42 research outputs found

    Blind parameter estimation of M-FSK signals in the presence of alpha-stable noise

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    Blind estimation of parameters for M-ary frequency-shift-keying (M-FSK) signals is great of importance in intelligent receivers. Many existing algorithms have assumed white Gaussian noise. However, their performance severely degrades when grossly corrupted data, i.e., outliers, exist. This paper solves this issue by developing a novel approach for parameter estimation of M-FSK signals in the presence of alpha-stable noise. Specifically, the proposed method exploits the generalized first- and second-order cyclostationarity of M-FSK signals with alpha-stable noise, which results in closed-form solutions for unknown parameters in both time and frequency domains. As a merit, it is computationally efficient and thus can be used for signal preprocessing, symbol timing estimation, signal and noise power estimation. Furthermore, substantial theoretical analysis on the performance of the proposed approach is provided. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed method is robust to alpha-stable noise and that it outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in many challenging scenarios

    An OFDM Signal Identification Method for Wireless Communications Systems

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    Distinction of OFDM signals from single carrier signals is highly important for adaptive receiver algorithms and signal identification applications. OFDM signals exhibit Gaussian characteristics in time domain and fourth order cumulants of Gaussian distributed signals vanish in contrary to the cumulants of other signals. Thus fourth order cumulants can be utilized for OFDM signal identification. In this paper, first, formulations of the estimates of the fourth order cumulants for OFDM signals are provided. Then it is shown these estimates are affected significantly from the wireless channel impairments, frequency offset, phase offset and sampling mismatch. To overcome these problems, a general chi-square constant false alarm rate Gaussianity test which employs estimates of cumulants and their covariances is adapted to the specific case of wireless OFDM signals. Estimation of the covariance matrix of the fourth order cumulants are greatly simplified peculiar to the OFDM signals. A measurement setup is developed to analyze the performance of the identification method and for comparison purposes. A parametric measurement analysis is provided depending on modulation order, signal to noise ratio, number of symbols, and degree of freedom of the underlying test. The proposed method outperforms statistical tests which are based on fixed thresholds or empirical values, while a priori information requirement and complexity of the proposed method are lower than the coherent identification techniques

    Multi-stage Wireless Signal Identification for Blind Interception Receiver Design

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    Protection of critical wireless infrastructure from malicious attacks has become increasingly important in recent years, with the widespread deployment of various wireless technologies and dramatic growth in user populations. This brings substantial technical challenges to the interception receiver design to sense and identify various wireless signals using different transmission technologies. The key requirements for the receiver design include estimation of the signal parameters/features and classification of the modulation scheme. With the proper identification results, corresponding signal interception techniques can be developed, which can be further employed to enhance the network behaviour analysis and intrusion detection. In detail, the initial stage of the blind interception receiver design is to identify the signal parameters. In the thesis, two low-complexity approaches are provided to realize the parameter estimation, which are based on iterative cyclostationary analysis and envelope spectrum estimation, respectively. With the estimated signal parameters, automatic modulation classification (AMC) is performed to automatically identify the modulation schemes of the transmitted signals. A novel approach is presented based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) in Chapter 4. The approach is capable of mitigating the negative effect from multipath fading channel. To validate the proposed design, the performance is evaluated under an experimental propagation environment. The results show that the proposed design is capable of adapting blind parameter estimation, realize timing and frequency synchronization and classifying the modulation schemes with improved performances

    Automatic modulation classification of communication signals

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    The automatic modulation recognition (AMR) plays an important role in various civilian and military applications. Most of the existing AMR algorithms assume that the input signal is only of analog modulation or is only of digital modulation. In blind environments, however, it is impossible to know in advance if the received communication signal is analogue modulated or digitally modulated. Furthermore, it is noted that the applications of the currently existing AMR algorithms designed for handling both analog and digital communication signals are rather restricted in practice. Motivated by this, an AMR algorithm that is able to discriminate between analog communication signals and digital communication signals is developed in this dissertation. The proposed algorithm is able to recognize the concrete modulation type if the input is an analog communication signal and to estimate the number of modulation levels and the frequency deviation if the input is an exponentially modulated digital communication signal. For linearly modulated digital communication signals, the proposed classifier will classify them into one of several nonoverlapping sets of modulation types. In addition, in M-ary FSK (MFSK) signal classification, two classifiers have also been developed. These two classifiers are also capable of providing good estimate of the frequency deviation of a received MFSK signal. For further classification of linearly modulated digital communication signals, it is often necessary to blindly equalize the received signal before performing modulation recognition. This doing generally requires knowing the carrier frequency and symbol rate of the input signal. For this purpose, a blind carrier frequency estimation algorithm and a blind symbol rate estimation algorithm have been developed. The carrier frequency estimator is based on the phases of the autocorrelation functions of the received signal. Unlike the cyclic correlation based estimators, it does not require the transmitted symbols being non-circularly distributed. The symbol rate estimator is based on digital communication signals\u27 cyclostationarity related to the symbol rate. In order to adapt to the unknown symbol rate as well as the unknown excess bandwidth, the received signal is first filtered by using a bank of filters. Symbol rate candidates and their associated confident measurements are extracted from the fourth order cyclic moments of the filtered outputs, and the final estimate of symbol rate is made based on weighted majority voting. A thorough evaluation of some well-known feature based AMR algorithms is also presented in this dissertation

    Characterizing Cyclostationary Features of Digital Modulated Signals with Empirical Measurements Using Spectral Correlation Function

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    Signal detection is widely used in many applications. Some examples include Cognitive Radio (CR) and military intelligence. CRs use signal detection to sense spectral occupancy. Without guaranteed signal detection, a CR cannot reliably perform its role. Similarly, signal detection is the first step for garnering an opponent\u27s information. Wireless signal detection can be performed using many different techniques. Some of the most popular include matched filters, energy detectors (which use measurements such as the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the signal), and Cyclostationary Feature Detectors (CFD). Among these techniques, CFD can be viewed as a compromise technique, in that it theoretically has better low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) detection performance than energy detectors and less strict requirements than matched filters. CFD uses the cyclostationarity of a signal to detect its presence. Signals that have cyclostationarity exhibit correlations between widely separated spectral components. Functions that describe this cyclostationarity include the Spectral Correlation Function (SCF). One advantage of cyclostationary approaches such as these is that Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) is cancelled in these functions. This characteristic makes SCF outperform PSD under low SNR environments. However, whereas PSD has been well investigated through empirical experiments throughout many researches, SCF features under real world noise have not been investigated with empirical experiments. In this effort, firstly, the SCF features of modulated signals under real world channel noise are identified and characterized using the concept of path loss. Secondly, outperformance of SCF under low SNR environment with real world signals is verified with real world signals and noise

    Study of the cyclostationarity properties of various signals of opportunity

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) offer precise position estimation and navigation services outdoor but they are rarely accessible in strong multipath environments, such as indoor environments. Fortunately, several Signals of Opportunity (SoO), (such as RFID, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, digital TV signals, etc.) are readily available in these environments, creating an opportunity for seamless positioning. Performance evolution of positioning can be achieved through contextual exploitation of SoO. The detection and identification of available SoO signals or of the signals which are most relevant to localization and the signal selection in an optimum way, according to designer defined optimality criteria, are important stages to enter such contextual awareness domain. Man-made modulated signals have certain properties which vary periodically in time and this time-varying periodical characteristics trigger what is known as cyclostationarity. Cyclostationarity analysis can be used, among others, as a tool for signal detection. Detected signals through cyclostationary features can be exploited as SoO. The main purpose of this thesis is to study and analyze the cyclostationarity properties of various SoO. An additional goal is to investigate whether such cyclostationarity properties can be used to detect, identify and distinguish the signals which are present in a certain frequency band. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the literature review part, the physical layer study of several signals is given, by emphasizing the potential of SoO in positioning. In the implementation part, the possibility of signals detection through cyclostationary features is investigated through MATLAB simulations. Cyclostationary properties obtained through FFT accumulation Method (FAM) and statistical performance of detection are studied in the presence of stationary additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Besides that, the performance in signal detection using cyclostationary-based detector is also compared to the performance with the energy-based detectors, used as benchmarks. The simulated result suggest that cyclostationary features can certainly detect the presence of signals in noise, but simple cases, such as one type of signal only and AWGN noise, are better addressed via traditional energy-based detection. However, cyclostationary features can exhibit advantages in other types of noises and in the presence of signal mixtures which in fact may fulfil one of the preliminary requirements of cognitive positioning

    Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio and radar systems

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    The use of the radio frequency spectrum is increasing at a rapid rate. Reliable and efficient operation in a crowded radio spectrum requires innovative solutions and techniques. Future wireless communication and radar systems should be aware of their surrounding radio environment in order to have the ability to adapt their operation to the effective situation. Spectrum sensing techniques such as detection, waveform recognition, and specific emitter identification are key sources of information for characterizing the surrounding radio environment and extracting valuable information, and consequently adjusting transceiver parameters for facilitating flexible, efficient, and reliable operation. In this thesis, spectrum sensing algorithms for cognitive radios and radar intercept receivers are proposed. Single-user and collaborative cyclostationarity-based detection algorithms are proposed: Multicycle detectors and robust nonparametric spatial sign cyclic correlation based fixed sample size and sequential detectors are proposed. Asymptotic distributions of the test statistics under the null hypothesis are established. A censoring scheme in which only informative test statistics are transmitted to the fusion center is proposed for collaborative detection. The proposed detectors and methods have the following benefits: employing cyclostationarity enables distinction among different systems, collaboration mitigates the effects of shadowing and multipath fading, using multiple strong cyclic frequencies improves the performance, robust detection provides reliable performance in heavy-tailed non-Gaussian noise, sequential detection reduces the average detection time, and censoring improves energy efficiency. In addition, a radar waveform recognition system for classifying common pulse compression waveforms is developed. The proposed supervised classification system classifies an intercepted radar pulse to one of eight different classes based on the pulse compression waveform: linear frequency modulation, Costas frequency codes, binary codes, as well as Frank, P1, P2, P3, and P4 polyphase codes. A robust M-estimation based method for radar emitter identification is proposed as well. A common modulation profile from a group of intercepted pulses is estimated and used for identifying the radar emitter. The M-estimation based approach provides robustness against preprocessing errors and deviations from the assumed noise model

    Doppler Spread Estimation in MIMO Frequency-Selective Fading Channels

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    One of the main challenges in high-speed mobile communications is the presence of large Doppler spreads. Thus, accurate estimation of maximum Doppler spread (MDS) plays an important role in improving the performance of the communication link. In this paper, we derive the data-aided (DA) and non-data-aided (NDA) Cramér-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) and maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) for the MDS in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) frequency-selective fading channel. Moreover, a low-complexity NDA-moment-based estimator (MBE) is proposed. The proposed NDA-MBE relies on the second- and fourth-order moments of the received signal, which are employed to estimate the normalized squared autocorrelation function of the fading channel. Then, the problem of MDS estimation is formulated as a non-linear regression problem, and the least-squares curve-fitting optimization technique is applied to determine the estimate of the MDS. This is the first time in the literature, when DA- and NDA-MDS estimation is investigated for MIMO frequency-selective fading channel. Simulation results show that there is no significant performance gap between the derived NDA-MLE and NDA-CRLB, even when the observation window is relatively small. Furthermore, the significant reduced-complexity in the NDA-MBE leads to low root-mean-square error over a wide range of MDSs, when the observation window is selected large enough

    Automatic Modulation Classification Using Cyclic Features via Compressed Sensing

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    Cognitive Radios (CRs) are designed to operate with minimal interference to the Primary User (PU), the incumbent to a radio spectrum band. To ensure that the interference generated does not exceed a specific level, an estimate of the Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) for the PU’s channel is required. This can be accomplished through determining the modulation scheme in use, as it is directly correlated with the SINR. To this end, an Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) scheme is developed via cyclic feature detection that is successful even with signal bandwidths that exceed the sampling rate of the CR. In order to accomplish this, Compressed Sensing (CS) is applied, allowing for reconstruction, even with very few samples. The use of CS in spectrum sensing and interpretation is becoming necessary for a growing number of scenarios where the radio spectrum band of interest cannot be fully measured, such as low cost sensor networks, or high bandwidth radio localization services. In order to be able to classify a wide range of modulation types, cumulants were chosen as the feature to use. They are robust to noise and provide adequate discrimination between different types of modulation, even those that are fairly similar, such as 16-QAM and 64-QAM. By fusing cumulants and CS, a novel method of classification was developed which inherited the noise resilience of cumulants, and the low sample requirements of CS. Comparisons are drawn between the proposed method and existing ones, both in terms of accuracy and resource usages. The proposed method is shown to perform similarly when many samples are gathered, and shows improvement over existing methods at lower sample counts. It also uses less resources, and is able to produce an estimate faster than the current systems