customer satisfaction they have to adopt FinTech and become partners with the FinTech companies. Practical Implications: The study will contribute positively to the understanding of Islamic Fintech for the academia, industry, regulators, investors and other FinTech users. Originality/Value: The study believes to contribute positively to understanding of Fintech based technology like cryptocurrency/Blockchain from sharia perspective.peer-reviewe

    Ideas for a regulatory definition of FinTech

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    Purpose: The aim of the paper is to develop the approach to a legal definition of FinTech. Design/Methodology/Approach: In this paper we evolve possible approaches of FinTech legal definition, investigate existing approaches at the international level and examine the policies applied at the national levels. Document analysis, as a form of qualitative research, was used in this study. Findings: We found that in most countries the legislation does not specifically address fintech companies, and the legal framework equally regulates the activities of traditional service providers and fintech operators. In our opinion, no specific legislation for FinTech companies needed, each type of activity provided by a financial or technology company is subject to a specific legislation/regulation with primary focus on services and products provided as payments, insurance, investments etc. Practical Implications: The term FinTech is freely used by policy makers, regulators, companies, researchers, academics and the public, both nationally and internationally. According to international organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank and the OECD, FinTech offers the opportunity to accelerate economic growth and expand financial affordability/inclusion in all countries. Some countries are increasingly striving to become global or international regional hubs for FinTech and are working hard to develop interagency government strategies with a supportive legal environment. Originality/Value: There is still confusion about the nature and dynamics of FinTech among politicians, scientists and practitioners, as well as about the legal framework of this area. The value of this article is to clarify and propose an apprach to definition of FinTech by combining different approaches in a very original and innovative way.peer-reviewe

    The transformation of traditional banking activity in digital

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    Purpose: This article investigates specifics of the transformation of banking activity in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. In the light of penetration of digital technologies into all the spheres of our life, the rapid development of financial technologies and their active implementation in the banking sector of the economy, digital financial innovations are formed at the intersection of the concepts of "financial technologies" and "financial innovations". Design/Methodology/Approach: In order to investigate the process of transformation of the banking sector in the context of digitalization, it is necessary to consider this issue from three points of view: 1) theoretical understanding of the concept of "financial technologies"; 2) the need to ensure the efficiency and sustainability of the banking sector; 3) the change in the IT- architecture of banking activities and the formation of the digital ecosystem with banks in the center. It is also reasonable to analyze promising areas of implementation of financial technologies into the banking sector. Findings: The main directions of the development of financial technologies in the banking sector, aimed at further transformation of traditional banking services through digital technologies. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be applied in the development of the legislative regulation of the FinTech industry in Russia. Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is to determine the prospects for the development of the domestic banking sector in the context of digitalization, the need to transform in order not only to improve the competitiveness and efficiency of functioning, but also to stay in the banking business.peer-reviewe

    Practices of Using Blockchain Technology in ICT under the Digitalization of the World Economy

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    Abstract. Pursuing the purpose of effective functioning in today's conditions, the business is forced to transform rapidly, to modernize at all levels. The world is changing, erasing the limits of its certainty. Companies need quality transformations and strategies that are effective in the face of rapid change towards "deep" digitization. Massive corporate management systems increasingly need the flexibility to keep pace with change. And companies with an innovative culture are more in need of creative tasks than implementing detailed regulations. In the post-industrial time of digital economy, issues related to the development of the information sphere, the media and communications, the usage of modern information systems to develop the economy and stabilize social development as a whole, come first. The basic principles of practical application of Blockchain are investigated in the work. The stages of development of Blockchain technology, the stages of development of Blockchain technologies by time, the application of distributed registry technology in Blockchain applications, the principles of construction and operation of Blockchain have been specified. The benefits of using NEM for business are substantiated and the components of Proxima X technology, protocols and service layers, on-line and off-line protocols, decentralized applications are exposed

    Beyond Bitcoin: Issues in Regulating Blockchain Transactions

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    The buzz surrounding Bitcoin has reached a fever pitch. Yet in academic legal discussions, disproportionate emphasis is placed on bitcoins (that is, virtual currency), and little mention is made of blockchain technology—the true innovation behind the Bitcoin protocol. Simply, blockchain technology solves an elusive networking problem by enabling “trustless” transactions: value exchanges over computer networks that can be verified, monitored, and enforced without central institutions (for example, banks). This has broad implications for how we transact over electronic networks. This Note integrates current research from leading computer scientists and cryptographers to elevate the legal community’s understanding of blockchain technology and, ultimately, to inform policymakers and practitioners as they consider different regulatory schemes. An examination of the economic properties of a blockchain-based currency suggests the technology’s true value lies in its potential to facilitate more efficient digital-asset transfers. For example, applications of special interest to the legal community include more efficient document and authorship verification, title transfers, and contract enforcement. Though a regulatory patchwork around virtual currencies has begun to form, its careful analysis reveals much uncertainty with respect to these alternative applications

    FinTech Industrial Banks and Beyond: How Banking Innovations Affect the Federal Safety Net

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    The FinTech industry has been utilizing technological innovations to provide services traditionally offered by the banking and financial industry. Until now, many FinTech firms engaging in these activities had non-bank state licenses. The uncertainties surrounding their current business models and the desire to expand the operations led some of these firms to apply for industrial bank charters. An industrial bank charter is one of the few ways for a commercial firm to control a depository institution and allows FinTech firms to retain their technological investments that are not directly related to banking. However, access of these industrial banks to the federal insurance, payment services, and the discount window raise some concerns. It is claimed that the parent companies of these banks might gain an unfair advantage over their competitors, misguide their creditors, or limit their liabilities by benefitting from the federal subsidies given to the banking industry. This Note analyzes these claims and proposes two alternatives—credit card banks and state bank subsidiaries—for the FinTech firms seeking to engage in the business of banking. Particularly, engaging in non-bank activities through bank subsidiaries could eliminate some of the persistent moral hazard problems that the industrial bank model might entail. Although the industrial bank activities would not pose a significant risk to the federal safety net, these alternatives to the industrial banks could be preferable for sustaining the development of the FinTech industry as well as maintaining a safe and sound banking system

    Fintech and Secured Transactions Systems of the Future

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    FinTech ecosystem as an instrument of sustainable development provision

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    Purpose: The article aims to determine the relationship between the FinTech ecosystem and ensuring a stable path of economic growth in the context of digitalization. The transition to digitalization of the financial sector is accompanied by a fundamentally new, qualitative transformation of socioeconomic relations in society. Design/Methodology/Approach: As part of the study, the concept of FinTech was considered both in the context of technological innovation and in the context of companies utilizing these innovations in business, as well as the systematization of business models of the FinTech industry. The classification of horizontal and vertical innovations of the financial industry is given. The authors presented the structure of the FinTech ecosystem as an instrument for ensuring sustainable. Findings: For the successful development of the FinTech ecosystem, the authors of the study presented a number of initiatives, the implementation of which will ensure the maintenance of the financial system stability, protection of consumer rights, as well as the digital innovations’ development and implementation. Practical Implications: The formation of a sustainable digital financial infrastructure tends to ensure the effective provision of services in the financial market, including for small and medium-sized companies, which will increase the availability of financial services and promote competition in the financial sector. Originality/Value: The key contribution of the study is the ecosystem approach, which allowed determining the possibilities of safe sustainable development of the financial sector.peer-reviewe

    Fintech and Secured Transactions Systems of the Future

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    Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur pedagoger tänker kring sitt förhållningssätt i konflikter och vilka effekter de tror att förhållningssättet kan få i barngruppen. Studiens metod har varit kvalitativa intervjuer där sex pedagoger från olika förskolor har deltagit. Resultatet visade att deltagarna hela tiden reflekterar över sitt förhållningssätt till konflikter och varför konflikter uppstår. Något som alla deltagare belyste var att det är viktigt att barnen ges verktyg för att klara konflikter själva. Flera olika strategier kunde ses på hur konflikthantering går till men mycket handlar om bemötande, förklaringar och att alla i slutändan ska känna sig nöjda. Alla deltagande ansåg att konflikter är lärande men på olika plan. Bland annat handlar det om ett lärande utifrån den gemensamma respekt man bör ha mot varandra men även det sociala samspelet nämns. De slutsatser som kan dras är att konflikthantering i förskolan är en viktig del där pedagogens förhållningssätt påverkar konfliktens utgång. Att ge barnen verktyg för att klara konflikter själva ses som en bra start och en central del i konflikthantering hos deltagarna