194 research outputs found

    Blind source separation of multichannel neuromagnetic responses

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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a functional brain imaging technique with millisecond temporal resolution and millimeter spatial sensitivity. The high temporal resolution of MEG compared to fMRI and PET (milliseconds vs. seconds and tens of seconds) makes it ideal for measuring the precise time of neuronal responses, thereby o!ering a powerful tool for studying temporal dynamics. We applied blind-source separation (BSS) to continuous 122-channel human magnetoencephalographic data from two subjects and "ve tasks. We demonstrate that without using any domain-speci"c knowledge and without making the common assumption of single- or multiple-current dipole sources, BSS is capable of separating non-neuronal noise sources from neuronal responses and also of separating neuronal responses from di!erent sensory modalities, and from di!erent processing stages within a given modalit

    Improvement of brain source modeling based on multichannel EEG recordings after pain stimulation

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    A systematic review on artifact removal and classification techniques for enhanced MEG-based BCI systems

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    Neurological disease victims may be completely paralyzed and unable to move, but they may still be able to think. Their brain activity is the only means by which they can interact with their environment. Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) research attempts to create tools that support subjects with disabilities. Furthermore, BCI research has expanded rapidly over the past few decades as a result of the interest in creating a new kind of human-to-machine communication. As magnetoencephalography (MEG) has superior spatial and temporal resolution than other approaches, it is being utilized to measure brain activity non-invasively. The recorded signal includes signals related to brain activity as well as noise and artifacts from numerous sources. MEG can have a low signal-to-noise ratio because the magnetic fields generated by cortical activity are small compared to other artifacts and noise. By using the right techniques for noise and artifact detection and removal, the signal-to-noise ratio can be increased. This article analyses various methods for removing artifacts as well as classification strategies. Additionally, this offers a study of the influence of Deep Learning models on the BCI system. Furthermore, the various challenges in collecting and analyzing MEG signals as well as possible study fields in MEG-based BCI are examined

    Interference suppression techniques for OPM-based MEG: Opportunities and challenges

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    One of the primary technical challenges facing magnetoencephalography (MEG) is that the magnitude of neuromagnetic fields is several orders of magnitude lower than interfering signals. Recently, a new type of sensor has been developed – the optically pumped magnetometer (OPM). These sensors can be placed directly on the scalp and move with the head during participant movement, making them wearable. This opens up a range of exciting experimental and clinical opportunities for OPM-based MEG experiments, including paediatric studies, and the incorporation of naturalistic movements into neuroimaging paradigms. However, OPMs face some unique challenges in terms of interference suppression, especially in situations involving mobile participants, and when OPMs are integrated with electrical equipment required for naturalistic paradigms, such as motion capture systems. Here we briefly review various hardware solutions for OPM interference suppression. We then outline several signal processing strategies aimed at increasing the signal from neuromagnetic sources. These include regression-based strategies, temporal filtering and spatial filtering approaches. The focus is on the practical application of these signal processing algorithms to OPM data. In a similar vein, we include two worked-through experiments using OPM data collected from a whole-head sensor array. These tutorial-style examples illustrate how the steps for suppressing external interference can be implemented, including the associated data and code so that researchers can try the pipelines for themselves. With the popularity of OPM-based MEG rising, there will be an increasing need to deal with interference suppression. We hope this practical paper provides a resource for OPM-based MEG researchers to build upon

    Statistical analysis for FEM EEG source localization in realistic head models

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    Journal ArticleEstimating the location and distribution of electric current sources within the brain from electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings is an ill-posed inverse problem. The ill-posed nature of the inverse EEG problem is due to the lack of a unique solution such that different configurations of sources can generate identical external electric fields. In this paper we consider a spatio-temporal model, taking advantage of the entire EEG time series to reduce the extent of the configuration space we must evaluate. We apply the recently derived informx algorithm for performing Independent Component Analysis (ICA) on the time-dependent EEG data. This algorithm separates multichannel EEG data into activation maps due to temporally independent stationary sources. For every activation map we perform a source localization procedure, looking only for a single dipole per map, thus dramatically reducing the search complexity. An added benefit of our ICA preprocessing step is the we obtain an a priori estimation of the number of independent sources producing the measured signal

    Moving magnetoencephalography towards real-world applications with a wearable system

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    Imaging human brain function with techniques such as magnetoencephalography1 (MEG) typically requires a subject to perform tasks whilst their head remains still within a restrictive scanner. This artificial environment makes the technique inaccessible to many people, and limits the experimental questions that can be addressed. For example, it has been difficult to apply neuroimaging to investigation of the neural substrates of cognitive development in babies and children, or in adult studies that require unconstrained head movement (e.g. spatial navigation). Here, we develop a new type of MEG system that can be worn like a helmet, allowing free and natural movement during scanning. This is possible due to the integration of new quantum sensors2,3 that do not rely on superconducting technology, with a novel system for nulling background magnetic fields. We demonstrate human electrophysiological measurement at millisecond resolution whilst subjects make natural movements, including head nodding, stretching, drinking and playing a ball game. Results compare well to the current state-of-the-art, even when subjects make large head movements. The system opens up new possibilities for scanning any subject or patient group, with myriad applications such as characterisation of the neurodevelopmental connectome, imaging subjects moving naturally in a virtual environment, and understanding the pathophysiology of movement disorders

    IFCN-endorsed practical guidelines for clinical magnetoencephalography (MEG)

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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) records weak magnetic fields outside the human head and thereby provides millisecond-accurate information about neuronal currents supporting human brain function. MEG and electroencephalography (EEG) are closely related complementary methods and should be interpreted together whenever possible. This manuscript covers the basic physical and physiological principles of MEG and discusses the main aspects of state-of-the-art MEG data analysis. We provide guidelines for best practices of patient preparation, stimulus presentation, MEG data collection and analysis, as well as for MEG interpretation in routine clinical examinations. In 2017, about 200 whole-scalp MEG devices were in operation worldwide, many of them located in clinical environments. Yet, the established clinical indications for MEG examinations remain few, mainly restricted to the diagnostics of epilepsy and to preoperative functional evaluation of neurosurgical patients. We are confident that the extensive ongoing basic MEG research indicates potential for the evaluation of neurological and psychiatric syndromes, developmental disorders, and the integrity of cortical brain networks after stroke. Basic and clinical research is, thus, paving way for new clinical applications to be identified by an increasing number of practitioners of MEG. (C) 2018 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe
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