5,311 research outputs found

    Determination of Ellenberg’s indicator values along an elevational gradient in Central Black Sea Region of Turkey

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    The Central Black Sea Region has an unique vegetation because different vegetation types occurred. In the present study plant communities (from Mediterranean-type to temperate forests) in the Central Black Sea Region along an elevational gradient was evaluated on Ellenberg’s Indicator Values (EIVs). EIVs were calculated for nutrient availability, pH and temperature variables (nutrient availability (N), pH (R) and temperature (T)) with the help of weighted averages. Additionally, the vegetation of the study area was classified by using two way indicator species analyses (TWINSPAN) method and the interactions among plant species and EIVs were also studied by the help of Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). We found some differences between our data and the previous data which were obtained from similar vegetation types with respect to EIV’s for nutrient availability, pH and temperature. Pteridium aquilinum, Fragaria vesca and Euphorbia amygdaloides var. amygdaloides may be used as an indicator of nutrient availability. There were significant differences among species regarding EIVs for temperature because the study area includes temperate and Mediterranean-type communities

    Bilimin Doğası’nın Ortaöğretim Fizik, Kimya ve Biyoloji Yeni Öğretim Programlarında Yansıtılması

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    One of the important objectives of science education is to have scientifically literate society. Nature of science (NOS) is one of the aspects for raising scientifically literate individuals. In light of this aim, the analysis of new secondary science (physics, chemistry and biology curricula for 9-12 grades, 12 documents in total) curricula would provide valuable information both to related literature, the program developers, and textbook writers. With this aim in mind, in this research the objectives in the new secondary science curricula prepared in 2013 (biology, physics, and chemistry) were analyzed regarding how and to what extend the objectives reflected NOS. In this document analysis study, research group coded the all objectives in the curricula and realized that the number of the objectives highlighted NOS was inadequate. Additionally, some aspects of NOS (imagination and creativity in Science) were ignored. Implications were suggested with help of the results.Günümüzde tüm dünyada fen eğitiminin önemli amaçlarından biri fen okuryazarı bireyler yetiştirmektir. Bilim okuryazarı bireyler yetiştirmek için gerekli boyutlardan biri bilimin doğası hakkında bilgi sahibi olmaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda 2013 yılında hazırlanan ortaöğretim fen (fizik, kimya ve biyoloji) öğretim programlarında bilimin doğasının ne derece verildiğinin incelenmesi alan yazına, program geliştiricilere ve kitap yazarlarına önemli bilgiler sunacaktır. Bu noktadan hareketle bu çalışmada ortaöğretim fen programlarında yer alan kazanımların bilimin doğasını nasıl ve ne oranda yansıttığı incelenmiştir. Bir doküman analizi olan bu çalışmada tüm kazanımlar araştırma grubu tarafında incelenmiş ve bilimin doğasına vurgu yapan kazanım sayısının tüm programlarda yetersiz olduğu gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca bilimin doğasının bazı boyutlarının (bilimde hayal gücü ve yaratıcılığın rolü) programlarda yer almadığı görülmüştür. Bulgular ışığında programlar ile ilgili öneriler sunulmuştur

    Prof. Dr. Teoman Duralı, Biyoloji Felsefesi

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    Identifiying and Comparing the Degree of Difficulties Biology Subjects by Adjusting it is Reasons in Elemantary and Secondary Education

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine elementary school eighth grade students’ and secondary school 12th grade students’ perceptions of having difficulties with respect to understanding Biology subjects, and whether they still had difficulties in this hardly learnt subjects when they came to high school after the elementary school. The results revealed that “Controller and Organizer Systems”, a biology subject in elementary school and “Photosyntesis”, a biology subject at secondary school in Turkey were more difficult to understand than other biology subjects for the participants in our study

    İstanbul'un tarihi liseleri:Çamlıca'daki güzel lise

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya Adı: Eğitimİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Liselerin Öğrenme Ortamlarının Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Kümeleme Analizi Çalışması

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    Learning environment profiles perceived in high schools were investigated by means of hierarchical cluster analysis. Employing stratified random sampling procedure, data was collected from 985 students at 22 schools, those who study in 6 general, 13 Anatolian and 3 vocational high schools located across 12 different districts of Istanbul. By hierarchical cluster analysis, students’ perceptions were clustered and classified into 4 school learning environment profiles, namely “technology-rich & ideal” (profile A), “positive” (profile B), “moderately positive” (profile C) and “negative” (profile D) learning environments. It was revealed that 42.7% of general high school students and 53.1% of vocational high school students perceived “moderately positive learning environment” in their schools on the first rank, whereas 41.8% of Anatolian high school students mostly perceived “positive learning environment”. “Technology-rich & ideal” environment was ranked first among vocational high school students with 11.2 %

    Abdülaziz Bey, Osmanlı Adet, Merasim ve Tabirleri

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    AHLATIN GÜCÜ: Ahlat ( Pyrus elaeagrifolia) Meyve Ekstresinin Antigenotoksik Etkilerinin Drosophila melanogaster Üzerinde Kanat SMART Analizi ile Araştırılması

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    Bu projede, orijini Anadolu olan, hava kirliliğine, kötü hava koşullarına ve kuraklığa son derece dirençli olan ahlat (P. elaeagrifolia) meyve ekstresinin antigenotoksik etkilerinin D. melanogaster meyve sineği üzerin-de kanat SMART analizi ile araştırılması amaçlanmıştır