1,669 research outputs found

    A Robust Image Hashing Algorithm Resistant Against Geometrical Attacks

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    This paper proposes a robust image hashing method which is robust against common image processing attacks and geometric distortion attacks. In order to resist against geometric attacks, the log-polar mapping (LPM) and contourlet transform are employed to obtain the low frequency sub-band image. Then the sub-band image is divided into some non-overlapping blocks, and low and middle frequency coefficients are selected from each block after discrete cosine transform. The singular value decomposition (SVD) is applied in each block to obtain the first digit of the maximum singular value. Finally, the features are scrambled and quantized as the safe hash bits. Experimental results show that the algorithm is not only resistant against common image processing attacks and geometric distortion attacks, but also discriminative to content changes

    Grayscale Image Authentication using Neural Hashing

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    Many different approaches for neural network based hash functions have been proposed. Statistical analysis must correlate security of them. This paper proposes novel neural hashing approach for gray scale image authentication. The suggested system is rapid, robust, useful and secure. Proposed hash function generates hash values using neural network one-way property and non-linear techniques. As a result security and performance analysis are performed and satisfying results are achieved. These features are dominant reasons for preferring against traditional ones.Comment: international journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences (NESciences.com) : Image Authentication, Cryptology, Hash Function, Statistical and Security Analysi

    Perceptual Image Hashing

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    A Short Survey on Perceptual Hash Function

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    The authentication of digital image has become more important as these images can be easily manipulated by using image processing tools leading to various problems such as copyright infringement and hostile tampering to the image contents. It is almost impossible to distinguish subjectively which images are original and which have been manipulated. There are several cryptographic hash functions that map the input data to short binary strings but these traditional cryptographic hash functions is not suitable for image authentication as they are very sensitive to every single bit of input data. When using a cryptographic hash function, the change of even one bit of the original data results in a radically different value. A modified image should be detected as authentic by the hash function and at the same time must be robust against incidental and legitimate modifications on multimedia data. The main aim of this paper is to present a survey of perceptual hash functions for image authentication.Keywords: Hash function, image authentication*Cite as: Arambam Neelima, Kh. Manglem Singh, “A Short Survey on Perceptual Hash Function†ADBU-J.Engg Tech, 1(2014) 0011405(8pp

    Average Hashing for Perceptual Image Similarity in Mobile Phone Application

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    Common problem occurs in almost all mobile devices was duplicated data or files. Such as duplicated images that often happen by event like capturing perceptually similar photos by the user, or images that shared several times in messaging applications chat groups. This common problem can be solved by manually search and remove the duplicated images one by one by the users, but better solutions is by building automated application that search perceptually similar images then provide the result to the users. We study and implementing Average Hashing and Hamming distance for perceptual image similarity into application under mobile phone platform to realize the solution for the problem. The result was very promising in speed and accuracy for finding perceptually similar images under limited resources device like mobile phone

    Robust Image Hashing Based Efficient Authentication for Smart Industrial Environment

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    [EN] Due to large volume and high variability of editing tools, protecting multimedia contents, and ensuring their privacy and authenticity has become an increasingly important issue in cyber-physical security of industrial environments, especially industrial surveillance. The approaches authenticating images using their principle content emerge as popular authentication techniques in industrial video surveillance applications. But maintaining a good tradeoff between perceptual robustness and discriminations is the key research challenge in image hashing approaches. In this paper, a robust image hashing method is proposed for efficient authentication of keyframes extracted from surveillance video data. A novel feature extraction strategy is employed in the proposed image hashing approach for authentication by extracting two important features: the positions of rich and nonzero low edge blocks and the dominant discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients of the corresponding rich edge blocks, keeping the computational cost at minimum. Extensive experiments conducted from different perspectives suggest that the proposed approach provides a trustworthy and secure way of multimedia data transmission over surveillance networks. Further, the results vindicate the suitability of our proposal for real-time authentication and embedded security in smart industrial applications compared to state-of-the-art methods.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61976120, in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province under Grant BK20191445, in part by the Six Talent Peaks Project of Jiangsu Province under Grant XYDXXJS-048, and sponsored by Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province, China.Sajjad, M.; Ul Haq, I.; Lloret, J.; Ding, W.; Muhammad, K. (2019). Robust Image Hashing Based Efficient Authentication for Smart Industrial Environment. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 15(12):6541-6550. https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2019.2921652S65416550151

    Modified CSLBP

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    Image hashing is an efficient way to handle digital data authentication problem. Image hashing represents quality summarization of image features in compact manner. In this paper, the modified center symmetric local binary pattern (CSLBP) image hashing algorithm is proposed. Unlike CSLBP 16 bin histogram, Modified CSLBP generates 8 bin histogram without compromise on quality to generate compact hash. It has been found that, uniform quantization on a histogram with more bin results in more precision loss. To overcome quantization loss, modified CSLBP generates the two histogram of a four bin. Uniform quantization on a 4 bin histogram results in less precision loss than a 16 bin histogram. The first generated histogram represents the nearest neighbours and second one is for the diagonal neighbours. To enhance quality in terms of discrimination power, different weight factor are used during histogram generation. For the nearest and the diagonal neighbours, two local weight factors are used. One is the Standard Deviation (SD) and other is the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG). Standard deviation represents a spread of data which captures local variation from mean. LoG is a second order derivative edge detection operator which detects edges well in presence of noise. The proposed algorithm is resilient to the various kinds of attacks. The proposed method is tested on database having malicious and non-malicious images using benchmark like NHD and ROC which confirms theoretical analysis. The experimental results shows good performance of the proposed method for various attacks despite the short hash length
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