54 research outputs found

    Symbolic crosschecking of data-parallel floating-point code

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    Range Analysis of Binaries with Minimal Effort

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    COTS components are ubiquitous in military, industrial and governmental systems. However, the bene?fits of reduced development and maintainance costs are compromised by security concerns. Since source code is unavailable, security audits necessarily occur at the binary level. Push-button formal method techniques, such as model checking and abstract interpretation, can support this process by, among other things, inferring ranges of values for registers. Ranges aid the security engineer in checking for vulnerabilities that relate, for example, to integer wrapping, uninitialised variables and bu?er over ows. Yet the lack of structure in binaries limits the e?ffectiveness of classical range analyses based on widening. This paper thus contributes a simple but novel range analysis, formulated in terms of linear programming, which calculates ranges without manual intervention

    Range and Set Abstraction using SAT

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    Symbolic decision trees are not the only way to correlate the relationship between flags and numeric variables. Boolean formulae can also represent such relationships where the integer variables are modelled with bit-vectors of propositional variables. Boolean formulae can be composed to express the semantics of a block and program state, but they are hardly tractable, hence the need to compute their abstractions. This paper shows how incremental SAT can be applied to derive range and set abstractions for bit-vectors that are constrained by Boolean formulae

    An Abstract Domain to Infer Symbolic Ranges over Nonnegative Parameters

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    AbstractThe value range information of program variables is useful in many applications such as compiler optimization and program analysis. In the framework of abstract interpretation, the interval abstract domain infers numerical bounds for each program variable. However, in certain applications such as automatic parallelization, symbolic ranges are often desired. In this paper, we present a new numerical abstract domain, namely the abstract domain of parametric ranges, to infer symbolic ranges over nonnegative parameters for each program variable. The new domain is designed based on the insight that in certain contexts, program procedures often have nonnegative parameters, such as the length of an input list and the size of an input array. The domain of parametric ranges seeks to infer the lower and upper bounds for each program variable where each bound is a linear expression over nonnegative parameters. The time and memory complexity of the domain operations of parametric ranges is O(nm) where n is the number of program variables and m is the number of nonnegative parameters. On this basis, we show the application of parametric ranges to infer symbolic ranges of the sizes of list segments in programs manipulating singly-linked lists. Finally, we show preliminary experimental results

    Theory and Implementation of Software Bounded Model Checking

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    This thesis provides a detailed overview of the theory of software bounded model checking (SBMC) and its implementation in LLBMC, which is based on the LLVM compiler framework. The whole process from a C program to an SMT formula is described in detail. Furthermore, a theory of dynamic memory allocation is introduced which allows modelling C\u27s memory model with high precision. Finally, it is shown that LLBMC\u27s approach to software bounded model checking performs well compared to competing tools

    Efficient optimization of memory accesses in parallel programs

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    The power, frequency, and memory wall problems have caused a major shift in mainstream computing by introducing processors that contain multiple low power cores. As multi-core processors are becoming ubiquitous, software trends in both parallel programming languages and dynamic compilation have added new challenges to program compilation for multi-core processors. This thesis proposes a combination of high-level and low-level compiler optimizations to address these challenges. The high-level optimizations introduced in this thesis include new approaches to May-Happen-in-Parallel analysis and Side-Effect analysis for parallel programs and a novel parallelism-aware Scalar Replacement for Load Elimination transformation. A new Isolation Consistency (IC) memory model is described that permits several scalar replacement transformation opportunities compared to many existing memory models. The low-level optimizations include a novel approach to register allocation that retains the compile time and space efficiency of Linear Scan, while delivering runtime performance superior to both Linear Scan and Graph Coloring. The allocation phase is modeled as an optimization problem on a Bipartite Liveness Graph (BLG) data structure. The assignment phase focuses on reducing the number of spill instructions by using register-to-register move and exchange instructions wherever possible. Experimental evaluations of our scalar replacement for load elimination transformation in the Jikes RVM dynamic compiler show decreases in dynamic counts for getfield operations of up to 99.99%, and performance improvements of up to 1.76x on 1 core, and 1.39x on 16 cores, when compared with the load elimination algorithm available in Jikes RVM. A prototype implementation of our BLG register allocator in Jikes RVM demonstrates runtime performance improvements of up to 3.52x relative to Linear Scan on an x86 processor. When compared to Graph Coloring register allocator in the GCC compiler framework, our allocator resulted in an execution time improvement of up to 5.8%, with an average improvement of 2.3% on a POWER5 processor. With the experimental evaluations combined with the foundations presented in this thesis, we believe that the proposed high-level and low-level optimizations are useful in addressing some of the new challenges emerging in the optimization of parallel programs for multi-core architectures

    Scalable Verification of Quantized Neural Networks (Technical Report)

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    Formal verification of neural networks is an active topic of research, and recent advances have significantly increased the size of the networks that verification tools can handle. However, most methods are designed for verification of an idealized model of the actual network which works over real arithmetic and ignores rounding imprecisions. This idealization is in stark contrast to network quantization, which is a technique that trades numerical precision for computational efficiency and is, therefore, often applied in practice. Neglecting rounding errors of such low-bit quantized neural networks has been shown to lead to wrong conclusions about the network's correctness. Thus, the desired approach for verifying quantized neural networks would be one that takes these rounding errors into account. In this paper, we show that verifying the bit-exact implementation of quantized neural networks with bit-vector specifications is PSPACE-hard, even though verifying idealized real-valued networks and satisfiability of bit-vector specifications alone are each in NP. Furthermore, we explore several practical heuristics toward closing the complexity gap between idealized and bit-exact verification. In particular, we propose three techniques for making SMT-based verification of quantized neural networks more scalable. Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed methods allow a speedup of up to three orders of magnitude over existing approaches

    Symbolic Crosschecking of Data-Parallel Floating Point Code

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    In this thesis we present a symbolic execution-based technique for cross-checking programs accelerated using SIMD or OpenCL against an unaccelerated version, as well as a technique for detecting data races in OpenCL programs. Our techniques are implemented in KLEE-CL, a symbolic execution engine based on KLEE that supports symbolic reasoning on the equivalence between expressions involving both integer and floating-point operations. While the current generation of constraint solvers provide good support for integer arithmetic, there is little support available for floating-point arithmetic, due to the complexity inherent in such computations. The key insight behind our approach is that floating-point values are only reliably equal if they are essentially built by the same operations. This allows us to use an algorithm based on symbolic expression matching augmented with canonicalisation rules to determine path equivalence. Under symbolic execution, we have to verify equivalence along every feasible control-flow path. We reduce the branching factor of this process by aggressively merging conditionals, if-converting branches into select operations via an aggressive phi-node folding transformation. To support the Intel Streaming SIMD Extension (SSE) instruction set, we lower SSE instructions to equivalent generic vector operations, which in turn are interpreted in terms of primitive integer and floating-point operations. To support OpenCL programs, we symbolically model the OpenCL environment using an OpenCL runtime library targeted to symbolic execution. We detect data races by keeping track of all memory accesses using a memory log, and reporting a race whenever we detect that two accesses conflict. By representing the memory log symbolically, we are also able to detect races associated with symbolically indexed accesses of memory objects. We used KLEE-CL to find a number of issues in a variety of open source projects that use SSE and OpenCL, including mismatches between implementations, memory errors, race conditions and compiler bugs